Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Shaping can be genetic or acquired through a lot of training. Or, you could've also had extensive scientific experiments done on yourself.(That one's always fun :D)

If it interests you, you should check out the Lords of the Fringe. They have a fairly large amount of Shapers, and they'd be willing to train you. :)
@[member="Moroi Wareyasui"]

Moroi Wareyasui

Cocky Little Poohead
Might as well. I'd be lying if I said it was the most embarrassing nickname I've ever been given, and I figure you were going to call me it anyway, might as well steer in to the skid and get some love out of it :D

Azlyn Vay

No problem! So, tell us, what path do you intend to take your first character? *Cough* The Dark Side *Cough*
@[member="Moroi Wareyasui"]

Azlyn Vay

*Palpatine voice* You will pay the price for your lack of vision!............*Big cuddle* :3
@[member="Moroi Wareyasui"]
Oh they do. Just most are not competent enough and end up killing themselves or driving themselves mad. Tell me Moroi...have you ever dreamed of flying?

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