Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Red versus Blue [OS Dominion of Panatha]

Objective: C - Cut supply lines/reinforcements
Location: Osk Ribepi Garrison
Allies: [member="Enoch Zambrano"] [member="Phalaxgreth"]
Enemies: Osk Ribepi
Posts: [3/20]

The massacre of the base continued, as the remainder of the Osk Ribepi troops in the base tried so hard in their futile attempt to prevent their overwhelming One Sith forces from wiping them out. The arrival of Enoch's attachment of Blackblade Guards sealed the deal, preventing any modicum of success for the enemy troops, whatsoever. The blaster fire that had rang throughout the air had now stopped, lack of any further targets to kill. Her apprentice was rather eager, excited to move on. Darth Noxia let him move on on his own, letting him run amok among the base defences. A red hunk of a monster had showed up to assist, and she let him be. The killing was done, for now.

Let him have his fun where he can. She watched as he shot the enemies flag off the pole with a blaster before taking out a flag of his own. As her men secured the base, systemically eliminating any survivors that still remained alive, her blade returned to its hilt as she returned it to its place on her belt. Folding her arms, Noxia observed as the acolyte proclaiming the long life of his family's house while condemning the enemies.

He was a Zambrano after all, and the boy was as proud as they come.

As Enoch cheered, burning the enemy flag in the air, she waved a soldier over who was also carrying a flag. A flag with the One Sith emblem on it. Her voice would carry up to the cheering boy as she spoke. "Aren't you forgetting something?" She said, gesturing to the other flag as she continued. "Hang that up as well."
Objective: D
Locations: Palace Halls
Allies: One Sith
Enemies: Anyone not of the One Sith!
Posts: 6

As he neared a corner, Nerius felt a pull at his senses. This he had begun to associate with the Force, and knew that he should trust the tug. Turning slowly in place, he eyed the area around himself. Something worthy was nearby, yet it couldn't easily be found.

Remembering the other man that had opened a panel against the palace walls, Nerius began to look for any such indention that would signal a hiding place amongst the area around him. He was slow and meticulous, realizing that moving to quickly would result in the missing of a potential hidden crevice!

As he moved about the area, Nerius stopped near a fallen man surrounded by many of the Panathan Palace Guards. The being had obviously been very powerful, to have slayed the men in such quick succession...

Readying to continue his search, he felt his mind jerked back as he stared at the flowing robes the man wore..they were such that seemed to emanate in the Force. This was something Nerius had never encountered, as it was people that held power, not items....right?

Yet, as if driven by an external factor, Nerius dropped down and stripped the cloth from the man. Wrapping it about himself, the Pink Monster froze. It was as if his limbs were being fueled by energy that he needn't provide...his mind began to calculate at a swift rate the possibilities...

Were these robes enhancing him...?
Objective: Panatha is for the sith
Location: the back of the palace
Allies: [member="Darth Vornskr"] [member="Darth Mythos"]
Enemies: Osk Ripebi troops
post: 5

Nomkneer was gazing upon what the one sith could do, blaster shots were ceasing and the small troops left surrendered. They're hopes were left to dust before the One sith, Nomkneer felt like true traitors should be disposed of, for an example has to be put upon them. Nomkneer rushed to find the rest of the troops inside the palace to kill them off, he saw a squad of ten people as he was rushing around in the palace, Nomkneer was at the back of the palace, he was happy toward the outcome of this war, slaughter, explosion, blood, all these things rushed into one boost of exhilarating adrenaline to his veins, Nomkneer rushed to the squad of ten Osk ripebi troops and as they shot blasters, Nomkneer dashed and deflected them with dual-wield niman style. Nomkneer got close enough to wipe out three with one horizontal strike that cut them in half, Nomkneer was ready to finish off every disposable traitor around the palace.

