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Character Qellian Auraeli





FULL NAME: Qellian Auraeli
KNOWN ALIAS: Qell, Q, Vanguard-9
MILITARY RANK: Flight Officer

CURRENT AGE: Young Adult
HOMEWORLD: Alderaan; Alderaan Sector
CITIZENSHIP: Alderaanian; Galactic Alliance

  • House of Metara
  • Galactic Federation of Free Alliances
  • GADF Starfighter Corps
  • Vanguard Squadron
OCCUPATION: GADF Starfighter Pilot


FATHER: Etienne Auraeli (Etienis'ur'kolvar)
MOTHER: Illois Auraeli née Metara [DECEASED]
Kolvar Auraeli (Brother), Augus Auraeli (Brother), Anais Auraeli (Sister) [MIA]
House of Metara (Alderaanian Nobility), Kolvar'ur'korai (Paternal Grandfather), Aurae'ur'lani (Paternal Grandmother), Julire Metara (Maternal Grandfather), Renavir Metara (Maternal Grandmother)
OTHERS: Alex Locke Alex Locke , Frea Sheplin Frea Sheplin , Taysonyl Callenid Taysonyl Callenid



SPECIES: Near-Human (K'paur/Human)
GENDER: Female
HEIGHT: 1.82m
WEIGHT: 75kg
BUILD: Athletic Mesomorph
HAIR: Soot brown; Mid-Length
EYES: Hazel
COMPLEXION: Type II; Warm Undertones
Reina Hardesty

No longer the lanky tomboy she was in her youth, Qell appears to have fully grown into the prodigious height and build of that seems to be the hallmark of the Auraeli lineage. Hard muscle now hangs from her frame, lending a good deal of power to what would have otherwise otherwise graceful, dancer-ish build. Fitting for someone from a privileged background, her skin is relatively free of blemishes or marks, save for a set of fragmentation scars marring the right side of her face.

While her physical stature is most assuredly inherited from her father, she most assuredly (and thankfully) took after her mother when it comes to her facial features. She does, however, share those ever so distinctive eyes, lending her a the ability to level a rather startling glare that many feel transcends even her GADF issued visor.


STRENGTHS: Confident, Enthusiastic, Loyal, Resourceful, Perceptive
WEAKNESSES: Arrogant, Emotionally Naïve, Impulsive, Self-Critical, Stubborn

The Ace, Action Girl, Blessed With Suck, Fatal Flaw, Combat Pragmatist, Covered with Scars, Deadpan Snarker, Heroic Lineage, Improbable Piloting Skills, Jerk with a Heart of Gold, Messy Hair, Spider-Sense, Universal Drivers License, Wing Woman


Ace Pilot: A precision flyer with a background in astrobatics, Qell excels at being able to pull of intensely tight and complicated maneuvers few would dream of attempting, although she has yet to gain the necessary experience or kills to truly call herself an ace.

Racial Traits: Her mixed blood offers her much denser bones, regenerative capabilities, enhanced eyesight, night vision and the potential of a much longer lifespan than your average human. She also requires significantly less sleep when not actively healing

Visual Problems: Qell has perfect eyesight and keen night vision. She's also unfortunately a inconvenienced by sudden bright lights and other associated vision-based distractions as a result.

An Army Marches On It's Stomach: Qell requires a significantly larger caloric intake than your average woman. This only further increases when regenerating from injuries. Due to inherited allergy to grain and dairy, her menu choices are fairly limited.

Extremes of Temperature: K'Paur can't cope with extremes in either heat or cold, suffering an increasing amount of maladies as the temperatures proceed to rise or plummet in either direction. A liability as a pilot.

Temper: While her K'paur heritage offers several benefits, it makes her more predisposed towards the temptations of the dark side. As a predatory species, the K'paur also suffer from an innate blood lust. While her mixed blood and training dampen the effects of this, extremes in physical and mental stress can bring this side to the forefront.


APPAREL: Chase Explorer Jacket, REC-EVA/01 Armoured Flight Suit
WEAPONRY: Kusak Heavy Blaster Pistol, Terminus Shiv
VESSELS: REC-SS02 X-wing Space Superiority Starfighter
OTHER: G5-Series Astromech "Echo"



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Fusce non justo nulla. Mauris id pretium enim. Fusce quis felis eget sapien accumsan pretium. Integer fringilla dapibus odio, sed imperdiet neque mattis at. Proin vel pretium sapien. Nam eget orci massa. Nullam sollicitudin, lorem vel scelerisque ultrices, mi quam dictum justo, et consequat erat sem in nulla. Pellentesque aliquet arcu id dignissim facilisis. Quisque lobortis elit vel eros sollicitudin, a consectetur ante egestas. Integer rhoncus ipsum eget urna rhoncus suscipit. Curabitur id tellus at mauris eleifend pulvinar vulputate interdum sem. In non leo vitae elit interdum viverra et quis urna. Praesent nisl dui, iaculis at bibendum non, congue sit amet mauris. Nulla facilisi. Proin ultricies porttitor quam.

Proin porta nisl quis nulla gravida, nec consectetur sem congue. Mauris elementum pellentesque porta. Proin ac nibh rutrum augue placerat venenatis. Proin vulputate magna metus, vitae laoreet lacus aliquet et. Aliquam in tempus turpis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Duis ac auctor lorem, ac placerat ipsum.

Ut vitae semper nunc. Donec at purus sit amet urna dictum fringilla eu a arcu. Ut pulvinar urna vel enim imperdiet varius. Sed ac ultrices purus. Sed porta laoreet nisl vitae blandit. Phasellus viverra tellus sit amet ornare imperdiet. Nam ultrices non mauris vitae hendrerit. In placerat est id quam vulputate vestibulum. Aenean id magna vel sem ullamcorper pharetra. Vestibulum tincidunt molestie pretium. Nam a mauris ullamcorper, lacinia mauris et, fermentum lectus. Vestibulum velit ligula, iaculis eu pharetra non, vulputate in justo. Cras tincidunt, augue eget imperdiet dignissim, mi lacus aliquam enim, eu congue tellus ipsum vel felis. Donec pulvinar lacus dui, ut tempus elit rhoncus eu.

Quisque nec vulputate urna. Mauris in lacus vel justo tincidunt dapibus ac id felis. Vestibulum vehicula auctor ante et feugiat. Nulla molestie venenatis fermentum. Nullam placerat enim augue, non ultrices libero cursus nec. Nulla at bibendum orci, vel egestas diam. Aenean auctor ex et massa pretium, in ultrices massa luctus. Maecenas tristique blandit ex, tempor pretium eros aliquet vitae. Pellentesque accumsan tortor vel facilisis ultricies. Mauris lacinia turpis nisl, vitae tincidunt enim commodo quis.

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