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Recruitment Campaign (Siobhan)

Tegaea acknowledged the reminder with a toast. "Now we're even, pet," she replied with a laugh. She listened, and finally set her glass down. "We don't go in much for saluting at OP, but you would have to follow my orders, yes...outside the bedroom too!" Tegaea added. "You'll find that it's a lot less arduous than you mig ht think though. We do our job and we get paid - we don't hold little gatherings and discuss the morality of it afterwards!"

"I'm sorry Adril's gone, Siobhan. I'm not going to claim this is what she'd want you to do - but I will tell you this is what you want to do. You and me...we'll make her proud."
"I can follow orders," Siobhan responded. "Usually. Mostly. When they make sense." Alright, maybe she just was little bit undisciplined. Alright, maybe she was just a undisciplined. "Well, the few jobs we went on, we worked pretty well together, didn't we? And I see you guys actually do things professionally."

More to the point, she trusted Tegs. Who might be the only one of the aforementioned three people most important in her life who, from Siobhan's perspective, she hadn't failed at one point or the other.

"Adril would want me to keep fighting evil scum, that's what I've been doing, picking up where she left off. Well, best as I can. Sooner or later, I'll just be ditching the Jedi anyway or they'll kick me out." And no doubt they'd take her lightsabre away! Admittedly she could build a new one once she somehow acquired a crystal, which was the tricky part, but still! "Might as well expedite the process and team with someone....I trust. So, I'm in."
"Excellent! Welcome aboard, Siobhan! We'll give you your contract and such to sign when we get back to base. I'm glad you agree." Tegs took a sip of her whiskey. "But you know, Siobhan...I've not forgotten that you took the name of your Mistress in vain. Don't think that because you're joining OP you can forget your other...duties!" she said with a smirk.
"Cool. Looking forward to working with you lot." When she thought about it, robes weren't her thing anyway. Siobhan barely suppressed a smirk. That would totally not fit into the game! "Yes, Mistress. I'm sorry," she said, adopting an expression that looked guilty. "I also refused your job offer on Coruscant. I feel all this...Jedi arrogance has made me presumptuous and caused me to forget proper discipline." She put her glass down.

"So very naughty of me...and now that I'm part of your unit, it's even more urgent you make me comprehend my place in things. That is, if you're still up for it, now that you've risen up in the world!"
"The enforcement of discipline is the most important part of a leader's position, don't you agree? And I think you need to learn how we do things at OP. We keep things strict around you better start to comprehend your place in things!"

What happened next was utterly inappropriate for a PG-13 board (though oddly killing thousands is somehow) so alas we must fade to black while Tegaea showed Siobhan the ropes (and chains and electrodes)!
This one laments the dictate of having to fade to black. Much like this writer also finds fully clothed shower scenes rather comical.

Regardless, Tegs was rather skilled at reminding Siobhan of her place in things. Though her cabin was not the largest, it clearly contained a rather extensive selection of tools that could serve a variety of disciplinary purposes. So at the end of the session Siobhan was rather sweaty, spent, bruised and reddened in places and thoroughly content with it.

After they were done Siobhan lounged on the by now rather messed-up bed, dressed only in a small towel, though she made no real attempt to cover herself. After all, false modesty would be a bit weird anyway. There was still a collar hanging around her neck. The bed clothes were strewn across the room, various tools lay around. "Why can't all job interviews be like this? Employee motivation and discipline would skyrocket," she said with a complete look of satisfaction on her face. She reached out for Tegs and gave the mercenary a deep kiss. "Mistress hasn't lost her touch at all. She's so strong and stern. I hope her devoted pet satisfied her well!"

She grabbed her whiskey glass and took another gulp. "So, what's to say about this Cira chick? Ain't got that much inside scope."
The night had gone very well for Tegaea. As she laid back, enjoying a drink before returning Siobhan's kiss. "Well, if that was the interview you've got the job, pet! Your Mistress was very pleased with your efforts!"

