Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mission: In The Name of Research [The Republic | TJO]

Seeing as nobody had any immediate questions, Corvus spoke up. "We encountered Voxyn on Alderaan, yet they were eradicated in 28 ABY. I presume the fact is no coincidence?"

[member="Johnny Diamonds"] | [member="Flint Dexen"] | [member="Zaren Bouqi"] | [member="Kian Karr"] | [member="Veino Garn"] | [member="Kiskla Grayson"]
Veino nodded his head slowly, "Not really such a thing as a coincidence, so you are correct. Voxyn were deadly in the last Vong war, so they probably recreated them." He crossed his arms and leaned back, trying to remember everything he knew. It wasn't very much. There might be information in the Enclave databanks, somewhere in the ancient files. Or at least fragments of them, perhaps. Would they be useful? Perhaps. He'd have to send a message.

"Do we have much of a plan? Or is more of a plan as we go along, depending on circumstances?"
Kian listened to [member="Corvus Raaf"]'s and then [member="Veino Garn"]'s question and nodded his head as they spoke. The Voxyn were vicious fighters, designed to kill force sensitives. On Alderaan he had watched them kill viciously and efficiently. It had been humbling.

Kian had done some research into the mission before hand, but was still very hazing on many of the details of the mission. Kian didn't know much about Reecee.

"What should we expect on the planet?" Kian asked.
Reecee was technically not the appropriate mission for the girl, who was lethality in form. She did, however, have multiple instances of direct contact with The Vong incarnates. That knowledge, coupled with her unparalleled psychometery balanced out her lack of knowledge with technical development.

Oh, perfect. Thanks, [member="Johnny Diamonds"]! "Tech-Wise, we have the supplies necessary to gather the readings -- but since you volunteered, their operation will be your responsibility. Thank you, Padawan Diamonds." Kiskla lofted both brows with a simultaneous smile. One thing she'd learned in her short life, was that when one had a sense of onus, they'd rise to the challenge. Personal experience.

At [member="Corvus Raaf"]'s question, Kiskla shook her head. The answer a useless roundabout, crediting the mystique of the Force, but rather plain observations.

She added to [member="Veino Garn"]'s comment, before answering his question. "Coruscant was their introduction. Alderaan was their debutant ball--- the Vong are not the first of the ancient technologies The One Sith have resurrected. "

Both Coruscant and Carida saw technology from Krayt's era."

The blue glow dissipated on command as Kiskla called the technology back to her palm. "The planet is still recovering. During a scouting mission, the government received information of strange biological forms. That location is now quarantined for our investigation and confirmation that it is directly affiliated with The Voxyn.

In terms of hostiles, it's never wise to assume total receptiveness. Even on a Republic world there may be obstinate supporters to The Sith's empirical cause-- they may attempt to prevent any Republic advancement."

[member="Zaren Bouqi"] | [member="Kian Karr"] | [member="Flint Dexen"]
(Sorry for the delay all! I'll be more prompt this week.)
Avalore arrived! In green Healer Jedi Robes! Dragging along her Padawans [member="Darius Olar"] and [member="Ilanthria"] (if you choose to join me, you don't have to).

This post is short and exciting!

I don't know what's going on!

I'm also at work and need to read the other posts!

[member="Kiskla Grayson"]
Corvus noted the new arrival. It seemed it didn't matter how long you'd been a Jedi, there were always new faces. She bowed politely to the newcomer - her robes designating she was a healer. Corvus had only met one healer before - on Taboon - and (as ever) her mind ticked over as to what she might learn from the Jedi Knight.

[member="Johnny Diamonds"] | [member="Flint Dexen"] | [member="Zaren Bouqi"] | [member="Kian Karr"] | [member="Veino Garn"] | [member="Kiskla Grayson"] | [member="Avalore Eden"]
Kian was considering [member="Kiskla Grayson"]'s words when [member="Avalore Eden"] entered the room. Kian nodded toward her in way of greeting and turned back toward Master Grayson.

