Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Much like floating (SJC Controlled decent training)

Location: Just outside Silvers rest, Kashyyyk

Breathe, that's all she had to do, breathe and focus. Don't tense up or overthink it, just relax and trust in the force. Don't fall, float. A leaf in the wind was all she needed to be.

Milla opened her eyes and stared out across the lake twenty feet below the ledge she stood on. The distance wasn't too high, but enough to make a good starting point. A task that was simple really, jump from where she was and use the force to slow herself down. Just jump off perfectly good ground and slow herself down with a invisible mystical force that very few in the galaxy could use, easy.

Controlled decent, that's what the Masters at the temple called it. The ability to use the force to slow oneself down to safely land from great heights. A useful trick if you knew how to use it. Which is what the Masters were trying to teach them. Although they're training methods for it were a bit...blah. Having students jump from high points on to pads was a bit boring.

So, she decided to spice things up a little. Milla convinced the masters to let her practice at a nearby lake. A perfect place with deep water to prevent injury and a towering cliff with many ledges to provide different levels of height. The better you got, the higher you could climb to test your skill.

Milla had shown up early, dressed in black swimming shorts with blue trim and a matching top. A little droid hovered close by that kept time of all the practice jumps she made while waiting for the rest of the class. She wanted to at least get some extra practice in before the rest of the class showed up. Then, just maybe, she'd be ready for the higher jumps.
Grey Jedi Padawan/Cinnamon Roll
Kuxirra made her way over to the cliffs, mostly leaping from tree to tree. She saw Milla Caranthyr Milla Caranthyr and decided to see what she was doing, since she hadn't met her before. "Hi!" she said as Milla climbed up again. "I'm Kuxirra." she said, removing her forearm and shoulder guards before setting them down with her quarterstaff out of the way. As always, she was barefoot.


Location: Cliffs overlooking the lake​
Equipment: Simple Jedi Robes, inherited lightsaber, light-filtering lenses, Hush-style comlink, aquata breather, liquid-cable launcher, stim pills, nutrient/food pack​
Des set out on her usual runs as part of her normal training routine. The young Arkanian woman usually made a circuit around the closest wroshyr trees, but after several laps, she covered quite a lot of ground. So much so that she had a clear trail now through the undergrowth. She used it for practicing her Speed and jumping or leaping abilities through the Force, as well as increasing her endurance, awareness, perception, and more. It was a kind of speed and freedom she really only felt rivaled by flying, but this was purely physical.

Today she had a small pack on her back and her circuit took her in a different direction, depositing her near the lake. She came loping out of the treeline and onto the shore, though she hardly seemed breathless. The place seemed deserted, but as she cast her gaze about, she picked up a few humanoid forms, their silhouettes easily visible in the infrared spectrum. She recognized the familiar form of Kuxirra and began her ascent to join her. Leaping from handhold to thin ledge, to another handhold, she scaled the cliff with apparent ease.

Landing nearby she straightened, regarding the others. "I guess we're early," she said, casting her pale gaze about. Working quickly she stripped out of her uniform, leaving her in a royal purple two-piece bathing suit trimmed with a complimentary green. Out of her uniform, it was easy to see the level of muscle tone she had beneath the pale-white skin. Her arms and shoulders were almost chiseled, corded muscles flexing as she rolled her wrists and flexed her hands, free of the wrappings she wore all the way up to her elbows. It seemed almost a decade of working person's hours in saber practice had left their mark. She had no real tummy and one could make out the faint outlines of a four-pack along her midriff when she bent down to stuff things into her pack. Her legs were well rounded and toned, but overall there was just enough softness to power those muscles, like a career swimmer or gymnast. (References in character sheet images tab)

In truth, she gave little thought to her presentation at the moment. Instead, she was focused on the purpose of her visit. Tol Amn had been a hell of an experience and harrowing from start to finish. Her Master had started off injured as had she. She'd nearly been killed and eaten by a swamp monster. Caltin had tried to die from internal hemorrhaging. Kastolar Sector Raiders hunted and harried them at every turn. Good people died that way to protect her and her Master... no matter how hard she tried to save the boys of Omega Squad.

