Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Khael Vhijaric




NAME: Khael Vhijaric
FACTION: The Mandalorian Enclave
RANK: Aspirant Karjr
AGE: 20
SEX: Male
WEIGHT: 230lbs
EYES: Blood red
HAIR: Jet black
SKIN: Deep blue
FORCE SENSITIVE: Mild, but completely untrained and unaware

  • Bred for War: While Khael is just above average height for a chiss, his clan raised him from birth in the martial environment of Mandalorians, and as such he is even more physically powerful than his tall stature would suggest. This is true of his speed, as he is not too bulky that pace or flexibility is sacrificed given his chosen method of combat is up-close and personal with beskad and pistol.
  • Pre-cog Abilities: Khael has almost no knowledge of the force after being confined to his clan's compound his entire life, save for a few rebellious night-time trips to the nearby glittering lights of cities. Still, Khael is force sensitive and though totally untrained or even aware, he has trained so extensively with beskade his entire life that he has developed pre-cognition abilities that aid him in close combat against others.

  • Life Spent On the Run: Khael, unbeknownst to him until recently, has spent his entire life living like a fugitive. As such his instinct is to never relax, never let his guard down and to take life seriously at all times.
  • New Experiences: Spent moving between places, worlds and systems his entire life, Khael has seen a wide variety of life, but has no real experience interacting with the real world.

Khael is a tall, broad, physically fit member of the Chiss species, with dark blue skin, blood red eyes and short, jet black hair. A sign of his consummate skill in combat, his skin is entirely smooth of besakde cuts, a fact he is immensely proud of.


Khael's earliest memories are of having a training saber slapped into his hands. As soon as he could walk, his clan taught him to be a warrior, a hunter, a Mando'ade. The clan was small, only a few dozen members at most, and they moved constantly over the years, though for what reason Khael and the other younglings were never informed. They were raised communally by every adult in the clan, with no specific mothers or fathers, and were taught the meaning of the Manda and the Resol'nare religiously alongside comprehensive weapons and equipment training.

The focus, once the younglings were old enough, was on the clan's specialty form of combat: the Way of the Raptor. The Raptor would make use medium armour, a jetpack and either a two-handed beskad, a one-handed variant and blaster pistol, or other such weaponry that allows the raptor to do the most damage up close. This is not to say they eschewed longer range combat when it was needed, but each warrior of the Vhijaric clan was an expert in aerial assaults.

Such was the training Khael was given. From the age of around 11 he was joining the blooded hunters of the clan on missions thanks to his species' advanced biological maturation. He was not, himself, given his beskar'gam until he was 19, a moment he was extremely proud of but that he felt should have come far, far sooner. A mere two months later, his clan's compound was raided while he was half the world away on a scouting mission. Upon his return, everyone was slain and their bodies and equipment stripped and stolen. He has sworn to hunt down his clan's killers, but knows he will have to find other Mandalorian allies if he is to defeat such a powerful foe.



Nothing to see here so far.


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