Amused, she pulled Siobhan closer by the leash on her collar and held her close. "Cira is a bit of a mystery, really. Don't know her well. She's got the Force, but I don't know her background. She's pretty skilled at all of this organising, and a good fighter too. But really, you know just as much as me!"

Tegaea frowned. "I guess we better get ready. We'll be arriving at base soon...."
"You laid out....very convincing arguments to motivate me...and I'm real good at what I do," Siobhan responded happily, liking the pressure against her neck when the mercenary pulled her closer. When one considered that oftentimes Siobhan, by virtue of being a trouble magnet, ended up getting tormented in dark dungeons...the fact that she liked being recreationally dominated and leashed was interesting.

She grumbled a bit at having to get ready but then relented, flexing the fingers of her bulky robot hand. The thing had been tinkered with a bit...after it had been slow to respond in a recent battle. Though it was good for knocking teeth out! "Right. Base. Contract. Evil scum to beat up. Sure there'll be time for further discipline you'll have to teach me soon enough." She removed the collar from her neck and got up, heading to the refresher.

Raising a bony metal finger she pointed at it and then at Tegs. "I guess we don't have time for a shower scene, do we?" she asked sardonically, then moved to get cleaned up, with a sway of her hips that was not particularly graceful, for Siobhan did not do grace, though Tegs did get an enticing view of her rear.

Shortly thereafter Siobhan emerged and pulled on her robes. By now the ship had dropped out of hyperspace and was being steered to Omega's base. "Y'know, one bonus about ditching the Jedi is no longer having to walk around in robes. They really keep heavy blaster fire out," Siobhan commented randomly, something she did sometimes. Though the cloak billowing dramatically in the wind always looked kind of cool, she had to admit!

She strapped her lightsabre and blaster pistol to her belt, then went to the door. "So lead the way, Captain! And...thanks for this chance."
Tegs laughed. "No time for a shower scene now, Kerri. Maybe when we get to the base and you get settled in." She admired the view of Siobhan's ass that she got, grinned and got up herself. She packed up the toys they'd used during the night, making sure they were all cleaned and ready for the next user. Madam Whiplash had many customers after all!

When Siobhan came out Tegaea went past her. "Never understood the deal with the robes. They make most Jedi look like tossers. I know you won't let me down, Siobhan, that's why I wanted you." She gave the other woman a slap on the ass. "One of the reasons anyway!"

Tegaea showered and dressed, and as they came into orbit over Fondor she was ready. When a crewman came to get them for the shuttle he looked smug, as if the crew had a pretty good idea what had gone on. Tegaea didn't look like she cared a fig though, leading Siobhan towards the transport to the planet's surface.
"And they're all in brown or white," Siobhan commented. "I hear we had proper armour...once. In the Clone Warrs or something. It looked a lot more practical." Admittedly, that had been in a holo-series, but it seemed cooler and a lot more efficient, from Siobhan's perspective at least. But then mid-series the Jedi had all started wearing robes again without any explanation. Maybe that was one of the reasons why it had been so easy for the clone troopers to gun them down. Siobhan did not approve of retcons.

She sighed a bit at the spanking, the feeling was a good sensation. "Mistress won't find a better pet," she said with an impish smile, but then grew serious again. "Still...thanks, seriously. Not really used to people having lots of faith in me...ok, enough wethennishness. I know what I wanna do and this is it."

Soon they had embarked on the transport shuttle and were taking a dive to the surface of Fondor. "Fondor, mega-shipyard. Not bad," Siobhan said, taking a look at the planet's surface from the cockpit as the vessel passed through its atmosphere. "So we gonna be pumping out Super Star Destroyers?"
"Not that armour seems to help. When was the last time you saw someone stop a blaster bolt with armour?" Tegaea said sceptically. "You're not a wet hen, Siobhan, you're just a girl who's a trouble magnet and had to deal with the galaxy crapping on them," Tegaea said in what she thought was an encouraging voice. It probably wasn't.

