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Dark Empire

The Dark Empire is a reconstituted Imperial successor state based on the principals of Palpatine's late-era Galactic Empire (Dark Empire). It's sole focus is the destruction and re-creation of the galaxy far far away.

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Overview | The New Sith Order

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Dark Empire
The New Sith Order


Peace is a lie. There is only Passion.
Through Passion I gain Strength.
Through Strength I gain Power.
Through Power I gain Victory.
Through Victory my chains are Broken.
The Force shall free me.


The Dark Side of the Force is finite, a poison diluted between too many vessels, too many ‘false’ Sith who follow heretical teachings. It needs concentrated among the few in order to strengthen its potency. Operating loosely on the principles of the Banite Sith, the Ancient Sith, and begrudgingly aspects from the One Sith. The success of these New Sith has been their adaptability and devotion to the Grand Plan as well as their strict adherence to the Code of the Sith. Their presence is felt everywhere, they are shadows that blend into influential bodies with the goal of corruption from within. Taking control where possible and twisting those around them into pawns in order to further the Grand Plan. Unlike most modern incarnations of the Sith in recent memory, the New Sith Order wages war through stealth, patience, and secrecy.

The concept of the New Sith was born in the crucible of war, amidst the beginnings of the Sith Schism. Operation: Kyber Dark, a welcomed sight that was the first of many blows to the Old Sith as they plunged into civil war. The Dark Side long choked by stagnation began to shrug off the heretical filth that plagued it like a sickness. We struck like thieves in the night, first at Mustafar, then with our brothers on Ninn, onward to Felucia, Thule, Korriban, and finally Rhand. Each conflict with their numbers emboldened us, made us stronger. We began a deadly purge and claimed total victory in each engagemenet they met us, culminating in their flight into the far reaches of Wild Space. And from the ashes of the Sith Schism, the NEW SITH ORDER reigned supreme, and in our strength we began the SECOND GREAT HYPERSPACE WAR.

The siren song of the Dark Side emerged from the depths of the Unknown Regions in the form of the BROTHERHOOD OF THE MAW. A confederation of warlords, marauders, and Dark Side cultists led by the Dark Voice. Rage unleashed, darkness unfettered by bureaucracy and falsehoods. The MAW spread like a cancer on the edge of known space, conflicting every known galactic power in the galaxy. They toiled under our direction, burning, maiming, and slaughtering everything in their wake. We began to perpetuate the Grand Plan to restore Sith dominance over the galaxy with the Brotherhood as our blunt instrument, our powerful tool.

With a powerful army at their beck and call, and the prophecy of the Sith'ari fulfilled with the total devastation of the Sith Order and reconstitution into the New Sith Order, we claimed Exegol for our own and waged total war on the Jedi Order. Namely, the New Jedi Order of the Galactic Alliance and the Jakku Jedi Enclave led by Romi Jade Romi Jade . Sacking Coruscant and Jakku, the New Sith destroyed the New Jedi Temple and Jakku Jedi Enclave respectively, beginning a campaign to wipe the very identity of the Jedi Order from the galaxy. We struck at worlds such as Jedha, Empress Teta, Cato Neimodia, Nirauan, and many many more.. ultimately culminating in a climactic confrontation on Tython with the entire galaxy arrayed against both the New Sith Order and it's Brotherhood of the Maw.

We were soundly defeated. The Grand Plan's great ritual, which had momentarily broken reality itself, was dispelled. The Sith'ari Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis , and his Shadow Hand Halketh Halketh , dead.

Chaos gripped the order, and in the midst of a leadership crisis, the Sith turned inward. Only one strong enough was able to seize the mantle. Darth Mori, who along with her apprentice Darth Ptolemis Darth Ptolemis , carried on the Grand Plan. Combating the New Jedi Order world by world until the very end, where on Exegol, the New Sith Order met it's near final end as the throneworld they had claimed as their own was destroyed by a powerful Wall of Light. The final battle of the SGHW was one of sound defeat that forced survivors into captivity or self-exile, forced to carry on the beliefs of the New Sith Order in secret and shadow..

Until now..

Over twenty five years later, a call has been made. Our faithful gather.

Our Sith'ari Returns..

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