Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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New Beginnings

Tyran Numeck

Mandalorian Supercommando
"I've seen more work than skill though." He teased her. "Well having had a few shriek hawks in my life I can tell you that birds are often more trouble than their worth, in my opinion." He added. "But I guess we'll see how you do in your training over the next few days, impress me enough and maybe I'll get you a nice reward."
"Then you clearly haven't been paying attention." she teased right back without missing a beat. She shifted around to face him once again when he started in about the bird subject again, and once he brought up a reward? The brunette gained an expression of playful flattery. "Aw, Tyran! You're gonna buy me a present?"

Tyran Numeck

Mandalorian Supercommando
"Maybe, as long as you don't become a real pain in the ass." He grinned at her. "So based off recent history I'd say you have a slim chance of getting a gift." He went to his room and started removing his armor plating, there wasn't much need to where it inside the house especially if he didn't plan on going back out anytime soon. When he emerged wearing his civilian clothes he went and poured himself another glass of the cold shig. "Want some more?"
She made a fairly rude 'pfft' sort of noise at him in reply and made a face at him as he walked away from her. "You're still an nerf herder." she called out to him, though he was an nerf herder with the right idea. Anora followed his example and went to the room that she was using for the time being so that she too could remove the armor she had been wearing as well.

Once she was back in her regular clothes, she head back to the other room. "Yes please," she answered him. "I think maybe I've found something I like even more than the jarred lighter fuel you keep giving me." she mused with a grin.

Tyran Numeck

Mandalorian Supercommando
"You're supposed to drink it hot but I like it better cold." Tyran shrugged as he got her and himself another glass and brought them into the sitting area of his home. "Hey the stuff I've given you can't even be considered lighter fuel, I know some people who makes stuff you could run a star cruiser on."
"Oh, but I bet it's nice when it's hot too." Anora liked hot tea, so she could imagine drinking shig warm. She may just have to try that at some point, though for now she was plenty happy with the cold brew she was handed. "Hey, I said lighter fluid. I didn't say jet fuel, or any other form of hardcore, engine running stuff." she followed him to the sitting area and took a seat with a sigh. It had been a busy day for her, and it felt good to just sit down some place comfortable.

Tyran Numeck

Mandalorian Supercommando
"Well I'm going to make sure you at least try some of that jet fuel at least once. Should be entertaining as hell!" He laughed. "So for now I think we'll just work on getting your regular skills up to snuff, we'll worry about all that Force stuff later. I know a couple people who might be able to help you out a bit in that area, if you want that of course."
"Well, I'll try anything once." and she had proven that very fact thus far. There wasn't (usually) any harm in trying something new, and the results could only end one way or the other. Either she would like whatever it was, or she wouldn't - or she would be good at whatever it was, or she wouldn't be. Either way, the scale could only tip in one direction or the other.

When he brought up Force training however, she sobered just a little and focused on the cup in her hands instead. "Probably should, eventually." she admittedly after a long moment of thinking it over. "But I'm fine with waiting to do it until later on."

Tyran Numeck

Mandalorian Supercommando
Tyran nodded and sipped his drink. "I'm gonna make you into one of the most fearsome mercs to ever come out of the Mandalore sector," he grinned as he clinked his glass with hers. "We'll just leave the love of puppies and owls out of it." He said with a playful wink.
The fact that Tyran had just as much ambition for Anora as she had for herself was a serious confidence booster. It was one of the things that had gotten her through all of the hell she went through – training and otherwise. But it was mostly otherwise.

Not having a steady training for her Force abilities took its toll. Not day to day of course, but it would build up and boil over, usually in the form of some wicked Force dream. More than once she had needed to replace something here and there, or on one particularly bad occasion had needed to replace a lot of things. Granted, she wasn’t forced to replace the things that ended up broken, but she always felt so horrible about it that she didn’t leave much room for argument about it. It had been that particular fit however that had gotten Anora back into meditating regularly however.

Yes, she had branched away from the Jedi, but that didn’t make her any less Force sensitive, and she had to find balance between her new life and her old.

It had been two years by now that the brunette had left everything she had ever known behind. Her sister had done as asked, and had not come looking for her – as far as Anora knew, anyhow. No contact had been established between the two of them, and Nora preferred it that way. Someday she would reach out again, but until she was ready to face that particular moment? She was fine with the way things had become. She still trained under Tyran’s instruction and rules, and they had worked out a schedule that gave her time for meditation and stretching her Force abilities too. Though she still had yet to meet with any of his Force sensitive contacts, even though she had said she would. And she didn’t talk about it either.

She had gained both muscle and weight thanks to Tyran, and while that had added more shapely curves to her figure, she still had her athletic build. However, she was teased about needing to eat more a whole lot less now, that was for sure. All in all, her decision to leave her old life had not been a waste. Anora was genuinely happier, and a lot less brooding, which of course made her easier to be around too. She had found a good place to fit in, that was for sure.

Nora had gotten up early that morning and left not only her bed, but the house silently. She didn’t go far of course, but she had a place she ventured to where she would sit and meditate, and this morning was no different. It had taken her no time to clear her mind and reach that meditative state, and it took only minutes longer for Vasos – her not so little anymore Galek hound – to find his way outside to curl around her and make himself comfortable. While at one time it may have raised curiosity or concern for Tyran to wake up and not find Anora in the house, anymore it was common place to find her exactly where she was now – when she actually got out of bed before he did.

Tyran Numeck

Mandalorian Supercommando
Tyran was very impressed with Anora. Everything he threw at her over those two years no matter how difficult she rose to the challenge without hesitation. It wasn't without hiccups though. Her Force powers, and his lack of knowledge on how to develop them, had caused some pretty hairy moments on occasion but he knew it was never on purpose even if she wouldn't stop apologizing when she broke something...or a lot of things.