"If there are Voxyn there, we will need to be especially careful, those creatures are.....troublesome." Kian said running his hand alongside the edge of his mask and sitting back. He had faced off with several Voxyn on Alderaan and he wasn't particularly looking forward to facing off with them again. It had been the first time Kian had fought such a creature. They were more intelligent than their bestial nature indicated and they were born and bread to fight force-users. Kian had managed to kill several, but only with external help and the one he had killed on his own had taken a great deal of luck.

"What is the game plan once we are on the ground?" Kian asked, "will we be working as a unified force, or shall we break into task forces with different objectives?" Kian asked, looking for further clarification on the objectives when they finally reach the planet. Kian looked around the room and considered everyone who was currently present for the mission. It was a good group of Jedi, from various walks of life and with a variety of experiences that would be very beneficial on a mission such as this.

[member="Corvus Raaf"] [member="Avalore Eden"] [member="Veino Garn"] [member="Johnny Diamonds"] [member="Flint Dexen"] [member="Zaren Bouqi"]
"It would be foolishly assumptive of me to tell you that there are only remnants of the creatures detected, since the Reports have submitted, things could have changed. Alderaan was proof at how contagious these creatures are."

As for the mission schematics, Kiskla hadn't honestly anticipated this many bodies to present themselves for the task. For a moment, she reviewed the potential tactical decision before giving [member="Kian Karr"] the answer he deserved. "Most of you have separate talents -- if we separate we'll cover more space in less time and be able to uncover the information and bring it back to the labs on Anaxes -- and some on Ossus." She looked towards [member="Avalore Eden"] at this. The girl had spent some time beyond enemy lines, and Kiskla hadn't the opportunity to appropriately assess her, or even welcome her back.

"Good to have you, Knight Eden." It would make sense to assign the Knight the responsibility of bringing samples back to Ossus to study with the circle of healers -- provided they had enough to go around. Finding an antidote to the Vong was the premiere task.

"Padawans Raaf, and Diamonds will travel with myself and Knight Karr." That balanced between the studious, and the protectors.

"Knights Garn, Dexen, Eden and Master Bouqi will be another set. Your students can remain with you, Avalore." That would be enough protection for Avalore, while still being a learning experience for her Padawans. That made sense. Right?

[member="Veino Garn"] | [member="Flint Dexen"] | [member="Corvus Raaf"] | [member="Johnny Diamonds"] | [member="Darius Olar"] | [member="Ilanthria"] | [member="Zaren Bouqi"]
All Johnny could do was grunt slightly as if to form a word, pointing lackadaisically whilst his mouth gaped open. Apparently he was now in charge of gathering the readings and sorting out the tech for this excursion. Wonderful. Though, before he could even get a word in edgewise, there came a-walkin' his bestest friend in the whole wide galaxy! Almost instinctively, his usual sort of clueless, timid behavior took a backseat to 'Johnny D'. "Ava!!" he called out without thinking. His feet thought for themselves as he slid himself across the floor right on up to her like a straight shot of whiskey barreling down one's throat. An arm outstretched and hooked onto her waist, and he twisted around her until his head was right back in it's usual spot, chin a-restin' on that shoulder. Eyes moved to look to Ava, and he chuckled. "So, like, you're gonna take a hop, skip, and jump and tag along? Excellent!"

Then the Grandmaster divided up those gathered into two teams.

*insert buzzer sound here* Wrong! Sorry, but your question must be asked in the form of an answer. he thought.


"Awwww man..."

[member="Veino Garn"] | [member="Flint Dexen"] | [member="Corvus Raaf"] | [member="Avalore Eden"] | [member="Darius Olar"] | [member="Ilanthria"] | [member="Zaren Bouqi"] | [member="Kiskla Grayson"]
Having arrived in the middle of what Avalore assumed to be the mission briefing, the Healer said nothing and offered very little in the way of interruption. Brown eyes traveled from unfamiliar face to unfamiliar face, a frank nod to those that gestured unspoken greetings, and just as she was about to take her place ... somewhere unintrusive, Knight Eden was once again fully JD'd.

An awkward, apologetic smile was the Knight to those in charge as she turned to handle her friend's enthusiastic approach.

She shushed him, glancing around.

"JD...calm down, crazy, you're making a scene in front of the Grandmaster," she reached up to pat the boy's head at her shoulder before turning, muttering something under her breath about don't you look dapper, and spent a quick moment straightening his shirt and jacket before telling him to be quiet so she could hear Kiskla speak.

