Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Paradise Lost (Republic Dominion of Mimban & Gyndine Hex)

Location: Typhoon-class Starfighter Angel Two, near Mimban
Objective: Do your own thing
Allies: Republic
Enemies: "Defenders"


Gir toggled his holographic HUD to pick up on Angel One and the pair of Rendili starfighters that had engaged her. Stadler's craft went into an abrupt Immelmann turn just above Mimban One. He winced as the two defender fighters didn't to hesitate to pursue her craft through the station's defensive fire. He quickly togged his HUD once more to view their craft, noting with a mixture of surprise and admiration that the Rendili craft hadn't been significantly damaged by Stadler's audacious maneuver. But is that a result of pilot skill in evading fire? Or the gunnery crews of Mimban One being more selective with their fire? That's something that we should probably put to the test...His comlink made a brief sound, announcing a message coming across the aggressor's command channel.

"Assault group is reverting from hyperspace now. All formations move to rally point Alpha-3 to protect the transports."

Gir quickly glanced at his screen before pushing down the left food pedal and tilting his yoke to the left. Angel Two abruptly fell into a spiral loop that took his craft jetting towards the rally point. The blonde man could see pairs of aggressor R46s abruptly peel off from their dogfights. It was risky choice, and at first Gir wondered about the tactical sensibility of the maneuver. He then saw a quartet of aggressor Cyclones spraying out advanced concussion missiles at their opponents. Covering fire...that works...Gir picked out a defending R46 of Wavecrest squadron staying glued to a R46 of Warhawk squadron. He bracketed the craft in blue livery and tapped his trigger, sending out a trio of 3t3 missiles at the R46. Wavecrest Four abruptly broke hard left, spitting out bundles of chaff in the process. His com crackled with the soprano voice with a hard worn outer rim accent.

"Thanks for the assist, Angel Two."

"My pleasure. One team, one fight."

Gir briefly conceded to himself that saying such military catchphrases did seem really awkward after leaving formal military service. But she probably doesn't know that...
Objective: Help out the towns people
Location: Mining Town
Allies: Towns people
Post: 1 / 20

Mimban was having troubles. There was lots of stuff going on that all were not so great. The issue was bad enough that the Galactic Republic had to step in to try and deal with the issues for the locals. But how did Gray know all of this? He was right in the middle of it right now. He was on the planet of Mimban because the force had called him here, like it had been doing to several other places around the galaxy lately. It had told him to come all the way to this planet, but he had no real idea what it was he was suppose to be doing here. Oh well, he was never told what it was he was suppose to be doing by the force. He was just going to have to figure it out like always.

Gray waited for his ship to land in the dock of the mining town he had found himself on. He wasn't entirely sure how he slipped past the Republic ships, but it was likely due to the fact they were completely focused on their ground operations and not worrying about blockading the planet. They probably thought he was a merchant or something of the likes. He didn't know but it didn't matter now. He was on the planet and that was all that was important. As the Wolf Fang landed in its spot and lowered the ramp, Gray made sure that his Reclaimer armor was sitting right. His bryar pistol was strapped to his left leg and his Good Samaritan was strapped to his right. Whisper his light saber's hilt was hanging next to his revolver and his blade Calm was sheathed across his lower back so the hilt stuck out on the right side. He looked ready for a fight even though he didn't expect one.

As the ramp of the ship dropped to the ground, Gray heard yelling erupt. People were all rushing to a makeshift wall with hunting rifles and blaster pistols. He heard one man yell, " To the wall! They are back! Everyone who can hold a gun and pull a trigger do so!" The man then rushed to the wall and immediately began to take shots. Gray had no idea what was going on, but it didn't look good. These people seemed to be under attack by someone unknown enemy. Gray drew both of his guns and rushed to the wall. As he did, he saw the man who had been yelling before get impaled through the head by a spear. The man's body fell backwards and the morale of the other towns people visibly dropped with it. That was not a good sign, not a good sign at all. Gray came up to the top of the wall with both guns at the ready. Now he just needed to see what he was dealing with......
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Location: Gyndine
Objective; Diplomatic Relations
Allies: [member="Satyana Rameshai"] [member="Arisa Yune"] [member="Sorel Crieff"]

