Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Staff OOC Drama Martial Law Declared

We'll talk plainly in this announcement.

It seems all my effort with the VCs w/ Major Faction Owners landed on some deaf ears. It's a mixed crowd, for sure, a majority is listening with a minority of people thinking what was said doesn't apply to them. So I'm authorizing the SWRP Staff Team to escalate our response against it.

Any member found engaging in OOC drama, be it the usual hatespeech, arguments, blame, calling each other liars, Machiavellian dumminess, OR posting generally unfunny memes because you possess zero comedic timing, passive aggressive laugh reacts, you're going to catch the following at a minimum:

1. 1 week ban from SWRP.
2. Thread bans from all Invasions your Major Faction is partaking in currently, and the subsequent Invasion(s) your Major Faction(s) partake in.
3. If you're an MFO, you'll be immediately relieved of your position, zero tolerance.

4. Contextually speaking, could lose the Drama Category for your Invasion.

As always, this will not be a blanket ban, but will be applied individually after investigation given context.

As always, Chaos, the majority of you don't even need to worry about this, I thank you, I hope you're enjoying Chaos, private threads are bae, I get it.

For those of you present and future that this affects, we're going to collectively as a community ask you one last time:

"Can we not, though."

We're done with warnings, this season.

These Invasions are happening. This community wants war and my job is to make sure that happens and can continue to happen, in reasonable fashion. The Staff team is literally drafting Admins right now to fill roles we usually don't fill just to ensure it. It's a lot of cogs and wheels and moving pieces.

And all me, Valiens, the Admins, the RPJs, the FJs, the CJs, and the MFOs are asking is that we remain chill and peaceful and keep IC and OOC separated as best we can. Mourn together, celebrate together, fight togther, or if nothing else, please go make some secret hateful salty discord and hope nobody reports it together.

See you on the battlefield, and may the Borg be with you all.
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