Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Open Barfight (Lords of the Fringe Dominion of Keskin)

Talon Vosra

[member="Zoey Marix"] [member="Ember Rekali"]

Talon's hand went out for the mind maze, but he was too slow as the sonic emitted hit him and his hands instead went up to cover his ears. He could feel the pulsing waved of sonic energy hit him and make his head reel. He had been to foolish. he should have been being careful and not spending so much time looking at his former partner in crime, so to speak. Talon after a few seconds couldn't summon the force and the sonic waves caused him to fall to his knees unconscious.
No, no, no NO! Coverin my ears as the man had activated some kind of Sonic emitter. I should haven't had trusted anything about this man. My head felt like it was going to explode. all the blood rushing to my head, and trying to cover my ears so maybe the sounds would stop, but it didn't. I needed to be calm about this, I needed to! No no no. I was not going to faint. I was not going to pass out. I refused to do so.

I fell to my knees. not knowing that Talon did as well with my eyes closed so tight that no light could get through at all. I needed to do something. to maybe stop... no I could feel myself fading out. I tried to fight it. Only I was left in the Darkness.

[member="Talon Vosra"], [member="Ember Rekali"]
[member="Hannibal Oryen"] [member="Dak Canton"]
Ordo was about to turn on the beroya swung his repluse-fist at the back of Ordo's repulsive head. The big muthatrucka began to turn as Hannibal's fist collided with the side of his head and sent Ordo off his feet and onto the unconscious Dak. Ordo lay there for a second wondering why the ceiling and the wall had switched places until the realization he had just gotten clocked skittered across his battered mind. Ordo rolled lazily to the right groaning.

"Ok." he groaned, "you win."

He put a hand on Dak's shoulder armor and another on his belt then for no intelligent reason he got to a knee (Again) and swung around trying to hit Hannibal with his friends armored body.

((Told you))

"Oh, come on...!"

Evidently Ordo had a lot of fat to insulate his head from punches and bar furniture, but that was the last thing on Hannibal's mind. The first thing on Hannibal's mind was Dak. Literally. Because now that he had been downgraded from commando to sack of potatoes, he was being used as an improvised weapon by Ordo. The Mando, still with his feet tied up, swung Canton like a club. The poor man's arms waved about as he was swung like a baseball bat, smacking Hannibal in the face as the rest of him was rammed into his side.

This, predictably, sent Hannibal flying off to the side, where he impacted the bar. By this point, everything hurt. No more mister nice hunter and no more of this fisticuffs crap either. Hannibal yanked his BTI-DSG from his holster. It was the only gun he had brought with him, just in the event of an emergency. This was an emergency. He leveled his aim at Ordo and squeezed off three shots at the Mandalorian. He didn't care if they hit Dak or not. Canton was already unconscious and wasn't in danger of dying any time soon. That's what he got for helping out a bad guy, anyway.

Kitt Solo

Alen Na'Varro's Ex
[member="Talon Vosra"] [member="Zoey Marix"] [member="Ember Rekali"]

She heard the green-eyed man say his name. What kind of bounty hunter would she be to remain munching on nuts without going for said bounty? Not a very good one, duh.

Even if there was another frackin' space wizard (all proceeds go to [member="Hannibal Oryen"] for use of said word). Kicking her legs off the table, she stood up and sent a powerful force push toward Ember's chest with one hand, stepping closer to the passed-out form of Talon.

"Thanks for wrapping him up so nice for me." Her stun cuffs were already out.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
OOC/ Awfeth, didn't see Kitt's post, slamming out a quick rewrite before I run out the door.
[member="Talon Vosra"] [member="Zoey Marix"]

So far as he knew or was concerned, the ginger had no value to him. A Jedi Master, on the other hand...

The sonic emitter turned off, Ember stowed the mind maze away, and [member="Kitt Solo"]'s Force push slammed into him. In midflight, he -- and the fallen Jedi Master -- turned invisible, undetectable in the Force. His boots dug into the earth, but he sidestepped away from the cloud of dust he'd just thrown up. Talon's body rose and floated away from Kitt.

