Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Nero Darkstar

NAME:Nero Darkstar
RANK: Padawan
AGE: 14
SEX: Male
WEIGHT: 230lbs
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Blonde
SKIN: White


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+ Very well educated in strategic combat
-Over Confident in this ability
+ Well versed in all basic forms of lightsaber combat
- Relies on lightsaber too much
+ Has high force potential
- Doubts himself, and abilities in the force
+ A very loyal companion, wants to do the right thing
- Sometimes has darkside tendencies
+ A very capable learner
-Still has no master

Nero is a Padawan learner who stands at 6'1. He has blonde hair, blue eyes, and an average body build, weighing in at 230lbs. Nero has a scar going down his left knee, from an accidental lightsaber injury as a child. His hair is very short, in a very militaryistic style. Nero dedicates his body not only to the Jedi, but to the military ideal that oneself is always able to be bettered.

Discovered by the Jedi on his home planet of Coruscant, Nero has grown up as a youngling in the Jedi Order, training with the force, and becoming a capable Jedi, only now needing a Jedi Master to take him under his wing, Nero trains day after day, in both with his ability in the force and his lightsaber, as well as studying on military tactics and strategy.
Upon obtaining his lightsaber crystal, and constructing his first blade, Nero's scar on his left knee comes from an accidental activation on his part. Although not heavily injured, Nero took it as a lesson to always treat the weapon with respect.


I would first point you here --->

This is the hub for the Galactic Republic faction, and you can sign up in the right hand corner.

You will then receive access to the Republic forums and can post in the subsection titled General Discussion by creating a new thread. There are lots of other people there to give you a hand and I'm sure you will find a Jedi Master in no time.

This should work, but if you have any problems joining, tell me and I'll do my best to help.
@[member="Nero Darkstar"]
@[member="Romeo S"] 6'0 6'1 is around where I was at 14. Im 20 now and I'm 6'6. Alot of this guy is based on me, even the scar on my leg. Except that was from when I was messing with my fathers NCO sword.
It's all good man, I'm well aware I'm freakishly tall. When I was 13, I attended my cousins graduation and an Army recruitter started talking to me, believing I was 18 as well haha. Badass Avi you got there. wheres everyone getting theres?

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