Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Old user coming back to RP.

As the title says I'm and old RPer from a couple of years ago. Saw the rise and fall of the Hutt Cartel now trying out a different character. A hulking mass called Porl. He is a Elnacon, but seeing as theirs not much to go by from their wiki I'm basing him of the Ologs from LOTRs. So just gonna see where this goes. Sort of thinking about playing him as a smuggler maybe go down the bounty hunter route, but we'll see.

Got a starter thread up as an introduction, based on Nal Hutta.
Major Faction


Paragon of Sacrifice
The Bounty Hunter's guild might be the play for you, Porl Berlmat Porl Berlmat

The Sith Empire recently put out an open bounty on all Jedi. It sounds like potential to me.

I help run the unified Jedi order. If you swing that way in the story and want to hunt, maybe I can help make that happen for you.


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