He hoisted the fully grown man over his shoulder. A spring in his step, he attempted to toddle off to deliver Vosra to Vulcanus. There'd be sedation involved, just in case.

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
Gavin rolled to the edge of the bed and reaced for another ice cube. His hand went into the bucket with the two empty bottles of champaign and came out...empty. He looked over the edge of the bucket to confirm and to his dismay, the bucket was out of ice. He looked over at the two women that looked back waiting and made a sad face.

"Out of ice." He said with exaggerated sadness.

"But Gav!" The Iktotchi woman said "you promised."

"Yeah." The Faleen woman pouted, "you promised."

"Ok, ok." He said pushing a leg off him gently as he got out of the bed. "I'll go grab some ice from down stairs."

Gavin walked across the room and grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his waist before going and grabbing the bucket. The empty bottles were tossed in the recycling bin and he stepped out into the hallway and headed for the stairs.

A few moments later Gavin reached the bottom of the stairs weaeing only a white towel and a smug grin. He walked through the crowd.

"Excuse me. Excuse me. sorry. Is that thing real? Wow. Excuse me." He said as he walked theough the fighting patrons.

He spotted a pretty woman sitting at the bar and smiled as he sat his bucket down.

"Hiya gorgeous." He said before shaking the ice bucket at the bar tender. "I need some more ice. I promised first to 5 in a game of hide the ice cube and we're tied at three and three."

[member="Kitt Solo"] [member="Hannibal Oryen"] [member="Jared Ovmar"]

Kitt Solo

Alen Na'Varro's Ex
[member="Gavin Ovmar"] Talon Vosra Zoey Marix Ember Rekali

She blinked and they were gone. Senses immediately fell back to her empathic-connection. She couldn't see the space wizard or the jedi-body through the force but maybe she could feel them. Talon was easier to track; his lack of emotions were muted though not nonexistent.

Enter Gavin and said ice-refill. She shot him a look: We are going to talk about this later.

Lunging blindly forward, she wrapped the force around the ice that would have gone into Gavin's bucket and then some and blasted it in a circumference around her position. She had to cast a wide-net. Eye caught some movement as the ice bumped into something unseen just to her side and a little ahead. She wasted no time in sprinting and throwing herself forward, fingers going to clench around the muted-emotions of what she thought was Talon's dangling wrist while her blaster raised in her other hand to shoot a stun bolt in the general direction of where the ice seemed to form against Ember's butt.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Kitt Solo"]

Ice ricocheted around him and rattled against his rear, and Ember triggered his jetpack. Because that was what one did when one encountered someone smart enough to use area-of-effect against White Current immersion. [member="Talon Vosra"] firmly over his shoulder, he rose and jetted away, flames compromising the immersion somewhat. There was a possibility that Solo had gotten a good enough grip on Vosra's wrist to come along for the ride.

If that was the case, he would stop the immersion for the sake of focus, and attempt to slam a Master-level Force blast back into Kitt's face, with intent to shake her loose. Well, that and the jetpack flames.

Kitt Solo

Alen Na'Varro's Ex
[member="Ember Rekali"] Talon Vosra

She grunted as her feet left the ground, her fingers tearing off the fabric of Talon's sleeve. The heat was enough incentive to let go before she became a victim of a force-blast she wouldn't see coming. Blaster fell before she did and clattered to the ground as she too, dropped. A grappling-hook gun already took it's place. Index-finger squeezed down on the trigger as she fired the binding chord, aimed to wrap around the back of the jetpack, just above the flames and hopefully around Ember's arms and chest.

Muscles in her arms tensed as she prepared for the whiplash and reel-in if things went to plan.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Kitt Solo"]
The fibercord wrapped up his left arm just fine; the right was up, holding Vosra to his shoulder. The jetpack could lift him and his cargo just fine, but the addition of a third person's weight -- though a jolt this big would pretty probably drag her up in the air and/or across the ground -- was just too much. That had been a good shot, maybe a Force-enhanced shot.

