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Private Noverskaa Refugees



Planet Noverskaa
The Silver-Bryn Border

The Crab invasion force had swept a clean divide across the entire north-eastern territories of the Silver Jedi territories. Those that fled did. Many could not.

Sam stood on the planet Noverskaa today. Assisting in a refugee resettlement program that, as of now, seemed almost doomed to failure. After all, Bryn burn whole worlds and everybody knew it. Samatharis stood at the landing ramp of one of the many dozen Pelta Class Multi-Purpose Frigate Refits that the Silvers had provided to this building and relief effort. Some cargo ships, some medical. Everybody was unloading and getting ready to begin base construction. It would be a city-sized project. Prefabricated buildings. Green fusion power. Very little excavation and mining. The usual.

The refugee ships had landed yesterday all across the green verdant valley. There were hundreds of them. Numbering several thousands of refugees. They all needed food, water, power, basic medical, new prefabs, and refueling. It was a big project. A big challenge. Yet, nothing the Silvers hadn't done a thousand times before. The Service Corps was a well-oiled machine. They didn't need orders. Just time to build.

Sam stood at the landing of one of the big ships as it unloaded a huge cargo truck on a dozen huge wheels. She was dressed for war. In her black Stormtrooper outfit, the Minotuar II. It's solid dark faceplate made her stoic. Unfeeling. Like just another soldier experiencing the horrors of war. A gargoyle watching the good men and women of the Service Corps work. It mirrored Sam's own feelings well. She hated refugee missions. It was all pain and suffering. All the time.

She turned from the unloading process and tapped her comm. Hopefully Tann was online by now too.

~ "Hope. This is Sam. Come in." ~

She turned and looked back towards the refugee ships. Unable to count them all from here.

~ "They've got a Pelta Class Medical Frigate ready for the proton-inoculations, finally. We can start sending refugees down for their immunity treatments now. We just need to make sure everybody is accounted for. Can you get down there and help them inoculate the patients? I think they'll want as many needles running all day. Thanks. I'll meet you there. Sam out." ~

The Black Stormtrooper turned to watch the unloading process continue. Remindering herself that this whole project would be for naught if the Bryn decided to continue their push G-west. They'd just burn this world too. And then were would these people be? Pfft. Right back where they started. Space bound. Looking for another world to run too.


She snorted and kicked a rock with her armored boot. The Silvers were losing this war. This. This was just the beginning. It was only going to get worse from here. Kashyyyk was next.

Tann Po'rah Tann Po'rah


A great loss was felt recently. The North-eastern side of the Silver Jedi territories had fallen under siege resulting in them losing the systems. So many worlds had been destroyed and even more refugees were now left without a home. With only one place to go, they flocked to Noverskaa. That is where Tann Po'rah was now.

Tann had come with her master, arriving on one of the dozen frigates sent as medical relief. She got separated soon after departure and was assigned -yet again- to inventory. How many times would she have to count shelves and log crates? Too many. And she foresaw this happening much more often in the future. Oh well. The life of a Padawan. When she did finally return to her master's side she did not even recognize her. Sam had dawned a black storm trooper outfit, mask included. Tann walked right past her without even realizing it.

Next to the soldier, Tann felt terribly under dressed. This seemed to be a common thing for the pair of Jedi. Tann was always lacking something. Either in robes, clothes, and now armor. She was wearing a brown leather jacket with matching two-toned pants. Under the jacket was a small blue tank top with a leather chest harness over it. Around her waist was her holster to hold her brand new white-bladed lightsaber. Lastly, she wore her normal combat boots.

Seeing all of the people lined up in mass was daunting for the Padawan. She'd never actually seen so many people gathered in one place before. And every single one of them needed shelter, food, and protection. Tann felt that she was in over her head. She would have no idea where to even start on this relief mission. Luckily her master was there to guide her.

"This is Hope! I read you, master." Tann spoke as she held the little button on the commlink in her ear. Sam would then tell her Padawan learner that immunizations were on Tann's to-do list. "I understand, Master. I will get right on that. Over and out."

With that, she would start heading her way down from the med ship. Her destination was one of the many tents down below, though she did not know which one. She had to ask three different people for directions before she finally found the hut that was supplying the drugs. Tann sighed as she stepped in, tired of feeling like she was failing already. She'd then sterilize herself, pull on some gloves, and then see about finding her first patient.


If there was something amazing about being among the Silver Jedi. It was probably always linked to the word 'scale'. The Silvers did things big. Really big. They had to. They had a whole galaxy to protect and a nigh-impossible amount of resources. Scarcity was still something most people in the galaxy knew very well. But the Service Corps? Nah. They thought big. Really big. Like, planet-sized big. And it showed.

The trick started with Cargo Ships carrying prefabs. Or, prefabricated ready-to-use structures. The Frigates would unlock these container-sized box-units onto Multi-Trucks and ship them out dozens at a time. Then the trucks would line them up and off-load them in a pre-set grid formation. Ready to unlocked, readied up, and powered either by cable or wave-form. So, in this way, you could off-load an entire city block and have it ready to go in a matter of hours. Then just rinse and repeat until you've built and powered out a whole mega-city. Now, it didn't scale up very well height wise and you usually had to leave one frigate behind for it's anti-matter generator to power everything. But still... Crazy cool to see a giant fleet turn into a giant city in just a day. Well. Sam thought so anyway.

