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A King Without a Kingdom

A King Without a Kingdom
Trioculus' Aurelius' Palace, Kessel
Aurelius looked out from the window of his office in what once was Trioculus' Palace, down at the spice and coaxium mines below him. This. This is what his empire had amounted to. Two holes in the dirt and an old palace once owned by some three-eyed freak who claimed to have been the child of Palpatine. He talked a big game, but look at what he had to show for it.

He banged a fist on the window before moving to and slumping into his chair. The Devaronian stuck a tabac stick between his teeth and let it light itself, taking a puff and exhaling with a heavy sigh. Black Sun was on the rise again, he had heard. Those scumsuckers making a comeback, and here he was wallowing in a castle in the dirt. That should be me, he thought. But it's not. You gonna do something about it?

Aurelius heaved himself from the leather seat and made himself a drink. Pamarthe Storm Brewer. That Confederate Admiral Brayde had shared the details of the drink with him after their sabacc game back on Abregado-Rae. He took a sip, the little jolt of electricity energizing him a bit.

"Life's too short to spend every minute shut away in some palace," that's what Aurelius had said during that game. But what now? What was he to do?

[member="Nyx N1X3"] | [member="Malicar"]
(Anyone else, PM me if you want to be included)
It took a bit of digging, but between the Corellian Naval Intelligence and the Chiss Expeditionary Intelligence Department, along with his own less scrupulous sources, Malicar had begun to track down the remnants of Black Sun. Of course, he was looking for those from the past and those from the present. Those remnant members of Black Sun from the present were welcomed with a hail of blaster fire. However, those from the past, who no longer had an association with the “Black Sun remnants” were approached in a very different manner altogether.

Malicar sought information from the “old guard”, so to speak. He wished to learn about the lore of the organization to better understand age old enemies, long-standing allies, debts owed to Black Sun, outstanding debts, hidden bases and safehouses, etc. Any information along these lines was good information. That is why Malicar sought out the devaronian known as Aurelius Baldor.

The Shadow Hammer settled on a landing pad on the outskirts of the mine proper. Malicar disembarked with his small security contingent and came to the Trioculus Palace. Knowing he was being watched from within, Malicar said loudly, “Aurelius Baldor…I am Malicar Raith. Spare me a moment so that we might speak on present times?”

The Chiss would take the conversation to wherever it might land—putting them as enemies, putting them as allies, or somewhere in between…

[member="Aurelius Baldor"]
[member="Nyx N1X3"]
Aurelius had seen the Shadow Hammer's descent, and watched as a group of figures exited the modified freighter. Malicar Raith, the Chiss had called himself. If Aurelius recalled correctly, this was the man lording over the new Black Sun. With a sign he commed down to the guards keeping watch, Kessel Sentinels like the ones who served the Pykes. "Let the blueberry pass." He took another sip of his drink, watching Malicar and his security team as they made their way to the Palace. Aurelius had told himself, and others, that he was on his own now. That he would only stick his neck out for himself and his own, and certainly not for the Black Sun. But the new Underlord was here, and wanted to talk. He would listen, at least. Puffing the tabac stick, he slipped a shell spider silk sport coat over his red shirt, before returning to his seat at the desk with his drink. No doubt Malicar would be ushered through the palace to the room any minute.
The Scythe swept down toward the planet below at a leisurely pace. Few enjoyed the sight of an unknown craft approaching at high speed. Its pilot even transmitted a request to land and followed whatever protocol they deemed fit.

Once the large starfighter touched down, its ramp descended to the pad allowing the pilot to disembark. A soft clack of metal on metal accompanied each step as the dark droid descended. Her red eyes swept over the immediate area for a moment; they lingered off to one side in the direction of the mines. It was a strange sight given the one that was supposed to reside in the nearby palace. A bit too legitimate. Aside from what the Spice trade often involved that is.

As Nyx strode toward the palace, her optical units beheld the Kessel Sentinels. "I am Nyx." A simple enough introduction for the doormen. Of course, if they wanted to exchange those masked looked for an attempt to remove the 'mere' droid from pestering them she would gladly show Aurelius gambling was not her only skill. It would, however, be unfortunate if it were necessary to harm his property. Perhaps they knew of her, however; that would be the more convenient and expedient route. Assuming the Devaronian had not already fought about the alcohol-consuming droid he'd met.

Tag: [member="Aurelius Baldor"] | [member="Malicar"]​
Aurelius had already cleared Nyx for landing and entry as soon as he had learned she was coming, and the guards gave her no trouble. He smiled, sipping his drink once more and relaxing a bit in the chair. Having her here would calm his nerves, and perhaps she could help with whatever was to happen with the Black Sun.

