Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Campaign Rebuild And Recover (Open To All Jedi)

Kyell Laysel



Kyell was, in fact, both shy as hell and mute.
It often made meeting new people far more awkward than they needed to be, but it wasn't exactly something he could help. So with a nervous smile on his face, he nodded when she asked about him being on the recovery team. But wait, she doesn't have a clue what she's looking for? Well, that makes two of us... he thought but decided against making it obvious.
His eyes then turned to Rhemti Totriddiam Rhemti Totriddiam as he approached, and somehow the Nautolan's presence made him feel far more at ease. The calming melody he brought with him helped wash away the nerves some, and so he could greet the Padawan with a slightly more confident smile.
But of course, it remained just a smile. No introductions, no verbal confirmation.
"Wait... do you guys hear that? It... it sounds like... singing? Or whistling?"
Kyell blinked and looked around like he was the one going crazy for not hearing anything. Ara drawing a pistol moments later also brought back his nervousness instantly. Was there something out there to fear? Or was she just being extremely careful? He didn't know but standing still to find out wasn't going to get them anywhere. They were here to help recover important items and rebuild this place, so he decided to take point for once.
Carefully and hopefully with the other Padawans following him, he began to move down the long winding staircase. While it looked scary at first, it seemed that all of it had been in his head — they just had to watch their step and soon enough, they found themselves in a long-abandoned medbay.
The ancient kolto tanks from before bacta's introduction were still standing, albeit with broken glass. Monitors were smashed or hanging from the walls, and equipment lay scattered across the floor. Even though this place was ancient, it seemed no looters had made their way down here. Perhaps the dangerous animals and plants scared them off?
Either way, Kyell began to look through the room but was only able to find some common tools. They were ancient, sure, but none of them seemed that interesting.
Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze you owe me 500 uc's bby​
"Singing? Hmm... nope. Where'd you hear it from?" Rhemti asked, mostly in regards to the direction. The red skinned Nautolan backed towards the outside railing, allowing Kyell to pass as he headed down the stair towards the old med bay. "Maybe we can check it out after we've cleaned up some of the med bay?" He grinned reassuringly at Ara, waving at her to follow, though he wouldn't rush down the stairs without her.

"I'm Rhemti, by the way, nice to meet you both." He'd extend a two toned hand to both Ara and Kyell when the chance arose, keeping that same, friendly and calm vibe going. Actually, that 'calm' vibe was more than just a vibe; Rhemti had gotten a little too used to calming the creatures of New Cov, to the point that it was almost habitual for him to be constantly exuding that sort of aura. His head tails were shifting now and then, helping him to scan the surroundings for more creatures, and despite that calm and friendly aura, his eyes looked a little tired. He was still new to all of this, after all, this had probably been the longest stretch of time he'd tuned in to the force since Kahlil took him as a Padawan.

"I'm hoping I cleared all the critters out of this room at least, but if I missed any let me know." He'd join Kyell, gently pawing through some items in a rickety storage unit, but he honestly also had no idea what he was looking for either.

Ara Sheridan Ara Sheridan Kyell Laysel

Issue #2


"Mm. Saying I found this place is a stretch. This was Valery's home, when she was still in her time. We met in the city close by and I happened to accompany her here. Nearly got eaten by some of the tigers here, but y'know, not bad for a first date."

"I've had worse." Dagon huffed a laugh through his nostrils, recalling antics a few years back. Somehow, the female counterpart role almost always was a villain. Really cliche.

Kahlil's outgoing nature was something he wouldn't initially expect of a man raised to be the heir of one of the worst terrors the galaxy had witnessed. It filled a part of him with the hope that blood didn't necessarily have to be thicker than water.

"...and that if she stops him from within, maybe she can be free..."

"... hold on." the Knight suddenly stopped, brow creasing into a frown, "... you think she could've deliberately joined him?" of all the gloomy scenarios his mind had constructed, this never existed before.



Kyell Laysel DROP: 500 bucks

Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Ara Sheridan Ara Sheridan Alana Sunrider Alana Sunrider Kyell Laysel Iris Arani Iris Arani Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren


Kahlil paused as Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze did, blinking. More in surprise than anything else. He.. Hadn't thought of that? The taller man chuckled. "When you care about someone, you'll walk willingly through hell for em, right? I don't presume to know what your Padawan was thinking or is, but for me, I willingly went back to my father to break free of him. Not that I did, heh. He just made a clone of me that wants to kill me and Val, so.." He shook his head. That wasn't the point.