"While it seems like everyone and their dog has a super star destroyer, we don't even have enough people in OP to staff the minimum crew requirement! Besides, do you realise how hard those things are to maintain? But we are putting the shipyards to good use with frigates, corvettes and light cruisers. That's what OP's strength is."

The came to the main OP base. It was a nice looking skyscraper surrounded by factories, barracks and other facilities. OP was no mere mercenary band, but a full on private army!
Tegs' voice was perhaps not every encouraging, but then Siobhan was not one for pep talks. More to the point, she felt accepted for what she was and what she could do. Which generally meant hitting things...sometimes also blowing things up and causing significant property damage. "Guess we'll soon be causing trouble for lots of scum soon," Siobhan responded.

She had been able to put these skills to 'good use' as a Jedi, who despite their ideological commitment to peace and harmony more often than not found themselves engaged in martial activities...but she had never seen the point in seeking truth in meditation, the Code or placing her trust in a Council she viewed as out of touch. Now at least from her perspectice she was facing up to who she was. She had contemplated leaving the Jedi several times...only then quitting had seemed like admitting to having failed. Now that she had made the decision, it did not seem like that anymore.

"Point," Siobhan murmured as the ship touched on the OP central base. She seemed genuinely impressed when she looked down upon the multitude of factories, barracks and various buildings, all bristling with activity. Various mercenary units could be seen, several vehicles and mechs were rumbling down the road. In the centre of it all stood the skyscraper. "Big op you got going," she said approvingly. "Must've taken lots of time, cost a lot to set it up. Guess owning Fondor shipyards helps a lot. Got any big jobs on the line right now?" The ship landed at the hangar bay and the landing ramp was lowered.
"We're a business, Siobhan...we have our stock and shareholders, and some pretty large controlling interests. We protect this area of space, but we also do big and small missions. Rather than wiring houses with lights or installing plumbing though we deal with guns and explosives. Our rates are pretty high, but they're worth it, I think. We've got some big jobs in the queue, but nothing I can discuss just yet."

They entered the skyscraper and took an elevator near to the top. This was a collection of ten suites, with the largest being for Tegaea. "The boss has the whole next floor to herself. I'll set you up in one of these offices here next to me. Your job is to monitor the sectors of space we have and find opportunities. Work with the others here, and when you have a good lead tell me and I'll tell how much to charge roughly. You then conclude the deal, I'll give you a lot of room though in negotiation however, since I know I can trust you."

Tegaea grinned. "Mixed in with the office work there's going to be some hands on operations. I know you'll like them better, so the more leads you bring in, the more explosions you it?"
"Next to you, huh? Want to have me close by?" Siobhan joked as she looked around the large corridor as the elevator opened. The enormous window gave a good view of the buildings below and the city that lay further afield. Siobhan fidgeted just a bit, heights weren't really her thing, but then she could deal with that.

"Cool. Hmm. Sometimes I hear a few whispers through the underworld grapevine. Still got some friends in Lower Coruscant. Those that haven't been dumb enough come gunning for me and get a beating. Heli hears quite a bit about shit happening down here in the inner rim. Moved up from just 'requisitioning' pretty things to information brokering." That reminded her, she had to give the Cathar a call. She played a mean game of pool. Besides, speeder racing!

"Right, find places where there's mayhem going on, go out and knock heads together...profit, whiskey and chicks," it seemed like she was rattling off a list with her fingers, then shrugged. "I guess I can handle that!"
"Sounds like you're quite an asset to us," Tegaea said. She slid a hand up Siobhan's back. "Not that you were ever lacking in...assets," she added.

"Let me know when you've got something. If you've got any questions go see my secretary Anya. I've got a secretary...incredible," Tegaea said, as if this alone was the most amazing part of her rise to fame and fortune.

