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Pay the Iron Price


"...then, in 849 ABY, the Iron Empire..."

Did normal kids have to sit through lectures like this?

The boy was seated beside a large glasteel viewport, peering down over the world of Selvaris below. It seemed far more interesting to him than what was taking place in the make-shift classroom aboard the Loronar scout. Selvaris was a blue-green mystery against the black backdrop of space, surrounded by a certain romantacism that came with its much-storied history. A daring raid by the Galactic Alliance of old. The rescue of prisoners of war and clashes with the Yuuzhan Vong...

A folded fan slapped against the desk.

The boy gave an involuntary yelp as he was drawn from his reverie. Staring up, the young Atrisian found himself staring up into the familiar scowl of his seneschal, Fong. "Lord Shoma, this is important," the courtier declared, using the ruler-like folded fan to tap the boy on the shoulders and chin to correct his slouching posture as he continued to lecture, "Opening trade with the Iron Empire will improve Atrisia's standing within the Alliance."

As soon as Fong had turned his back again, the boy was free to let out the breath that he'd been holding. He was only too familiar with what came next, mouthing along with the words as Fond raised his fan aloft and declared, "As the Lord Xiaolang, it is your responsibility to represent our planet with dignity and grace, as your father and brother did. And your ancestors before them!"

Rolling his eyes, the child plopped his chin back down into his hand. Elbow propped up against the desktop as he turned his eyes down on the planet below. Dignity and grace seemed odd words to describe a family that had long served the Atrisian Empire and the Galactic Empire before it. But Fong went on as though they'd served the Galactic Alliance for years...

Historical revisionism was something of an artform.

"It's not going to matter if we can't find their planets," the boy offered wryly, turning back from the window out into space.

Indeed, they had come to Selvaris as a neutral location between the two respective governments. The small, Loronar scout in which the young prince traveled still bore the markings of the Atrisian Empire. The E-9 drifted in the shadow of a Nebulon-L frigate adorned in the livery of the Galactic Alliance Defense Force, it's sole escort outside the security of Alliance space.

Not that Alliance space was free of its own security challenges by any stretch of the imagination.

But, Selvaris was also a charted world. Making getting here far easier than trying to navigate to the worlds of the Iron Empire for the meeting, which could be delayed by months or years if they tried. Like the Chiss Ascendency that it had absorbed into itself, routes to the worlds of the Iron Empire were often contradictory, frequently circuitous, and half-rumor. The one hyperlane that was known to exist traveled toward the Tingel Arm, in the opposite direction on the galactic map from the Alliance.

"Correct," Fong replied, brightening up as though attributing the sarcastic comment to some astute observation made possible through his excellent teaching. "Negotiating an exchange of cartographic information to allow for the establishment of documented routes between the Alliance and the Empire should be your first priority."

The boy just put his head down.

Hopefully the Iron Empire delegation would arrive shortly and save him from any further history lessons by Fong.

[member="Makai Dashiell"] | [member="Zeradias Mant"] | [member="Atheus Voidwalker"]​
[member="Shoma Ike"] | [member="Zeradias Mant"] | [member="Atheus Voidwalker"] | Location : Above Selvaris

Foot tapped impatiently inside the Iron Wrath Bomber, watching as his screen crackled ever so slightly. Thanks to capabilities via the bomber, a live feed of his surroundings in near 360 degree view. Information streamed in about their surroundings, filling his viewport with information. Nothing he could consider overly exciting beyond the positions of various Interceptors and Bombers in formation. His squadron flew alongside the various Star Destroyers out for display.

Being a rich kid from Dac, Makai knew it was all show. Much like Galas thrown by Governors or business summits hosted by various governments. It was all to prove a point. The Atrisian Empire's vessel was coming into view, clearly moving in a holding pattern, awaiting escort.

"Prepare to break off on my mark."

Voice of the squadron leader crackled in his helmet. Hands tightened on the controls. The bomber had horrible maneuverability. It was like being in a slow, hard to handle tank at times. Annoying but it was why they were always escorted by Interceptors.


The Squadron moved as one seamless unit - no small feat as he had found out in training. They were to escort the Atrisian Empire's diplomatic vessel through the black. Considering the Iron Empire wasn't keen to give out maps and routes privy only to the Empire itself, an escort in was the only option left.
"...and then, in 841..."

