Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Greetings everyone! I am thinking of posting for this role as an NPC but I thought, why not ask for real people before I do? Maybe some people will be interested!

So what i'm looking for is a character to be Paimons mistress. Preferably a dathomir witch but not exclusively. The best way I can describe this is relating to that of a genie and their master. Like in Aladdin, everyones seen Aladdin right? I am looking for someone Paimon will call her mistress and use her magic abilities for. This mistress will be someone Paimon will want to grant power and make her queen, or something along those lines. As for combat, to use her as their equip. For this to happen the user would have to be force sensitive, I think so at least (there's not much info on the topic on wookieepedia).

Anyways if you're interested then I will pm you with more information, just let me know! Many thanks.
[member="Braith Achlys"]

As for what she is. Paimon is a ur-spirit. She lives in a parallel realm to the physical world and is a creature created out of maniacal love and chaos by the twin deities. She represents the fox and is a 'bit' much to take on at first. As for who she is well-Befitting of a creature of maniacal love and chaos, Paimon is a very flirtatious, seductive Ur-spirit. She likes to play around with humanoids as she sees them as unique and special. You can always check out my bio for more info!

This is totally awesome sauce.

I'm going to transition my character to be a magic-man and warlock here pretty soon. He's going to train with the witches and sort of mix that knowledge with his Sith magic. It'd be cool if he could sort of link her being to a charm or object that he can invoke when need be. Unless this 'mistress' has to be female?
[member="Lord Ajihad"]

No, I was just using that as a general term. Can be male! And I'm glad you like it.

Well, when I made this a talisman was what I had in mind. Yeah, that would be totally cool. I'll pm you. Though I have a few interests so I want to look through them all before I make a decision!

Felran Natri


*Ahem* Why did you not bring this to me sooner :p
I can do so much more than most of these fools. Most

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