Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private New Horizons


Heading Home

Location: Mord’Rethar​
Equipment: Lightsaber
Unfortunately the trip to Mord’Rethar had turned out to be a bit of a dead end, even with three lightsabers between the two women it would not be enough to carve through twenty solid meters of rock and slag metal. The pair had decided it was best to cut their losses and return at another time, though for this trip Taiia would not be alone. an invitation had been offered to her newfound friend to come and visit the Knights Obsidian, to see how both they and the Confederacy differed from the horror stories and propaganda from the rest of the galaxy. The true story was most were like Taiia, simply seeking to find their own way in a galaxy gone mad. Taiia quietly walked up to the ramp of her ship and as it began to lower she stepped up onto it and called back to Lia.

"Make sure you grab anything you need from your ship, it is a bit of a long trip" she ducked her head under the bulkhead and made her way to the cockpit settling into the pilots chair with a sigh as the familiar seat granted relief to her feet. Taking a brief moment Taiia's hands flew over the console as she started powering systems back up one by one until finally the reactor came to life and the lights flipped on,. Soon they would be on their way to Naboo, and she truly hoped her friend would see the wisdom in joining the Knights Obsidian and hopefully see that they had much to offer her there.​
At this point Taiia was well on her way to programming a flight path out of the system and setting the computer to calculate the jump to lightspeed, the trip was indeed long and she did not intend to stay in the cockpit the entire time. Her task accomplished she stood and walked into the main cabin, seeking out a much needed stimcaf, grabbing a pair she walked over to a couch near the holocom and flopped carefully upon it with a sigh.​



The YT-2400 was an ancient ship model, but this one looked new enough to most likely be a reproduction. Or maybe a restoration? Either way, Lia looked at her own custom-built ship. It was speedy, powerful, sleek. It was nimble and responsive. Everything she loved and could ever want, really. But even though it could be stealthy, it had a way of attracting attention. And it was expensive. The last thing she wanted was to have it impounded by customs patrol before it had lost that new ship smell.

Hearing Taiia's words she nodded, slipping inside. She grabbed her bag, a couple of books, a couple holocrons, what little personal effects she still had, including the Marks she'd earned. She had a small wardrobe that she simply levitated and dragged along through the air. After buttoning the ship up, she directed the internal A.I. To make it's way back to a prearranged point. Slipping out, she locked it up. The ship powered up on its own and dusted off, quickly taking to the sky.

Watching it fly off, she sighed and made her way into the Corellian-designed ship. By then, Taiia was lifting off. Lia set her things down, braced against a bulkhead, and took a seat. The former acolyte would have gone to assist, but it seemed her host had no need. So, she strapped herself in at the main entertainment area, which served as decent passenger seating. As Taiia entered and went to making some caf she was about to get some for herself when the woman turned around with two containers in her hands. Flashing her a bright smile, Lia stayed where she was and put the datapad in her hand down.

Nestled away within the relative safety of hyperspace, the chill of the planet and its dark force nexus was receding from her mind and spirit. But some caf would help burn away the rest. "What you got there," she asked coyly.


Heading Home

She gave Lia a warm smile as she handed over one of the cups. "This is a special homemade caf. I wish but no, it's just stimcaf nothing fancy about it." she grinned as she brought her own cup to her lips and took a sip pulling her feet up beside her as she leaned into the sofa. "Sorry, the ship isn't super comfortable, thought about having a bit of a redesign done to it to make it more liveable. Home away from home type of thing you know?"
"Want to know something funny? I actually stole this ship originally." she let out a small laugh "Never knew who the original owner was but when I left the Jedi I snuck on board and ran off with the whole thing cargo and all. Finally did track down the poor man later though and paid for the ship, its cargo, and interest. That was the start and end of my illustrious crime spree." she took another sip of the stimcaf with a grin.​
Her mind slipped back to wondering about ship upgrades "Maybe convert the cargo area into a master suite complete with a meditation area, dojo and a really spatious bath?" she mused aloud with a big grin as she did. "Yea i'll throw credits at that"



Location: Sittin' in the main hold
Equipment: Lightsaber, Sith Inquisitor robes, other odds and ends
Lia took the proffered mug and cradled it in her cold hands. The warmth was delicious in its own right after the cold insidious touch and chill of the planet now receding far away. The farther away they got the better she felt and didn't realize how much of an effect it was having on her while there. That, she supposed, was part of the insidious nature of a place like that. Dangerous, seductive. "Thank you," she murmured over the top, genuinely grateful for the beverage and that small comfort.