The young Atrisian boy was contemplating whether history lessons might not be the reason his people devised hari kari as a form of ritual suicide. Thankfully, the arrival of GG-series hospitality droid heralded news that an escape was likely upon him.

"My lord, the Iron Empire escort has arrived."

Bless you, GeeGee, the boy wanted to say. Rising from out of his desk, the little Lord Xiaolang said, "Tell them to dock immediately."

He was halfway across the makeshift classroom when Fong's folded fan caught up with him. "But, my lord, we are not done..."

Bringing his hand across, the young Atrisian used two fingers to casually move the fan from out of his way. As he did, the boy looked up at his seneschal and opined, "Fong, you always say that a lord must represent his people at all times." Youngling guerrilla tactics. It was always best to use adults words against them in these situations. "It wouldn't do to let our pilot escort feel neglected or ignored."

"Yes, but..."

"Excellent, I'm counting on everyone representing Atrisia well," the boy uttered, as though that were that.

Then, making his way around to the docking hatch, waited on the other side of the airlock to welcome this pilot aboard.

[member="Makai Dashiell"] | [member="Aster Rose Baelor"] | [member="Zeradias Mant"] | [member="Atheus Voidwalker"]​
[member="Shoma Ike"] | [member="Aster Rose Baelor"] | [member="Zeradias Mant"] | [member="Atheus Voidwalker"]

"They want someone to dock and personally escort the freighter in. Got a volunteer?"

Silence went through the small escort squadron. One could imagine there was some uncomfortable shifting in various seats across the squadron. There was no hesitation from one member of the group. It wasn't as if this was something he hadn't done in the past. To Makai the diplomat or Royal on board was merely another person, if you knew how to talk to them.

"I'll do it."

Getting the flying rock of a bomber to dock properly had been nothing short of a miracle. Tractor beam had helped after a moment, one would have thought getting a starfighter to dock would be easier than a larger vessel. Didn't appear to be the case. Normally if he crashed something of his own it wouldn't be a big deal. Bit different when the government was footing a tab.

Shiny helmet rested under his arm as he hit the button for the door on the airlock. He waited patiently for it to cycle through, the system double checking to make sure there was enough oxygen on his side. Smart. Didn't need to kill any diplomats inside.

On the other side as a younger boy and an older man. Unfortunately for Makai, he wasn't sure which was the Royal member. Both? It was rare for diplomats to greet their guests so quickly. Even his father had a personal assistant greet guests most days before receiving them in his office.

Better to look an idiot than to create an intergalatic faux pas.

Helmet still under one arm, he offered a bow to both men, one typical Royal houses would accept in most regions of the galaxy. It could still be wrong but the others would be cultured enough to see the respect and meaning behind it even if it wasn't necessarily their custom.
It was a real life pilot!

Totally astral.

The youngling was the first to bow, with the older man clearly following the child's lead. The boy held the bow a moment longer than the pilot had, straightening up only after the pilot had stood upright again. Likewise, the older man did not straighten back up until the boy was standing tall again.

"Thank you for escorting us," the boy offered, remembering his manners.

He should, they were drilled into every minute of every day when Fong had anything to say about it...

"My name is Shoma," the youngling chirped brightly, before asking, "Can I show you to the cockpit?"

Usually, the cockpit was a boring place. Pilot droids with absolutely no personality. Which is what Fong liked, because he always insisted that people didn't need to know how to fly. They had droids for such mundane tasks.

Pft. Pilot droid, schmilot droid. People who could fly were the coolest people that Shoma could imagine!

[member="Makai Dashiell"] | [member="Aster Rose Baelor"] | [member="Zeradias Mant"] | [member="Atheus Voidwalker"]
[member="Shoma Ike"]

"Its my pleasure."

Iced azure gaze looked around the diplomatic shuttle for a moment, as if trying to get a read on the pair. So far everything looked fairly standard to him. Sometimes one could spot subtle signs of what a government or Royal House was like by the interior of their vessel. Nothing stood out spectacularly odd. If something was suspicious they were smart enough to keep it behind closed doors.

"I would appreciate it Shoma."

Makai fell into place a half-pace behind the pair, sure to keep him self back. Silence fell between the trio. He wasn't sure what an escort pilot would or should say in the situation. Best to fall back on everything he had learned from his father and Mr.Zej.

