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Approved Tech NLI Mirshe'bev Mk. I

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  • Intent: To create a cybernetic neural implant that allows a Mandalorian to interact with their beskar'gam and all it's in-built weaponry/equipment
  • Image Source: X
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: Brain Implant, Advanced Combat Implant


  • Classification: Neural Implant
  • Size: Extremely Small
  • Weight: Extremely Light
  • Resistances (Optional): N/A


  • Advanced Combat Implant - The Mirshe'bev is pre-loaded with the technical specifications and complex usage procedures of every weapon and armour component known to the Mandalorians, which you can guess would be extensive. This is to make it easier for the user to teach their implant how to control each new piece of tech and lessen the time that takes.
  • Socketguard & Firewall - Being a piece of computer technology, it was inevitable sole opportunist would attempt to slice into the implant at some point, so safeguards are loaded to frustrate any such attempt.


  • Total Control - Once user and implant have mastered control over a component, the execution of complex manoeuvres can be done almost instantly and with ease.
  • I Know You - The bond formed with their implant allows the user to understand the use of their weapons and armour components intimately and instinctively, hastening the user's mastery with that piece of tech to perhaps as little as a few months, something that would normally take years of continued usage.


  • Shocking Shorts - As a mostly-metallic piece of technology, the Mirshe'bev is very vulnerable to EMP/Ion weaponry, along with abilities like Force Lightning, that could potentially short out the implant and temporarily leave the user without the use of any attached components.
  • Do I Know You? - If the implant encounters something it does not yet contain any data on, it will take longer than normal to gain full control over the component and be harder to do so.
  • Don't Jam Me Up - The signal between the implant itself and the receivers could suffer from the effects of jamming equipment and cause a delay in processing or even block instructions entirely.
  • Nothing Is Un-hackable - The Mirshe'bev, as advanced as it's processes are, is just a pre-programmed piece if technology with some in-built defences, but to an expert, determined hacker they would just be mere obstacles to smash through.

The Mirshe'bev is the brain-child of Alor Rosahr Vhijaric, the reputed founder of the Mandalorian fighting style Jair'kad, which relies heavily on complex jetpack manoeuvres in the midst of close combat with a weapon in each hand. As such, it was impractical and difficult to be able to perform such manoeuvres using wrist-mounted controls. Taking this problem to the Mandalorian smiths of the day, he thereafter devised a solution: the NLI Mirshe'bev (lit. Brain-spike) Mk. I. This is a neural implant surgically attached to the brainstem of the user that can be linked with a receiver unit connected to whatever piece of armour-related technology the user wishes. The receiver is a simple piece of technology, in relation to the implant, however it is difficult to wire into a component without prior knowledge of how the implant works. It is exceptionally susceptible to electronic-based attacks, and will short out temporarily depending on the severity of the attack.

The implant itself uses the wearer's conscious thoughts, relaying them to the desired component as operational instructions - be that firing a weapon, engaging their jetpack thrusters, switching their HUD from night to thermal vision, etc.. Each user will have their own individual way of sending instruction through the implant, be it pictographs, words or sentences, colour palettes or any other form of signal - this is due to the organoform circuitry. When the implant is first attached, the user is required to spend at least a few weeks testing the link between their brain, the implant and whatever component is linked, allowing the organoform circuitry to recognise the user's particular thought patterns and develop it's own form of language. As it is possible to control multiple components using the implant, this is a process which must be repeated every time a new one is added since each instruction to a new component would be like creating an entirely new word, which the implant must be taught the meaning of. Once the initial bond between user and implant has been forged, the implant is forever coded to only translate instructions via the language the two have developed, meaning it is not possible to remove the implant and attach it to anyone else. A kind of relationship is usually developed between implant and user, some being closer than others which can affect the time it takes to attain true harmony, this means certain users can teach their implant how to control new systems far quicker than others, who may struggle against their implant and reach full, complete control weeks or even months later.
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Thank you! I'll add the jamming to the weaknesses but would it be alright if I added a resistance to hacking as a strength? As if someone were to hack into the implant with the intention of manipulating it, it essentially "speaks" its own language known only to itself and the user, so a hacker would need to crack that code which would take some time and make it harder to hack into than other computer systems.

I'm happy to add hacking to the weaknesses if you disagree, it's not a sticking point for me or anything, it was just a thought that occurred to me after reading your reply :)
HPI AI; Terraris Command
Factory Judge
Khael Vhijaric Khael Vhijaric

The jamming is good, thank you! Not necessary to the resistances, because those are for physical attacks, not similar. But what I can suggest, to add to the Special features, "It has Socketguard and firewall, so makes the hacking attemps harder". And in the weakness something similar, "However the implant has good protection against hacking attempts, but there is no unhackable system." And not to mention always the owner decide how the attacks were succesful.
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