Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Order of Ren

[SIZE=11pt]Through the darkness in the cold void of space, the Force calls you with purpose, the darkness whispers to you as you find a mysterious object, it is a device of unknown origin. It is full of the dark side, the darkness is calling to you, you hesitate for a moment almost turning the device away, but it beckons you. It was if it was speaking a sweet lullaby to you filled with untold promises that touch with every desire you have. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]You touch the device and it starts lighting up. A dark figure emerges as if he was a ghost himself, you saw see a figure is a man covered in armor you do not recognize, and soon he is surrounded by several dark figures. The figure looks at you with some type of curiosity, your mind races wondering what you have unleashed, but such thoughts are quickly put at ease the moment he starts to speak in a voice that sounds a mix between man and machine, but you can’t tell, you can only listen. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]“Greetings, I am Kyrel Ren. I see you have found my message… Good Many have been scattered across the galaxy, but only those that are worthy have found this. You must be wondering how or why you were chosen. Well, my friend, we have much to discuss. I am a Master of Ren, what is that you may ask? Allow me to show a larger world. The Order that I hail from the Order of Ren is a group of Force Users, not like the Jedi or Sith, nor are we Dark Jedi. We are not ones with selfish ambitions. We instead serve a grand vision. The Grand Vision is true Peace and Order under the Banner of the First Order. I have seen the true extent of lawlessness in the Galaxy, the Warmongering Jedi who are not peacekeepers but bringers of Chaos and Destruction, and then the Sith who have often been left to do monstrous deeds, and be left to always continue their petty squabbles with the Jedi. No, we are far better than that. Eight Centuries ago, The Galactic Empire was able to achieve true peace under the rule of Emperor Palpatine, and his Enforcer Darth Vader brought the order to the Galaxy, and then after the fall from the hands of the loathsome Rebellion and the New Republic that followed, the First Order arisen and so did the Order of Ren under the wise leadership of Supreme Leader Snoke. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]The First Order was nearly able to bring peace to the Galaxy before being driven back into the depths of the Unknown Regions. Now to explain our Order. We serve the Supreme Leader, we are made to shed out previous lives as it once was to embrace the new one the Supreme Leader has created for you, as he is most wise, we take a solemn oath to devout ourselves to him, and in exchange, we are promised peace, order, and power. Some would call us mindless drones, but we are enlightened under his leadership. We are his emissaries within the First Order, we are the harbingers of his will to both friends and foes alike. We swear ourselves to him, Sieger Ren, for that he may give us a dream, that dream is to see the Galaxy under Chaos back into an era of peace and security. Us as Individuals as a Collective will ensure that dream becomes a reality, and it is through the Dark Side, through the Supreme Leader, and through the integrity of this government’s great leaders that will happen with time. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]We as the Ren rule as strong, but not like the Sith although it is encouraged that the strong rule, we work as a collective and strive as a collective for power. Not for personal gain, but for the gains that the power we achieve benefits the Order as a whole. Whether you are a Disciple, Knight or Master of Ren we all work as one and that is through the will of the Supreme Leader. We train, fight, work and die together. Now ask yourself this. Are you wanting a different path, to wield power you may have thought was only in your wildest dreams? If you wish to serve a greater cause than yourself, if you wish to wield power that only those with gifts like yourself can wield, if you wish to see a Galaxy know peace unlike that it has ever achieved, then ask yourself this are you willing to embrace the darkness in order to see this vision realized. Are you willing to forsake your family and your old life for a new one filled with purpose and belonging? Come with me and join us, join the Brothers and Sisters of our Order. I will show you the path to enlightenment, I will show you his wisdom and what his power could offer you as we work to make a Galaxy devoid of Chaos, Crime, Disease, and War a reality through the glory of Imperial Rule. All I ask of you is to let me show you the way.” [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]The Message then ends, as you are left a million thoughts racing through your head, you are thinking of what just happened, if what the armored man was saying was true or not. If the promises of Power and Belonging as well as bringing a new era of Peace to the Galaxy are worth it. You contemplate it all as it seems like the information was so intriguing. Then as you kept pondering what just happened you see the machine then shows a Galaxy maps with Hyperspace coordinates to the world of Virgilia to a place called the Bastion of Ren. On the coordinates, there is a message that reads. “Your Destiny awaits, the choice is yours on where your path lies.” You are left there pondering on what to do. Will you ignore it, or will you embrace something more and step into a larger and darker world? [/SIZE]

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