Speaking of which, he summoned a security team up to his office, a squad of enforcers armed with percussive cannons, clad in suits of Krail 210 Personal Armor. His holdout blaster was attached to the underside of his desk, just within reach. If Malicar intended to kill him, Aurelius would not go down without a fight.

[member="Nyx N1X3"] | [member="Malicar"]
Striding in, Malicar was flanked by a small team of Mandalorians in black beskar'gam with gold trim and gold visors. Looking over, his glowing red eyes met the devaronians glancing at his security and then back at him. Malicar began, "If I wanted to kill you, I would have done it from my squadron of fighters. But I am not here to fight; I am here to...negotiate."

The Chiss gave a respectful nod to the droid, Nyx.

Pause. He eyed the devaronian seeming to judge his intentions before continuing. The Mandalorian contingent flanked him in defensive positions and had a spread their position a bit, but nothing that was aggressive. With the devaronian seeming to be paying attention, he continued...

"I have taken control of Black Sun. Many organizations that have felt the weight of the galaxy bearing down on their businesses and their plays have fallen in under Black Sun's umbrella. Our plan is bold and forward thinking. Our assets will be highly mobile. We will settle into a few systems, a month at a time. After 30 days..."

Malicar snaps his fingers with a *pop*

"We will be gone. Moved to another set of systems to establish our syndicates and profit centers before moving on again."

Allowing the devaronian a moment follow what his strategy was, Malicar continued, "This is where you come in. We want you to join us. Take the Shadowhand Cartel and fall in with Black Sun if you so desire..."

Looking around and peering outside, he looked back at the Aurelius and reasoned, "I think we can both agree that this is not your fate..."

His head swung over to Nyx, "This invitation is extended to you as well, Nyx..."

[member="Nyx N1X3"]
[member="Aurelius Baldor"]
The Devaronian sneered. "Black Sun's already left me high and dry before, I'm not keen on letting it happen a second time." Aurelius paused for a moment, taking a sip of his drink. "When they collapsed, I made a promise to myself that I wouldn't risk my hide for any more big-shots, that if I was gonna stay in the game I was gonna do it on my own terms. And then you come here, in my office, asking me to break that promise. So tell me, Malicar, why should I join you?"

His attitude changed greatly as his focus shifted from Malicar to Nyx. "Nyx, my dear, it's always a pleasure to see you. To what do I owe the joy of your company? And please, feel free to make yourself comfortable. What's mine is yours." His gaze at Malicar afterwards made it clear that the offer only extended to her.

[member="Malicar"] | [member="Nyx N1X3"]
The droid did not hobble like most protocol droids, but had a fluid if not quite Human gait. To mimic their skeletal structure accurately would diminish her own operational efficiency as her frame was not constructed as theirs. There were cables and bindings akin to muscle, but they were not attached or designed in the same fashion. Her appearance was Human-like, but her creator obviously had no illusions about who or what it was they had been creating. Perhaps that had been intentional. More than likely she expected her appearance was meant to make it easier for Humans and other species like them to accept her in their presence; while still remaining droid-like enough they didn't think her an infiltrator.

As she strode into the room, her optical unit beheld a Chiss that stood before Aurelius. One surrounded by Mandalorians, and in turn the Devaronian had his own entourage. Each intended to display a position of strength before the other, and ensure their personal safety. Nyx did not have such a gathering in her wake, nor did she feel it terribly beneficial to do so. Nevertheless, she took up a position to one side between the two men as they faced off.

From the appearance of the Mandalorians Nyx believed the Chiss to represent the Black Sun. A fact the man himself confirmed only seconds later. A rotation of her cranial unit acknowledged the Chiss' nod of recognizing her presence. It was, after all, not customary for many sentients to accept a droid any more than they might a chair. She preferred those that saw her as something more... though Nyx couldn't quite place why.

The unnamed Chiss offered to have Aurelius folded into the Black Sun, and the Devaronian for his part replied as Nyx expected. Nevertheless, there was an opportunity here. If she did not even contemplate it she would be remiss in her duty.

Aurelius soon commanded the droid's attention, however, as he addressed her in a far more familiar and accepting tone. "Conducting business via holonet is efficient, but not as pleasant. I have located several prospects you or those you know may find worth pursuing." As Malicar pointed out, much as Aurelius had in personal control now, it was likely not to the grand scale the man would prefer. Nyx could not simply hand him a well-connected criminal organization, but in return for his help -- both known or otherwise -- it was in her interest to keep him successful in his endeavors. Should Malicar manage to persuade Aurelius, then such an arrangement might expand to cover both.