Her expression fell for a few moments, remembering the three that died. She still wished she could have saved them. But she had literally done everything she could. Every choice had been solid. There was no flaw or fault. Everyone had given their all, their best, and still, not everyone made it home. In truth, that any of them made it out of that meat grinder was a miracle. She'd helped save more lives that day and possibly saved Caltin, as much as he saved her.

But no. That wasn't her purpose here. On the way down to the surface, their escape pod had been damaged. It eventually came apart, dumping them out thousands of meters above the ground in freefall. Caltin was already injured at that point and not in good shape. She'd instinctively managed to slow their fall using a variation of telekinesis. The powers she learned often came through instinct. But that wasn't ownership, and certainly not mastery. She couldn't yet reproduce it at will, whenever she wished. And that... brought her here. Eventually, she would test this by jumping off wroshyr trees, the big ones. But for now, some cliff diving was a good trade. Plus swimming was always good, and a good exercise.

Turning toward the cliff edge, she didn't even bother with a preamble. Breaking into a run, her feet fairly flew over the rocky surface. As she came to the edge, her last stride planted with the ball of one foot at the very edge, her toes gripping over the edge. She used the extra grip to propel herself as far out as she could into the open air and let gravity take her. Arms outstretched she tipped head down, folding in half, rotating over. As her head came upright again, she swept both legs out, straightening her body and hitting the water feet first in a neat front flip. Plunging a few meters in, she surfaced almost immediately with a laugh and a quiet whoop. It had been around six months since she'd gone swimming willingly, and the first jump was just for fun. This was a small pleasure they didn't really have on Arkania. Sure there were hot springs and some swimming pools. But they were rare due to the planet being a rocky ice world.

Walking up onto the sandy beach, she ascended the outcropping through a small path she found. Coming back to the first clip she stretched her arms over her head, then bounced lightly on the balls of her feet, loosening up a little, and expending some nervous energy. "Okay, now that I have that out of my system. Either of you two done this before," she asked both teenagers. The class wasn't started yet, but maybe she could give them a little bit of a leg up. It wouldn't hurt to share what little she knew. And she knew Caltin wanted her to take on more leadership and some teaching. She wasn't a knight yet, but close. But even still, sharing with some of the younger padawans was somewhat encouraged.
During her downtime around the Rest, Jyoti enjoying hiking beyond the campus grounds. It was good exercise for her reconstructed limbs, rebuilding muscle memory and neural links. These days her left side didn't act as much, but she still had the sensation of operating a foreign body.

The hike wasn't also a test of physical fitness, but also one of perception. The grounds of the Silver Rest had been mostly tamed, but the wilds of Kashyyyk still offered danger for unsuspecting Jedi and Rangers, brimming with flora and fauna that could swallow a man whole. Fortunately, during her hike she had encounter no such creatures yet. Her wooden cane remained at the ready to ward them away.

Usually such jungle treks left her solo, but on this day, as she approached a cliff for a scenic view of the lands, she came across a trio of Jedi. Two were strangers to her, but she recalled Togruta padawan Kuxirra from a recent operation on T'surr.

It wasn't every day she saw such a congregation in the wild, so she approached the trio with a smile and wave.

"Good day! What are you all up to out here?"

Milla Caranthyr Milla Caranthyr Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri Desbre Gensan Desbre Gensan


Location: Cliffs​
Equipment: Simple Jedi Robes, inherited lightsaber, light-filtering lenses, Hush-style comlink, aquata breather, liquid-cable launcher, stim pills, nutrient/food pack​
Desbre felt the approach of another a few moments before they arrived. Turning she spotted Master Nooran and gave her a bow of respect, even if she wasn't exactly in uniform. "Master Nooran," she greeted. Des had seen some of the meetings in recent times and had noted Jyoti's presence, as well as having seen the footage from Nar Kreeta. It had become pertinent to learn the names of the knights and masters she'd seen in both circumstances.​
"Swimming and working on controlled descent training. There's supposed to be a class arriving here shortly but a few of us were early." The twenty-something Arkanian's voice was soft and airy, with a gentle lilt as she spoke. It wasn't hard to imagine she had a lovely singing voice. "I hope our presence isn't an inconvenience," she said, glancing at the two teenagers, almost a decade younger than her. The way she moved just then and her energy was almost that of a big sister looking out for them.
Desbre Gensan Desbre Gensan Jyoti Nooran Jyoti Nooran Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri Milla Caranthyr Milla Caranthyr