There was a lot of things happening as the jedi master clasped her hands behind her back. All of the work that was going into the rebuilding and restructuring of the Republic gave her hope for some of the things she could do with them.... That also included bringing what resources her company could bring to them in the long run as she brought diplomatic aid to help the padawans like Arisa who had been a very interesting girl offering some ideas for ways to use their resources and equipment. The jedi master also well had Sorel and Satyana who were here helping out and spreading goodness to improve the lives was a way to go about it. "THank you for having us."
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Location: Gyndine
Objective; Diplomatic Relations
Allies: [member="Satyana Rameshai"] [member="Arisa Yune"] [member="Sorel Crieff"]

The ones she was meeting with stood there giving some of the information about the world. All of the hard work that Sasori was doing could be brought here and unlike Denon where they were reconstructing here they could help in some places build from the ground up using the modules for self sustaining work. The industrial areas they could rebuild and make more efficient to use instead of polluting the world. THey could also work to preserve the forests before working to work up and reinforce the shipyards on the planet. Getting the work for places like Sakura on board for some of the things with the Phenex stations jumping into the system so it can provide resources to the planet and yards.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Location: Gyndine
Objective; Diplomatic Relations
Allies: [member="Satyana Rameshai"] [member="Arisa Yune"] [member="Sorel Crieff"]

As she continued to go over the data and information from some of the other things with them the shipyards here were playing host to designs. Getting an idea of what to make with the information from the tests of the new interceptor with the force enhanced synthweave they had created. it gave all of the things here when she spoke. "Yes we will work with you on some of these and provide a number of the materials for all of the things. We'll also be able to send resources from our bioworks to construct and manage ay Vong biotech left on the planet for some of the creatures." She was banking on that being a nice thing for the people before matsu stood up.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Location: Gyndine
Objective; Diplomatic Relations
Allies: [member="Satyana Rameshai"] [member="Arisa Yune"] [member="Sorel Crieff"]

Her padawans were here doing what they did best, hard work for many of the things until she thought up a few new things to build. They could all work with the people to clean up the world so it would be a far superior level of relations between the Republic and the people of the world. A stepping stone for some along the way going towards One Sith space, it could be used to get the Republic closer towards trying to launch operations or it could be used for intel gathering given the research facilities on the planet. "Thank you for all of this." She said it while shaking the mans hand and roaming around a little to take in the sights all around. let loose as it were after meeting so the others could work on their own things.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Location: Gyndine
Objective; Diplomatic Relations
Allies: [member="Satyana Rameshai"] [member="Arisa Yune"] [member="Sorel Crieff"]

The final stages were there as Matsu returned towards her ship, the Harlequin was all ready for some of the things they had presented. She had some researchers looking over everything they brought around to display to the people. including the darkside recoiling synthweave. It gave the jedi master some work she could do clasping her hands behind her back. "I want some of the crates unloaded to give and show them what we can offer. The heaters, coolers and lights with the new power cells will function far better for the industrial zones, whiel the agricultural equipment should be taken to some of the conservation facilities.
Location: Mountain Hive

Sai felt the ship almost become lighter in flight as the shadow bomb was released, a look on her face while she felt the force energies gather with the droid. Gravity would now do the real hard work on the creatures while they were flying up at breakneck speeds few others could match with a look. "Punch it." She said as the other pilots were going at it and ready for anything with a face when the booster activated pushing past the inertial dampeners even when they shot out of the top of the mountain in the sky and tilted to suspend themselves upside down for a moment before Sai spoke. "Do a barrel roll." She rolled and kicked it forward as the bombs went off detonating and coming up with a spire of destruction rising up from the nest of Firebreathers being obliterated.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon
[member="Cath Lorr"]

Ayumi was standing there talking with the people and she had a look on her face as information came across her screen. All of the hard work they were doing here to talk with the locals while making friends were going well. The diplomatic corp of the Republic was a beast itself that could do and handle many of the situations. There was even the reports of the fighters they had developed preforming better then expected as their speed from the ship was a beast compared to some of the really big things. it gave her some hope for all of the work, she saw the data for how fast Sai Fel was going in the ship compared to the others as well as the performance of the force synthweaving into the plating and ship itself.