Nomkneer kept deflecting, they kept on shooting but Nomkneer certainly had a lot of practice deflecting blasters, suddenly one of the members of the back through a smoke bomb, "poof" smoke everywhere, Nomkneer stood behind the smoke and they were at the other side, he used his Mukhashi style, the enhanced hearing techniques taught to him, Nomkneer was focusing for the right moment, hearing when they moved and what they were going to do next. Nomkneer suddenly jumped to the wall and dashed inside the smoke, they confusingly shot everywhere Nomkneer went to but all shots failed, they shot to the smoke, Nomkneer was chest to the ground crawling under the smoke, Nomkneer went close enough to do one strike to eliminate all at once, he got up in one single strike with the dual-wields, he took out three with one lightsaber, and then with a swift recovery of stance, jumped and did a dual slash to kill the other four.
Objective: B, Capture navy
Location: Middle of Ocean, en route to Capital
Allies: 45th ODST legion
Enemies: Khedal Navy
Posts: 1/20

An incoming navy force, pushing rapidly through the Panatha oceans. If they reached the capital to aid the Rebels in their fight, the Sith would surely lose control. Many people were doing their own part defending the capital and taking out supply lines. But this navy was a deciding factor. Dozens of ships equipped with ordinance weapons could level the entire capital. Or the opposing army. And that was Agent Dominion's goal.

He was in charge of a platoon of paratroopers and ODST soldiers. Coming up with the best possible plan, Dominion briefed the men and sent them to their places.

It was inevitable that a few of these ships would be lost in the re purposing, but that was what the price called for. The plan was simple, only consisting of three stages:

1. ODST and paratroopers both simultaneously drop from the sky. ODST near the back of the navy, and Paratroopers in the front. The paratroopers job was to both distract the whole navy to the ODST behind them and to capture the front ships. Each soldier was equipped with a rocket launcher and several rockets, along with a small side arm. They would drop in and fire upon the anti-air guns, allowing for them to land on the ships unharmed. They would then work to take over the ship.

The ODST troopers will land in the ocean, avoiding the ships as much as they can. Once inside the ocean, the pods release Agent Dominion and each trooper with a water speeder to take them to the surface. Each trooper was equipped with several stealth weapons. Side arms, knives, stun guns, the like. Their mission was to board undetected and take out the crew.

2. Once the Rear and Front ships are under Sith control, The front ships turn 90 degree's clockwise, forming a blockade and fire upon the middle section of the navy. The rear ships slow down, separating from the main navy and fire upon the middle section. Being hammered from both sides, they won't know friend from foe and quickly be destroyed. There was a large amount of casualties expected, but that was the cost of war.

​3. The smaller but still destructive Navy ships would advance on the Capital like scheduled, and fire upon the rebels outside of the capital. All friendly forces outside the walls will be notified prior to the attack.

"....Green Light! Go Go Go!"
Objective: B, Capture navy
Location: Middle of Ocean, en route to Capital
Allies: 45th ODST legion
Enemies: Khedal Navy
Posts: 2/20

There was always the sudden jerk of the pod as it was violently thrown towards the surface of the planet. Dozens of Dozens of pods broke through the atmosphere, heading straight for the ocean behind the navy. There was already several gunships in the air, dropping off paratroopers to take out the anti-air guns. There were a few broken, the Agent could see, but there was a whole lot more dead troopers falling to the water. No matter. There were always more troopers on the way, and the more guns that were taken out meant the more that reached the ship. Dominion braced for impact as the pod got within a kilometer of the water.

Dang, he would need to talk to someone about his neck after that landing. Quickly sinking, Dominion turned on the re-breather on his helmet, and grabbed onto the handles of the water speeder attached into the pod. Pushing the eject button, the speeder launched away from the pod, and the Agent could see a lot of similar troopers doing the same. Good.

He reached the surface and could do nothing but cringe at the sudden blast of noise coming from the front ships. From what he could see, more and more troopers were reaching the ships unharmed.

"Boys, we're losing to the paratroopers! Time to step up our game and take over these ships quickly or they'll be alone!"
"Right sir! Boarding ship now!"

Dominion took hold of the onboard grappling gun, and aimed it for the railing up above. By now all the sailor's heads should be turned towards the paratroopers, unaware of the shadows creeping on board. Dominion let the gun take him all the way to the top of the ship, and he was right. Everybody was focused on their task, like good little soldiers. Time for him to be so.
Objective: B, Capture navy
Location: Middle of Ocean, en route to Capital
Allies: 45th ODST legion
Enemies: Khedal Navy
Posts: 3/20

First priority, those guns. Another soldier pulled up next to him, landing softly next to the Agent.
"Alright, we're gonna take out the bridge. The rest of the crew won't matter until we start attacking their fleet. They'll be focused on their jobs of keeping the thing afloat and running. If we take the bridge, we get the guns as well."

He nodded, and went off on his way, pulling out a knife and his silent side arm. Dominion did the same, a short blade in his right hand and a silenced laser pistol in his left.