Jasper was very interested and…worried at the same time about this training session, he did not think it would be possible to slow down during a decent using the actual force to do so. It just wasn’t logical for that to happen in his mind since the gravity of a planet’s size and mass determines how strong gravity is. He tried his best to understand and learn how the force could be used to affect a person's pull to gravity, or, that what Jasper thought was happening when one uses the force to slow down one descent but to not much avail. He knew he shouldn’t be looking into the how when it comes to the use of the force better yet, knew it was not going to be easy to understand its creation, but Jasper just couldn’t help it. Throughout most of his life and still, to this day, Jasper always believed in rational thought, the understanding of how something works through reason and evidence. The in and outs of how a blaster works, is fired, and how the laser out of the blasters affects the person that it connects to for instance, or how a droid functions from the nuts and bolts to its programming. One of the reasons he came to the SJO temple was to understand the force works and what he could do with it, but he just couldn’t explain the ins and outs of it to himself.

Japers however took the thoughts in the back of his mind to be thought about later as he walked in the area with his backpack on him carrying a few items he felt he will need while wearing some shorts and a tank top with a wetsuit under them. Quickly taking notice of the people nearby as well as their swimwear, Jasper walked over to them and asked, “Pardon my interruption, but is this where is the descent training going to happen?” He asked in a clam toned voice, he figured it would since there were not many people in the area but didn’t want to take any chances of making a mistake. He did not want to miss a chance to better understanding how to ease a landing just in case he would need to do it.
Wow. There was quite the gathering of people already near the cliff’s edge. Dagos recognized Kuxirra immediately, they seemed to run into each other fairly often and were friendly without exactly being friends. He also recognized Des. She was a padawan like he was but older and a lot more experienced than he was, to be honest he was a little intimidated by her and seeing her in a bathing suit didn’t do anything to cure that feeling, in fact it only stirred up more reasonably uncomfortable ones.

Dagos himself had come dressed only in his swimming attire. A pair of water briefs. That was it. He was strongly muscled for his age due to growing up training in martial arts and felt comfortable standing there in just his swimsuit. Well mostly comfortable, as long as he didn’t make eye contact with Des.

Then there were the people Dagos didn’t know. A woman who was older than the rest of them, he thought she looked to be around the same age as his own mother but that was the only similarity he could see in that regard. Where his mother was dark skinned and stocky with tightly kinked black hair, this woman was tall and pale with flowing white hair. Dagos who had been getting more intuned with his ability to sense through the force could feel a level of...power?...connection? Dagos wasn’t sure of what word to use but he could feel from her something akin to what he would feel from Ryuchi or what he felt around Master Vanagor.

Dagos also noticed a younger girl who seemed closer to his age standing near Kuxirra. She was much shorter than the Togruta girl, had blonde-ish hair and...horns...that wasn’t something he’d seen all too often...he turned his head away with a snap, trying not to stare and noticed that he wasn’t the only dude present.

He shot a “what up though” kind of head nod toward Jasper.

Dagos was curious what this class was all about but he heard he would get to jump off a cliff thought that sounded fun and now he was here

Milla Caranthyr Milla Caranthyr Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri Desbre Gensan Desbre Gensan Jyoti Nooran Jyoti Nooran Jasper Candos Jasper Candos
The sound of a voice drew Milla's attention. Blue eyes turned to see Kux, a Togruta teen the same age as Milla, albeit a little taller. She had seen the teen before, but never actually met before. She gave the teen a smile, showing off her sharp teeth. "I'm Milla."

Her attention was quickly drawn to Desbre Gensan Desbre Gensan as she climbed up the hill. She's was definitely prepared for the lesson, and ready to go. Which was definitely evident by the way she jumped off the cliff into the lake almost immediately after arriving. Milla couldn't help but share almost the same amount of enthusiasm as Desbre as she climbed back up. "I've been here most of the morning practicing!" She was excited by it all, her tail scarily staying put as it swayed side to side showing off how much energy she had. What Milla did fail to mention was that she might have skipped a meditation class to get here early.

