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Paradise Lost (Republic Dominion of Mimban & Gyndine Hex)


The trip down towards the planet brought Sheila's work downwards and towards the bigger things. they were deploying troopers around. A hologram of the grandmaster appeared looking at her while she offered a bow of her head. "Grandmaster Aku we are heading down towards Cyrillia's surface now and will report when we have started the reconstruction efforts." She said it with a nod of her head while looking at him before the man spoke watching her and even across the distance he seemed warm and friendly. "That is good, see what the status is and what you can recover before construction begins though master Sheila. We don't want to tear everything down on the planet just to rebuild when we can save resources."

"Understood grandmaster." Sheila said it as they were arriving with a small touching of her hands together on the shoulder of the padawan to get him to work for herself. "Now lets arrive and remember the grandmasters orders." She was looking at some of the soldiers escorting them when the ships touched down opening up. The malos gunships came up deploying many of the engineering crews. She flew into the air breathing deeply what was there dropping down to go towards the buildings that had been destroyed with cleaning supplies to break it all down using the joshu reactors. THen they could start getting in there to bring the living modules, pathway modules and warehouses modules.

Sheila moved stopping near the vents when they could see places where the padawans were starting to clean things out. The sounds of the converters working to break down things, modules being constructed where it coule be stacked and built into some of the things. The levels of defenses within the fortress world going down to the surface of the planet all around. "Do we have those firemane cannons on the way for defending the planet?" She wans't certain but they were getting many more of the things set up. "No master jedi, not with this order, these ships and stations were for reconstruction. Defense will be arriving when we have a section cleared to continue to work on."

Alright she could accept that as the time passed by and she helped where she could bringing water to the other workers. Deploying and working on programming the droids as needed until her little body was tired. So much work and all of it for a better cause when it was revealed they had managed to get to the bottom near the surface. The multiable players of metal and stone reinforced for protection with weapons and chokepoints all leading into the bigger sections of the planet and they were converting it into something far larger with the self sustaining modules instead of just private rooms or shelters. They would be able to survive a siege across the entire planet.

More hours passed by and Sheila was seeing some more fo the work when the hologram activated. She could send the messages to the teams on Cato and Yutan that were working She knew there were people on Mimban as she saw the grandmaster and some of the others. "we have successfully gotten to the surface of the planet in some places and begin refitting it, the broken down materials are being converted into new materials to fillin the gaps as well as provide what we need to turn this into a fully protected planet again. Hopefully the senate will approve the plan to move and provide the construction here for their new senate building until the day coruscant can be liberated."

"That is good to hear, I am glad the planet is intact after all that had happened there." Sheila looked at him. "The blu shadow virus is dangerous but not destructive to structures. Just the people which is bad and near twenty years have passed." The grandmaster seemed to have a small look at her face but the others were making indications. "Jedi master Sheila, are you saying we'll have the world made as a proper seige location? If we need to retreat from Yutan for anything?" He said it and she was looking at the slightly plump man who next to the grandmaster who might not look the most fit generally was built like the human's liked for his age.

"Yes, that is the hope at least. We are making it with the crete and modules to strengthen the structural points of the buildings as well as create warehouses and storage houses within all of it. We are also sending teams to Cato Nemoidia where we will be working to recover the jedi fortress of Diana on the planet. We can use it and have it as a staging area within the systems out here just in case we decide to jump at the One Sith for anything." She had a few ideas when the grandmaster was looking at her providing a look. "Are you certain you can handle it so far out?" She breathed in a little with a nod of her head. "Yes I believe we can grandmaster, we have the droids and padawans here with the engineers corps."

The grandmaster was watching her as he approved. "Then continue your work and check back in later after tea time master Sheila." She understood and could work with that as the hologram cut out with her standing on the table watching all of them working. The reports from Cato as they were working to get to the mountain arch and establish the fortress of Diana was an important thing. to get. A monument to the jedi for all of the work those who fought against the old sith empire had done to destroy it. She had fallen in battle but was one of the good ones she could respect. That they had the information from Matsu about it and it wans't in Kiskla's records saddened her as that grandmaster seemed to have lost many things.

