Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction New Clients (CST/EI/NPC)

Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii
Mig sat in the port hanger of the Keros' Kad as it, two Shield-class Escort Cruisers, and a pack of Neebray-class Cargo Frigates loaded with new HF-3 Aran Long Range Heavy Escort Fighters reverted to real space near the delivery coordinates given. Ah it was his second time seeing the station, and right now he was looking from the massive hanger opening. He wasn't exactly sure why he agreed to unique model of Aran's that was asked for, but he did, and now it was time to show the Nomadic Peoples Coalition what they'd bought. aboard the Kad though was a standard model that would play transport and show ship today.

"Kaddie, make sure they know we're here, and don't more a single gun, got it."

"Oya, Alor. I'll keep it casual." The A.I. with a Mandalorian looking holoprojection would then quickly send out a message to the Coalition, not sure of the official call signs here. Dang it he should've double checked.

"Coalition control, sorry if I'm getting the name wrong, but this Keros' Kad A.I." He stopped for a second. This was the more official way of signifying a ship's A.I. was talking that had developed while working with the Silver Jedi Concord. Apparently they liked knowing if they were talking to an A.I. or not. Internal fleet comms still didn't use it, but external use was normal now. "We are approaching with a shipment of heavy escorts for evaluation."

Meanwhile, an engineer walked up, boarding the Aran.

"You seem stressed Mig. Have a drink maybe?"

"I'm good Javos. Just hope your ship here actually works."

"What? Better than any fighter Aries could make."
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Narrative account for Nomadic Peoples Coalition


Damascus Station. Industrial powerhouse of the Elysium Imperium, home to the Nomadic Peoples Coalition, and a monument to the Navis Sacra Religion, was an 80km tall superstructure. It housed over a billion beings, sustained in unfathomable manufacturing capabilities, and drew its power from the magnetospheres of Anvil and Hammer in the praeda system. Swarms and lines of vessels of all sizes came and went from the mighty behemoth like slowly crawling insects in a bustling dirt-hill.

The station enjoyed a great deal of protection, from the gravity well generators that kept invaders from jumping too close, to the fleets of the Nomadic Peoples Coalition and the Elysium Imperium that were always on hand to rush to her defence on a moments notice. As the star destroyer, two escorts, and multiple transport ships approached from the outer edges of the gravity well, a male Mon Calamari voice responded to their hails, “Keros Kad, this is Damascus Station flight control. Welcome! Our chief director, Dorthea Dobson Dorthea Dobson has been expecting you! However, standard procedure dictates that your escorts be separated from your civillian ships at this time. A stable, if convenient orbit is being transmitted to your three escort ships while approach vectors are being sent to your cargo frigates to dock in our civillian docking sector. Once the frigates are secured, your escorts will be given navigation data to dock in our guest military sector, where they can receive provisions, fuel, controlled leave for the crews if need-be, etc. As long as you follow our rules, you will be treated as our guests. If our navigation data is non-compatible with your ship’s systems, we can assign a channel pilot to come out and guide your ships in in accordance with our procedures. If you have any other concerns, or requirements, now is the time to voice them out loud. Otherwise, will you comply with these guidelines?”
Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii
Kaddie looked surprised from his computer space. Hm. He was still use to the old days when there weren't many options on if his hull was considered ok or not to approach. He would soon check the nav computers. He could probably do it no problem even if the system had some issues.

"Damascus Station, Keros' Kad. We do have one HF-3 Aran aboard with a CST engineer and the clan Alor for transport and demonstration. I hope we can have permission to launch her before the haulers get too far. As far as navigation I should be able to under whatever the data is and help coordinate with the Shields."

Whenever permissions came through, the Aran would lift off from the Kad's hanger, and follow a given flightpath to the Coalition's head station, sticking mostly close to the frigates until it had to veer off course to land.


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