"I trust your travel into this sector has been well so far?"
"It's been exciting," the young Atrisian answered.

As he led the teenage pilot through the interior of the ship, the boy explained, "This is the further away from Alliance space that I've ever been." He traveled from Atrisia to Sullust and back quite frequently, which was a good distance. But that was all within Alliance hyperlanes and mapped corridors of commonly used transit routes.

This? This would be an adventure!

As they arrived at the cockpit at the forward-most section, the young Atrisian indicated for Makai to take the controls if he liked. "Please, make yourself at home," the boy remarked in a warm, friendly manner. He added, "We have a guest room for you as well, if you would like to rest during hyperspace travel."

[member="Makai Dashiell"]

Zeradias Mant

Democracy Dies in Darkness
It wasn't often the head of the Iron Imperial Navy traveled without an array of starships at his beck and call, and today was no exception. A small handful of Hammerfist-class star destroyers floated idly in high orbit of the Selvaris system. Despite their meeting in an arrange neutral territory, it was protocol that unless security could be guaranteed by an allied party, the Iron Empire would supply it's own. Behind the large vessels emerged a pair of Carnage-class assault frigates, each escorted by a variety of Iron Wrath small fighting craft. One of the frigates slowed it's course as it approached the Nebulon-L frigate with the GADF decals adorned on it's hull. As the frigates aligned, a metallic tube extended from the Iron Empire's craft and attached itself to the airlock of the Nebulon-L. After a couple minutes of hissing and mechanics working themselves out, the interior doors whirred open. Standing on the other side was Grand Admiral Zeradias Mant, flanked by a small detail of security personnel.

He was greeted by a small group of older personnel, one of which who introduced himself as the vice-captain of the ship. An offer to escort him and his people to more suitable quarters was extended, and it was an offer that Zeradias was happy to accept. Of all the places on a ship, he hated the airlock the most. There always seemed to be a colder draft. He was told he'd be meeting with a prince from the Galactic Alliance to discuss the prospects of diplomatic relations with each other. Fortunately, for Mant, he had experience in dealing with royalty.

[member="Shoma Ike"] | [member="Makai Dashiell"] | [member="Aster Rose Baelor"]
Determined to embark on the path of ambassador for the Iron Empire, Aster had volunteered to join [member="Zeradias Mant"] in diplomatic talks with the Galactic Alliance and immediately departed Ilum in a Mark VI Nebulon B Frigate and escorted by a small fleet to ensure her safe arrival on Artrisia. Not particularly fond of hyperspace travel as it had a tendency to make her feel a little ill at times, she endured it for the trip so that she would not be tardy to the meeting.

Hours passed as Aster rested in her room, reading books and refreshing her makeup when the ship neared its destination. She was the Crown Princess of the Iron Empire so it was her duty to not only play the part of one but look the part as well. Time passed by so much quicker when sat in front of a mirror with an array of cosmetics laid before her.

Not long after she had set her makeup with a few spritz of a fixing spray, someone - presumably one of the Wolfsglaive - knocked on her room door, indicating it was time to disembark the ship. With one last look in the mirror, admiring her own handiwork, Aster exited the room and was escorted to the bridge where she thanked the captain and disembarked the ship.

Greeted by a group of who she assumed were Artrisian diplomats, she exchanged greetings with the group and was informed that she would be meeting with the prince of the planet and followed them to where the meeting was to take place.

[member="Shoma Ike"] | [member="Makai Dashiell"]​
It seemed all the players were gathered together.

The boy continued the conversation with the young Iron Empire pilot as the pair transferred from the E-9 Explorer over to the Nebulon frigate for the start of the formal negotiations. At that point, Shoma left Makai to enjoy what the Nebulon had to offer while we went to change into something more formal for the meeting.

As his attendant droid helped him to change, Fong and the protocol droid caught him up on who he was meeting. The lady was Princess Aster Rose Baelor. The man was Admiral Zeradias Mant. Minor details were supplied about the particulars that the Galactic Alliance hoped that these talks might achieve, but at a certain point Shoma ceased listening only because it became information overload.

The boy arrived at the meeting place wearing traditional formal attire. It was very blue. To be quite honest, he'd have preferred more pinks and reds, but apparently pink had very different gender associations outside of Atrisian culture. Though, Shoma would very much like to see someone tell a Yovshin swordsman that pink was for girls...

