The End Narrator
I believe we discussed this in short once, I don't recall the conversation and your stance - NPCs cannot be used to directly win engagements on Objectives? Regardless if a PC is controlling them or not, right? A PC must be actively involved in the Objective beyond PVP in order for the Objective to be secured.
Would this sound about right?
Maybe this is something for the RPJ realm but there is no real clear definition for the NPC usage with PC controlling and objectives being overrun as of late with NPCs and victory and defeat. I have found that alot of discomfort has come from NPC flooding and even those controlling the NPCs are getting a bit tired of having to micromanage their NPCs to such an extent that it's taking away from the fun-factor of writing during Invasions.
I only am asking this to clear up the fog of war that surrounds this issue.
tl;dr - NPCs and Objectives aren't clear to myself or others I guess. Invasion Rules obviously don't specify anything regarding such.
I believe we discussed this in short once, I don't recall the conversation and your stance - NPCs cannot be used to directly win engagements on Objectives? Regardless if a PC is controlling them or not, right? A PC must be actively involved in the Objective beyond PVP in order for the Objective to be secured.
Would this sound about right?
Maybe this is something for the RPJ realm but there is no real clear definition for the NPC usage with PC controlling and objectives being overrun as of late with NPCs and victory and defeat. I have found that alot of discomfort has come from NPC flooding and even those controlling the NPCs are getting a bit tired of having to micromanage their NPCs to such an extent that it's taking away from the fun-factor of writing during Invasions.
I only am asking this to clear up the fog of war that surrounds this issue.
tl;dr - NPCs and Objectives aren't clear to myself or others I guess. Invasion Rules obviously don't specify anything regarding such.