Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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On Sanctuary. (no slavers)

Iratann smiled a bit, although she was somewhat embarrased because of her judgment. She needed to remember to meet the person before being scared of him or her. "I-I'm s-sorry I-I judged y-you..." The Twi'lek girl said, as she got closer to the smuggler. She extended her hand, to greet both Capitain Falcor and Colap Tilcon.

[member="Colap Ticon"] [member="Regor Laxvan"] [member="Captain Falcor"]
Regore noddet to [member="Colap Ticon"] "you got yourself a deal, sanqtuary is a free havewn to al, you are welcome to set up shop" Regore smiled at Iratann "better save than sorry"
[member="Funkifan"] [member="Regor Laxvan"]

"Hey it's no biggie." Colap shook the Aliens hand, delivering a wide smile, then he turned and motioned to Regor.

"Mind walking me a round a bit and showing where a good space for a shop might be?"
"thad is no problem, thoug i am going to visit a friend at communications first, i promised her i would stop by when i got back."
[member="Colap Ticon"]
Falcor watched the man walk away, he turned to the girl. "Not often you see imperials around here huh?" he said lightheartedly. and with a nod in response to her greeting. "Its not often I talk to anyone that isn't an imperial."
As Colap shook her hand, Ira smiled, leaving everything aside. "A-A p-pleasure t-to meet you t-too." She said, having lost the fear she had in her heart. Then, she started following the two men, curious to see who was Regore's friend. "R-Regore... what is the name o-of y-your friend?" The Twi'lek girl asked, wanting to know more about Regore and the woman that was waiting for him at communications.

As they walked, she turned her attention to the Imperial officer. Scratching her back of her head, she responded. "A-Actually... I-I h-have n-no idea w-what a-an I-Imperial is..."

[member="Colap Ticon"] [member="Regor Laxvan"]
The walked into a building whitch had a massif satalite disch on top, just inside they were greeted by Cena who jumpt up from her seat behid the comunications panel the momend she heard them approach "Re!" she alsmost ran over to them "It is so good to see you agien" regore smiled "it is good to see you too Cena"rembering the others he tund to them "oh before i forget, This here is Cena my best friend" he whisperd "and somtimes more" cena punched him playfuly in the arm "hey i heard thad"
[member="Colap Ticon"]
[member="Regor Laxvan"]

"Aha pleasure to meet ya." Colap extended his hand out to shake the womans and looked around. they had a lot of commo gear here and some it looked like it could serve a dual purpose. Colap was gonna need some help later on with setting up some communications for his shop, so he made a mental note to come visit these guys later.

Then he just waited, waiting for Regor to show him where he could set his operations up.
Iratann smiled, and she also extended her hand to greet Cena, having lost the fear she had before. "A-A p-pleasure to meet you miss Cena" The Twi'lek girl said, cheerfully, leaving aside her shyness for a moment, happy to find another friend in the galaxy. "W-What is your job here, C-Cena?" Ira said, after a moment, as she observed a lot of electronic devices and computers in the room where the small group was inside.

[member="Colap Ticon"] [member="Regor Laxvan"]
Falcor walked into the room with the others and gave Cena a nod, "Greetings." he said and looked around at all the electronic gadgets. He turned to Regor, "What is all this stuff for?" he asked, he knew what most of it was, but nine hundred years was a long time, and he had no idea what some of the things in this place did. 'At Least blasters are the same.' he muttered to himself.

[member="Colap Ticon"]
[member="Regor Laxvan"]
Cena smiled at [member="Funkifan"] "Pleaser to meet you all ,i am the chief comunications and head and slicer here, i basikly make shure pepol always have the info they need" Regore turnd to [member="Captain Falcor"] "dont thruwly knowe, cena takes care of the tecnical stuf" cena turnd to them "most of it is fore comunication and servalance, thinks like encrypters and decrypters, resievers and transmitters, als some of it we use fore slicing, ot defenting are own electronic systems" regore smiled "thanks fore the leson cena" "Your welcome"
[member="Colap Ticon"]
[member="Funkifan"] [member="Captain Falcor"] [member="Regor Laxvan"]

Colap ran a hand through his hair putting an unlit cigar in his mouth and admiring the equipment.

"I'll have to stop by for a lesson sometime. I've always wanted to learn how to slice systems."
Iratann smiled, though her curiosity had not been sated yet. "And... h-how y-you two m-meet?" The green Twi'lek girl asked Regore and Cena, wanting to know how the blue Twi'lek and the trooper had became friends, remembering how Regore had told her that he had been born and raised on Ryloth.

[member="Colap Ticon"] [member="Regor Laxvan"] [member="Captain Falcor"]
Cena noddet to [member="Colap Ticon"] "il teach you somtim" regore and cena smiled as [member="Funkifan"] asked howe they met regore replyd " Wel we grew up together, we were born in the same vilages, and fore some reason we became good friends, we dit evryting together basikly." "good times, hey re do you rember thad old arc-170 thad we spend so mutch time on fixing" "yeah i howe we used to stay up an nicht just tinkering whit thad ting"
Iratann kept smiling. "O-Oh!" She exclaimed, happy to see that the two were very close. "A-And... w-why did y-you decided to j-join the Galactic Liberation Collective C-Cena?" The Twi'lek girl asked, curious to know more about her. "B-Because, I-I think is a very noble g-goal to h-help e-escaped s-slaves, like me."

[member="Regor Laxvan"] [member="Colap Ticon"] [member="Captain Falcor"]
Cena's face sadent slichtly when tinking back " we actuly kind of foundet the GLC, Re and i were playing outisede the villeges when slavers knoked him out and abduted me, afther thad Re whent afther them taking his mayls old weapons and armor, thoug it was to late aredy, i spoke out agienst them and got whiped beceas of it"she turnd around lifing up the back of her shirt, recealing the scar thad ran acros some of the length of her spine, regore continuwd the sory "afther i freed her and killed those basterds, i wanted to prevent others frome getting hurt like thad, and cena whent whit me, thad is howe we started fichting fore freedom, the GLC grew out of thad, starting by arming the freed slaves thad wanted to ficht whit us" he traced his finger over cena's scar his face contrakting in anger and sadnes thinking back to thad day.
Bothe cena and regore smiled slichtly at the girls comend "i geas it is"
Iratann smile faded, obviously feeling sad for both Cena and Regore. "I-I... I-I h-had n-no i-idea... I-I'm s-sorry I-I asked..." The Twi'lek said, looking to the floor.

However, after staying in that position for a small expanse of time, she looked up again, and faced Cena. "P-Perhaps... I-I c-can m-make t-that w-wound b-better." She said, pointing to the scar Cean had. "I-I... I-I c-can help i-it t-to h-heal." She added, waiting for Cena's and Regore's response.

[member="Regor Laxvan"] [member="Colap Ticon"] [member="Captain Falcor"]
The Captain stood and watched the discussion, after a moment of silence, as not to intrude, he spoke up. "So, what exactly is it that you do here?" he asked, "Besides harbor slaves." He hadn't meant to say that last part, but the imperial part of him slipped it out. He slammed his mouth shut and tried to look as if nothing had happened.
[member="Regor Laxvan"]
[member="Colap Ticon"]
Cena lookd at [member="Iratann'Dira"] "it is oke, youd coudn't have knowne, and we tryd to heal it, noting yet worked, but it is not thad bad it doesn't hurt any more" Regore spoke to [member="Captain Falcor"] slythly angry "we don't harbor slaves, there are no slaves here just free people, the kind of people we ficht to free"

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