A piece of information she definitely didn't reveal as a Master in the form of Jyoti Nooran Jyoti Nooran . The teen gave a bow to the Master, then nodded her head in excited agreement as Desbre explained why they were here.

More students kept arriving after that. First Jasper Candos Jasper Candos , who she had met before. Then a teen who looked as if he was around her age.

Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri Dagos Terrek Dagos Terrek
As someone who hadn’t skipped the class before, Aveline showed up on time. By the time she got there, there was already a bit of a gathering. The power they were meant to learn was new, scary, but incredibly useful if she could actually pull it off. She could easily imagine a considerable portion of her future career would be spent falling off things, intentionally or not. To not, you know, die, would be great.

There were familiar faces, but mostly they felt new. Some she had seen but never spoken to. That was not the case for two of the girls, however! Both Kuxirra and Des had been partners on several missions and lessons at this point, and she gave them both a big smile and a wave. Through the Force she reached out to gently touch the mind of Des, if only to let her know she was there. Of course physically Aveline was clearly there, but with everything the two of them had gone through, a simple wave and ‘hello’ didn’t seem to cut it.

Des was among Aveline’s closest friends in the Order. They were both Padawans, but the time of regular classes and lessons on Kashyyyk were over. They weren’t younglings anymore, and being assigned to masters would have them travel apart for large periods of time. Aveline saw her friends less and less these days, but it made her appreciate the moments they shared all the more.

“Hey guys” she said to the rest, putting on a friendly face. Turning, she gave a more formal bow to the ranking Jedi among them, a master no less! “Master Nooran” Formalities aside, this was one paddy who was ready to get started!

Milla Caranthyr Milla Caranthyr Dagos Terrek Dagos Terrek Jasper Candos Jasper Candos Jyoti Nooran Jyoti Nooran Desbre Gensan Desbre Gensan Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri
As it turned out, she had stumbled into the middle of a class!

Controlled descent. Perhaps her favorite technique for quickly vacating a speeding drop ship. No need to fuss with ropes, gliders, or other bulky equipment.

"Oh goodness no, I should be me apologizing as the interloper. I was just on my daily walk and decided to treat myself to a glorious view of our home." Off in the distance behind Gensan and the others, glittering spires jutted from the jungle floor, catching the morning sun that peeked through the low clouds. "In any case, it's a pleasure to finally make your acquittance, Master Gensan."

She offered a small bow to her fellow Jedi Master and the pupils assembled. There were many new faces, but also a familiar one in Jasper. That man was now a cemented fixture of the Silver Order, predating most of them. He was always with questions - she hoped someday he would find the answers he sought.

After introducing herself, she waved at the other Jedi present, eyes crinkling in glee. She felt a rush of nostalgia then, recalling her time as a hardheaded Padawan learning the ropes long ago. Surrounded by chaos at all sides, it was nice to see new generations still rising up.

"If you all wouldn't mind, then I'd love to stick around and observe. Maybe help out too if you like."

Milla Caranthyr Milla Caranthyr Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri Desbre Gensan Desbre Gensan Dagos Terrek Dagos Terrek Jasper Candos Jasper Candos Aveline Cuiléin Aveline Cuiléin


Location: First cliff​
Equipment: Simple Jedi Robes, inherited lightsaber, light-filtering lenses, Hush-style comlink, aquata breather, liquid-cable launcher, stim pills, nutrient/food pack​
On the climb back up from the first jump, as Milla introduced herself, Des did the same. "Desbre. Any success yet," she asked.

Coming back to the first cliff, the pale one greeted Jasper with a nod and a wave with a small smile. She didn't recognize the teenager. At his question she nodded. "It is, though we're waiting on the instructor. Well, sort of."

Spotting Dagos she flashed him a smile and a wave, recognizing him from some study of Broken Gate with her master, Master Vanagor. That had been a fun, hard, but rewarding day. Today was likely to be another one. It wasn't hard to catch him looking, at least for a moment, but she just smile and mentally waved it off. It was kind of a compliment in it's own right. At the same time she gave him a knowing look. Layered too was his uncertainty, but also curiosity and enthusiasm, and hope for a good time. Admirable, she supposed.