Medical was different. Each frigate was a self contained hospital and as such, didn't change much by themselves. This meant crowd control, skilled workers, and supply concerns were usually an issue with large scale populations. Each Frigate could only handle so many people, over so many days. Thankfully, volunteers for 'unskilled' jobs could make up some of difference. Just like Tann was doing in the tents outside the starships. After all, not every job required a neurosurgeon and an Imperial Auto-Doc. Sometimes? You just needed two hands.

As Hope was gearing up for her first patient. Sam walked into the tent and looked around. Her helm was stoic. As always.

"They're using all the trucks still for the unloading process. As such, they've asked for the refugees to shuttle themselves over here all by themselves. Could be a crowd. Could be a trickle. Hard to say. Anyway. I'll be with the droids handling sign ins and logistics at the base of the ship. We'll starting by categorizing people by age, skill, Concord medical history, and vulnerability. Then start telling people to line up and be served."

She paced as she talked. Not nervous. Just, bored.

"First groups already been processed. They were already set up and waiting for the ship to get deployed. Toydarians. Hope you don't mind flying buggers. Ha. Always wished I had wings. Funny."

She undid the tent flap to watch a group of approaching speeders. More people on the way.

"Anyway. If you need a break just tell the droid over there and he'll route your patients back around. No biggie. Volunteers usually work four hour shifts. So, if you need food just hit the ship's mess hall. Jedi eat free and our bill's already been paid by the Temple. Easy stuff."

She ducked back inside and looked around the spartan surroundings. Nodding to the calm, practiced efficiency of it all.

"I'll be by the ship if you need me. I don't expect any trouble with this group. Should be a boring day for security. As it should be. Anyway... Need anything else?"

The Stormtrooper shrugged. Not much else to say. For the next 48 hours, their life would be on rails.

Tann Po'rah Tann Po'rah
The scale of everything was indeed daunting to behold. Tann felt so small compared to the larger picture going on. It felt so much better entering into the tent for it felt like she was closed off from all the construction. She was just gearing up when her master walked in. Yet again Tann forgot it was Sam thanks to that stormtrooper outfit. She looked up wondering why a soldier was in here and then remembered who it was.

"Oh. Master. What's going on?"

Apparently all the refugees were going to be shuffling their way to the tents on their own accord. No system. Just chaos. Hopefully they at least figured out to make single file lines. Otherwise the tent would be overrun for sure. The only thing probably stopping them was the fact there were needles in here. Tann didn't expect anyone would be running to get a prick in the arm.

"That does not seem sane," she commented while stretching on a glove.

Sam added that she would be focusing on grouping everyone in and signing them up. That should help the anarchy outside. Her first group were a bunch of Toydarians. Sam made an off hand comment about wishing she had wings. Tann smirked a little. Yeah having wings would be pretty cool. But she'd seen Toydarians. Flapping their wings that much...all the had to be exhausting.

Her first shift would be about four hours long. That's what Sam suggested. But Tann didn't expect to take a break. Not with all of these people needing assistance. Just for her to get some food? No. Tann could work through it. And that's exactly what she planned to do. Sam would leave and say she'd be by the ship. Tann waved her off with a smile then prepared for her first patient.

Like Sam said, the first group came and went without any issue. One by one Tann would inoculate them and send them on their way. She rather enjoyed having the Toydarians in her camp. The fluttering of their wings gave her a nice breeze. It was already getting hot in that tent and the Twi'lek felt like she was back on Ryloth. Which wasn't a bad thing. She loved her home. She missed it.



Meanwhile, Sam sat in the back of a large Concord ATV perched on a ramp so as to get a better view of the crowds. People came and went by the hundreds. Arriving by starship, speeder, and some even on foot. The droids did what they could to keep everything orderly. Luckily, there were no large altercations. Just lots, and lots, of questions. Where do I go? Why am I here? Who is in charge? What is going to happen to us? Is there any food or power here? And again, the droids did what they could to keep order. Sam only had to interfere once or twice with a mind-trick. Just to keep some special individuals calm. And I get it. Not everybody likes talking to droids all day. Some people only want to argue with a real person. It happens.

After a few hours Sam went to take a break inside the frigate. She used the Force to check on Tann a couple times. She seemed determined and focused. It felt wrong to interrupt her. So Sam would just nod and return to her security duties. When evening came, the crowds hadn't slowed down. So they started making speaker announcements that the ship was closing up shop. Everybody should go home. Alas, some folks didn't really have any place to go yet. So Sam was forced to walk around and convince the folks to sleep the night away, closer to the main camp. She even offered a few a ride in the ATV to make the trip.

When the area looked clear and ready for a quiet night under the stars. Sam finished up her rounds with the droids and gave the all clear for them to lock up.

"Thanks guys. See ya tomorrow."

