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Approved Tech OC Heavy Tactical Armor Mark XII 'Discidator'

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  • Classification: Assault Power Armor
  • Weight: Extremely Heavy
  • Resistances:
    • Energy: Very High
    • Kinetic: Very High
    • Lightsabers: Very High
    • Force: None
    • Sonic: Average
    • Ion/EMP: Average
    • Elemental: Very High
    • Molecular: Low
    • Atomic: Very Low
  • Spinal Cord Connectors (thought-impulse-unit): Through points along the body and the spine the wearer becomes directly attached to the armor, instead of wearing it, the armor becomes a part of the wearer, enhancing his speed and strength with its servos and own power generator. The movements are transmitted to the limbs as well as to the armor.
  • Tactical HUD: An interactive connection to the armor integrated sensors and scanners as well as The Phalanx's scanners, sensors and strategium gives a 3D HUD with the possibility to access a large variety of information. Tactical display and map, troop locations, targeting reticules, range finders, ultraviolet vision, infrared vision and night vision, as well as interactive com-link and holo-transmitter. The HUD works on thought activation. The helmet offers a strong increase of all senses, both due to the sensors and scanners and the natural enhancement of the wearer connected to them.
  • Internal power supply: A miniature power generator with a high energy output and high durability, but extensive maintenance if failures occur.
  • Life support: The armor features a rebreather unit to clean dirty or toxic atmosphere, allowing for unlimited deployment in Type III atmospheres but also allowing deployment in atmospheres were a minimum of oxygen was present, utilising this bit, but only working for a limited amount of time.
  • Pressure system: For a limited time the armor suit allows the wearer to be deployed in space, utilising saved oxygen reserves to breath.
  • Magnetic boots: The boots can become magnetic upon activation.
  • Second Skin: The armor has the benefit of not only being worn, but becoming a second skin for the wearer due to its extensive connections.
  • Enclosed: The armor allows a deployment in nearly all environments.
  • Ironclad: The suit is designed to withstand the enormous amount and the heaviest of attacks. The coverage of joints and reinforced plating makes it very difficult to injure the wearer.
  • Sixth & Seventh Sense: The armor expands the perception of the wearer to a superhuman level through scanners and sensors, giving impressions and information ordinary senses would not give as well as improving the common senses like vision and hearing through the helmet functions.
  • Tactical: The suit is made to be deployed in battle and its connection to its own scanners and sensors is used as well as the connection to the battlefield surveillance of the strong ship based scanners, if a ship of the Order is in orbit which can allow for a maximum overview and information access.
  • Maintenance: The systems of the armor are very complex and therefore the maintenance of the armor is very time consuming if a system should fail.
  • Chain reaction: There is the very slight possibility that during a malfunction of the internal power supply, the suit of armor is getting permanently destroyed and killing the wearer due to neural connections overloading and melting.
  • Force: The armor does not protect the wearer from any attacks by the Force which affect the wearer directly/internally/mentally.
  • Weight: Unaltered individuals may only be able wear this armor if they are of an extremely strong physics.
  • Visibility: The armor is made of auromidium and therefore gold, it is very very difficult to hide in it.
  • Size: The armor is designed for very large individuals and therefore can only be worn by and altered for people in a specific spectrum of weight and height.
  • Behemoth: Opposite to the Mark XI, the XII sacrifices some agility for more protection and is therefore slowing down the Legionnaire.
From the Forgelords of the Olympus Vulcanus are coming the armors of the Vandemarian Shield and Spear Legions. The finest equipment for the finest soldiers. Their craft was over the years turned into an art and the massed production of these items a competition of the different Forge-Houses.

The Mark XII called Discidator is a specialised version of the Ferrata, designed for the heavy Scutarii units of the Spear Legions, to break offer a stronger, offensive gear. They sacrifice agility and speed for endurance and survivability. The thicker plates and more extended individual parts efficiently protect joints, but decrease the possibilities of movement.

As for all equipment of the Legions, these belong to the best as well. It is produced in smaller amounts than the Mark XI, available for single cadres, not entire companies. The model has no noteworthy modular parts or additions, except for rank insignia.

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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Aurelian Sigismund Aurelian Sigismund

Another nice armour, but I found a serious problem:
  • Affiliation: Vandemar; I can't accept this. Please give the proper PC names to whom this submission belongs.
    Resistances: (For each category choose from: None, Very Low, Low, Average, High, Very High, Extreme. Ratings of High, Very High, and Extreme will need to be added as strengths with elaboration.) Resistance Ratings Extreme will require the submission to be Semi-Unique. This Resistance Rating is considered very strong and are usually dealing with unique items that should be restricted to Player Characters only.

If I upgrade the Production to Limited, is it still balanced?

But it doesn´t work with Extreme. Taaadaaaa. :D

Do you got a suggestion? Except for making it Very High^3 and Limited, just elaborating on the Strengths over the ordinary Mark XI? Sounds most reasonable, but a bit overdue if all got the same in the end. ^^

(A single small unit, squad, or squadron)
For Semi-Unique this is true.

But Extreme should be for PCs.

I will lower it to Very High and push it to Limited.

I personally believe that there is a production rating missing between Limited and Semi-Unique. Something like Small which allows for specific units, bigger military units like companies or so.
Because there is a whole lot of space between Minor Faction and one squad.
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