Des felt the contact from Aveline around the same time she spotted her friend. She broke into a bright smile, making her way over to the girl. "Hey you," she said brightly and threw her arms wide in an offer for a hug. If/when taken she held on tight for a few moments, rocking a little side to side with Aveline. "Missed you tons. We need to catch up after this. You're here for the controlled descent training, right?" It was probably the most animated Aveline had seen her maybe ever. She was no stranger to jumping into action, but she was normally somewhat reserved. It seemed the trip to Ilum had done something for her and a weight had lifted off her soul.

Turning back to Master Nooran, Des's eyes widened and almost fell out of her head. "I-I-I .. Ee... Um.." she stammered, "I'm not even a knight yet, Master. That's very flattering though. Thank you." Though in truth she was close to reaching Knighthood. If what Caltin had told her, it was considered that she'd already passed some of her Trials. Her face was heating almost all the way to the tips of her ears. It was probably a genuine mistake. But it was a hell of a compliment either way and one she didn't feel she was ever close to deserving. She'd learned a lot in the last year or two, and she'd finally been in the field and been through some serious scrapes. But she had a long way to go. At the same time, she found her vision turning a little misty just then. It was probably the nicest thing anyone had said to her in years, especially among the order. As much healing, as she'd undergone recently, it still stung. But in a good way, for someone who had so little self-esteem, and had spent so long guilt-ridden.

Some might find correcting a Jedi Master to not be such a good look. But she wasn't about to claim something she hadn't earned. That could get her into hot water, and the last thing she wanted was to give even a hint of misrepresenting herself or her accomplishments. Especially not to such a well-respected master like Jyoti.

Clearing her throat gently, she continued, a little more subdued. "Not to speak for whoever is teaching, but I'm sure you would be welcome, Master."
Milla gave a shrug when Desbre Gensan Desbre Gensan asked if she had made any progress. "I've made some." Her attention turned to Aveline Cuiléin Aveline Cuiléin as she made her way up the hill. It was definitely clear that Desbre and Aveline were friends.

She wasn't exactly sure what to say when Master Jyoti Nooran Jyoti Nooran mistook Desbre for a Master. Things like that tended to happen, right? Right. Milla didn't try to show any surprise, rather she nodded with Desbre when she said that having a Master around was more than welcome. "Y..yeah, we could always use pointers." She moved over to the edge of the cliff above the water. Her tail swaying a little excitedly from side to side. "This is definitely something we all want to learn now then the hard way later."
Jyoti chuckled to herself as she recognized her mistake. She took no offense at being corrected - when you're wrong, you're wrong. Not the end of the world. One could only admit their mistakes and move on with experience.

"Ha ha, well please take that as a compliment, then. You already carry yourself with great poise."

So, unless there was any others lurking in the jungle, she was the sole Master present among the Padawan. What fun!

"Hmm, I suppose until the appointed instructor does show, I'll be happy to help. So, Controlled Descent, was it?"

Drawing upon the Force, she flooded her legs with power before jumping, then shot straight upwards with coiled legs. With her jump boosted, she reached about a good ten meters at her apex. Then gravity reclaimed her, pulling back to ground. However instead of dropping like a stone, she slowly glided back down. Having fun with tumbling, it appeared as if she was diving through water rather than falling through the air. Even her robes slowly flapped around her body as if they were caught in a viscous flow.

Within the last meter, she righted herself, returning to her original spot on the toe of one boot - her good leg - with her hands were clasped at her back. Not a single bit of foliage was disturbed upon touchdown, the Echani seemingly weightless.

"If you all are starting at or near square one, then it may take a while to display such proficiency, but I'm confident by the end of the day I'll have you all on the right track." She motioned to her side. "Now, why don't you all get into a circle to start?"

Milla Caranthyr Milla Caranthyr Desbre Gensan Desbre Gensan Aveline Cuiléin Aveline Cuiléin Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri Dagos Terrek Dagos Terrek Jasper Candos Jasper Candos


Location: Name​
Equipment: Simple Jedi Robes, inherited lightsaber, light-filtering lenses, Hush-style comlink, aquata breather, liquid-cable launcher, stim pills, nutrient/food pack​
Des seemed a little relieved as Master Nooran laughed the matter off. A small smile passed over her own countenance. Good, all was well. And indeed, it was high praise. Des found her face flushing with more heat, but instead of trying to downplay it, she simply accepted it as the high praise it was. When Jyoti volunteered to temporarily take over, the smile turned to one tinged with delight. She already had some experience with the technique, but Master Nooran was someone she knew of and already had respect for, and maybe was already a fan of.