Tag: [member="Aurelius Baldor"] | [member="Malicar"]​
The attempt at a slight by the devaronian using the droid was ignored by the Chiss. He simply addressed the earlier concern. In a matter-of-fact tone, he replied, “I was not running Black Sun before. Unlike my unworthy predecessors, I understand the value in my associates. Running a large enterprise worthwhile cannot be done alone—it is foolish to think otherwise….”


“As for ‘risking your hide’, any worthwhile endeavor requires a certain amount of skin in the game. The difference is that the arrangement is not unfavorable. There is nothing awaiting you in Black Sun, except opportunity…”

His glowing red eyes rested on the devaronian and his voice was clear, “Why join me? Because sometimes opportunity knocks and second chances should never be discarded out of hand. You stand to make a great deal of credits with us and you have more potential than…this.”

Malicar peered out beyond the glass and into the mines beyond.

[member="Nyx N1X3"]
[member="Aurelius Baldor"]
"If you're so disdainful of what I've got here, then why ask me to join? There are more profitable operations for you to goad into joining, no doubt." Aurelius paused for a moment, puffing his tabac stick. "Unless, that is, there's something you want from me. I doubt that you are giving me this offer out of the kindness of your heart. So let's cut the pleasantries and have the truth of it: what is it you want from me, Malicar?"

Again, his attitude shifted as he addressed Nyx. "I'm glad you decided to visit in person, then. Though I'm sure you understand that, given present company, I would rather wait to discuss such matters. I'm still grateful that you came to me, of course."

[member="Malicar"] [member="Nyx N1X3"]
The Chiss hid the growing impatience he was having with the devaronian. To Malicar, the conversation was now going in redundant circles and approaching what he would classify as a ‘waste of time’. But this was a dance that had to be played often in underworld circles—what’s in it for me? Why should I do it? What assurances do I have? It was the same line of questioning over and over. What Malicar found over the decades was that it was simply part of the process…not everyone did business like Chiss and got to the heart of the matter immediately...

In a voice that was level and calm, Malicar answered, “No. This offer is not out of the kindness of my heart. I do not know you. But I know your reputation. I know enough to know you could be an asset to Black Sun and contribute to what we are trying to accomplish. It really is that simple, Aurelius. I do not want your mines. I did not come here to show disdain for what you have built...I came here to recruit you as an asset and inform you that if you want more than this, join us. We need more savvy Vigos in Black Sun and that is why I am here…”

Malicar bowed slightly, and eyed the alien, and clarified, “If you need time to consider this offer, take the time you need. I encourage you to reach out to your contacts who have had dealings with me—they will tell you that I never double deal on those who work with or for me…this offer will be on the table for another standard week.”

[member="Nyx N1X3"]
[member="Aurelius Baldor"]
Ego. It was unfortunate, but organics held more than sufficient quantities of ego. It muddied negotiations. As it did here. The droid listened as the men bantered back and forth; one wanted assurances, and the other thought opportunity alone was sufficient. Neither tried appealing to the other's ego even as they touted their own. They would only continue to clash at their present rate of interaction.

Nyx's optical units turned to the Devaronian as he suggested forestalling discussion. She concurred, naturally. In part she had only been so forthcoming in an effort to help this 'discussion.'

"Your offer involves frequent liquidation of assets," the droid finally interjected into the conversation, her attention on the Chiss. "A heightened level of risk and lack of independence might result from rapid relocation to make isolation, infiltration, and disruption difficult. Would those that accept your offer be free to pursue matters of their own choosing, or are all assets held by the firm?"

Tag: [member="Aurelius Baldor"] | [member="Malicar"]​
"Exactly. Don't think I don't know how this works, I know that risks are necessary in this game we're playing. I'm not new to this world, Raith. I'm asking for specifics here, and if you want me to join I'm going to need more than vague mentions of 'more than this'. You're speaking a lot of words without saying much." Aurelius said, taking his tabac stick out of his mouth and motioning to Nyx. "And, as Nyx mentioned, I would require a high level of independence, as well as the ability to maintain my own assets." Aurelius didn't care much for Malicar, so far seeing him as all talk and very little substance. Sure, Aurelius may not have much now, but he was certain things would change soon, especially with Nyx here. Not to mention several other prospects already on the drawing board.

"If you know my reputation, then you should already be aware that I'm my own man now and intend on remaining that way. So unless you can provide something solid, then consider this meeting done, because so far you have failed to do so. And I'm not buying a sales pitch of nebulous promises and empty words." Aurelius said, eyes focused on Malicar as he drank from his glass once again. He was a much different man here than he had been at the The Merchant's Wife back on Abregado-Rae, much less jovial and more focused.