With that Tegaea left and went to her office to type things, one assumes.
"I want a secretaty as well," Siobhan grumbled a bit, her mind seemed to go straight to the gutter. Surely it was one of those offices!

Regardless with Tegs Siobhan moved into her office. For a moment she just stood there, taking the view in. Though she did not like heights much, the window gave her an impressive view of the city and military installations that lay below. There was also a small minibar located under the table. She then ran her hands over the leather office chair behind her desk before sitting down and giving the plush chair a short spin. In a span of a few short moments the former Jedi Knight decided that she liked the idea of working in private enterprise.

Switching on the computer, she started looking for leads, tracking down news reports and government/corporate sites for official bounty requests. There was always some problem in the Galaxy somewhere that required an explosive and aggressive solution. There were sorts of people who would never be superfluous: hookers and professional killers. Fortunately, whoever had installed the computer had been so obliging to run all the critical updates and anti-virus programming, else this might have taken ages before she got any actual work done - and Siobhan was not a very patient person.

An article on Galactic News Network caught her eye. DAHOMEY STANDOFF CONTINUES - RTF GONE ROGUE?

Siobhan clicked on a link and the face of Khalisal al-Jilani appeared on the screen, Siobhan hated that smug look the tabloid gadfly had on her face as usual. "Dear viewers, the tense standoff on Dahomey continues without delay. As is well-known, a small Republic task force was dispatched to the planet to aid rebel forces in overthrowing a despotic government and facilitating the creation of a stable democracy. With so many of our forces concentrated on the liberation of Anaxes and with securing law and order on Coruscant, it was supposed to be a short campaign.

However, the Triumvirate has miscalculated and now our courageous soldiers and taxpayers are paying the price. We cannot state with certainty whether this ill-thought-out campaign was influenced by the desire of certain corporations to exploit the rich mineral resources of Dahomey...but we understand it is troubling to many viewers that no Jedi volunteered to participate. Reliable sources inform us that recent foreign policy events might precipitate a split in the Triumvirate. We can only hope that someone will rise to the occasion and provide decisive leadership."

Siobhan was getting bored and about to switch off the channel when the the journalist finally came to the point. "Despite our repeated inquiries, the Ministry of Defence refuses to comment on allegations that leading elements of the RTF have gone rogue and refused to obey orders from Central Command. Allegedly, the officer in command has cut all channels to command and reliable sources inform us that when the Triumvirate dispatched investigators to look into alleged crimes committed by the forces, they were detained."

It cut to the image of a Government spokesman, clad in dress uniform. "At this juncture we must take the public interest and the safety of our forces into account. There is no conclusive evidence of rogue elements in the REF dispatched to Dahomey. We understand that our citizens are naturally curious and indeed it's a hallmark of our great society that public servants are accountable to the people. However, this must be balanced by taking a responsible view of what is in the national interest. The media would do to remember that it serves the people as well."

Just say 'Ah, yes. Rogues I dismiss that claim, Siobhan thought to herself, bringing up a holographic galaxy map. Dahomey was located in the inner rim systems, not that far from Omega territory. It was one of the hotly contested border zones that had little actual government beyond the warlord with enough blasters to get everyone to fall in line. The Republic was eager to show that it meant business when it came to unifying the Galaxy and had invested quite a hefty sum of money into starting various initiatives to bring order to them - bribing warlords, attacking those that refused to cooperate, starting "democratic insurgencies".

She then contacted the Cathar. In a span of several minutes, after Siobhan had been suitably stern to Heli's secretary to get the lady on screen, the Cathar's holographic image appeared. She was a white-furred, for her species quite attractive looking Cathar, dressed in black leather and holding a big cigar. "Jedi."

"Heli," Siobhan responded.

