Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Over the medow and through the woods

Twigs snapped and leaves rustled underfoot as Dagos ran through the great forest of Kashyyk. Many of the happenings on the Wookie homeworld took place in the canopy among the clouds and close to the sun. Down on the forest floor where the young padawan was now was like being on a wholly new planet. Trees pressed close on every side, shutting out the sun. Hornbeam and blood leaves, greenbark, redwood and ofcourse Wroshyr trees. Underneath their tangled branches ferns and flowers grew in profusion. Feather fern both purple and the rarer yellow variety, blueblossom and candlewick. Mushrooms sprouted down among the tree roots and on the trunks as well, moss of all types covered the rocks and tree trunks. It was as if the very air was green.

The young Karuni boy with his dark skin, black hair and vivid green eyes kept on running. He was further away from the Silver rest as he had ever been and while the sun had been out for hours, here in the deep of the wood it was as if night were about to fall. It was not nearly as dark as The ShadowLands but one still had to watch their step if they didn’t want to turn an ankle.

Dagos chanced a glance behind him while running, no fear of stepping wrong even on this unfamiliar terrain as he was quite nearly a Jedi and so had the force on his side or whatever. Looking over his shoulder he saw his pursuer and cursed mentally. The man behind him was tan of skin and shaved bald with a wide nose and deep creases that went down his cheeks giving his cheekbones prominence. He looked like he was in his mid-twenties but he was truly only eight or nine. A ruggedly handsome eight year old killing machine. A clone. Designation CT-4821 a trooper in the Concord’s newly formed Grand Army born from the very same DNA profile that a millennium ago was used by a sith lord to create an army and a war that toppled The Republic.

Flash trained from “birth” clone troopers like CT-4821 were crafted to be living weapons, to be the best soldiers alive, to be in top physical condition and yet Dagos was still frustrated that the clone was keeping pace with him. The clone was designated CT-4821 but to his squad and to his friends like Dagos, he was called Party and Dagos knew if they were inside one of the training rooms in the temple there was no way he could keep up with the young padawan but out here was another matter entirely. Out in the wood surrounded by all the life, The Force was almost oppressive. It pressed down on him mind and body, making it hard to focus, to think, to move, to even breathe.

Dagos slowed his pace eventually coming to a stop and Party did as well just a few steps behind.

“Gone far enough eh?” Party asked in the accented voice common to all clone troopers

“At this rate we won’t make it back until after dark.” Dagos said smiling to his friend. “Just give me a minute to catch my breath and we will head back.”

Dagos dropped to his knees, closed his eyes and folded his hands in his lap and began to meditate. He centered himself in the living force the way master Ismet had taught him. He let all thought of his aching legs and burning lungs fall away like a distant memory and let the world around him be all there was. He felt Party and his own aches and pains and sent calming feelings through the force to his friend, Dagos smirked a little knowing it had worked when he felt Party’s mind shift away from his soreness and more toward the wonder the clone felt being out here in the wild. Dagos could feel the trees as they talked to one another in a language he couldn’t understand but found himself wishing he did, he could feel the birds high up in the branches such a variety of color it was like looking at a nebula, could feel small mammals hidden in the underbrush chasing one another playing games not dissimilar to the run he had just taken with Party.

His consciousness or whatever drifted further pulled along by the current of the force when the joy and serenity was pierced by the sudden feeling of absolute terror followed by excruciating pain. He must of made his own face of pain because he could hear Party talking to him from what seemed like a long way away

“Day, are you okay?”

Dagos did not answer. Could not answer, the force was not yet done pointing him where it needed. The fear and the pain came from a life form, less evolved than he or party but it was not alone. He could sense around it more sentient lifeforms but they had no fear to them, no they felt...happy...joyful at the pain they were inflicting. It had to stop.

Dagos came out of his trance and immediately stood and looked to Party “We have to go. Someone is in trouble.”

“Where?” the trooper asked. “Should we go back to the temple and get help?”

“There is no time. We gotta go now.” Dagos said as he took off at a run into the trees. Party was not being a coward or even just overcautious, both he and Dagos were unarmed and unarmored wearing nothing more than sweats but that didn’t matter to Dagos, he knew if he did not go and help now there would be no other chance.

It took only a few minutes for Dagos to reach where he knew he needed to go. In the middle of the wood was a small clearing but it was not empty, Dagos could see two speeders, one with a large cage in the back and on the ground there were three humanoids, two weequay and a nikto with stun batons standing over a small creature with long legs and big floppy ears.