"If you spend a lot of time on this ship, I can't say it's a bad way to go. It should suit your needs. It shouldn't be a burden to use. Mine is very nice and suits me well. But right now, I don't think it's the smart play to fly in," she mused, then took a sip of her own caf. Scooting back a little, and incidentally a little closer to Taiia, she pulled her knees up to her chest and the steaming mug rest on top of them for a few moments. Thinking of the redesign ideas, she pondered for a moment. "It all sounds very nice. Especially the bath," she said, finishing in a tone that was almost longing. She hadn't had an actual bath in a long time, not since living on a planet consistently, and certainly not among the Sith. It was a luxury she didn't realize how much she missed until then.

"So where are we headed," she asked Taiia quietly after taking another sip of caf. It wasn't exactly to her liking but the gesture was appreciated, and it helped ward off the chill clinging to her soul. It was better than drinking her own blood. Not by choice but, more than once she'd had been busted up enough she had a steady diet of it for a few hours on more than one occasion.


Heading Home

Taiia took a long sip of her own cafe, and leaned back into the sofa with a satisfied sigh as Lia shifted closer to her. "You're very welcome, sorry I don't have anything more its not exactly stocked for long voyages." If she was bothered by the closeness of Lia she gave no hint of it. Her eyes roamed the main hold as she listened to her talk about her own ship and she considered with a nod. "A personal transport is one thing, but something that looks like an infiltration ship?" she grinned sideways at her "May not be so well received" taking another sip from her cup she pondered a refit of her ship again.​
When she asked where they were headed she simply smiled and looked over to Lia. green eyes fixing on hers"Naboo, where trust me you can make liberal use of the shower to your hearts content. If my intent is to show you the Confederacy or more specifically the Knights Obsidian. What better way than to take you to its heart? Let you see for yourself who we are. No propaganda, no flowery speeches. I really think you could find a home here if you choose to"
She watched Lia as she finished speaking, she was no youngling Lia would be practiced in hiding her emotions but still she gauged for a reaction hoping that the interest was truly there. There was a chance, no matter how remote that Lia was simply using her she could not fully discount that but at the same time she was not about to assume the worst.​



Location: Lounge​
Equipment: Lightsaber, Sith initiate robes, comlink, aquata breather​
Lia listened in silence, letting Taiia speak as she wished. Her host had a good point. But just as easily this was a way to lull her into a false sense of safety when really it could be a death march. After all, she was a rogue element of the Sith Empire. Or at least they might see it that way. Guilty until proven innocent. And who knew if any of the folks in the Knights Obsidian were someone she'd had prior dealings with and wanted her head on a pike. And then there was the inverse. For all Taiia knew, this was a chance to insert into CIS space and do some damage. And the Sith would likely have plausible deniability and disavow anything she did. If she failed. And/or failed to escape.

There were a lot of paranoid angles one could take from both directions.

But Lia had left behind her best asset, besides the Force and her training: her ship. True, it was designed for infiltration, it was also extremely maneuverable and fast. A smuggler's wet dream, really.

"I needed a ship to get me from point A to point B faster than the competition. And operating alone... better not to be seen doing it. It also helped me get away from the Sith Empire," she said with a shrug. "The Shadow has saved my butt a number of times since I got it." A fond smile floated across her face as she reflected in her sleek little ship. "But it's really more of a racer and pleasure ship than a hardcore military asset."

Slowly, Lia turned over the matter of the Knights Obsidian some more. "I... Hope you're right. I don't care much for propaganda. It's usually nerfcrap anyway." She shook her head, her gaze turning inward for a few moments. She still held onto the mug as though trying to absorb it's heat through ehr hands. After a moment she cleared her throat and came out of her reverie. "So...what have your experiences with the CIS and Knights Obsidian been like?"