"If she's thinking like that at all, you just need to show her that it's not the only way." As if reading his mind he went on, walking forward to continue the scan.

"Blood is thicker than water, but the bonds you choose to make are thicker than that. Just try and find her, talk to her, before she really does fall too far."



Themes: XoXo
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani , Ara Sheridan Ara Sheridan , Kyell Laysel, Rhemti Totriddiam Rhemti Totriddiam , Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble , Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze , (@whoever else I might have missed, sorry it took me so long to get to this!!)


Or at least she was trying to be. Her attention had been diverted away from the two lead Jedi that were speaking, zeroing in on Iris who had been distracted and wandered off, currently down in the brush.

Sauntering over with a steady gait, Briana crouched down on her haunches with both arms propped on her thighs, hands dangling loosely between her legs.

Tilting her head and peering, the same bright silver glimmer caught her eye. “Beats me,” she shrugged nonchalantly, “But we can find out.” a grin ghosted over the rose of her lips, curious to solve the mystery of whatever lay hidden.

Reaching out a hand, she gently brushed and pulled away the verdant vines of overgrowth until what looked to be a long, mud-caked cylinder revealed itself. She frowned at the finding, which didn’t seem to be overtly valuable or hold any sort of significance. No lost treasure for them, it would seem.


Strangely, she felt drawn to it. The edges of her vision blurred.

The air grew still as day shifted to night.

The sky turned ominous shades of inky black with swirls of gray, a foreboding that spoke of danger on the horizon. Everything felt cold, like it wanted to swallow her up, a bone-deep chill trickling down her spine and coiling in her stomach.

Looking up from where she was…

Standing? Sitting?

A young warrior, a Jedi, came into view, squaring off valiantly against a cloaked figure that manifested from the darkness. They were brave, stupidly so, and before they had a chance to defend themselves, took the full force of the glowing crimson blade to the chest.

A sickening, guttural scream echoed through her, followed by deafening silence. The warrior's lifeless husk crumpled on the ground, barely a hand's breadth away.

Turning from the brutal execution, the presence of a Jedi Master she knew well, stalked into view.


The scene vanished as suddenly as it’d come on, leaving a sweating Briana scrambling backwards.

A rush of blood burned her ears, heart thrumming wildly as if she’d just run several laps around the Praxeum on Ossus. Her senses started coming back to her, the images she’d witnessed slowly growing quieter, fading into white noise in the background.

The cylinder lay dropped on the ground near her booted feet, then, with a steadying breath she reached forwards and took it in hand again - gently brushing away years of dirt and grime. The shine was long gone, obvious scorch marks worn over its surface. Flipping it in her hands, she felt a warm surge.

Briana’s brows knit together.

“This was Valery’s lightsaber.”

Last edited:



Archeology, the study of history and prehistory through the excavation of sites and the analysis of artifacts and other physical remains. It was the thing Justice had found himself living for. Did that make him a nerd? Yes, but he did not care. No one would look at him necessarily and think that of him based on looks alone, or that was what he told himself. Just was certainly dressed like he belonged on an excavation. He was not going to pass up the opportunity to dig up some ancient find in a temple that had once been home to Valery Noble Valery Noble .

The woman meant something to him, as did one of her students. Just had faced a lot as a result of spending time with them, even if she was not his master. His heart was set on finding something which would be dear to the woman, and perhaps win some favor. Just felt as though he needed it after the incident where he helped Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren steal one of her lightsabers. Justice had known better, but he felt Bri would be in trouble without him. As it turned out they had both gotten into a lot of trouble, and Just had the cybernetic to prove it.

He ran his hand along the sleeve which provided the only barrier to the metallic arm. Just had gotten used to it, barely. Every time he thought of the event his hand involuntarily reached for it.

“That will stop one day,” his uncle would tell him often.

Just was simply waiting for that day.

A sigh escaped his lips as the boy wandered toward a section of the temple no one else had looked over. He still liked his time alone on occasion, even when Valery or Briana insisted he needed to spend time around other people. Sometimes he could focus on his work better when no one was around. Still, it could be lonely at times. Then again, Justice was hoping this particular adventure went without incident. He had yet to find his lightsaber crystal, and he was tired of using a training blade. If Sith did come, Justice wanted to be ready.