​ The guns were manned from the bridge by a series of soldiers at computers. The duo efficiently went to work, working their way up the long navy ship. Any unsilent footsteps, if there were any, were masked by the insane loudness of warfare dulled by the armor of the ship. Dominion was crouched, following the hallway signs to the bridge.

An officer, coming out of an adjacent hallway right infront of them, ran for the bridge. It was unlikely that they were seen, and he didn't show anything to say otherwise. But all the same, Dominion raised his firearm and stood up, purposefully placing his boots down hard. The officer looked back at the sudden noise, and was about to call out, but a short in the head and Dominion catching him got rid of any potential for alarm. He signaled for his trooper companion and they both moved up, getting close to the bridge.
And find the basement we did.

After stumbling into a few rooms that had been refurbished to house what I imagine is some sort of dungeon of depravity for the perverse tastes of [member="Darth Vornskr"], we finally managed to uncover a corridor that was yet unmarred by his tainted desires. Instead, it was lined by close-zoom shots of something blue with oddly-shaped purple circles — almost like bruises of some sort — but I had no time to stop and gawk at what might have been the results of the tyrant's photography hobby.


I am here to put an end to his demonic reign, and damned if a few indications that there is still a shred of humanity in that charred shell will stop me.

"Halesha," I call out to her in a hushed voice while we wait for a panicked patrol to pass underneath us. "Are the explosives ready?"

She gives a curt nod in reply, crouched in the shadows on a beam parallel to mine, her fingers working fast on the device embedded in the plastic mass. My eyes follow the line of many others she's installed with the help of the rest of our team, and for the first time since we've breached into the palace, I feel like we might stand a chance.

"There, sir. We're done."

Arrikus, from the other side. I turn slightly to acknowledge his words with a nod of my own, and then we are off. I am willing to sacrifice my life to end his, but not before I am certain that the beast will die with me.

You are mine.

[member="Ire'Rain Sekairo"] | [member="Darth Mythos"] | [member="Darth Vornskr"]
Objective: Objective D
Location: Imperial-Royal Palace
Allies: [member="Ire'Rain Sekairo"], [member="Darth Mythos"]
Enemies: [member="Nasir Luctatus"]
Posts: 5/20

The battle raged across the palace, the capital, and many lands beyond it's towering spires and domed citadels, but the King's mind was detached from the destruction being wrought on both sides of the civil conflict. He was focused on the metaphysical ebbs and flows that weaved through existence like the grandest of tapestries, searching... seeking for the right strand, and the deeper he delved into the subterranean levels of his vile stronghold the closer he came to his true objective. Deep below the grand palace was a labyrinthine hell that wound and twisted it's way deep into the earth, it's lifeless walls stained with the blood of countless dead and the air tainted by the muffled wails of the dying. It was a literal house of horrors, a place of debauchery and evil where Vornskr and his most diabolical minions perform perverse experiments on the body, mind, and soul of the most unlucky of individuals.

Most of them captured Jedi.

Eldritch monstrosities huddled in darkened cells, forever kept hungry to serve an unknown purpose... One that was about to be made apparent. Partly they were kept down there as part of the castle's fail-safe, should the lower levels be breached then the cells would be opened and the dark monsters Vornskr had crafted would be set loose upon the intruders. Sadly, the men stationed to release the beasts on that occasion had been killed by Osk Ribepi assassins, and the cells were kept closed.

Not for long.

He descended on them like a dark wind, a cloak of blackness emerging from the shadows wielding a sword of pure hellfire that cleaved a man right in half. Blasters roared and belched thick globules of energy that streaked through the thick air to try and pierce the veil that had descended upon them. But with the slightest of movement the blade of fire caught and rebounded the shots back at their point of origin, catching the soldiers square in the jaw or upper chest. Their smoldering corpses quickly began to litter the ground, but they were the fortunate ones. Other were lifted up off their feet, and began clutching their throats as if strangled by an unseen hand before their larynx was crushed entirely, and all they could manage was a pitiful gurgle before the life melted from their eyes. Others were thrown against walls, their bones crunching on impact and their bodies contorting unnaturally as they crumbled to the floor. One poor unfortunate soul was hit by torrents of blue lightning that turned his flesh translucent and burnt his bones black as his skin began to flake off in clumps all the while he screamed in horrendous agony.