“What’s the plan?” Party asked and before Dagos could say anything on of the weequay turned their stun baton on Dagos flew out of the tree line reared his hand back and threw his his forward sending the hardest force push he had ever produced toward the weequay knocking him back so hard the alien literally went flying backward hitting the back of one of the speeders with a disgusting thud, leaving a dent in the back of the vehicle and leaving the weequay face down on the ground motionless.

The other two marauders yelled to each other in huttese and rushed at Dagos. He ducked as the nikto swung his baton at his head making him miss wildly and parried a strike for the conscious weequay. Ducking and dodging all the blows from the two bad guys was cake, these guys were not trained in anything but cruelty it seemed. A smile splashed across his face as he dodged another wild swing from the nikto that actually ended up cracking his partner in the face instead. Finally after no more than a minute Party got there and tackled the stumbling weequay to the ground and put him in a choke hold. Dagos squared up ready to go one on one with the nikto when an alarm went off in his head less than a second before the ground near him exploded from blaster fire.

Chit. I didn’t sense him before. Dagos thought as a blaster rifle wielding zabrak came out of the tree line to his right and chit, another from his left, this was not good. Not good at all. The zabrak to his right leveled his blaster rifle right at Party and Dagos barely had time to react. With a flick of his wrist he sent the muzzle of the rifle pointing up to the tops of the trees just as it fired a blood red bolt. A wave of relief passed through him right before he experienced the most pain he had ever felt in his life. The nikto had jammed the stun baton into Dagos ribs sending 70,000 volts screaming through his body and dropped Dagos flat on his back. When his eyes finally came back into focus he found himself staring up at the nikto standing over him pointing a blaster pistol in his face.

Aayla Shan Aayla Shan


There was no training being done today, at least not anymore. The young woman was fast asleep, having engaged in some Alchaka earlier, and not to mention did a little sparring with some of her fellow Jedi; as everyone left, she had stayed back to get some rest. Having run into some Wookies earlier, they seemed content enough with her presence to allow the (relatively) small Jedi rest within what was more their territory than the SJC's; they had never had such territorial disputes in the past, but there was indeed lines on the map... Somewhere. She snored away, laid back on a huge branch of a variety of Wroshyr tree. Something had snapped her from her reverie, and she immediately moved to check herself for insects, or parasites. It was more than easy to fall prey to such out here. And she was definitely at home within a Jungle setting.

After all she had learned the finer tuned aspects of Form four Ataru here, where it was possible to turn into an endless flurry of blades with the proper timing, and enough practice. She yawned a bit, eyes focusing through the tree-line to see a snippet of a runner... Two runners? Or was one giving chase? She pouted, turning away from the tree and hanging on to cushion her fall to the ground. She didn't run, but would casually press forward to casually follow the pair.

She moved with caution, and poise; not worried about anything but running into spiderwebs. Damn critters freaked her out. On her way, she would hear distant yelling through the canopy, and furrow her brows as he pace increased just slightly.

"I bet its those padawan from group three, kids are pure trouble, I swe-"

She paused, intaking sharply as the sound of blaster fire echoed through the thick Jungle. And with that, she had reason to push; Moving with a perfect blend of precise sprints, and perfectly applicable instances of parkour where necessary. More yells, and it was obvious this wasn't some joking incident, hell even if it was she was going to report these damn kids for playing with blasters. Another red bolt screeched skywards, and her eyes barely tracked it past getting a beat on where it had come from. As such she moved again, finally hitting the clearing and observing the scene; she had about a second or two to think...

The blaster in Dagos face was ripped away violently, coming clear across and held by her via its barrel. She would exhale slightly, stepping slowly towards the group. Unless there was another surprise afoot, she would hand the blaster off to the Clone Trooper, aware he was probably the best shot with it, and would move to hold out a hand to Dagos.

"I thought they train you to call for backup first, THEN resort to heroics?" That question was leveled at him, but she was also peer at the Clone Trooper inquisitively. Eyes jutting back out to observe the camp. She made no action against the other hostiles yet, but would react to them in turn if they didn't play it cool. As far as she was concerned she had walked up on an attempted murder, of a Concord Padawan, of all people; they would pay for that, but she was more curious as to what the hell was going on here.

The cage, and the still wounded animal was beginning to paint a picture.


Dagos Terrek Dagos Terrek


One moment he was staring down the barrel of a blaster and suddenly the weapon was gone, replaced by a look of confusion on the nikto’s face. Wasting no time Dagos kicked the alien as hard as he could right in the gonads and shoved him away with the force.