Sheila continued to work with them as the hours went by more and their foothold was established thanks to the tireless work of the droids who could handle it all tirelessly instead of the humans who were sleeping in the module barracks they had managed to construct down below. Ten large levels of the planet and they could build more on the planet with the new ships arriving where they were setting up the pathway modules as well as more of the living modules. THis was going to be a city sized fortress across the entire planet much like Coruscant and Denon to really give them population and some comfort. "ow is construction going foreman droids."

"Construction efforts are going well, the ten kilometers of structure is being refitted with the new modules built into it to allow us to work on many of the things We will be able to cover the initial area within the next forty eight hours." Alright she could work with that while she was looking to the construction centers with her monitors to show the troopers who were sent out to Cato and the fortress temple. They were moving up the ridge with it towering there in the distance. "It is very pretty isn't it." She said it to no one really there but was letting her thoughts come out eating some of the food while their construction continued with more droids arriving and defensive cannons arriving to cover the roofs.

The foreman droid seemed to be turnign to look at her as the jedi master wondered what he was thinking about before she got the reports they were moving up to the larger parts of everything they were working on. "Master jedi we have arrived at the doors, the power is out but we'll be able to pry it open." She looked at him and then the droid again while looking over some of the information "Alright, move in and be careful with what might be in there. I'll send the reports in to the others so we can give them some of the larger things and information." She got a nod while they were heading into the fortress, meanwhile her droids and engineers were working on the construction efforts.

Sheila looked sending the message that she had another status report for the grandmaster with a small smile. "Grandmaster Aku we have begun to enter the fortress and have been making a number of improvements across here." There was a look from him as reports from Mimban seemed to be on some of the work as well as the other worlds. "That is good to here master Sheila we have been working and getting reports from around you as well. The Republic has been organized better then most allowing them to continue throughout all of it. I want to say very good work on Cyrillia as well. You are a benefit to the order as one of our too few masters."

Sheila was beaming a little at all of that before she was moving over with a couple of the things. "Thank you grandmaster, I shall continue my work and we shall ensure everything is constructed here for the Republic to come and see." She bowed her head watching him do the same before she turned to see some fo the food and one of the large snack cakes she could use hopping on it to get some so she could eat. There was even a couple reports from Commenor coming in about her old buddy [member="Lady Kay"] who was a great person with the jedi master flying around. "Yummy." The droids were looking at her while she ate some of the food before preparing to oversee the rest of the construction.
Location: Commenor, Chasin City.
Objective: Ensure [member="Lady Kay"]'s protection.
Post Count: 1.

They had left Alzoc III together though when the Free Lady had docked in the hangar of Chasin City's commerce district, he had not disembarked alongside Lady Kay, at her request. This was to be the first of events in her service, the middle aged exile awaiting the appropriate length of time before soon moving down the landing ramp and leaving Terrac behind to mind the vessel and keep a note of their communications back and fourth should there be any. Unlike the lady, he did not change attires, the old garments, the tunic that looked the part, a decade old beneath an old worn robe that flowed behind at his heels against the permacrete floor as he walked, all the attire of either a Jedi. In her business, secrecy and subtleties seemed to be among the highest regard though Veiere had no need to hide his identity, the fact was that for so long his exile had ensured that no one would recognize him regardless of his proposed allegiances and with the Force as his ally, there was little need for fear of discovery when in him, there was truly nothing worth discovering to the common man or woman.