Soon enough they were all dead and the darkness nimbly moved over them as if they weren't even there, and with a simple wave of his hand the electronics on a nearby console jumped to life and the dull rumble of dozens of cages opening all at once could be heard throughout the dungeon.

Followed shortly by the growls and snarling of unnatural monsters.
Objective: D
Locations: Palace Halls
Allies: One Sith!
Enemies: Anyone not of the One Sith!
Posts: 7

With the robes adorning his body, Nerius was surprised to sense his blood lust diminishing. Whenever in combat, Nerius one of those few true battle fiends. Yet at the moment, his mind continued to calculate the potential of what he was sensing. Somehow his body was now receiving a better connection to the Force, while his mind continued to reel from the new prowess thrust upon himself.

"Intriguing.." He murmured thoughtfully, then chuckled as he realized this was not a word he had ever uttered before. These robes were making him smarter! As well, they were dulling the evil inside of himself!

Removing them one arm at a time, Nerius sighed when the mental acuity he had was reduced to what it was prior to adorning the robes. Tieing them in a bundle with the strap of a fallen rifle, he attached them to his belt and returned to the fury driven beast he was!

He would make use of them when the time allowed it. In the middle of a large scale invasion slash coup, was not the time to allow himself to go all lightside. Thus, he turned the corner he had approached before and smiled. It was returning, the lust to kill all whom stood at the opposite end of the hall.

He smiled. This would always be one of his favorite things!
Objective: D
Location: Palace Hall
Allies: OS [member="Darth Vornskr"]
Enemies: Osk Ribepi
As Mythos slowly began to endure some time in the battle he began to notice the Palace was more than meets the eye at first glance, It was a Labyrinth. The initial onslaught had driven the battle On wards but this time Mythos Broke off in the sounds of an ever stronger feeling in the force, rage and fury unleashed from darkness and the howls of Monsters from inside the halls. He stormed off using all his agility augmenting his speed using the force, in the direction of the disturbance. Diving on deeper and deeper into the bottom of the Imperial Palace he encountered an ambush set by the Osk swordsmen much resembling the Atrisian Styles in his eyes. Mythos was ready to spill blood for days and Nights today, he was ready, he was here to lay the Hammer of the One Sith upon his enemies and not even the falls of Chaos were going to save them.

Juyo was unusual in the way it defended, however in Mythos' hands that had been tainted with so many other Styles, he was able to adapt and switch them when he needed to. Blocking their over extended horizontal attacks with his saber/staff that Myth, his shoto, was lucky to initially block but to it's small blade. He was driven back causing him to take a step upwards and reduce their momentum by kneeling down to the ground and to not loose his balance. His eyes flared before un-clippng both his sabers and shutting them off.

The Osk swordsman, so reliant on their initial attack had over extended in the uncomfortable steps down the basement coming upwards to meet him. He rose up using a simple force jump as soon as the sabers were felt no longer and his songsteel sabers Slammed in their Necks..... sending them reeling backwards down a pit beneath their feet, that ended at the basement. Their bodies were devoured by beasts that shimmered in the dark and tore apart without mercy,

"What madness is this?..."

The more he ventured in the halls of the Depper levels the more it looked, like a torture chamber of things he could not begin to describe. The Dark side of the Force Oozed from the very walls like a thick layer of matter that resembled much the smell of the unknown planet of this Knighting, The Thought of it was a reminder that the Dark Side is pure Raw Darkness that gives you Power...Hate and Fury. His eyes flashed Yellow and red for a single instance before he dashed below to meet the source of the Disturbance.
Objective: D
Locations: Palace Halls
Allies: One Sith!
Enemies: Anyone not of the One Sith!
Posts: 8

Sprinting down the hall, Nerius leapt high into the air as his hands grew odd appendages from his high on his wrists. Each hooked into a talon like appendage, and with his metallic makeup, they easily sunk into the stone of the ceiling. Using these, with similar ones found on his feet, he began to climb along the ceiling upside down.

He moved with a swift pace until he was over the group he had spotted. Then it was with a sure drop that he landed in the center, where he spun around and swept both hooked blades through the abdomens of the bodies. In mere seconds he dispatched at least 5 men.