Sensing a demonstration on the horizon, Des opened herself up to the Force, relaxing if not falling into it, and stretched out with her senses as the Echani woman gathered power around her. The leap was impressive, better than Desbre's average. Probably not her absolute best, but it seemed so casual for the Master. She probably had full Force Flight if she wanted it. But then Jyoti reached the apex of her leap and began to flutter down to the ground. Des paid attention to the Force gathered around and through the woman, how it was employed, how she manipulated the air. Des took in as much detail as she possibly could.

It turned out, as much as she could tell, it was very similar to how Des had managed to save not only herself but Master Vanagor back on Tol Amn. Coming down after jettisoning from their ship their escape pod came apart a few kilometers above the ground. So she already had the idea. Now she just had to make it a deliverable, owned skill. That fed her with some relief. She'd already done this. Now it was time to really own it.

As they were bidden to form a circle, Des didn't hesitate, slipping into position, forgetting for the moment she wasn't in uniform, instead focused wholly on the task at hand.
Is Ascending In Power
"Sorry for being late." He'd gotten used to wearing masks, and today it was no different. He never showed his face around anyone.

He'd arrived just in time to see Jyoti jump up in the air. So people could really jump that high? Even for a tall guy, he was somewhat amazed. When she had asked them to join in a circle, he complied. To him, the Silver Jedi were an interesting bunch. A good way for him to be protected from the Sith, but what Jyoti had told him about them were true. He never felt he had a target around his back. And Alakor had been the happiest he'd been in a while.

"Nice to meet you all." he said in as awkward a sentence as he could be. His body language still showed he had some assimilating to do. It was always difficult for him to transition between different cultures, but he was getting better. And the Jedi were proving himself to be easier than he had expected.
Milla Caranthyr Milla Caranthyr Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri Alakor Alakor Desbre Gensan Desbre Gensan Aveline Cuiléin Aveline Cuiléin Dagos Terrek Dagos Terrek Jyoti Nooran Jyoti Nooran Jasper Candos Jasper Candos

Slip stood on the shore of the lake, looking up at the cliff that everyone was on. Unlike the others, he wasn't here for training. He was actually here to make sure that nobody drowned or hurt themselves. Somehow, he had been convinced to run lifeguard duty. How he had been convinced, he had no idea, but here he was, standing on the edge of the lake, keeping watch.

"How does she know how to get to me?" Slip asked himself allowed, referring to Milla, and how she, amazingly, managed to convince him to, begrudgingly, come. That girl knew him way too well... Honestly, it kind of freaked him out how well she knew how to convince him. Then again, Milla freaked him out in general. There was a reason why he couldn't relax, and that was because she liked to jump him and scare the crap out of him when he was least expecting it. But she always put up with Slip's antics, so the least he could do was this.

Slip wore his standard green jumpsuit, since it was able to be used in any situation, including in water. He was just glad he didn't have to wear any swimwear, as he didn't even possess any. This was honestly all he really had in terms of clothing, but luckily it was able to be used in almost any environment.

Slip watched the group, they were doing something up there, but what, Slip had no clue. For now, Slip would wait until they actually started practicing.

"So, uh, when are we starting?" He asked the group loudly.

Then, he looked down into the water, and was startled. A large fish was staring at him. It was just... sitting there, barely moving. It constantly maintained eye contact with Slip, since fish don't have eyelids. Slip was starting to get freaked out by it. Was it dead? It wasn't even moving, it was just sitting there, staring at him with those beady eyes. He was definitely starting to get unnerved.

Slip moved his head to the side, and the fish followed him with its eyes. It definitely wasn't dead. It was just... looking at him.

"S-Shoo! Go!" He waved at it, trying to make it go away.

But it didn't, it just sat there, unmoved by the sudden movement.

