Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Please refrain from touching me.....

Morgaine Kimene

.....Lest you seek to poison any relationship you might've forged with me (though doubtful) beforehand.
Sarge Potteiger said:
Also, as something of a side note, the New Members forum is for New Members, not New Characters. It's easier to help out the actual new members and prevent them from being passed over if we don't have to sort through a host of long-time members posting with their new characters.

Please refer to the staff announcement @[member="Lexa Kimene"] Here

Morgaine Kimene

Yes, let's all keep touching Morgaine. And when she gets the chance, she'll kill you all. Nice and slow... :devil:


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
*Does not let go, clamping to her cheeks even as the boulder hits him, either sending her flying away with him, death grip on her now rose-red cheeks, or the collision would cause her pinched cheeks to be ripped off, which would be rather gore and painful* :3

Morgaine Kimene

*Uses Sith Magic to unclamp HK's mechanical fingers as they fly through the air. Uses foot to push off of HK, flipping backwards and away as the droid slams to the ground*

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