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Approved Starship Project Omnicron | Diamond-class Cruiser

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Diamond-class Cruiser
An updated variant of the older Diamond-class Cruiser for use by the Confederacy of Independent Systems
Image Source:[HERE] - Theunis Dijkman
Original DeviantArt Account Deleted
Canon Link:Diamond-class Cruiser
Permissions:Not Applicable
Primary Link:Not Applicable

Astraeus Naval OrdnancePrimary Manufacturer
Galactic Solutions IndustriesAdditional Systems
BvK Fleet SystemsShield Systems
Galactic Alliance MilitaryMissile Deactivation Transmitter
Commerce GuildOriginal Design
Affiliation:Von Sorenn Industries
Confederacy of Independent Systems
Hull PlatingInternal StructureAdditional Materials / Components
Carbon-Durasteel ArmorAluminiumAgrocite
Quadanium SteelTitaniumTransparisteel
AlusteelDuraplastCapital Ship Components

Classification:Military Transport
Light Cruiser
Length:200 meters
Width:89 meters
Height:39 meters
Additional Specifications
Armaments:Very Low
Hangar Capacity:High - (2) Squadrons
Hyperdrive:Equipped - Class 2
Backup Drive - Class 16
Single Craft Hangar:No
Starfighter SquadronsSupport Craft Squadrons
(0) Squadrons(2) Squadrons
Armaments and Defenses
Additional Information and Logistics
Crew Complement:12 Officers
26 Gunners
75 Enlisted Crew
25 Security Personnel
Passenger Capacity:3,000 Deactivated Battle Droids
100 Organic Lifeforms
Cargo Capacity:1400 Tons
Consumables:4 Galactic Standard Months

General Systems
Internal Security
Sensors and Communication Systems
Life Support Systems
Shielding and Hull Plating Systems
Engineering and Hyperdrive Systems


  • AR-0B Damage Reduction Armor Component - Maintaining an ablative current coursing through the hull plating of the vessel; this specialized component provides the means to increase the longevity of the hull plating through the removal harmful particles that have built-up on the hull during fleet engagements. This serves to increase durations between required visits to repair facilities or dedicated shipyards.
  • GalaxyGuard Mk VII - Providing an increase in both the endurance and operational range of a Deflector Shield; this specialized component increases the defensive and protective capabilities of the vessel during fleet engagements.
  • Heavily Defended - Serving more in line as a Military Transport, the vessel itself is heavily protected to ensure the safety of any onboard forces during their transit to their area or planet of deployment. With many of these defenses focused on protecting the vessel from missiles, torpedoes, and Starfighters.
  • Internal Gyro-Stationary Structure - The bulk of the interior of the vessel is designed in a similar manner to that of the famous Firespray-class of patrol craft. This feature ensures that all times, the crew operating the vessel is always oriented in an upright position even if the exterior of the vessel is a separate orientation - such as when the vessel is landed.
  • Atmospheric Operations and Landing - Its smaller size and unique interior Gyro-Stationary Structure, as well as its designed based off of the older Diamond-class Cruiser has lead to this iteration also being capable of landing in atmosphere for the primary purpose of unloading its complement of battle droids and passengers.
  • Military Transport - Much of the interior of the vessel that is not dedicated to the workings of its Gyro-Stationary Structure, weapon systems, or defensive capabilities, are utilized for the storage of battle droids and a small complement of organic lifeforms. With the primary role of the Diamond-class being that, first and foremost, of a Military Transport.