He looked back up at the group. "H-Hey, uh, can we hurry up? This fish is looking at me weird." He told the group again.
Milla Caranthyr Milla Caranthyr Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri Alakor Alakor Desbre Gensan Desbre Gensan Aveline Cuiléin Aveline Cuiléin Dagos Terrek Dagos Terrek Jyoti Nooran Jyoti Nooran Subject 648 Slipknot Subject 648 Slipknot

Jasper stayed silent as he watched the other Jedis of different rank interact with each other. He responded to the guy who nodded to him with a quick and soon waves to him his left hand before going back to his previous action. He did take note of master Nooran jumping in the air and slowly snowing back down to the ground. Upon gazing at this action, Jasper's reasoning for being here was reinforced. He knew it could be done since he saw it with his own two eyes, it is just that it was going to take a while for him to do the same thing with such skill as he saw.

He was thinking about how to put practicing-controlled descent into his time schedule when master Nooran told everyone to meet in a circle. He waited for everyone else to join in before walking toward the circle before joining himself.
A couple more initiates would join in, one being Alakor. She had personally recruited the man from Nar Shaddaa, now her newest apprentice and the first since she had returned to the Silver Order.

She walked up to him, patting the Padawan on the shoulder. "Nice of you to join us! I'm pleased to you mingling with your peers. I wasn't supposed to teach this class, but I decided to stick around as the original instructor still hasn't appeared."

The other man in the green jumpsuit (Slipknot) made her chuckle from his antics, reminding her of one of those eccentric animated characters her children liked to watch on the holovids.

"Out here, the fish are the least of your worries," she teased with a wink. "but I'll make sure to keep you safe and sound all the same. Why don't you join us?"

She motioned for him to join the circle, then strode to the center to address them all.

"So the good news is, assuming you all have some proficiency with telekinesis, you're already primed to perform controlled descent! The real tricky part is applying telekinesis to yourself, which requires a high degree of spatial awareness - recognizing your position in space relative to your surroundings. Before we begin the first exercise, I would like you all to take a few minutes to meditate, centering yourself and expanding your senses to feel out your surroundings. Keep your eyes closed as you do."

"After that, the next thing I want you to do while your eyes are still closed, is to hold your hands behind your back and practice maintaining your balance with the aid of telekinesis, pushing beyond your normal center of gravity as you lean back and forth at extreme angles."

She provided another demonstration, first leaning forward until she looked to be on the verge of falling forward, but she didn't, remaining on her toes without even the slightest tremor.

"I'd like you to hold your position for at least five seconds before straightening up. You don't need to go as far as I am to start, just gradually keep pushing yourself a little more each time. Now, begin."

The first exercise was fairly simple, provided a good foundation for later manipulating their bodies through the air without a solid base. If any fell, the soft jungle floor would cushion them.

Milla Caranthyr Milla Caranthyr Desbre Gensan Desbre Gensan Aveline Cuiléin Aveline Cuiléin Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri Kuxirra Tano-Bonteri Dagos Terrek Dagos Terrek Jasper Candos Jasper Candos Alakor Alakor Subject 648 Slipknot Subject 648 Slipknot
Is Ascending In Power
He nodded in reply. The former gladiator had wanted to get a feel as to what the force was, or how he worked. He was somewhat surprised at how different she acted in comparison to how she'd rescued him.

His facial expression showed some distate when she spoke about meditating. It was something that was peculiar to him. But he made sure to hide it in order for not one to see him. He was at the farthest back of all the students that had appeared her which helped. Only Jyoti would see it.

During his time here, he'd learned a few tricks. He was extremely fortunate to have had one-on-one lessons with other Masters, so the basic jest was fine with him. But the whole meditating things was completely new to him. He never signed up in a monastery, but he believed he could fake it till he made it.

On second thought, he had a feeling she'd call him out. So he made a genuine effort to meditate. Remembering what he'd read in the archives, Alakor attempted to implement what he'd read. He could everything that was here: the ants moving, birds flying, the trees' breathing.

The second part of the exercise was... more difficult to say the least. As soon as he attempted to hold his hands behind his back, he fell. He tried again, and kept falling. Alakor's face nearly grew red in anger. He was used to things coming easy for him. As he repeated her instructions, he kept on falling again and again.

Clenching his fist, he swallowed his emotions and kept it hidden. He wouldn't lash out now in the presence of everyone. Well.. he hoped that would be the case.

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