The table in the room was round. A conscious decision on Shoma's part when presented with options regarding the configuration. A rectangular or traditional table had all sorts of protocol that went with it. Who sat where. Who sat to who's right or left.

Those kind of quibbles seemed like they distracted from the goal of simply starting or having a conversation.

[member="Aster Rose Baelor"] | [member="Makai Dashiell"] | [member="Zeradias Mant"]
[member="Shoma Ike"] | [member="Aster Rose Baelor"] | [member="Zeradias Mant"]

The kid had stuck to him like glue, asking questions about the operation of the E-9 Explorer and the TIE bomber.

Not that he minded. For some reason the government saw it best to have droid pilots manning the vessels. Cost effective but what if the consular vessel had come under attack? In his humble opinion the droids were at a large disadvantage, although he kept his personal opinions to himself about the whole thing.

Makai had Shoma help him with the landing, slightly unsure what the protocol was. Judging by his time in the cockpit, Shoma was actually the Royal sent to this negotiation. It was a tough spot, filling in for a parent or family member. He could sympathize, how many times had he been sent with Mr.Zej to negotiate a Salacia deal?

Once they were safely inside the Frigate, Makai found himself with nothing but time on his hands, unable to drift too far away. Assuming he was escorting the Royals back to the original point of course.

Zeradias Mant

Democracy Dies in Darkness
It was a more awkward assembly that Zeradias was used to, but he made do with what was provided. The young prince at least seemed genuine in his desire to participate, and his elder tutors and advisors even moreso. He could see the exhaustion that the young prince was causing. Nonetheless, Zeradias took a seat at the table, as one of the advisors notioned for them to be seated.

Before approaching, and eventually sitting, Zeradias approached the young prince and offered a slight bow.

"Prince Shoma."

He didn't say much else. Though experience with royalty, he wasn't prepared to lay all the Iron Empire's cards down for all to see. No, he kept those close. Though the discussion they'd have would likely yield positive results, at present, he wanted to see what the Iron Empire stood to gain rather than what it was poised to offer.

[member="Shoma Ike"] | [member="Aster Rose Baelor"] | [member="Makai Dashiell"]
Pleasantly surprised at the Galactic Alliance representatives, Aster smiled and directed a polite nod at [member="Shoma Ike"]. "Hello Prince Shoma," she greeted the boy, faking confidence she did not yet have and took a seat next to [member="Zeradias Mant"]. Even if she was unable to offer much valuable input during the meeting, she hoped to at least learn something about the art of diplomacy from observing the Grand Admiral.

Unsure of whether to say anything more, she remained silent and waited for either Zera or the young Atrisian prince to speak and begin the discussions between the two neighboring factions. For now, she would tread carefully and play the role of a silent observer. She did not want to unwittingly sabotage Zera with her inexperience.

[member="Makai Dashiell"]​
As the Iron Empire delegation arrived, the man spoke first and the lady seemed to follow behind. The boy responded in reverse order, bowing first toward the young noble, "Princess Aster," and then straightening back up only to bow toward the man. "Admiral Mant." As he straightened back up, he gestured toward the table he slipped into Atrisian with the customary invitation that that be seated. "Dozo gozaimasu," the youth said, his usual Xiaolang dialect replaced instead with the so-called 'Emperor's Atrisian' -- the dialect of the city of Jar'Kai.

As he took up his own place at the table, the boy was flanked to one side by a GG-series hospitality droid. "Thank you for meeting with me. On behalf of the Alliance, I bring greetings to your Emperor," he began, pausing a moment to again give a slight bow toward Aster as he made mention of her uncle. Looking back over at Zeradias, he offered, "The continued success of your Iron Empire is a testament to his leadership and the will of your people."

Turning back to Aster, the boy said, "My lady," before addressing Zeradias again. "My lord. Space is very large, but our factions are not so far apart that we cannot exist as neighbors. The Alliance would seek to be a good neighbor to the Iron Empire through formalization of trade between our respective worlds."

With that, the boy folded his hands down on the table and glanced between the two delegates as he waited to hear their response.

[member="Zeradias Mant"] | [member="Aster Rose Baelor"] | [member="Makai Dashiell"]

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