A hand appeared above his face and he grabbed it pulling himself off the ground and taking stock of the situation as it stood. The three bad guys with the stun batons were all at the moment incapacitated. The nikto rolled on the ground holding his groin while one weequay had been choked unconscious by Party and the other still hadn’t moved since Dagos hucked him into that speeder. There was still the matter of the two blaster wielding zabraks that stood to either side of the clearing, at the moment they seemed to be doing their own assessment and were not firing lest they miss their targets and shoot one another. The sudden appearence of Aayla Shan Aayla Shan probably had something to do with their apprehension as well, one kid was one thing to handle but now the odds were twoish Jedi and a clone trooper with a blaster pistol versus the two remaining bad guys.

"I thought they train you to call for backup first, THEN resort to heroics?" his rescuer chided

“What up Aayla.” Dagos said with a smile to the white haired pointy eared young woman infront of him. “Chit who the kark do I need to call? Me and Party had this chit handled. Didn't we?” he asked the clone who still looked a little ashamed from Aayla’s scolding and chose not to encourage Dagos any further.

"Poachers?" she asked.

“Chit, I dunno. Hey! Y’all poachers?!” He yelled out to the treeline. The zabrak from the east responded by firing his rifle at them a couple times.

“Chit.” Dagos instinctually grabbed Aayla and pulled her down to duck out of the way of the blaster beams.

As he was on the ground trying to survive he could hear an animal cry out and looked up just in time to see the nikto toss the long legged creature into one of the cages and take off into the woods on the speeder.

“Karking son of a nerf herder.” he swore. “ We gotta take this guys out and follow that speeder.” He said to Aayla and Party.

Blaster fire continued to come at them from their right(the east side of the clearing) it seemed as though the other zabrak had managed to sneak around through the trees and join up with his partner.

“Any ideas?” He asked the older Jedi.


She smiled back as he greeted her in such a light-hearted manner, smirking at his response and seemingly was uninterested with the gunmen. Not like she had any reason to be concerned with them. Whatever they were planning, whatever they thought was going to happen; it was dead. This was her jungle, and the only way they would be escaping was into the undergrowth. Maybe they could meet some Wyyyschokk's and test their hands at poaching something that was actually a challenge. In any case, Dagos didn't seem to take the situation with any sort of gravity; and hell who was she to comment on that?

It was like she had reincarnated as a boy...

As he called out to the duo, she let her fingers feel for her saber when she was suddenly tugged down and behind cover, giving him a startled look, that melted into a stare of confusion. She was the one that was here to save him... His heart was definitely in the right place though. It made her think back to that training field, and the other kids that were giving him a hard time. He didn't seem like a bad kid, and she could see that. He just wanted to help. And as such, for just a moment, Aayla played dumb.

She would allow him to assess the situation, and listened to what he said; glancing up above the box briefly as a blaster round came narrowly by her head.

"Sure, a few.. Party, covering fire on the tree-line, Dagos, as soon as he fires get that speeder fired up, and get ready to give chase. I'll be back..."

Aayla said, giving them a second to prepare, then nodding to Party. As he rose and begin covering them, she would step out from cover, her saber activating with a screech-hiss, she deflected a blaster bolt immediately, spinning from the deflection and approaching at a different angle, only with more speed. Every time she did this, her speed towards the tree-line would increase, if by some miracle Party hadn't hit one, she would have been amongst them within seconds; the first had his blaster cut in half, while the other was given a Force Push back down the hill. He landed with a thud, and seemed to have trouble getting up.

But he was trying, however. It left Aayla walking down the hill carefully, lit saber still in her right hand, while her left was pressed against her ear.

"This is Padawan Aayla Shan to Silver Service Corps, you may have some poachers in your backyard, begin scans of sectors four... Excuse me"

She was about to do something when she noted Party had knocked out the downed individual, caused her to move towards Dagos and the speeder.

"Through five, there is an unregistered ship hidden somewhere in there."

Dagos Terrek Dagos Terrek


Party stood and fired as Aayla went sprinting to the tree line to deal with the baddies, Dagos for his part ran the other way to the speeder that was left behind and hopped into the pilot’s seat. It took only a moment for him to find the starter and get the speeder on and ready to go.
The speeder sagged for a second as Party hopped in the back seat after he and Aayla took care of the zabraks.

Aayla approached the speeder hand to her ear obviously talking to someone. Someone back at the rest if he had to guess.

“Get in loser we’re going hunting.” He called.

When she got in the speeder Dagos would shove the accelerator to the floor and shoot off into the trees giving chase to the already departed speeder. His padawan braid whipped behind him as the speeder went at nearly top speed the trees around them looked like a wall until one would jump out in front of the speeder with Dagos barely adjusting in time to not turn them into a giant fireball.