"Aren't you a wordsmith?" Heli responded sarcastically. "So what cause does the illustrious, constantly trouble-creating Jedi have to contact me? You do realise I'm pretty busy. So many people want my help these days, so much opportunity. Your Republic is an excellent investment chance. You'd be surprised at how sordid the lives of many senators is."

"Actually, not really. I can imagine," Siobhan responded, propping her combat boots up on the desk.

"And so eager to keep them hidden. There are certain quarters of society that get really whiny when they find out their political boss was having enjoy time in the wrong part of Coruscant. So, scuttlebut is that a certain pirate leader got ganked and a couple Jedi were all heroically foolish. Got a nice lightshow." The Cathar chuckled a bit at that.

"Friend of yours?"

"Aziz? Ha. He's terrible at paying his debts. Why are calling from Fondor?" One expected Heli was trying to ascertain location.

"You don't know? You're slipping badly. I quit the Jedi. As they say, I got an offer I couldn't refuse. Why I'm calling. Got a case I know you have info on."

"Omega...," Heli actually did look impressed, if only for a short moment. "So you finally gave in. I'm surprised the Jedi even kept you that long. No matter, those robes looked positively hideous anyway. I'd recommend a skintight leather catsuit that hugs you in all the right place. It just screams strong and independent. I'm quite certain it would impress your new boss!"

Siobhan laughed a bit. "I'll call if I need fashion advice. What do you know about Dahomey?"

"You know, now that you have an actual job the prices are going up. Fishing creds out of thugs after beating them up won't do it anymore. You see, there's quite a number of gangs that want your head. Or perhaps you just chained up and collared. Information is supply and demand."

"Yeah, and I'm also a long-term, reliable customer who saved your arse a number of times. 'sides, I've got this real nasty habit of surviving any hell-hole I got thrown in," Siobhan said seriously, with a hint of 'screwing me over is a bad idea' in her voice.

Heli shrugged. "Everyone's luck runs out eventually. Anyway, to business. I take it you saw that silly broadcast? Apparently a certain general has taken the whole idea of liberating that poor planet a bit too extreme. Word is one of the Republic investigators was sent back to Coruscant. Or rather, her head. In a fruit basket. Very Mandalorian, if you ask me. But maybe that's just poetic licence."

"And the Republic is being hush-hush. What's stopping the army from just moving and beating the rogues...or dropping a couple bombs on 'em? How good is your info?"

Heli looked a bit offended. "Collateral damage, some of the hostages might still be alive, overstretched forces...blah...blah. And please, I'm a professional. The RTF hired some of the dregs of society down under for the job. I suppose that's to make the criminal statistics look better and show they're being tough on crime, tough on the causes of crime. Besides, the warring factions get their guns from the black market down under. Incidentally, these reports started trickling in after the big merger was announced."

"General wants to go on a power binge and decides the Republic and the Jedi wanting to be a 'shiny happy' family is a good excuse," Siobhan commented cynically, taking a biro and scribbling down a few notes on a piece of paper. In her admittedly rather poor handwriting, but then she could always read it! Usually. Mostly. "What's the Republic Authority doing about it?"

Heli. "I imagine the Jedi are meditating and singing kumbajah," she joked. Siobhan shot her a glare, looking impatient. "You need to loosen up a bit. It's been hush-hush so far, but I imagine they want the mad dog gone before it becomes embarrassing, what with their campaign to liberate every world they can lay eyes on. If they're feeling moralistic this time of the week, maybe captured for a military trial. Now, I have many clients. You owe me."

"And totally legal stuff to do," Siobhan said dryly. "I'll check in at the Blooming Rose when I'm back on Coruscant. Wouldn't want to deprive the girls too long."
Tegaea was working at her desk, as hard as it might be to imagine the tough soldier doing paperwork. Still, she had secretaries and aides for most things, it was just for her to take charge of important projects, confirming leads and authorising procurements. She ran the day-to-day business of OP while Cira dealt with the more important issues.

