Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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My Sith Arrives

Connor Harrison

Greetings all!

You may know this "writer" as Connor Harrison, Asterion or Fixx....but I'm taking the step finally after a year to make a real villain for the first time and join the Sith.

He's right at the bottom - a derranged scientist with little saber knoweldge but a hate for the Light and Jedi (naturally).

I want him to develop, to grow, to be somebody - not just fade away so I hope to make new friends and/or enemies here and meet new writers and characters too.

Anybody interested, just shout. Look forward to making some noise out there!


Connor Harrison

Thank you all. :)

[member="Vengeance"] Ohh Asterion. A tragic character that should have been great. First Faction collapsed (The Sith Order) and then was picked up by other characters who since left the board due to he's had 2 soft re-boots and both times been left and it affected my muse greatly because I just don't know where to go or what to do with him anymore.

I've made Kaan in a way to try and be what I wanted Asterion to be originally. He's still around, but doing very little and nothing but a failure.

I hear violins somewhere. Silence!


[member="Kaan"] i wana see him in action actually im curios as to how he will fight....i may actually be serious about apprenticeship :3 ( i like to see my prospect's in action first hue hue..)....if your up to it we could do a thread that serves as a ...test if you will see how he rolls icly and the like :3...ofc thats if you want to im not forceing you to do this
Kaan said:
Thank you all. :)

[member="Vengeance"] Ohh Asterion. A tragic character that should have been great. First Faction collapsed (The Sith Order) and then was picked up by other characters who since left the board due to he's had 2 soft re-boots and both times been left and it affected my muse greatly because I just don't know where to go or what to do with him anymore.

I've made Kaan in a way to try and be what I wanted Asterion to be originally. He's still around, but doing very little and nothing but a failure.

I hear violins somewhere. Silence!
I think Asterion and my old Sith Arturious Engel may have been in a thread or two. Anyway I got this guy now and he is definitely staying so if you wanna meet this one.

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