“ Go three clicks west. “ Party who had been messing with a datapad he found told him from the back seat. Dagos responded by turning sharply and flying off west. He was glad to have had some direction because as he found out it was taking all his focus to not crash leaving none left to actually find his prey.

As it were Party’s information was right, Dagos slowed the speeder as they were coming up on an abandoned wookie village. Abandoned but not not empty. There were several burned out buildings surrounding what looked like a large banquet hall. Dagos calmed himself as the speeder came to a stop about a hundred yards out from the village. He reached out with the force trying to get an idea of what was inside. He felt the same primitive fear as he had earlier. To him he felt maybe twenty less than sentient lifeforms, assumedly all in cages and fifteen sentients assumedly all pretty armed and fairly dangerous.

“Looks like fun huh?” He asked his passengers.

“Looks like a party.” The trooper said.

Aayla Shan Aayla Shan


Loser!? Coming from the kid that got handled by a guy with a blaster... Firstly, he was a kid, and Aayla had to remember that first and foremost. Simply rolling her eyes and jumping over the lip of the craft, landing perfectly in a seat. It seemed they had relayed the information to Party, which meant that she could focus on the task beforehand. When Dagos nearly turned them into a heap of scrap, she would've been holding onto the brace handles tightly, slowly deadpanning to him as he drove.

"When you're trying to save someone, or something... Helps to not frag yourself, yeah?"

She would offer, eventually relinquishing her death grip and sighing aloud. It was then she took stock of him, the most important thing on her mind coming to bare; "Where's your saber?" Aayla asked plainly, looking him over. If he didn't have one, she would offer him her own, a standard saber with a blue kyber crystal. It had taken her places, and gotten her out of all manner of treacherous situations.

"If you don't have one, take this, and DO NOT lose it, or I'll lose you somewhere in the Jungle" She said, joking of course... Partly. At that she glanced back to Party, who was staring at her somewhat bewildered, offering him a smirk as well.

"Jedi Jokes..." Aayla offered, her own pixie cut her flickering in the wind as well. When they got to their destination, Aayla looked, and felt out in the Force, getting a proper run down of what was going on. She listened to what the pair said, and would smirk in response; adding her own word to describe what it struck her as.

"Feels like practice. Party, stay with Dagos, and Dagos... Don't bite off more than you can chew; chew your food, then eat it; then chew, and eat" She offered, getting up and sliding over the lip of the craft. She had left her saber with Dagos, feeling comfortable enough to engage these bozos without one. It was dangerous yes, but far from impossible for a Jedi. As such, without leaving them with any decent plan she was off; sprinting through the jungle with speed, grace, and accuracy; as aforementioned, these places were second nature to her, and it took minimal effort to elevate her position, and begin working on the security that dotted the outskirts of the village.

She rolled onto a platform first, after kicking off of the bough of a great tree. The first two guards she caught couldn't have been set up more perfectly. She used the momentum to roll once, then spring up landing on the first guys neck with both legs, causing him to reach up, and prompting her to go into a spin, her body brimming with the Force causing her actions to carry a significant weight and power. The other man reacted quickly, but a second late as his friends body careened into his own.

Aayla rolled once, and from that position took two steps from the adjoining wall, her freeform movement accentuated by the second male looking at the ground to defend himself when she was performing a pirouette above him in midair already, bringing down a considerable amount of Force that caused the ground beneath him to crack lightly. As she landed the first man, grabbed her shoulder, but she reversed his attack immediately, shooting out a kick at his stomach that caused him to double over; a step taken inward, and another kick, shot at his kneecap; it forced him to a kneeling position, and she jumped lightly as she connected a knee with his nose bridge.

He fell back asleep, legs twisted at an awkward angle. She glanced behind herself at the other, then back to the one she had most recently knocked out. Pulling a Shock Stick from his leg, she would step over the guard behind her, and continue on her path, crossing one of the bridges that crossed the camp. At this point she was hoping Dagos and Party did cause some commotion, and she could put down these guys with relative ease.

Dagos Terrek Dagos Terrek


Before Dagos could tell Aayla he would be fine without a saber she bounded off into the jungle leaving hers behind in the seat of the speeder. Party looked at the saber, looked off in the direction Aayla had run, and looked back at Dagos slightly raising his eyebrows.

“Shut up.” Dagos told him and he did for just a second.