While Siobhan discussed matters with her contact Tegaea surprisingly did not indulge in an orgy with her secretary, as fun as that might have been. Rather, she was looking into the same Republic incident that Siobhan was, as well as some others. When Siobhan emerged from her office and entered Tegaea looked up.
"Settling in okay?" she asked. "Found anything useful?"

On a slightly unrelated note, it should be mentioned that Tegaea had a large fish tank on one side of the room opposite the window, and a heavy safe at floor level below it. These items might or might not be useful at some later stage.
Siobhan would not like paperwork. The former Jedi had a short attention span on most matters that weren't physical in nature. She looked just a bit disappointed to find that there were no ***** going on, but then focused on business. "Yeah, heard of a place called Dahomey?" she asked as she entered the room, sitting down on the edge of the desk. "Inner rim planet, couple parsecs away from here. Got gold, cobalt and a civil war. Republic sent a task force to help 'freedom fighters' topple the warlord of the month, bulk of the task force went rogue after its general went just a bit too native."

She looked at her notes and then up at Tegs. "Command sent a couple investigators to look into it before contact broke down. The head of one came back. In a fruit basket - can't say whether there was any actual fruit in it as well. Some loyalist Republic troops are still fighting down there, but they're pretty outnumbered. Overstretch and all that. There's been no official request, but looks like the Republic wants the wannabe Dear Leader taken out or brought back in chains in before it starts hitting the tabloids big-time. "
Tegaea considered matters carefully. "Rogue warlord, huh? I'm guessing he has backing from some of the locals anyway. Might get interesting. Either way, great work, Siobhan! You've made a good start already. Get in touch with the Republic covertly and ask how much they're willing to pay for the job to be done. I'll look at it from our side and find out how much our price will be. The key will be getting a balance without underselling our troops."

Frowning, Tegaea asked, "A fruit basket, hmm? I guess that takes the concept of corporate hampers to the next level!" She laughed. "Get onto the Republic and see how much they're willing to pay, I'll figure out how much we want to charge...."
"Some of our shareholders might be interested in all the gold and stuff. Seems like there's lots of resources down there. Right now every warlord of the month uses it to fund his private army, but a lot is untapped," Siobhan noted. Clearly it had not taken long for the former Jedi to adapt to life in the corporate world and become a capitalist running dog! Hadn't she heard the slogan 'No blood for gold and cobalt!'? Oh, wait, she liked to punch both protesters and aristos. "Assuming we don't throw the whole planet into even more chaos, which we probably will!"

Regardless she returned to her office and put her mind to contacting their friends over at the Republic. Apparently Tegs had a contact at Republic Intelligence, a 'Colonel' Raeder. Who was officially involved in Special Procurement at the Ministry of Defence, a cover for Military Intelligence work. Special Procurement of means to enhance the defences of the Republic. Siobhan smirked a bit. Well, in this case it was about procuring mercenaries to provide an explosive solution!

Siobhan thought for a short moment...negotiations weren't her thing. At least those that didn't involve aiming the tip of a sword at someone's throat! Then she started to type up a message. Fortunately, the computer had an auto spell check that actually worked and would no doubt make her message more readable! She ran a special encryption programme installed on the computer to make sure it would not so easily get intercepted by other parties. One would not want anyone else reading it as well, after all.

Omega has heard about the recent incident on Dahomey and I've been authorised to extent an offer of providing military assistance. We understand the Republic would like to see the situation resolved rapidly, efficiently and covertly." Before it hit the holonet big time and caused a political shitstorm! Certain senators might exclaim 'this is an outrage!'.
"Omega has a highly trained, professional force and Dahomey lies just a few parsecs away from our HQ, we could swiftly deploy to the planet and either terminate or capture the rogue, depending on Republic interests, saving the Republic vital manpower and resources.
How much remuneration would the Republic be willing to provide in exchange?

If you're interested in this offer, contact us over this channel.

Siobhan Kerrigan"

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