This however, was a system bordering Sith space. Lady Kay had informed him of this and needn't go further into details as to why caution was advised. Veiere knew the ways of the Sith intimately and didn't fancy another encounter so soon into the day. Keeping his mind open and his senses carried through out his environment through the aid of the Force, he maintained a focused state of awareness as he followed in the direction the Lady had walked, eventually coming into view of the warehouse she had entered and looking to the personnel who seemed not to flinch at the sight of him. His right hand moved not for his weapon but to his chest at the level his heart was and his fingers signaled the same form of hand signs that the former senator had offered them, soon being allowed entrance with little a word and even less of a fuss so that he might join her in her pursuits.
Location: Typhoon-class Starfighter Angel Two, near Mimban
Objective: Do your own thing
Allies: Republic
Enemies: "Defenders"


Gir toggled through the various craft in his HUD, finally settling on the lead assault transport, a D25 dropship with the callsign Racehorse One. A solid choice for a rapid assault, it might have been better if they jumped in the initial run...we probably could have swarmed the defenders before all of them could have launched...Gir shook the thought away as he banked his craft around a formation of six of the dropships. As he did so, dozens of advanced concussion missiles leapt out of the dropships towards the approaching defenders. The defending starfighters began to scatter or attack the warheads, just as both sides entered laser cannon firing range. Streams of laser fire began to erupt from both sides. Gir's target lock warning system began to incessantly wail.

Sighing, the blonde man tapped a button on his console, bringing up the offending R46 who had targeted him. Laser fire from that craft began to lance upwards towards Angel Two. Gir alternated pressing on both flight pedals, causing his craft to slip back and forth, allowing him to evade some of the enemy's fire. At the same time, he attempted to bring his own aiming reticle on the Valiant-class starfighter. It constantly flickered between yellow and green. He's taking evasive actions too, huh? Gir abandoned his normally surgical technique to simply hold down the trigger. His twin repeating laser cannons unleashed a constant stream of green fire at Wavecrest Four. Some of the bolts went wide, but enough smacked into the R46's shields to make Gir feel confident about his skill. He glanced at his HUD, noting the rapidly closing distance on the enemy starfighter. As they entered near point-blank range, he tapped his secondary triggers. A pair of 3t3s jumped out to almost immediately smack into the craft. His HUD confirmed the hit, announcing that it was a kill. But I only have one missile left now...The R46 wiggled its wings before banking away from the engagement.

Gir began to scan his horizon for his next opponent, looking for any starfighters making unopposed attack runs on the transports.
Location: Firebreather Cave.
Objective: Cull the Firebreathers
Secondary Objective: Clear out the Cave
Allies: Delta Squad ([member="Stardust Raxis"] [member="Acaleus Thorn"])
Enemies: Firebreathers

Etlan fired a burst of blaster bolts at the creature, watching them bounce off of its thick hide. Oh, right. They're too thick-skinned for that. He sighed, rolling forwards to effectivly drop the rifle into the hold of it's sling, and dropped the bolter from his back. Range is 20 meters. Stardust is eight from it. Weapon's got a killzone of ten. He switched targets, firing a pair of shots at the farther ones. Stardust may feel some shock wave and shrapnel, but it was better than killing her outright. He saw the last creature advance, still to close to shoot without collateral damage. "Can't hit the close one without tagging you as well, sir." He let out a slow breath, rifle still raised.
Location: Gyndine
Objective: Shipyards
Secondary objective: Get Gyndine to expand their drydock facilities
Allies: [member="Suravi Teigra"]
Enemies: Unknown
Post: 1/38

Charzon arrived in her Pullman-class light freighter at the main office of the Gyndine shipyards. Having previously sold a set of hyperspace-capable drydocks to Justice Shipping, she was contacted by the Republic for a myriad of shipbuilding reasons. She hoped to be able to sell a few more units of the smaller Egroeg-class drydocks and, hopefully, a Sacul-class drydock or two, designed to build and service frigates and larger ships. Nevertheless, seeing that these were major investments, she was a little nervous when introducing herself to the Gyndine shipyards about either adding a location over that world as she did for Soceras in Wild Space, or to simply sell them the drydocks without necessarily deploying another location for Ringovinda StarYards.

