Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Precious Metals


I'm Sexy and I Know It
@[member="Triam Akovin"] @[member="Jaddoe the Hutt"]
I can free up equipment and ships to aid you in the endeavor and send Jaddoe and his men to aid you. Jaddoe, you and your men would be paid quite well at a competitive rate compared to the average going wages of mining firms. Should you wish for the aid of my (generic) ships and such, as well as the (Considerable) help of Jaddoe and his people, I would ask that you lower the price to 90 million credits. You would still make a large profit, minimize how many threads you would require, and do so in a fraction of the time. Otherwise, should you refuse, I will pay the 100 million you have asked for.

Also, am I correct that this is the going price for the entire deal? Could you refresh me on what metals this covers precisely? I'm recovering from a long day of work and am trying to catch up across the board.
@[member="Popo"] I can refresh you no problem!

Okay, with the new price at 90 Mill, I will be getting you your four desired Materials (Cortosis, Beskar, Phrik, and Stygium [Songsteel if you want that too, but at the added price of 15 mill]).

In addition to the 90 mill, I want Tydirium Ore, Advertisement of my business, and I would like some of the loot (less than 20 kilos).

To accomplish the job, I'll need muscle, that Jaddoe has offered, and roughly ten threads (lets say that each thread is 50 posts, so in other words 500 posts of RP)

Does that clear things up?
500 posts is a lot, and it makes little sense to get four materials in ten threads. Additionally with the muscle you're offering me, I'm going to do one thread for each material, and each thread should be around 100-150 posts.

So recap:

  • In four threads (400-500 posts), I will get you Phrik, Beskar, Stygium, and Cortosis.
  • I will be using Jaddoe's muscle to gain a literal ton of each item
  • The whole Job will cost 90 Mill, Tydirium, Advertizement of Akovin Stock Co., and a minimal portion of the loot (being less than 20 kilos of each)


I'm Sexy and I Know It
@[member="Triam Akovin"]
Go ahead and toss in a quarter ton of Songsteel for the 15 millon, bringing the total up to 105 million credits

This brings your total payment to:
- 105 million credits
- Akovin Stock Co. will be advertised rather prominently throughout the Wheel and, once Cartel and Tenloss Corporation achieve control of the underworld there, on Nar Shaddaa.
- There's no actual "loot" to be taken here, but I will be more than happy to list your services as pivotal to the project itself
- To help compensate for the lack of "loot", I can offer a permanent presidential suite on the Wheel for your use only within any one casino on board the space station of your choice.
@[member="Captain Larraq"] credits in roleplaying is all immaterial. Also, if Beskar was that expensive, realistically there wouldn't be so many Mandalorians with Beskar.

I don't however, even want to think about how much a ton of Cortosis would cost. It's basically powder anyway, how the hell am I going to transport that?


I'm Sexy and I Know It
@[member="Triam Akovin"]
He's up charging for purchases outside of Mandalorian space. Essentially, reverse tariffs. In Mandalorian space, the cost would be far cheaper per tonne.

Also, to answer your question on transporting Cortosis powder.

*Places big, burlap sacks on table. Sets "2 for a dollar" sign in front*
This is also why I'm the bargain here, because I won't be doing any buying. I'll do some stealing make a profit because I didn't buy anything to begin with, and you make a profit because you pay less to get an item.

So just to be clear, you know that I'm going to be raiding mines and stealin' junk from people, right? @[member="Popo"]


I'm Sexy and I Know It
@[member="Triam Akovin"]
Methodology isn't my problem. All I care about is getting the materials I require. Your methods are your own, not mine.

Hmmm... that said, I'd rather not have anything traced back to the Cartel IC'ly. Mainly to me, but it would hurt the Cartel, too.

I'll round it up to 110 million if you can keep the Cartel's involvement and, primarily, my own from your work. Failure to do so will return the payment to 105 million. Acceptable?
I'm chocked full of threads at the moment, but I'll see what I can do. PM me what you're thinking. Also keep in mind I got my hand chopped off by a Jedi.

I've got four to start for Popo, and I have three other threads for myself, guess I'll add you to the Master list soon :p

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