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Approved Tech NeuroDigital Matrix

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: Science and progress.
Image Source: Here.
Canon Link: Uses elements of Soul Snares and Entechment.
Permissions: N/A.
Primary Source: Inspired by the Cortical Stack. Builds on the Chaos Canon Unity Processing Matrix and Archangel's experiments with new types of entechment-based HRDs. Similarities exist with Eldorai Spirit Gems, though these were actually based on Archangel tech.

: Archangel Research and Design
Affiliation: Archangel Research and Design
Market Status: Closed-Market
Model: AA-NDM1a
Modularity: N/A.
Production: Minor
Material: Soul Snare shards, entechment circuitry, metal settings, electronics, souls of the upgraded.

: Internal Organ.
Size: Small
Weight: Light
  • Energy (And other Blaster type weapons): Average
  • Kinetic: Average
  • Lightsabers: Very Low
  • EMP/ION: High
  • Can store an organic's consciousness and be implanted in another body. Can also be stored in a box, if the individual in question is unsuitable for release. One could consider it a technological variant of essence transfer.
  • Using a modified - painless - process derived from entechment, it is possible to store the consciousness of an organic being inside the NeuroDigital Matrix. It is basically a digitalised brain containing all of an organic being's mind. It is located inside the spine of an organic body, but can be interchanged with bodies by a relatively mundane procedure. Alternately, the device can simply be stored, in which case the organic consciousness is aware of itself, but unable to do anything. This is essentially a sleep mode. It can be helpful for dealing with criminals, especially since it allows repurposing their bodies. Likewise, it is feasible to implant the NeuroDigital Matrix into a droid body, allowing the organic soul inside it to use the droid to move about and interact with the world.
  • Because it is essentially a digitalised brain, flash memory can be used to teach a user new skills. Or wean them off anti-social behaviour.
  • High resistance against ion and EMP, though heavy or repeated blasts are still a problem.
  • This is not immortality, though it may sound like it. The device is shielded, but sufficient blunt force trauma or blaster fire can damage it. If the NeuroDigital Matrix is destroyed, the consciousness inside it will go wherever people go when they perish. Presumably somewhere gloomy in the Netherworld. One should also avoid being in the middle of a strong EMP or ion detonation. People can still experience 'true death' all the time due to having their matrix blown out. Once the body is defenceless it is really just a few extra blaster bolts after the shooting stops, assuming it was not hit in the first place.
  • This is not a way to 'cheat death' on the battlefield after suffering fatal injury, as the matrix would still need to be recovered undamaged in order to be installed in a new body. It is also not feasible to have the device suddenly installed inside a user and to conduct the transfer on a battlefield because the difficult and time-consuming. Sudden body-hopping will have to remain the domain of space wizards.
  • Weak against lightsabres. It is a small device not meant to survive contact with laser swords.

"We repurposed your body while your consciousness served out its 10 years of isolation. Your sentence is up, but your body is still in use by Archangel so we've afforded you this replacement." A fifty-year old spice addict body is brought in."You'll be contacted if your original host becomes available."

Archangel Research and Design is a benevolent company aiming for a better future through use of technology and droids. It strives to work for the betterment of organic beings, regardless of species, creed or gender. It envisages a future characterised by equality and abundance of resources for all, where individuals live self-determined lives and do not have to live in fear of tyrannical space mages. It recognises that the best way to achieve this future is through a fusion of organic and synthetic life forms. Technological advancement is not the enemy of freedom. It does not, contrary to the claims of certain superstitious Luddites, enslave organics or render them obsolete. Rather it advances and allows them to reach for the stars. Unlike the mystical powers of the Force, it is a great equaliser.

The NeuroDigital Matrix represents the next steps in Archangel's efforts to empower the common citizen and allow them to live more self-determined, wholesome and prosperous lives. For millennia, elitist Force-Users have been able to cheat death through occult rituals, many of which came at the cost of countless innocent lives. The NeuroDigital Matrix is not powered by blood sacrifices. It empowers the very beings Jedi and Sith are fond of patronisingly dismissing as 'crude matter'. The device builds on Archangel's experiments with entechment, though unlike with the crude designs of the Ssi-ruuk, there is no torture or torment involved. The process is painless, clean and safe.

Using a modified process derived from entechment as well as soul snare technology, it is possible to store the consciousness of an organic being inside the device, which is located in the spine of an organic body. It is possible to easily remove and implant it inside another organic body - or even a mechanical one. For example, it would be feasible to install the device inside a clone body that has been specifically grown for the user. Flash memory programmes can help the user learn new skills.

With this device, someone who was brutally maimed by a criminal may be able to get a new lease of life - and be able to name their attackers. That same criminal can then, after they have been apprehended, undergo an operation where their consciousness is transferred into the device. Depending on court sentence, said device can then be stored inside a box. Alternately they could be say installed inside a labour droid so that they can repay their debt to society by, for instance, building homes for the poor or repairing infrastructure.

Their brain is a data drive, so they can be weaned off their anti-social tendencies and learn productive ways to help their fellow citizens. Their body can, meanwhile, be used for productive endeavours. In cases where it is not feasible to return a convict who has served their time to their original body, another one can surely be procured. If it is an inferior one, that is surely just a moral lesson.

Likewise, this technology has applications for the military. It can give veterans who have suffered critical injuries in the line of duty another chance, helping governments provide proper care for those who have sacrificed so much for their nation. The same applies to individuals who are very gifted in tactics and strategy, but whose frail bodies may otherwise cause them to be rejected when they apply to serve their country. A doctor who has accumulated a wealth of experience and knowledge begins to suffer the effects of age, is simply transferred into a younger body whose vision is 20/20 and whose hands do not shake or ache.
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