Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LOA Reduced Activity (Now till 1/16 ish)

2021 has already been an nerf herder and I need a breather.

Had a few family members pass away, work's overwhelming, and I'm going to go sit on a beach and stare at a wall for a bit.

Back soon!

Confederates, marching orders:
  • Don't burn down the house. (Again)
  • Someone please duct tape Kiff to the ceiling for me.
  • If you see the word Enclave or Ra'Katha in chat, drink.
  • Spam like Sergei and Shuk's submissions, because they're awesome
  • Please roast Adron's teeth on my behalf.
  • Please inform Adron he looks like a foot.
  • And speaking of feet, someone hug Adhira's for me.
Relationship Status: It's Complicated
I’ve already told you this but rest up and take care. You know you always have my ear anytime you need it. You know how to find me!

I suppose I better go see about hugging some feet in the meantime...
I'm so sorry for your losses, take all of the time in the world that you need, my friend. Keeping you and yours in my thoughts and prayers. If you need to talk or anything, my DMs are always open. Missing you already!

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