"I can assure you, the current capacity of these shipyards is insufficient to produce everything the Republic will throw at you. Plus you may never know which hazards would befall a shipyard and, as such, a hyperspace-capable drydock or two that can extend or retract in seconds would be well-appreciated"


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Location: Commenor
Posts: 3/20

Kay waited behind some crates. She knew that [member="Veiere Arenais"] was going to be on his way. And sure enough, within minutes he was already slipping in through the door. Given the angle, she knew that the exiled Jedi would be able to spot her, so she brought her finger up to her lips, signalling that they needed to be quiet.

Voices were heard. They were at times, muffled. Kay crouched down a bit and then began the process of moving from crate to crate, staying as hidden as possible. As she got closer, she realized that one of the voices sounded in pain. Was there torture going on?

"Which days does security check your warehouse again?"

"I told two days....Please don't hurt her.."

"You better stall them. For her sake. If you love your daughter as much as you say, then you'll stall them. But...if my shipments don't arrive at their destination, well...they won't be the only things travelling in small boxes."

Kay swallowed. She hated blackmail. She was blackmailed herself before a coupe of the Republic leadership. It was an awful feeling. She signalled Veiere to come to her. They had to decide how to act. Whether to wait, or to do so now. She had prided herself on stopping illegal goods from Commenor. But the criminal underground were clearly trying to gain a foot hold.
Location: Enroute to Mimban, aboard the pocket carrier Chitose
Objective: Humanitarian Mission (Doing my own thing)
Allies: Republic and Friends (Sorel Crieff, [member="Arisa Yune"])
Enemies: N/A

Satyania crossed her arms as she glanced at the person. Was this another Atrisian? She's been meeting allot of them... from her master, to maybe Sorel? Hmn, either or, there's been allot she had been meeting. It's been interesting for the Stakeral. Perhaps they just like Stakerals or something? She never really knew why her master would let her go by herself, let alone, with another padwan that happens to not be studying under her master? She had that apperance of a Jedi Knight, maybe she was one of them. She crossed her arms and nodded.

"Anytime. I'd figure that I'd give the Republic a helping hand. It took allot of convincing to finally get my master to say okay." she said. It was a little weird at first, but atleast it was somewhat relieveing to know that her master trusts her this much. She studied allot under her on Rhen Vun and Ahch-To. She heard her speak about the Mimbanians and shook her head.

"Not really." she said as she glanced at her. "What, are they hostile to Stakerals and want to kill me for being a "demon"?" She seriously didn't get why there are certain cultures that just demonizes the hell out of her...
Location: Commenor, Chasin City
Allies: [member="Lady Kay"]
Post Count: 2

It wasn't difficult to stay hidden in these conditions, what the cargo and miscellaneous crates didn't cover, Veiere relied on the force to do the rest, ensuring that each step was silent and that the minds of those around them were all focused on their immediate surroundings. This investigation of hers was certainly growing interesting and now they'd stumbled upon some sort of deal, albeit via blackmail over the safety of ones child; a true disgrace that someone would harm an innocent life Veiere assumed was still young, though it was not the worse offense that he'd witnessed in the galaxy, sadly.

Reaching her side quickly and quietly, he turned to offer a brief nod to Lady Kay in acknowledgement before reaching out once again with his senses, focusing on the area ahead of them with great concentration so that he might eavesdrop on the discussion and too, study the mental personas of those involved. It would seem they were offered a number of options in their new found situation, Kay and himself could of course intervene now and rescue the one being manipulated or they could otherwise wait to hear out what the deal was that was going on, why the warehouse was needed quiet for the future days and possibly even discover the whereabouts of the child that was being threatened. These outcomes naturally were ideal however and they would both be extremely fortunate to manage the best result from such a circumstance. The Daughter of the victim would need to be close by and the offender would need to be loose lipped.

His brows furrowed thoughtfully as he reigned in on his immediate vision, his senses returning to their present position in hiding and his eyes soon shifting to glance to Lady Kay, offering a rather pensive look. "If we act now, we could jeopardize your investigation; not to mention cause the Daughter of this man real harm..." He whispered under his breath, loud enough so that she might hear him well yet not so for those in the distance ahead of their cover to notice their presence, "This is your call, but I would advise patience...".

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