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Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LFG Nar Shaddaa Nitwits | Help me get a feel for this character!

Eabha Rhey


I seek some writing shenanigans for Eabha here. She is:

- an orphaned thief with a history of stealing stuff from all over the Smuggler's Moon,

- a smart mouthed brat trying to effectively organise orphan kids,

- filled with terrible ideas that might get her killed.

She's also Force sensitive but doesn't know it but it's no big deal yet. Maybe. Possibly.

I'm looking to write some things with her and get a feel for what she's like. Probably looking for things in, near and around Nar Shaddaa. This may involve criminal activities, trying to put together her union of upstart criminal teens, or generally trying to con her way into some measure of credits and comfort.

Though honestly, I'm down for all kinds of things. I'm pretty open and down for brainstorming things, if you're into that! Please reply, DM, use smoke signals, whatever your preferred communication system is.
ᴏɴᴇꜱ ᴀɴᴅ ᴢᴇʀᴏᴇꜱ
Howdy yourself!

Perhaps not the partner you're looking for, but I will always throw my hat into the ring when it comes to potential misfit buddies. My roly-poly robot has a heart of gold but constantly finds himself in some sort of trouble that he has either inadvertently created or has been begrudgingly roped into.

Maybe they're forced to work together after accidentally picking a scrap with the wrong person at the wrong time, or maybe Eabha's looking to exploit his puppy-dog naivety for credits and fortune. He does belong to the Galactic Alliance's very own Sword of the Jedi, after all.

I'm down to hash out whatever details may be necessary! And, of course, if none of this tickles your fancy, then by all means there's no hard feelings. Hope you find something fun either way!
I got a lil band of misfits that could be fun for a one-off encounter. Xeno here is a former Sith who went cold turkey off all the darkside stuff and formed a band. Him and his squad also do vigilante things in their off time, a part of their whole reformation/redemption/good-person arc. They could maybe reluctantly join ur street urchin lass for an adventure, so long as there's a moral alignment.
Hacks is a local in the Refugee Sector, she's a slicer who spent most of her teens on the Moon and later returned in her late twenties. She used to run with small gangs but has mostly operated as a slicer for hire for some of the larger cartels and businesses for the last fifteen years.

She's a narcissistic loser with few friends, spends most of her time at local dives or at her shoebox apartment coding

Happy to throw her in if you're interested

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