Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Auction Priceless Gems, Rare Material, and Other Stuff Auction [Small, Two Week Time Limit]

[member="Draco Vereen"] | [member="Triam Akovin"]

Arakyd Industries would like to back the bid of its compatriot for Lot C. In addition to the previous bid made by our esteemed Draco, we would like to add:

One Squadron of Aquila Starfighters.
One Alchemy-related Commission from yours truly.
One Project Exo-vis Exosuit
Adding onto Draco's ship commission offer: a coating of Nightshadow, Tibanna X, and an S-6 Hyperdrive Unit.

And hell, have a million credits too.
[member="Orick T'ane"] I would hope so. I am currently in the development of some pretty neat tech.

For instance, I have a self-repairing Laminanium prosthetic that can parry melee weapons (including lightsabers) and prevent you from making serious falls, in addition to having an open Aurek Socket for any iBorg Aurek Nodes, about to be approved probably.

Or perhaps, you'd be more interested in a "lightfoil" that uses an ion stream to ignore shields, armor, and lightsabers when set to the ion setting, in order to paralyze the affected area at the expense of being unable to block any incoming attacks, but may also double as a magnetic beam that will stop lightsabers like a lightsaber, but without any sort of plasma. That is still pending development, but could prove to be a very interesting weapon should it be approved.

I also have an exo-suit that allows you to carry a repulsor device that allows you to carrying things remotely via levitation, and/or another device that allows you to smash up large areas of material with repulsion technology. Its designed solely for mining purposes.
Micah was watching the auction through the holonet down by the food court. He was currently sitting at a McYoda's with his double double and a large cocoa shake. And fries. Can't forget the fries!

As he nommed down on sweet, sweet greasy nerf burger love, he watched in amusement the ongoing auction. He could only shake his head. Exogorths. Armor. Shipyards and millions of credits. For Phrik?

He chomped down another bite, chewing enthusiastically.

This gonna be good.
Shut up [member="Popo"], you'll get your share!

... even though I'm selling it to other people right now...

But never mind that! All of this is leading to bigger stuff for you! I swear!

[member="Dagora-Kel"], sweeeet. I'll tag you all when I have Lot D (And up to Lot F possibly).

OOC: Are these typically done in the IC? I've been talking purely in the OOC the entire time xD
Things were only getting more interesting by the second. Who would win? Was Phrik really worth that much? The teenager pondered if getting and mining the ore himself would raise him some cashflow by selling it at auction after? It was certainly worth considering. Maybe he could trade or barter for other items.

He took his cocoa shake and greedily dipped through the straw. Credits were credits and if he remembered correctly, his family had some past ties with Demonsgate...


It was defiantly worth looking into.
All bids updated accordingly, PM forthcoming to [member="Draco Vereen"], and [member="Dagora-Kel"], I forgot to tag you when lot D opened up. It's the Relentless Blade, which is pending the completion of a dev thread before being approved.

Love auctions. :p

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