Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Raise your Glass

Technically she wasn't either but it kept things easier to say she was. In her duties as a diplomat, she was able to travel wherever she was needed. This was not quite the same thing Jax did though and he would soon understand that. He went from battle to battle and she did too. Just of a different kind. Hers would most likely be considered boring by him but that was fine. There were times she did too but it was her duty and would do that just as well as he did.

Raising an eyebrow at his comment about making her happy and moving in, she was pleased with this and smiled. Together they would have to find a place they could both agree on and her house on Commenor wasn't that. Jairdain had made a few suggestions and only time would tell if any of them stuck or worked for him.

Guiding him to the rear of the house, she opened the door that lead out to the garden. When a person thinks of a garden, it's usually something pretty small and with a few vegetables probably. The garden here wasn't like that. Instead, it was surrounded by a hedge wall and there were walking paths through it.

Taking his free hand, she closed the door behind them and started walking.

"I'm going to take you someplace special here. Nothing is going to jump out and attack us here. Relax."

It was a new location for Jax but she hoped her words would put him at ease so he could enjoy their afternoon together. Both of them would be needing to return to work soon enough.

Jax Thio Jax Thio


Location: Commendor
Equipment: Formal Clothing, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Jairdain Jairdain

Jax stared at Jairdain bemused at the fact that she thought he was paranoid. "What do you mean?" Jax chuckled gripping Jair's hand. "You honestly think I'm just going to whip my Lightsaber out at the first thing I see? Who do you think I am a Sith Lord?"

He winked and gave Jair a kiss on the cheek. "Let's go Jair," Jax said. "I'm rather eager to see the spot that you have chosen for us."

It'll be interesting to see where Jair was going to take Jax, hopefully he can relax and not think about where to move in for the time being. Moving was stressful and the less Jax thought about it, the better.

"You know you don't have to be a Sith to draw a lightsaber out first..."

Not bothering to even form it as a question, Jairdain's voice carried some humor as she said it. Smiling when he kissed her cheek, she started down the path farthest from the house.

It didn't take long before the bricks faded away and they were surrounded by nature entirely. This did not last for more than about ten steps or so before they came to an area with a statue and some stone furniture that almost matched that of the statue. If he reached out with the Force to touch the statue, then he would sense a being inside.

There was a story behind it and she was willing to tell Jax all about it if he asked.

"Here is where I like it the most on these grounds. Make yourself comfortable."

Taking the basket from him, she set it on the table and walked over to the statue. Apparently paying her respects and returned to the table to sit.

Jax Thio Jax Thio

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