[member="Nyx N1X3"] | [member="Malicar"]
By patient. Not all crimelords are created equal in the realm of processing information…

“Aurelius, I told you at the beginning of our conversation that your Shadow Hand Cartel was welcome to join the fold of Black Sun. The implication being that it would be business as usual for your organization. As a part of Black Sun, predictably, your organization would ‘tithe’ its earnings to support the greater whole. The Shadow Hand Cartel would be able to extend its tendrils throughout the galaxy wherever Black Sun went. We all profit…


“I can see you need some time to process this proposal. I will not keep you and your droid a minute longer from your pressing affairs.”

[member="Nyx N1X3"]
[member="Aurelius Baldor"]
If Nyx were organic she would have sighed, or so her behavior simulation module suggested as much. "The offer appears standard for these affairs. However," her attention swung to the Chiss, "before you depart, perhaps you could shed light on two last matters that will be sure to sway Aurelius one way or the other. Would he retain control over expenses and supply a 'tithe' after deducting reasonable profit margins? And is there a severance clause where both parties can part alive and in possession of their property?"

Was that perhaps too forward? Nyx didn't believe so. After all, both men said they were being quite plain with one another. In the keeping with such openness, Nyx too would put it plainly -- could Aurelius leave, if he joined, without fearing reprisal? From where she stood should both questions be favorable, she would be inclined to nudge the Devaronian to accept. Otherwise, Nyx would weigh the Chiss' words carefully to decide the most beneficial probability.

Tag: [member="Aurelius Baldor"] | [member="Malicar"]​
Aurelius was not slow, he was simply repeating himself because of Malicar's refusal to give actual answers to the questions being asked of him until now. He took a drag from the tabac stick, eyes moving between the Chiss and Nyx. Hmph. It would appear as though she believed it better for him to join Black Sun. He had been adamant about remaining independent, but perhaps Malicar would prove himself different from his predecessor. Nyx brought up some good questions, so he elected to hear the answers to them before speaking further.

[member="Nyx N1X3"] | [member="Malicar"]
“However, before you depart, perhaps you could shed light on two last matters that will be sure to sway Aurelius one way or the other. Would he retain control over expenses and supply a 'tithe' after deducting reasonable profit margins? And is there a severance clause where both parties can part alive and in possession of their property?"

Malicar nodded at the droid and replied, “Insightful questions. A prior agreed upon percentage off the gross earnings. Expenses accrued by the Shadow Hand Cartel are their own. However, one of the benefits of this arrangement is that when we collectively move into a territory, we will wipe out all of our competition and then ensure all Black Sun interests are not countering one another as we establish our own. While there might be competing markets, I am sure we can find specific plays or products that would differentiate each of us enough for all parties to be profitable.”


“Severance clause. If a party wishes to leave Black Sun on reasonable terms, it will be a clean break. Should a party wish to leave on unreasonable terms or due to reasons that put the collective Black Sun at risk—that individual and their assets are fair game for reprisal…but such should be expected.”

[member="Nyx N1X3"]
[member="Aurelius Baldor"]
Aurelius nodded. "Of course. I will remain in contact to discuss the terms of our agreement before I officially accept your offer. I'm sure you understand that I would rather wait until we iron out such things to agree. You have your people to speak with, as do I. Nevertheless," the Devaronian rose from his seat, removing the tabac stick once again before offering his other hand to Malicar. "To a profitable future." Aurelius hoped he would not come to regret this, and he pondered which one of them was making a deal with the devil here.

[member="Malicar"] | [member="Nyx N1X3"]
The droid's cranial unit turned to regard Aurelius as the man stood to his feet and offered to accept Malicar's proposal. Naturally she could not display surprise or shock in a non-verbal manner -- not one an organic would perceive intuitively anyway -- but the low probability scenario being chosen had been unlikely. Naturally, Aurelius was the gambler between the two of them. It seemed he'd decided to roll the dice, as it were.

Curious, as she thought of this, Nyx wondered if there were similarities between this and a game of pazaak. More than likely, someone developed pazaak to mirror real life.

Fortunately, the meeting had worked out for what the droid expected to benefit them all. On the other hand, which perhaps neither sentient present might understand or appreciate, Nyx did represent a third party that placed its interests above those of others. Not that they intended to betray or exploit either -- it was easier to convince someone to do something that benefitted them as well than it was to wage a pointless ideological war about 'law and order.' Still, Nyx should perhaps discuss this further with Aurelius; after all, if there were any hidden discontent it could backfire and they all lose from this agreement. Something to explore once Malicar had gone; discussing it openly in his presence would do neither any good.

Tag: [member="Aurelius Baldor"] | [member="Malicar"]​
"Excellent. I will be in touch. Thank you for your hospitality, Aurelius..."

He dipped his torso slightly and then looked to the droid and gave her a nod. With that, Malicar and his Mandalorian contingent turned and left the chamber...


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