Ayumi Pallopides

Heir to the Emperor, Former Senator of Denon

"Seems everything is going well." She said it with a smile for the double meaning. Negotiations were going well and with some of the firebreathers being destroyed by the armies of the republic. She hadn't brought her ironmongers here to fight but instead the fighters would be able to serve the purposes needed. "Oh pretty." There was a look at the small thing they brought, nicely arraigned fruits with a few shards for her and Cath Lorr to let them have any of the things. She picked it up holding it while she had a few ideas and if she made a lightsaber for herself she could use it. "Sai Fel, return with your wing to the ship. lets make sure it works going from surface to space."
Objective: Help the townspeople
Location: Mining town on Mimban
Allies: Towns people
Post: 2 / 20

Gray looked out towards the jungle to see who the enemy was. They were red skinned humanoids with large eyes and seemed to be a lack of a nose. They were rather primitive from what he could tell as they used weapons made from stone, but that didn't matter much as even a stone could kill you. In fact these raiders were doing just that to the people trying to defend the wall. These towns people were miners not fights, but the enemy was different. They moved like fighters and aimed their throwing of spears and axes with skilled grace. It was a dire situation indeed for the towns people, and it had not been more than 30 seconds since Gray had arrived and the attack broke out.

The people were lucky Gray was here it seemed. He was trained to fire the guns in his hands, and was a crack shot from plenty of practice. He unloaded shots from each gun into a different target, killing them with each and every shot. They had little in the way of armor to stop him. He was hoping to be doing some damage to the savages, and it seemed they thought he was. They had begun to gather more and more around his section of the wall. Their focus mainly on eliminating him from the fight. Spears and axes flew by him as red skinned warrior after warrior rushed Gray to their deaths. Gray moved as needed to avoid the attacks, relying on his enhanced reflexes via the force to do so. He just kept taking shot after shot until the last warrior rushed forward to die. The rest had figured out the folly of the assault and fled back into the greenery of the jungle.
Objective: Help the towns people
Location: Mining town on Mimban
Allies: Towns people
Posts: 3 / 20

Gray double checked to make sure the fighting was over with before he holstered his guns.This was certainly not what he had expected when he landed to have happen to be doing. He looked around to see how everyone was fairing. There were several people dead including the man who had sent out the rallying call. Most however were alive or lightly injured. There were none it seemed who had been injured badly, giving things an odd polarity. It was terrible, but it could have been far worse. It seemed the towns people were out numbered by their attackers, so getting off this easy was a minor miracle. One thing did catch his eye though as he got down from the wall. A group of what looked like the attacking people but with green skin instead of red was huddled up around the corpse of one of their own. A spear was through the older looking male's gut. He had not died immediately, but at least he hadn't died slowly either.

Gray began to walk over to the group of green skinned people when one of the human towns people stopped him. They mumbled something about Mimbanites and Coway working together. It just sound like they were looking for a scapegoat to Gray. The green ones, or Mimbanites, had as much at stake if their Coway cousins made it past the wall as the humans did. He just went on to the group. As he approached the Mimbanites cowered back a bit at his presence. He pulled his helmet off his head and held it off to his right side. He smiled to the group and said, " Don't worry. I am here to help you out. Need help moving the body?" Looked like he was going to be dealing with more problems than savages at the gates in this town. Why were there always internal strife whenever he got into these kind of situations?


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Location: Commenor
Post: 1/20

One Sith space was expanding, encroaching very close to Commenor. No doubt Sith spies and others were already hanging about. The planet was heavy in trade, one of the top in the region. While Kay was their Senator, the trade contracts boomed, giving the planet a heavy boost to it's economy. But where the amount of credits grew, so did the level with which Crime Lords tried to operate away from the scrutiny of law enforcement and security. Kay had made it a top priority to see to it that everything going in and out of Commenor was legal and legit. She had many different strategies for catching items and people that were meant for the black market. And that had led to some of the Crime Lords using devious methods to try to get her to slacken her security to enable their goods to cross. So far, none had succeeded.

After Kay had lost her seat in the Senate, she had travelled the Galaxy, hopping from one job to the next. But whenever she was needed, she would be there for Commenor. Something that the ruling Elders appreciated and took note of. Today was one of those days...