The meditation seemed to help keep those episodes at a minimum so he had no problems working them into her training regime. It was calming for him in a way to just watch her meditate and find a peace that he'd never really known. He stood there in his sweatpants, leaning against the doorway of the homestead and watched as her Galek hound trotted out behind her. His own Galek hound was equally as big and had a very smoky colored coat that complimented Tyran's own armor, it had been the reason he chose that particular pup, that and it didn't take any crap from Anora's pup.

He looked down at his feet as Tyraja stretched and yawned before sitting beside him waiting for her customary scratch behind the ears. "Probably time to get her a trainer for those magic powers of hers huh?" He said to the Galek as he turned and walked back into the house to feed the animal and start making himself and Anora breakfast.
It had taken a moment for Anora to realize that Tyran had been there at the door. She had been on a much deeper plane of calm, and yet there had been something there, just on the edge of her reach. Something that felt familiar in a way, and yet had felt dark...or perhaps tainted was the better word for it. Whatever it was, Nora didn't attempt to reach any further, or investigate by any means. She knew better, life here was good, and chasing something she didn't understand? No way.

So it hadn't really been until Tyran moved back inside that Anora registered his presence. She inhaled sharply and slowly through her nose as her eyes came open. For a time she sat quietly, just taking the moment to re-orient herself before she got to her feet. Vasos stretched languidly before he too got up and he followed Anora back to and then inside of the house.

"You're up early." she stated as she made her way into the kitchen area for something to drink. "I didn't wake you did I?" She had been quiet, but that didn't mean anything really.

Tyran Numeck

Mandalorian Supercommando
"Please, you now it'll take more than you padding out of the house each morning to wake me up." He said as he started cooking some nerf sausage and nuna eggs. He was aware of both hounds now sitting alertly on either side of him as he did so. "These damn hounds are about as bad as you, ya know that?" He said as he tossed two links onto the floor for them to growl and snarl over. "Did you sleep okay?"
It took two glasses of water, and part of a third before Anora's thirst was quenched, at least for the moment, and she rolled her eyes at him. "Well the three of us are only doing what we're taught." she fired right back at him, and then leaned around him to see if any of the links were cooked enough to steal yet. Finding that they weren't, she smirked just a little. "Safe. For now." she mused, then stepped out of the way.

"I slept good," she answered him, though her brow creased. "No dreams though. Nothing at all. It was like I blinked and it was time to get up, but I feel rested." she shrugged a shoulder.

Tyran Numeck

Mandalorian Supercommando
"Don't recall teaching anyone to beg, unless you count that night a few weeks ago where you had a little too much tihaar and got handsy." He grinned at her as he grabbed some of the finally cooked links and plated them up with some fluffy eggs. "You're lucky I'm a gentleman and could never take advantage of a lady like that! Eat up you've got a long day of physical training ahead of you, gonna run you through that gauntlet in the woods again. Should be interesting with the rains that we've had the last week."
She shrugged, and didn't at all attempt to deny the fact. "Hey, you had your chance, mister." she stated, and reached out to take her plate once it was offered before going to take a seat. "Though I'm still not convinced that it was you being a gentleman, and not just you not having a clue what to do with me once it got that far."

Nora reached a hand out and touched the top of Vasos' head when he got close enough, causing the hound to lay at her side instead of staring her and Tyran down while they ate. When he spoke up about training, she nodded but her brow creased again. "That's fine. A run sounds good..." a literal run would be better, but she would take what she could get.

Tyran Numeck

Mandalorian Supercommando
"Keep going with that snarky attitude and I'm gonna stop cooking for you." He grinned at her. Since she'd moved into his home she'd put on some real muscle and weight so she wasn't just a lanky leaf eating Jedi anymore. "We'll do some more hunting as well, there's a shatual nest I found the other day and those are good eating."

He whistled and Tyraja was on her feet in an instant and followed him to his side of the table. "Tyraja, sheber!" He said giving the hound the Mando'a commands he'd trained her with. The hound sat and then laid flat and rolled on her elongated back for a few seconds before rolling over and making a full revolution. He grinned and tossed her another cooked link. "Can you do that?" He smirked up at Anora.
"No you wouldn't," Nora countered with a shake of her head, "Because you wouldn't want to be fighting me off every time you try to cook something for yourself." she pointed out with a smirk of her own.

With Vasos laying at her feet like he was supposed to, Anora eventually dropped a spoonful of eggs and a sausage link as well. But when asked about the tricks? She looked across the table at him and loft a brow, "Missed your chance to find out, remember?" she smirked right back at him before setting back in on her meal.

Tyran Numeck

Mandalorian Supercommando
"I fought you off easily enough when you were drunk, pretty sure I could do it sober." He said gesturing at her with his fork. "So keep testing me lady." It was all good fun though. He enjoyed bantering with her and the feeling was obviously mutual. He didn't know exactly how much he'd improved her spirits since taking her in but he did know he was the first solid constant to come into her life in a long while. "So what exactly does all the meditation stuff do for you?"
"That's more or less become my job," she pointed out to him, her smirk broadening just a tad. "Testing you and pushing limits." He had most definitely opened a door that he couldn't close now once he had gotten her out of her padawan mind set. She bit back when prompted, and she didn't have a problem with stepping up when she needed to.

When he asked about the meditation, Nora sobered a bit. "It helps calm everything down," she answered him. "So far it's also helped keep all of the incidences from spiking up again. Helps me keep some form of control." She still didn't much like to talk about it, but there were very few instances where Tyran would ask her a question that Anora wouldn't answer.

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