  • Limited Armaments - To ensure ample room for its complement of support craft and its service in the role of a military transport, the Diamond-class maintains only a small array of armaments for both offensive and defensive purposes. While capable of potentially dealing with Starfighter and Bomber assaults or small Corvettes; it is otherwise incapable of serving in the role of a main-line warship.
  • Internal Gyro-Stationary Structure - The entire internal system that controls and operates the Gyro-Stationary Structure is fragile, and requires constant care and maintenance. Damage to this system would cause it to become locked in its current orientation; or potentially become locked in an orientation that would make entering or exiting the craft difficult without the potential of bodily harm or serious injury.
  • Stationary Vulnerability - Capable of landing on a planet - and needing to do so in order to unload its passengers and complement of battle droids, the Diamond-class is highly vulnerable when parked on a planet. Even with its shields, the vessel can easily become overwhelmed if not protected or provided with ample support during the time required to unload its cargo and complement.
  • Additional Support Vessels - Its lack of offensive weaponry and its inability to carry anything beyond support craft squadrons makes the vessel highly susceptible and a likely target for those interested in whatever cargo it may be carrying. Likewise, the vessel itself - if part of a larger fleet engagement - is not capable of serving in the role as a warship and often requires the support of additional craft or starfighters to ensure survivability.
  • Light Cruiser in Name - Carrying its naming convention over from its predecessor, the Diamond-class Cruiser is a cruiser in name only, as it lacks the heavier armament, size, capabilities, and defenses that would mark it as such.
  • Automation - A number of minor, non-critical systems are fully automated as a means to free up additional room for passengers and cargo at the cost of additional crew members. For this reason, if any of these automated systems were to be disabled or destroyed - such as being targeted by Ion-based weaponry - the crew would find themselves facing additional burdens in regulating and controlling these additional systems.

As the years continue to push onwards, and the Galaxy changes from year to year - so to do the designs of older craft become obsolete or need a minor lift. In that sense, it was only natural that an older vessel such as the Diamond-class Cruiser would see itself with a new appearance though retaining many of its previous utilizations. The first Diamond-class was produced by the Commerce Guild prior to and during the Clone Wars, often utilized as a transport to ferry Commerce Guild enforcers to planets in debt to the Guild. In a similar capacity, this iteration of the Diamond-class Cruiser is utilized in a similar means, as a Military Transport that is capable of landing on a planet to unload its cargo of battle droids and small contingent of organic forces. The vessel itself lacks the heavier armament of similarly sized vessels, instead, it replaces those spaces with its increased cargo capacity, and its capability to carry Support Craft squadrons which can be utilized to deploy its stored battle droids and passengers.

This lack of armaments, however, also means that it is otherwise incapable of withstanding heavier or prolonged fleet engagements; often relying on additional support craft - such as the Gozanti-class - to provide additional defensive and offensive capabilities. It is this lack of firepower, and its heavier defenses, that often make it a tantalizing target for those interested in its cargo. Likewise, while it is designated as a Light Cruiser, it is only such in name - and not in capability - as it lacks many of the hallmarks of a proper Cruiser. And often relies more on its heavier defenses than on its speed or maneuverability to outlast an enemy - hoping to buy itself time to enter friendly space or hold out until reinforcements arrive.

A unique feature of this iteration of the Diamond-class is the inclusion of a similar Gyro-Stabilization System as that seen on the well known Firespray-class Patrol Craft. The system itself works in a similar manner, ensuring that the crew are oriented in an upright position no matter the orientation of the exterior of the vessel. However, this can also become a problematic situation in the event that the system itself is damaged or disabled, in which case, entering, exiting, or even operating the vessel could prove problematic. It should also be noted, that while the vessel is heavily defended, those defense are often compromised when the vessel is landed on a planet - leaving it vulnerable to enemy fire; and forced to rely on any ground elements for added protection during the duration it takes to unload its cargo and complement of ground forces.

Even with its mixture of draw backs, and its semi-unique internal structural system, the Diamond-class is more than a suitable successor to its previous iterations. And even in those instances where this vessel finds itself operating alongside older Diamond-class Cruisers; it is more than capable of complementing the strengths and weaknesses of those older variants with its own to provide greater fleet cohesion and operational capabilities.

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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Amelia von Sorenn Amelia von Sorenn

Very nicely made submission again! However I found two problems:
  • The Duraplast's link is broken, please fix it.
  • You can't delete any field from the template, so please put this back:
    Single Craft Hangar: (Does this ship have a hanger for a single fighter craft to be docked? Please choose either Yes or No. This field does not need to be taken into account when balancing but should be included in the strengths and weaknesses.)
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