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Approved Planet Redis Saud

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Ancient Sith Name: Redis Saud
Galactic Basic Translation: Throne of Words

Region: Outer Rim
System: Sadis Nebula (Dark Nebula)
Suns: As a nebula it contains many scattered about, Redis Saud is caught in an abnormal orbit around the sun Khorr
Orbital Position: 3rd planet from the sun
Moons: None
System Features: scattered planet orbits in abnormal crossing rings due to chaos of nebula
Coordinates: Location largely unknown, ancient Sith texts mention its position as somewhere beyond Ziost
Rotational Period: 34 Hours
Orbital Period: 435 Days

Class: Terrestrial (Earth-Sized)
Diameter: 12,756 km in diameter
Atmosphere: Type I (with it becoming very hard to breathe near the sulfuric gaizers)
Climate: Volcanic, Hot
Gravity: Standard
Primary Terrain: Volcanic Mountains, Lava Rivers and Black Mountain chains

Native Species: Lava Worms and other creatures that live in the Volcanoes.
Immigrated Species: Ancient Sith, Humans
Primary Languages: Sith and Galactic Basic
Government: None
Population: None (Deadworld)
Demonym: None
Major Imports: None
Major Exports: None
Affiliation: None (Occupied by secret Sith Cult, only known as the Dread Qabal)

Major Locations:

+ Ancient Ruins of Darth Andeddu's Secret Library (Throne of Words)
There are ruins of a large library complex which was created by the Ancient Sith Lord Darth Andeddu. Jealous and paranoid of other Sith Masters discovering his secrets and knowledge created the library on this forgotten and inhospitable Sith World. Most of its artefacts have been lost or removed by Andeddu himself but, most of the complex is intact and some of the Sith Scrolls still survive.

Culture: Dead Sith World, contains ancient Sith Lord ruins
Technology: Ancient Sith Ruins and artefacts

Redis Saud, is a small volcanic world in a dark nebula beyond the system that holds the ancient Sith World Ziost. It held a small role within the Ancient First Sith Empires of Ragnos and Sadow, in which original red-skinned Sith used it as a place of dark ritual an executions. It would be largely forgotten by Galactic Records.

However, later it would be reborn by Dark Lord Darth Andeddu, who paranoid of the Sith Masters under him gaining knowledge of his powers and artefacts created a Sith Library by an enslaved army of labourers. He called this complex the Throne of Words. Later to keep the place secret, he massacred the labourers and even erased its presence from most navigational charts. Only Andeddu himself and then later Darth Wyyrlok would know of its presence.

[This part is not known to anyone IC]
Much later on, Darth Hauntruss sifting through her knowledge of the Ancient Sith Lords and studying the records of the original One Sith Lords, such as Wyyrlok, she discovered the whereabouts of the Throne of Words. Destroying the records written by Wyyrlok, Hauntruss gathered her old comrades form the Old Sith Empire and vanished from the One Sith after the One Sith Civil War on Coruscant to rediscover and start to rebuild the Throne of Words for her own machinations - and that of the mysterious Dread Qabal.

Notable PCs:
The Dread Lords of the unknown Sith Lord Dread Qabal (Darth Hauntruss, [member="Soeht"], [member="Darth Vornskr"], [member="Anaya Fen"] and [member="Warok the Defiler"] use the ruins of Darth Andeddu as their hidden base of operations)

To create a sufficiently vile and evil home for the Dread Qabal that is steeped in Ancient Sith Lore and Ruins. Also to provide a secluded home for any Sith Experiments or dark rituals we intend to dev thread.
[member="Darth Hauntruss"]

So the only thing I need cleared up is the following:

Darth Hauntruss said:
Population: None (Deadworld)

Darth Hauntruss said:
Affiliation: None (Occupied by secret Sith Cult, only known as the Dread Qabal)
They sort of contradict each other if there is a secret cult there, unless it is just the five Sith Lords/Ladies that make up your Qabal?
Taeli Raaf said:
unless it is just the five Sith Lords/Ladies that make up your Qabal?
Yup, exactly. It's entirely devoid of activity beside the 5 Dread Qabal Lords that often gather there as a place of meeting and dark ritual.

[member="Taeli Raaf"]
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