Then he was onto the next kill again.
Objective: B, Capture navy
Location: Middle of Ocean, en route to Capital
Allies: 45th ODST legion
Enemies: Khedal Navy
Posts: 4/20

The Khedal officers were all at their stations, manning the long-range missiles and cannons and firing at the paratroopers. At this distance they could get many hits on targets, but they tried regardless. The door to the bridge opened. The two guards at the door turned their heads to whoever just came through, and found themselves looking down the barrel of a gun. Two shots by a man armed to the teeth and wearing black armor and another soldier in black armor. The captain turned his head in surprise, and was similarly shot dead.

By this point the officers had left their computers, raising their hands in surrender. But Dominion had given the orders already. No Prisoners.

They were in control of the ship, and could see the Sith gunships 'retreating'.
Objective: B, Capture navy
Location: Middle of Ocean, en route to Capital
Allies: 45th ODST legion
Enemies: Khedal Navy
Posts: 5/20

"Black Leader, checking in."

"Black one, ready. All frontal ships under our command."

"Black two, ready. All rear ships under our command."

"Well then, what are we waiting for? Commence phase 2."

"Black one, making the turn."
Objective: B, Capture navy
Location: Middle of Ocean, en route to Capital
Allies: 45th ODST legion
Enemies: Khedal Navy
Posts: 6/20

Dominion watched from the bridge as the full line of the front ships spread themselves out evenly, then shut off their engines and turned 90 degrees to the right sharply. The agent ran to the monitors, quickly setting a destination for missiles and sending them. The other trooper with him stayed at the main controls, steering the ship.

The Khedal navy never knew what hit 'em.

They couldn't stop fast enough, and ran into the blockade of their own ships. Missiles from the back and gunfire from the front smashed them, and they sunk into the sea without even one shot going off on their part.
Objective: B, Capture navy
Location: Middle of Ocean, en route to Capital
Allies: 45th ODST legion
Enemies: Khedal ground troops outside Capital
Posts: 7/20

"Black one, confirming the end of phase 2."

"Black Leader, go ahead to proceed towards the capital."

"Black one, proceeding."

It was only a matter of hours before the whole civil war crumbled to nothing but fire and blood.
Objective: E -Make your own adventure
Location: Canthar - nearing the palace
Allies: OSI
Posts: 1/20

This place was a mess; fires, death, and destruction walled them in on all sides and yet the pair moved on, indifferent to the chaos and destruction. The woman swatted at someone trying to flee, cutting him off at the knees, while her companion kicked him to the ground. His sullen expression had not changed since they offloaded from the transport and finally Arianrhod had her fill of it.

"What in the 9 hells is wrong with you?" She spit, her crimson eyes crossing to her brother.

"I do not see the point in this endeavor."

"So you've said. Like 20 times since last night. You're being stupid."

"Because I don't want to be here?"

"No, because you're not looking at why she sent us."

"Maybe I don't care why she sent us. Look, if this was important, Fela would be here. Demarus would be here. She would be here. This is a crap mission to a crap planet that means nothing to anyone."

"Everyone knows that Fela is her second. Everyone knows that Demarus is her captain. If she sent us, you ignorant pile of crust rags, that means she needs people she can trust who cannot be traced."

"Then why didn't she just say that?"

"Because at least one of us uses the brain in our heads and I didn't need her to fill in the blanks for me like a bellend." She motioned to the intersection in front of them. "Come on, it's not far."

The complex of governmental buildings near the palace spread around them and Arianrhod accessed a small map from her pouch before she pointed to the building they were supposed to be headed. Aurek just nodded, jogging on through the detritus of the conflict around him.

The Panatha Intelligence Offices. They were well guarded but the twins were prepared and with a couple flashbangs, they had breached the security checkpoint at the front.

While Aurek had been complaining in the streets, once they were at the destination, singular focus overtook him. Get in, get the dirt, get out. They had a small window, and failure meant death. There was no more time for being pissy about an assignment.
Objective: Netflix and Chill
Allies: None
Enemies: None

I was sitting in a random cantina on Panatha. Some kind of Civil War was going on on the planet and the Sith were claiming it for themselves after it had been held by the Lords of the Fringe for so long. Neat. That was most of the reason I had come to the home of [member="Darth Vornskr"] . Eventually he would pay to have the assistance of Clan Vereen, or we would drink his booze and eat his food until that happened or the Sith took command of the planet. "Someone pass me the nerf loaf and get me some of that nice red wine." A mandalorian stood up from the bar we had occupied and hopped inside the bar, pulling bottles from the shelves. Most of the cantina was occupied solely by the wait staff and heavily armored and armed mandalorian warriors. Once we had arrived the populace had left us be during the conflict. The main fighting wasn't around us and the leadership wasn't around to attempt to determine our loyalty to either side.