Thoja Arlos

Grand Marshal Contemplation
((Sorry for the wait, been busy with exams))

Thoja turned to his men, who were watching Thul's men moving in from the walkway. "Fan out, I want every single pirate either dead or captured." The men saluted, before leaving the walkway to search the rest of the facility. "You'll get nothing from any of us." One of the captured pirates said, spitting at Arlos's feet. Arlos drops to one knee, looking the pirate dead in the eyes, "I highly doubt that, plus I have your ship, all of your contraband. That's enough evidence to make sure you and your friends never see the light of day again. You give me what I want, and maybe you won't spend the rest of your pathetic life in a cell." He then stood, turning round to watch the encroaching army.

[member="Elaine Thul"] [member="Cody Bantam"]
Location: Enroute to Mimban, aboard the pocket carrier Chitose
Objective: Humanitarian Mission (Doing my own thing)
Allies: Republic and Friends ([member="Sorel Crieff"], [member="[/COLOR][/SIZE][COLOR=#f0f8ff]Satyana [/COLOR][COLOR=#f0f8ff]Rameshai[/COLOR][SIZE=14px][COLOR=#f0f8ff]"])
Enemies: N/A

As she felt the fellow Padawan approach, Arisa would turn to look over at Remeshai in time to see her nod. She returned the nod, giving her a grin. The Republic Jedi were spread thin these days, so it wasn't the uncommon for her to be alone during her missions and travels. In the old days, she would have accompanied a Jedi Knight or Master as their apprentice, but that was was a luxury at this time. She had been able to get by fine on her own, but she always enjoyed the company other Jedi when she could have it.

The ashen complexion of the woman reminded her a lot of the Echani who frequented Kiribi, but her ruby eyes were like nothing she had ever seen among their kind, blue and hazel eyes the norm. Probably not an Echani then. She noted a distinctive scar from her lip to chin, though she only offered it a passing glance. Scars and even full limb replacements were now just a fact of life in a galaxy embroiled in war. She herself would probably be walking around in a metal suit with half her limbs missing if it hadn't been for Kiribian healthcare

"Thank you for coming with me. I thought it would be a good idea for us to get to our roots with some outreach efforts."

Before the war broke out, she had liked to imagine herself returning to
Plexis to help clean up the planet with the knowledge she had acquired from her studies on Coruscant, maybe even becoming a Warden someday. With things as they were now, though, that may not be in the cards for her anymore.

"Are you familiar with Mimbanian society at all?"
Objective: Help the towns people
Location: Mining town on Mimban
Allies: Towns people
Post: 4 / 20

The local human population of the mining town as well as the Mimbanite population just stared at Gray after his offer to help move the body. They were stunned into inaction and unable it seemed to respond to his question. He just waited for a few moments before he reached down and picked up the body off of the ground gently. The dead Mimbanite was heavy, but nothing that Gray couldn't handle with the combo of force enhanced strength and his armoor's power suit. He got to his feet and began heading toward the inner part of the town. As he walked he said, " Better tell me where I am going here or I might end up having to set the body down somewhere odd." This seemed to spark some kind sense back into the people and directions began to flood him.

Gray had finally gotten sat down at a table with the respective leaders of the town. He had managed to get the body where it needed to go and then was asked to meet them here. He looked around at all of them. There was four humans and a mimbanite. The division in the power was rather dramatic, especially considering that there was almost as many mimbanites in the town as there was humans. Two men and two women made up the human side with a male on the mimbanite. They all looked worn and stressed. They were on edge, very on edge, but that was to be expected. They seemed to wonder who this mysterious man was in front of them, but it was a very simple answer if you asked Gray. He was the person who was going to help them solve their problems. They just didn't know it yet.

Several seconds had passed with no one saying a word. Gray was about to say something when one of the men, who had a patch of hair on his chin while the other was clean shaven, " Why did you come here? We needed help and you helped us out far more than can ever be said, but how did you know to show up when you did?" He had a serious and slightly paranoid look on his face as he finished asking. It was as if he knew how absurd his question and suspicion was, but could not help feeling this way. Gray couldn't blame him for it or the others either who seemed to be of the same mind. He also knew he couldn't tell them the force had sent him, at least not after he had gunned down the coway as the mimbanites had told him the enemy was. Maybe if he had used his light saber it might have been different, but right now it was not a good option. He needed to think of a reason that they would accept, but what? What could they possibly believe that would help to ease the suspicion on him as well as the tension of the situation? There didn't seem to be any good options right now. Gray just looked him in the eyes as his mind raced, never showing the truth of his thoughts.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Location: Commenor
Posts: 2/20


Like a thief in the night, and dressed like one too, Kay arrived at Chasin City. She didn't send word ahead that she was coming. If the networks of spies were active, she didn't want to give them a heads up. This was also why she dressed in a different way than normal.