Well, feth. He was going to have to show a little more of his true colors. Feth.

Then again, there weren't that many Mandalorian White Current users, so that sort of narrowed it down more than the green lightsabre that flickered to his high right hand. Grapple-cord wraps worked great when your target had their feet on the ground, but this high in the air, he had a little freedom to spin with the yank. He kept that arm high, Vosra pinioned between his helmet, shoulder plate, and upper arm. His blade dipped toward the cord as he turned.

The fibercord snapped, but his body remained wrapped. With a grunt, the master of physical enhancement did something no self-respecting Force Master could do -- another instance of being forced to show this woman a little too much of his skillset. From here on out, she would have his number if they ever fought, and all she'd shown so far was some AOE telekinesis and a weapons change.


His left arm shoved out from his body, and multi-wrapped fibercord, sufficient to restrain a charging reek, snapped like overcooked spaghetti. The jetpack continued to fire, and he dropped his sabre into his left hand to solidify his grip on the Jedi Master over his right shoulder.

That, at least, was the plan. But the sabre bounced off his gauntleted fingers and fell. The jetpack was still firing at full burn, taking him and Vosra higher and farther away. Going back was not in the cards.



Well-Known Member
Racing outside, Daemos watched as a Jedi Master as being taken by Ember, the sole Master of the Mandalorians. Leaping hard into the air - far higher than should be obtained thanks to it being a Force Enhanced Czar Anzati leap. Weighed down by his armor and weaponry, there was no way possible he could catch them, maybe without it all but not currently.

However, as he got closer he reached out with his mind in the sole talent that had become his crutch - Torture by Chagrin. Yes he sought to invade the mind of a Master, but it was one whom had and currently still was mid fight. His concentration could optimistically be low enough that Daemos would break through, where he would ransack all obtainable memories and thoughts - twisting them in as gruesome fashions as he could imagine.

As well, there was the rapid fire from his dual DL-12 blasters to distract him further. All shots were aimed for the mans Jetpack, which faced himself.

Maybe he shouldnt have been drinking, then he wouldnt feel it a good test to take on the man.

[member="Ember Rekali"]

Kitt Solo

Alen Na'Varro's Ex
[member="Lord Daemos"] [member="Ember Rekali"]

The chord snapped and she fell. Stomach dropped and she remembered why she hated those dagum, Corellian sector fair rides. But her eyes didn't miss the space wizard shredding the chord like ribbons, even as the wind whistled around her ears. She also didn't giggle like a little girl as she fell, like [member="Dak Canton"] was prone to do.

The raw-force released from her in an attempt to slow her - - OOMMPHHH-SMACK! She fell right into [member="Lord Daemos"], with enough force to probably knock a few dozen flying gundarks on their ass. Ribs, limbs, tangled hair, all wrapped around some strange man. She was just glad he would, hopefully, break their fall.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Lord Daemos"]' attempt to invade Ember's memories actually worked pretty much exactly as the Knight anticipated.

For about three seconds. Then Kitt Solo fell toward him, and Daemos would discover something most unpleasant. Not the memories -- though Ember's memories were full of the most brutal loss and tragedy -- but the layeredness of Ember's mind, learned in dense mental maze traps. Getting in was, all things considered, relatively easy. Getting out of Ember's mind in order to handle the current situation, that was something else entirely. The Master latched onto the Mandalorian-In-Name-Only as his jetpack took him farther away. Blaster bolts smacked off the beskar plating, heating his body glove. One fogged his viewport.

He flew on, far out of reach of the honorless manwench whose perspective and consciousness were now pretty thoroughly trapped in Ember's head. He wished Daemos much luck handling Solo.

He was fething out of here. After a suitable distance, he let go of Daemos' consciousness and moved on.


Well-Known Member
Daemos twisted and warped himself around the woman, thus landing on his feet with the woman in his arms. Setting her aside he sighed, Ember was gone once more. Twice he had attempted battle, both times it was unaccepted. But just before being released from the mental grip of the Master, Daemos had left a message:

The Force rarely chooses Mandalorian's, and it chose one in me. Aid me in my endeavor to prove myself a Vod...please.