“Day, check this out.” The trooper said excitedly while handing Dagos the datapad he had been fiddling with. Dagos scrolled through, taking a moment to understand that Party had pulled up the “hunting” camp’s manifest. It looked like most of the creatures housed here had been brought from offworld and that Kashyyk was just one stop of many. He was going to ask Party what exactly he was supposed to be looking for when he found the listing that had caught the clone’s attention

“You’re kidding? Good karking job.” Dagos asked, voice full of delighted disbelief.

Party looked back at him with a satisfied smile. “That’s why they pay me the big credits.”

“They pay you?” Dagos asked.

“Honestly don’t know, never had to pay for anything.” Party reached over and took the datapad back from Dagos.

Dagos hoped the clones got paid, it wouldn’t be fair if they didn’t. He resolved to ask Jax Thio Jax Thio or Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor about when he saw them next, which would be in only a few days! He was going to get to go with Jax to Caltin’s family home on Naboo for...well he wasn’t even sure what for but he was excited anyway, maybe he could get Jax to show him how to fly the ship!

Yamming down on the accelerator once more the speeder shot off into and through the bad guy’s camp. Blaster shots trailed after them, none really coming close as Dagos was able to swerve and shift the speeder out of harm's way until he found exactly what he was looking for. It was a large two story storehouse old and beginning to rot. Dagos pulled the accelerator down further and turned on the autonav telling the computer to keep going straight. He grabbed Party and they both lept from the speeder, Dagos used the force to cushion their fall the best he could doing a roll and popping up to his feet brilliant blue bladed lightsaber alive in his hand already deflecting blaster bolts.

The speeder maintained its course and went directly into the storehouse with a crash putting a hole in one of the rotted walls.

Dagos and Party were standing in the middle of the street facing down five hostiles, three of whom had blasters. They fired at the pair and Dagos stood with Aayla’s blade deflecting each and everyone that came close to him or his friend. Party for his part leveled the blaster pistol and fired back at the bad guys who ran a few meters to find cover.
Behind them from inside the storehouse came a roar and another crash as the wall the speeder had crashed into exploded outwards in a shower of splinters. The creature that burst forth through the wall over two meters tall and a thousand kilograms, covered in thick red knobby skin with two enormous horns protruding from its temples and a third horn sticking out from its nose. The reek snorted and stomped with fury, not knowing or caring who was there to help and who was there to hurt. It charged at its would be rescuers who dove out of the way just in time. Another bellow of rage emanated from the large beast as a couple of blaster shots pelted its hide. The reek turn and charged now at its one time captors erupting the camp into chaos.

Aayla Shan Aayla Shan


Her pace had not slowed, she glanced over to see Dagos and Party riding into the fray in style. Pausing a moment to place her hands on her hips briefly and shake her head in a no-no manner. She should have definitely asked him what he was going to do, because the next few sequences were like slow motion. She felt outwards in the Force, sensing the youngster had a plan afoot and kept moving; he was doing great actually. She was invisible. She liked being like that, in the shadows. She continued her sprinting, entering the adjoining hut from the bridge, and sliding under the ropes that began the connection to the next bridge.

Reaching back with her free hand, she grasped onto one of the wooden planks, changing the angle of her fall and landing with cat-like grace. Bounding from that on the tips of her toes and sprinting again laterally to Dagos and Party; though behind the enemy Force. By the two the next three she engaged caught on, one was being firmly stuck with that Shock Stick, pushing him towards his friend, who given tried to shoot through the first man was probably not too much a friend, in retrospect; spinning around and performing a Force-Enhanced head-kick that caused one of her targets to do a literal faceplant into the dirt; allowing that leg to carry her into a horizontal pirouette, and narrowly missing a blaster bolt; the moment her foot touched the floor, she broke her posture sliding a bit closer as another bolt fired; another narrow miss.

He didn't get a third chance, right hand moving to position the blaster skyward, her left brought the shock stick up; pressing it briefly at his throat. He slapped it away, and she elbowed him in the chest, bringing that shock stick back at another angle towards the side of his neck; this time he succumbed, falling on his knees, that flat out on the ground.

Her head snapped right, then left, beginning a slow walk towards where she sensed the next group. And then...

Something... Was that a... And he set it free? Aayla noted its intended targets and.... Well... Didn't do anything. Instead, she would begin a slow walk towards Dagos and Party, keeping an eye on not only the enraged beast, but the people now scrambling to escape its lethal charges.

"Now that... Is ironic..." She said aloud, exhaling once thereafter. She was really wondering if she she should help... And at that, which side needed the help more. Hell those guys had blasters didn't they... They didn't seem to be working out so well though. A few beats after she said it, a humanoid body was sent careening into the air, roughly fifteen feet or so, causing her to wince.

Dagos Terrek Dagos Terrek



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