"Here you are boss. Got the top shelf kind." The warrior said, passing a bottle to an ally and then having it placed on the table. So far we hadn't opened a tab, we had just come in and started pillaging their storage rooms.

"Thanks. Anyone heard from the big guy? Have the credit transfer gone through, has he started the transfer?" I said, and saw a number of warriors shrug nonchalantly. It appeared that the big guy may not be aware we were even on the planet. If he didn't hurry we would have to move to another cantina.
Objective: D
Locations: Palace Halls
Allies: One Sith!
Enemies: Anyone not of the One Sith!
Posts: 9

Like before, Nerius yearned to be aggressive and on the move. But he had to be stealthy, or else he could perish in the severity of the battle. He was good in large scale battles, but he was still only an Acolyte - it wasn't as if he was a Knight or Master that could take on whole armies solo.

Moving from shadow to shadow, the Pink Monster found himself looking in all directions as frequently as could be allotted. In one such glance, he noticed a small girl dodge from an intersecting hall into a room nearby. She was not of the enemy, nor the 3 women that followed her.

Contemplating thoughts occurred, mulled over quickly, before Nerius sighed and followed the group. He did not like to admit it, but the ferocity that was his calling was being diminished by regular occurrences it seemed. First with befriending the Wind Raiders, then having his Fleft-wauf imprint on him, and now the robes that seemed to vibrate with the lightside of the Force.

Once inside the room, he held up a finger to silence the girls before they could scream for help, "I am here to aid the non aggressors of Panatha! I work with Zambrano!"

An older woman among them nodded slowly, "We are fleeing from a group of enemy soldiers...will you help us?" She asked just as quietly.

He nodded then replied, "Stay quiet, and hide in the corner there behind those curtains!" He hissed.
Objective: E - Find her father
Location: Entering Panathan Atmosphere
Allies: One Sith
Enemies: Rebel scum
Posts: 1/20

A terrifyingly large shadow covered the city of Canthar. Those below that were curious enough to turn their attention towards the sky would see the massive Tulak Hord Star Destroyer above. The ship was still and silent as a corpse. It's position above the city nearly blocked out the sun. And then, swarms of dropships were unleashed from the hangars of the star destroyer like a horde of demons swooping from the sky down onto it's prey. The tulak Hord was still silent, but the sky was raining laser fire down upon the Osk Ribepi soldiers. Death was spreading faster than a fire on the forest moon of Endor. Once the drop ships landed upon the surface, former pirates turned soldiers would pour out and join the One Sith offensive, fighting alongside those who were servants of the Dark Lord.

One dropship, the last dropship to depart from the Tulak Hord, was carrying the daughter of Kaine Zambrano. Elani had awaited the right moment to return to her father and what better time than now, when her people needed her most. "If I know my father, and I do, we'll find him at the Imperial Palace. Take me there.." The captain turned the dropship towards the Imperial Palace within the heart of the city. There was some resistance as the dropship descended, but they were easily decimated by the firepower Elani brought with her. The dropship slowly landed upon the ground and the bay doors hissed open swiftly. Elani stepped out of the ship along with 10 of her best men. They were heavily armed for former pirates. Luckily, Elani had connections with the right toys. "Stay close." Elani marched towards the palace's front doors with her soldeirs close behind her. "Father, I'm home.."

[member="Darth Vornskr"]
Objective: D
Locations: Palace Halls
Allies: One Sith!
Enemies: Anyone not of the One Sith!
Posts: 10

Glancing through the barest of cracks between the door and the adjacent wall, Nerius noted that there were indeed several incoming warriors. These though were dressed and armed differently than those that had come before. He wondered of they were perhaps a higher rank...

But his thoughts were cut short, for one gestured to the door Nerius was looking past. Instantly they began to move towards him. With a swiftness he had never before achieved, Nerius changed his form until he was a medium sized man dressed the same as they were.

Leaping through the door before they could enter, Nerius said, "Nothing worth notice in there. Just junk pictures of Zambrano." With that her turned and began to walk away from the room. Hesitantly the others followed.

One stepped a bit ahead of the others, nearing Nerius' side so he could speak and be heard, "What's your name again?"

Instead of pretending any further, Nerius spun and activated his blade so it would pass through the neck of the man, killing him instantly.

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