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One Sith vs. Galactic Republic: Invasion of Togoria OOC Thread

ADM. Reshmar

Directorate Officer Fleet Admiral SJC 3rd Fleet
[member="Malos Kas"] [member="Reen Lorgon"] [member="Mantic Dorn"]
The fleet battle doesn't have a set fleet scale so if you want to use your freighter thats fine. But he was expecting to use a squadron sized force and as long as you guys both agree than go for it. You have little chance of killing his ships with a freighter but that doesnt have to be whats ots about. The main thing is to have fun.
Draco Vereen said:
. The Hyperspace lane through the system ran perpendicular to the fleets alignment as it hoped to trap those rushing to Togoria's defense far away from the battle. I

Is this intended as an IC set-up to fight only [member="Caius Flavian"]? Or is this also intended to draw out some of my forces currently in hyperspace to fight as well?

[member="Cyrus Tregessar"], I just did dice rolls to figure out when my ships currently in hyperspace will arrive based on the rules for reserve deployment in Firestorm Armada. Based on those rolls, IC Gir Quee and Cerulean Spear Command will arrive on the battlefield in two posts (so the post after this upcoming post). Task Force 58 rolled terribly, and will be showing up in 4 posts from now.

This is all somewhat dependent on if Draco's ships pull them out I'll have my actual post up after I get his response to this.
Draco Vereen said:
[member="Gir Quee"]

First One. I understand all yall are in Hyperspace, He's coming from Yutan, no idea where yall are.
Sweet, I just didn't want to intrude before I posted.

[member="Cyrus Tregessar"], post is up. As always, if there's anything that you want me to change, let me know.

I think that it may not hurt to make a rough tactical map for this soon.
[Member=Isamu Baelor] | [member=Mantic Dorn]

After waiting the initial 24 hour time period, I messaged my opponent, [member=Tymon] and have been unable to make contact within the proper window, so I will be wrapping that up and moving on.

Looking for a new opponent for Ali. Private 1 v 1 with a NFU preferred, we can use the terrain set up I designed with my previous opponent or hash or something new.
The Margrave's Mate has been kidnapped!

After failing to find the nomadic Margrave, the leader of Togorians, Soeht has opted to kidnap the Margrave's mate instead. She's being held captive in the Swamp of Vapors. Soeht demands the surrender of the Margrave, but will the Republic intervene?


That was one interesting storyteaser!

Bear in mind that since you chose to hold it in the frame work of the invasion we are on strict PvP wins/losses within a mileu that promotes fairness between sides, hence your opponent must be given a fair opposition when deciding win/loss terms, and not only stumble through a corridor of traps before weakned finally meeting you... you get where I am heading to.

If it had not been because of the invasion setting complicatnig things I would have jumped this myself without second thought. Awesome first post :)
[member="Mantic Dorn"]
More interested in getting someone to confront Soeht soon(er)(ish) than DM a dungeon crawl for 8 days. "Token Sith guards" are total pushovers, right? Unless they turn out to be a player-written character...
Grand Admiral, First Order Central Command
[member="Sanya Val Swift"]

With my classic mistake of reading a post and then writing a response a day later without checking anything, I have totally neglected to mention your forces, even though they're explicitly mentioned as being present on the battlefield. I shall be rectifying this in an edit while attempting to not effect [member="Gir Quee"]'s post as well.

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