"Good to have you, Knight Eden," said the Grandmaster.

Avalore's expression fell. What did you say to that? Thanks teacher! No. She sputtered quietly before settling on a nod, clearing her throat. Professional. Keep it professional in front of the kids. She elbowed [member="Darius Olar"] lightly to make certain he was paying attention.

"Padawans Raaf, and Diamonds will travel with myself and Knight Karr. Knights Garn, Dexen, Eden and Master Bouqi will be another set. Your students can remain with you, Avalore."

Force, who were these people? She'd missed the introductions, but at least everyone now knew who Knight Eden was. They could come to her, right? Maybe someone could break out some stickered name tags.

"Awwwww man...."

"Jeebus, JD," Avalore leaned to hiss in his ear, "puck up. You get to go with the Grandmaster. I don't even know these people. What's a Garn?"
Kian smiled at [member="Kiskla Grayson"]'s words. It did make sense to work in task forces, and Kian was glad he would be going with the two padawans, [member="Corvus Raaf"] and [member="Johnny Diamonds"], and the grandmaster. He had seen Corvus in action and was very impressed with her. Johnny Diamonds he hadn't met before but looked forward to getting to know the padawan. Kian hadn't had much opportunity to interact with the upcoming generation of Jedi. His knighthood was still relatively young and he knew well the sorts of things that were probably bothering them or that they were struggling with. As for working with the grandmaster....well he would surely learn something!

Then padawan Diamonds was suddenly talking and Kian turned his gaze towards him. He didn't have to worry about keeping a stern look on his face, as his anti-ox mask and goggles hid all expression, allowing Kian to smiling with amusement. If this was any indication of how this mission would go, then it certainly would be interesting.

[member="Avalore Eden"] [member="Veino Garn"] [member="Flint Dexen"] [member="Darius Olar"] [member="Ilanthria"] [member="Zaren Bouqi"]

Flint Dexen

Wandering Lost Soul
Veino Garn [member="Kiskla Grayson"] Corvus Raaf Johnny Diamonds Darius Olar Ilanthria Zaren Bouqi [member="Avalore Eden"]

Flint listened respectfully to the Grandmaster brief them on their mission. It seemed to him that they were splitting up into two groups, which seemed to be a good idea. Like she had said, they would be able to cover more space in shorter amount of time.

"Padawans Raaf, and Diamonds will travel with myself and Knight Karr. Knights Garn, Dexen, Eden and Master Bouqi will be another set. Your students can remain with you, Avalore."

He decided that he would introduce himself to the other Jedi that he was grouped with. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Knight Eden, and you as well, Master Bouqi." Flint said to the pair with a friendly smile, reaching out to shake their hands.

"I look forward to working with you."
Corvus listened to first Kian Karr’s and then Grandmaster Grayson’s words. They both spoke a lot of sense and she held them both in high regard.

Then Johnny spoke. She couldn’t help but smile. She still wasn’t sure if his bravado was an act or just the way he was – but she’d seen him on missions before and it would be a fool that underestimated his commitment or performance based upon his humour. If she could have picked a team – and no offence to the remainder present – this is who she would have asked for. OK, it wasn’t a game of Skorch – but the analogy held up.

So she stood and gathered her things as the two groups naturally began to gravitate into their respective sides of the room.

"So Johnny, I'm expecting to see that shoulder move with Knight Karr before the mission's over." And the best part was, she kept her face as straight as possible as she said it.

[member="Johnny Diamonds"] | [member="Flint Dexen"] | [member="Zaren Bouqi"] | [member="Kian Karr"] | [member="Veino Garn"] | [member="Kiskla Grayson"] | [member="Avalore Eden"]
"Oh...dang. Good point, Chicadee." he said lowly to Ava, slowly realizing everyone was looking at him. Yeah, awkward much? Force have mercy, Johnny, you really know how to be the center of attention without trying, don't you, he thought. The crimson rose to his cheeks a bit, and he smiled sheepishly as Corvus spoke to him. Something about her just made Johnny D go into total shyness and awkwardness. Her and one other female Jedi did that to him, but thankfully,t he other one wasn't here. Thank the sweet, sweet Force for that, or he'd be so red he'd look like a Zeltron with a sunburn.