Whether he chose to ignore it or not, mattered little. Each time they met he attempted casual combat, maybe next time he should step it up to get the recognition he sought.

As he turned and left Kitt where she was, Daemos realized one thing as he froze for the barest of seconds. He had said please...what had Voracitos' consumption of his mind done to him..

Then he took off like a gun shot, charging away into the distance. He was done here.

[member="Kitt Solo"] [member="Ember Rekali"]

Kitt Solo

Alen Na'Varro's Ex
[member="Lord Daemos"]

No broken bones; it was her lucky day! Feet were back on solid ground. Empathy quickly picked up on a few things from one Mister [member="Lord Daemos"]: confusion, anger, the darkside. He seemed to be rather sithly. And she recalled the Fel Empire offering a bounty on sith. Not as much as the jedi that just got away, but still.


While Daemos was having a silent monologue, she bent down and clipped a rogue lightsaber to her belt. Myrtle-ellipses zeroed in on her fallen blaster. With a snap of her fingers her favorite gun was back solidly in her hand. She turned and fired multiple stun bolts at Damien just as he was fleeing.
And no. One did not just catch [member="Kitt Solo"] like she was some damsel in distress and set her down. If anyone was going to do that, it would be Alen, and it would be with the knowledge that she could handle herself. Annoyed, Alen looked over from his battle with [member="Supreme Overlord Dredge"] and reached out with the Force, looping a noose of energy around [member="Lord Daemos"]' left ankle and tugging, looking to trip him up. Na'Varro knew that all Sith had a ninety thousand credit bounty on them, and Kitt would love the chance to collect. He aimed to give her a chance at kicking the Sith's rump ... because he cared, and that's what caring people do.

He winked at Kitt, then turned his attention back to Dredge. With an anti-clockwise roll of his head, he slipped the jab and the left hook before stepping in with a powerful right hook, left hook combination to the body before ripping a right uppercut at Dredge's chin, then bobbing, weaving, and coming out of his reach again, setting up on the edge of the pocket and ready to trade once more.


Well-Known Member
Sensing the shots as they came, Daemos showed his acrobatic skill by leaping into a stiff body front flip that carried him over the shots. Then came the telekinetic tug from a separate power, and all it did was tug backwards as if it had sought to trip him. However, bearing in mind he was mid air, it simply moved his flip slightly faster.

Just before finishing the final flip of the arc, Daemos twisted so he was doing more of a cartwheel. Thus, it was perfect. As he faced the man whom had flipped him, he held both hands out and let loose two straight fingers. On both hands the finger was the same, and it was a universal sign of insult. Obviously the man felt threatened that Daemos had held the womans lithe form, and that was to bad.

Finishing the stunt with a grin, he spun and took off full tilt thanks to the carried momentum.

He loved being an ass.

[member="Alen Na'Varro"] [member="Kitt Solo"]

Lord Ghoul

For reasons involving the need for alcohol, Mikhail Shorn entered the bar at precisely this moment. A quick glance ascertained the situation: lots of fighting people who he could care less about. Some blonde guy nearly ran into Mikhail. The Sith Lord made an irritated sound and wrapped a telekinetic Force Choke around [member="Lord Daemos"]' throat, the likes of which he'd probably never felt before.

Then Shorn attempted to turn the guy into a human asteroid and smash him into the ground with bone-breaking power.
Well ... it seems that the laws of physics combined with Alen's Mastery of Force Grip were not in force today. This was strange. Alen could have written about how [member="Lord Daemos"]' avoidance of his novel use of the art was pretty much impossible, but he really didn't have time today. For the first time, Na'Varro found himself thanking the Force for [member="Mikhail Shorn"]. And there was no way that Daemos could miraculously avoid his Force Grip twice.

Na'Varro took the man's form with the power, exerting huge pressure on his form, while letting Shorn smash the guy around, much like how an ouija board might work if it existed in this universe.

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