Heading Home

Taking another sip of her cafe she watched Lia while she spoke, something about her just told Taiia she could be trusted. One thing was her own instincts then there was what the force was telling her. Lia had the potential to be a powerful ally and friend but ultimately it depended on what she chose for herself. Was it a gamble? Perhaps but they would find out in due time.​
A smile played at her lips, seeing the hesitation in Lia when she spoke of the Knights "There isn't anything to worry about you know, the Knights are welcoming of everyone. We have former Darths former Jedi and then you have the ones who see the force as I do. Somewhere between dark and light. As for the propaganda? You are right and you will be able to see first hand soon.."
"As for me? I was a Jedi Knight when I came to the Confederacy, the Lord Commander though he was not called as such at the time is the one who brought the young lost Jedi into the fold. He taught me a fair bit but moreso I learned from the Nightsisters within the Knights Obsidian. It's like a home for runaway force users" she grinned broadly and turned setting her cup on the table infront of her she turned back to Lia and conjured a small emerald flame in her palm it was the force but different manifesting in the way the Nightsisters teach. "Just another way to apply the force"



Location: Lounge
Equipment: Lightsaber, Sith initiate robes, comlink, aquata breather
"The Knights as an organization might be welcoming," she said dryly, "but it's the individuals I'm worried about. If anyone who remembers The Brotherhood shows up and spies me, I might be in for a nasty encounter. Or some over-zealous Jedi thinks they could make a name for themselves by taking my head, or dragging me to the Galactic Alliance." She shook her head. "I know some of it is just going to have to play out."

She watched the witchfire spring to life, it's sickly green glow lighting up the interior of the lounge. Immediately her mind went to two or three defenses she could try, but she'd never encountered a power quite like that. The look that crossed over Lia's face and presence was wary and guarded, and ready to defend herself, but otherwise offering no threat or movement. Everything she'd heard about the Nightsisters and their ilk had never been anything close to positive. At the same time, she'd never had any direct experiences with them, only what she'd heard from rumor and various bits of propaganda.

At the same time she sensed no hostility or threat from Taiia. But that was just as easily an illusion, for those that had learned to conceal themselves and their state of mind within the Force. Her biggest warning would be from the Force itself, and while she loathed to surrender to it, being taught to always keep it in her grasp, she would have to trust that it would serve to warn her should an attack come.
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Heading Home

While her own eyes were focused on the flame her senses were not as distracted even though Taiia didn't need the force for Lia's reaction, her body shifted and went rigid with a defensive posture in mind as if debating if she were in danger. Green eyes turned to Lia's and confirmed what she was feeling from the woman, she could make out the tension in her face. Instantly she snapped her hand shut snuffing out the flames in an instant An apologetic look took over the redheads features as she scanned Lia with green yes. Going as far as to lift her hands defensively "Sorry, sorry I should have thought better about that. However I can promise you are never in any danger with me, unless of course you try to kill me or something." she cracked a small smile hoping to calm the mood a bit.​
She scooted back from Lia a bit to give her some space to feel secure, then reached over collecting her cafe back from the table. "As for the Knights, it is possible some might hold a grudge for some slight. But they wont act on it with everyone around. More importantly you are here as a guest so none would stand for anybody going after you." her eyes left Lia and looked down into the cup a touch of sadness in them for scaring Lia.​



Equipment: Lightsaber, Sith initiate robes, comlink, aquata breather
"Oh no, you don't dare make a move on somebody with witnesses around, unless they're in on it," Lia said watching Taiia. It felt like being back on the training grounds. Or among the Brotherhood. Brotherhood. What a joke. She'd never felt any sort of kinship with any of them, save one or two. She'd spent more time watching her back or training than anything else. Most interactions always had an undercurrent of paranoia buried deep down. Despite however cordial, or even seemingly lighthearted.

It wasn't any way to live. And one of the many reasons she'd chosen to leave the Acherus behind. Even if she missed one or two of them. So far as she knew, she and the Archon were the only ones floating about. It had been a long time since any assassins or hunters had come for her. Maybe he'd died. Or maybe he'd decided she just didn't matter. Or he assumed she was dead. Any of those outcomes were acceptable.

Anger and resentment began to simmer beneath the surface as her mind rolled back in time. It wasn't directed at Taiia, of course. Only the injustices, degradation, and suffering visited upon her in her time among the Sith. The physical wounds healed fine. But others still festered it seemed.

The smell of ozone, like hot metal, drifted in the air around her, and one would feel a tingle crawling across their skin as an electric charge built in the air around Lia. After a few moments she took a deep breath, coming out of her momentary reverie. She remained silent for a moment but there was a statuesque set to her jaw. Slowly she unclinched the fists she'd made without thinking, just for a second or two.

"I hope you're right. I'm so tired of their crap," she said halfway under her breath. Her gaze swung back to the redhead. "I'm generally only a threat to those that are a threat to me. At least, these days." She shrugged one shoulder and lapsed into moody, brooding silence.

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