It was time to get his crystal, and perhaps he could find one on this dig. If he were going to get his crystal, it might as well be doing something he truly enjoyed doing.​



Iris stayed fairly quiet as she watched Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren with the old hilt in hand. Something had happened. What, Iris couldn't tell. But how the colors shifted and swirled, light brightening from her fellow Padawan, something happened. Then the saber dropped. Briana dropped. She blinked rapidly before rushing to her friends side, crouched down beside her, making sure she was okay.

“This was Valery’s lightsaber.”

She blinked. ".. Wait what?"
TAGS: Iris Arani Iris Arani | Sol'yan Sol'yan | Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren | Kyell Laysel | Rhemti Totriddiam Rhemti Totriddiam | Justice Lesan Justice Lesan

Ara's gaze was locked onto the stairway ahead of them with a curious frown. She only looked away when the Nautolan introduced himself. "The name's Ara... that was weird... you didn't hear anything?" She asked Rhemti and Shy Boy. They pressed on, deeper into the ruined temple until they reached an ancient room. The vines grew thick around the walls and floor, nearly tripping Ara as she looked around. "Animals are one thing, but apparently the plants also wanna kill you on this planet. Still cool, though." She commented as she searched through the room.

The room didn't seem to have much in the way of important stuff. However Ara's mind shifted again when that familiar music started up. "There it is again..." She looked to Rhemti and the other guy for a moment. "Just... gimme a moment. I'm gonna go look for it. You two look around for a library... or some other smart person place. There's gotta be one somewhere around here." With that she departed from the group and stalked deeper into the temple.

The light was growing dimmer with each step. Switching a flashlight on, Ara found herself in what looked to be a mechanic's room of some sort... except it wasn't. :: Hey guys, I think I found the lightsaber building room... thing... dunno what to call it. If you guys are done up there you can come check it out. We might be able to find something good. :: She spoke softly into her comms with the rest of her group. The moment of silence, away from the rest, allowed Ara to crack a wide grin as she explored the place. The more she looked, the more she found.

Schematics, instructions, part names, drawers full of bits and pieces, even an ancient holoprojector that seemed to have some sort of AI that could instruct padawans. She disconnected the projector and slipped it into her backpack along with as much as she could fit in. Then she heard the singing again.

Inside a cupboard on the wall, sealed away, were a number of lightsabers. There were names underneath some of them, remarkably preserved, but there was one that caught her attention the most. A lightsaber that belonged to a certain Sia-Lan Wezz from the look of things. She set it aside with a smile and looked at the others as well... but they didn't feel right. "I must be going crazy here." She grumbled as she picked the other one up again. It felt right. It felt good to hold, it even seemed to like her in a sense. Both hands wrapped around the hilt as she held it away from herself and hit the ignition.


The sound was familiar to her, naturally, but she always hated it. A sound of envy. A sound that made other padawans better than her simply because they were air-headed enough to understand their masters' lessons. She always despised those stupid padawans and their stupid lightsabers... but now it all melted away as understanding dawned on her. As she stared up at the bright, green blade illuminating the room, her master's lessons began to make sense.

What it meant to be a Jedi...

Her moment of revelation cut short, however, when a deep growl rumbled somewhere in the darkness.

"Oh kriff..."


"OH KRIFF, OH KRIFF! RUN" Ara screamed as she sprinted through the stone halls with the sound of numerous barks and roars following closely behind her. Turning for a moment, she fired a few rounds at the creatures before sprinting towards Rhemti and the other guy. "RUN, YOU FOOLS!" She shouted at them.


Issue #2


Darth Carnifex really did go the length to harm his own son, Dagon observed. The Knight could personally relate, his own Sith Lord father wasn't one to shy away from doing the overtime to do the same. Even from beyond the grave.

"But what if she truly fell, Kahlil?" he inquired skeptic of the hope that was forming within from the possibility that it was all a long con by Jem. "I've been able to redeem literal Sithspawn but my streak with those closest to me..." his voice trailed off into a sigh, "...let's just say isn't great."

Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Ara Sheridan Ara Sheridan Alana Sunrider Alana Sunrider Kyell Laysel Iris Arani Iris Arani Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren

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