Quietly she made her way down the street, hands in her pockets, head cast downward slightly to keep her face in the shadow of her hood. Instead of going to one of the clubs, she headed over to the warehouse district. That was normally where any exchanges took place. She should know. She had some of them ambushed before.

As Kay neared one of the many guard stations, she gave them her signal, two fingers making a scratching motion four times over her heart. She knew that they'd be watching and it was evident as she was allowed entry without hindrance. Good. Nothing had changed there. She kept her walk casual as she made her way over to the seventh warehouse. Lucky number seven. Now to see if her information was correct.
Objective: Help the towns people
Location: Mining town on Mimban
Allies: Towns people
Post: 5

Gray knew what he needed to do. The idea had just come to him after a few seconds. He smiled to the man with the chin hair who had asked him what he was doing here. He said with a voice full of confidence, " I was sent here by the Galactic Republic to provide aid and help. We have troops out in the field and ships in orbit right now. We can provide you with all of the aid you need to deal with these hostile locals. If you can make contact with the other towns as well, it would help us out a lot if you could inform them of this as well. Just send a signal up asking for reinforcements and we can get them to you right away." Good job Gray, you lied about being a Republic member. Oh well, not like it will matter to much. These people are in too dire of need to tear your gambit apart, or at least it would be best if that was how things went.

Gray just kept smiling as the people seemed shocked by what he had just said. They still looked like they didn't believe him, which they really shouldn't. After a minute the man from before finally said, " We are going to believe you..... What is your name?" Gray said in response right away, " Captain Wolf." The man smiled and continued, " Captain Wolf. Thank you for your help. We will do just as you advised, assuming it is true. Either way, the Coway should not be returning any time soon. They are bloodthirsty but not stupid. They will regroup and prepare before their next assault.." Every member around the table seemed to ease visibly in front of Gray. It was good to know that things were improving for their morale, but there was still something he felt he needed to address here. He said with the smile still on his face, " That is good to hear, but you need to do something. You need to start treating the Mimbanites better. They work with you and live here with you, but it is clear you don't treat them with the respect they deserve. Don't even try to lie to me about them being thieves or the likes. I saw how they fought as hard as the humans on the wall, and I saw how they live when I helped with the body. If you don't band together and start to act as equals, you won't make it. Either from the Coway or from killing each other. Got it? Good." He punctuated his point with a stern gaze behind his smile. They seemed to get his point, even if they were not completely happy with it.

Gray walked up the ramp onto his ship. He needed to leave before the Republic troops arrived. That was one awkward situation he didn't feel like dealing with right now. The ramp closed behind him as he thought back onto when he was leaving the table. The Mimbanite had actually stopped him to thank him for what he had done and said. It didn't seem like such a big thing to Gray, just the right thing, but it was so huge for the Mimbanites. This must have been why he was sent here. Now he just needed to get back into space to try to figure out his next move. Hopefully the force wouldn't sent him somewhere without any clue as to what he needed to do again.

Sheila had taken the path less traveled, working with them and heading to Cyrillia instead as it was one of the larger places the Republic could find a purpose at. Bringing some of Gir's defense stations as well as some of the resource stations with plans taken from everything they were doing on the fortress world. "Alright, when we arrive on the planet I want teams going to start securing what we can find and working with the people. We have helped them out after the blue shadow virus was dropped on the planet and cleaned it but the population was broken. I want the teams to start on the reconstruction with the living and pathway modules that can be used."

There were nods of confirmation to all of the work they had going on. The ships designed with the seeder factories to bring them around as well as some of the construction supplies when she was flying towards the hanger bay. Reports from the scouts were on the planet giving them clean reports along with the locals brought about. "Alright I am heading down." She got a look going to the hanger bay as she sat on a padawans shoulder. "Lets go." She pointed towards the planet in the distance as the doors of the gunship closed starting to head down towards the planet getting to flutter around between all of them to give a nod of her head that they were all very good.

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