She hoped up into the cab of the large ATV and tapped her comm. The sky was pink and the temperature was slowly cooling down.

~ "Hope. This is Sam. I'm off for the night. Gonna head back to the Escort Frigate and check in with the rest of the security teams. Should be up till midnight reviewing the situation. They've got room on the ship for Jedi too. If you want a ride to catch a bunk? ...If not. Let me know. I'm pulling out shortly." ~

She tossed her helm into the passenger seat and started her up. If Tann needed a ride back to base? She'd be happy to oblige.

Tann Po'rah Tann Po'rah
While Sam worked outside to keep the masses calm, Tann tirelessly worked on her inoculations. Gloves on, sterilize arm, needle in, bandage, gloves off, wash hands. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Again and again. It was exhausting. She could tell how four hours would come and go in a flash. But she didn't let anything stop her. She was here for a reason and these people needed her.

With nightfall now upon them it was time to send everyone home. Albeit wherever they could find for them to sleep. But Tann's tent was soon closed down and the line over. Tann sat in the patients' chair and sighed as she leaned back letting her lekku dangle behind her. She was pooped. Like she promised herself, she didn't stop once. She was dehydrated, starving, and downright low on energy. When the call came from her master for a ride, she was quick to take it.

"I will be there shortly, Master. Thank you."

Quickly the Twi'lek finished up her cleaning duties and made sure everything was in order for tomorrow. She had a feeling she'd be doing most of the same thing again. Upon finishing she left the tent and stopped for a second. Only now did she realize how desperately she really needed to pee....



Sam pulled up outside the tent in her big ATV. She grabbed her helmet and threw it in the back seat. Despite being on guard duty all day, Sam didn't look a bit worse for wear. Maybe just a bit bored.

"Yo. Hop in."

The sky was falling slowly into a dim evening light. The temperature was falling and the breeze cool. Alas, a short ride over to the Escort Frigate was bound to be bumpy. Such is the nature of building a settlement before you built the roads. Flat surfaces to drive on were hard to come by.

As Tann got the door, Sam played with the radio. Unsurprisingly, there were no music stations to be found.

"Huh." Sam scoffed at the lack of tunes, "Guess the locals don't broadcast all the way out here. Damn. And I forgot to bring my phone. Tck."

The black stormtrooper shrugged. I guess, small talk it was then?

"So? How'd it go? Ready to get your nurses' license yet?"

Sam smiled. Tomorrow would probably be more of the same.

Tann Po'rah Tann Po'rah
Seeing the large ATV pull up, Tann approached the road -or rather path. Sam offered for her to hop in and Tann did just that. She climbed up the door and swung her legs into the seat. She closed the door behind her and buckled herself in after pulling her lekku in front of her shoulders so she didn't lay back on them. The drive was short, and bumpy. If Tann were in a more playful mood she might've enjoyed the bouncing. She had a thing for adrenaline rushes.

"I don't mind the quiet," Tann replied to the lack of music. Sam then asked her if she was ready to get her nurses' license. "Well I don't know about that. But it's not something I'd be opposed to. I rather enjoy helping people. I can see myself working in a hospital. Do Jedi do that?"

Tann looked to the black stormtrooper for an answer. She frankly didn't know what Jedi did besides help people. But that was such a vague point of view. Helping someone could mean just about anything. She could really see herself working with patients and using her gifts to heal others. The very thought brought a smile to her face.


Sam almost laughed. Sometimes she forgot how much Tann hadn't experienced yet. Do Jedi do that? Hehe. Probably.

"Absolutely." Sam smiled as they bounced along, "Jedi do whatever they want. Especially, work in hospitals. Just think back to Silver Rest. Most the doctors who worked in medical were Jedi. In fact, most Jedi with power levels to low for Sith combat tend to go into other fields. Err,.. Sensitivity. I mean. Jedi who struggle with their powers and all that. They learn just enough to control their abilities and then leave to find jobs elsewhere."

She shrugged. There were a lot more Force Sensitives these days than in the past. Still, not all of them where Anakin Skywalker. Many tended to be very light in their abilities. They didn't train for very long at the temples either. Just a few years then, poof. Off to another job.

"In fact." Sam nodded with a touch of memory, "There is this planet in CIS space. Called... Sanctuary or something? I hear the whole place is run by the Lotus Cult. A group of healers who use the whole planet as a safe haven for refugees and sick people. They were a pretty big deal to the Naboo Royalty a few years ago. Best healers in the galaxy. Could treat a gunshot wound with just a wave of their hand. Heh. It was really something. Mm."

Sam smiled. She wondered whatever became of these girls. Huh.

"Anyway. Yeah. Once you're confident in your abilities and strong enough to handle the Sith? I expect you'll find that the whole galaxy is just one big opportunity for a Jedi. Trillions of people. Trillions of planets. And all asking for help in one way or another."

She looked around as they closed in on the Frigate. You could see it's large metal hulk even through the trees.

"Well. That is... If the Bryn don't wipe out all life in the galaxy first."

She smirked.

One small galaxy-ending crisis at a time. I suppose.

Tann Po'rah Tann Po'rah

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