"Uh, yeah, well, um...if you want me to, sure. Uh, I mean...I got nothing here."

Johnny just sorta looked down, and kept himself behind Avalore for the time being.

Smooth move, John-boy. Smooth. You dolt.

[member="Corvus Raaf"] | [member="Flint Dexen"] | [member="Kian Karr"] | [member="Avalore Eden"] | [member="Kiskla Grayson"]
"Thanks," Avalore returned to [member="Flint Dexen"], eyeing the man shortly. Was a bit early in the game to be guessing who and who wasn't going to be a pleasure to work with, mind you Avalore had rarely the displeasure of working with other Jedi since losing her physical baggage, but her shoulder still had the smallest of chips on it from the 9 months preceding that. Old habits - she really needed to get rid of them.

Is that chemistry I smell? What a curious display ....

"She's pretty..." Avalore muttered at [member="Johnny Diamonds"] with a glance to [member="Corvus Raaf"], a snide half-smile stretching the words as she noticed the boy's pinking cheeks, "don't be shy JD, go make some friends. Show 'em how great you are at all that techy-stuff. You look fantastic, Kiddo." The Healer encouraged her friend with a light push of her hip at his side. Johnny had always been a bit awkward around others - really, he was a completely different person when it came to strangers. But given the chance, she was sure he could warm up to the idea of new friends. After all, Avalore couldn't be his rock all the time no matter how much she was content to be just that.

Brown gaze lingering after him, it returned finally to those thankfully beginning to congregate around her.

"This must be Team Awesome. I'm Avalore, Healer Extraordinaire, and this is my Padawan [member="Darius Olar"]. On point, who here is going to be helping him cover my rear? I don't have or use a Lightsaber."
If Darius had mastered a singular ability whilst with the Jedi, it was the ability to fall asleep with his eyes open, standing up right and acting as if he was actually listening. Not to say he wasn't listening intentionally, it was far from that, he simply made a habit out of falling quiet and fading away into his imagination. [member="Avalore Eden"] had indeed chosen him to be one of her Padawans, he originally thought she wasn't even going to take him to Cato Neimoidia, let alone take him as one of her Padawans. It was an odd thought, given he quite enjoyed the practice of the lightsaber arts and theory, where she, relied on the Force to heal others without even carrying her lightsaber and he quickly assumed that she didn't even know how to use one, most odd indeed.

Of course it was not a wise move to unintentionally ignore whatever Grandmaster [member="Kiskla Grayson"] was indeed briefing them about, he didn't quite understand why he was even here but if it would prove to be something to bond with his Master, Padawan Sibling and fellow Jedi with, he was more than happy to commit. Darius was brought out of his standing slumber by the elbow of his lovely Master, causing him to recoil back onto the heels of his boots before taking to a proper posture. Quirking a brow as she introduced him to the rest, he simply raised a hand and shot Eden a smirk as she called their fellow Jedi 'team awesome'.

"Uh.. It's a pleasure to meet you all!" He tried to come back with as if he was actually listening or taking notes. "Oh! Johnny you're here, when did you get here?" Qurking a brow as he shot the question out to Johnny, he turned to his Master with confusion as the room was filled with unfamiliar faces, unfamiliar faces made Darius all the more nervous boy than he usually was. "I've got your back, Eden"

Zion Krayt

Bouqi nodded at the Grandmaster's orders after she had divided them into groups. There were quite a few of them going with the Healer apparently, but he made no comment upon it. Instead, he just kept his arms folded over his chest. The Jedi Master's head rotated to look upon the Knights [member="Flint Dexen"], [member="Veino Garn"] and [member="Avalore Eden"]. Plus her assorted Padawans and he wondered what they were all capable of.

When Knight Dexen had reached out to shake his hand, he made no move to lower a gauntlet to do so, instead he gave him the briefest of nods and then looked around at the gathered Jedi. He didn't expect their mission to be too dangerous, or any danger at all, but he was always prepared. There was no time to allow being caught off guard whilst you were at war. The One Sith have won too many fights like that, and Zaren Bouqi wasn't going to be letting them to win another one in such a way.

"Are we ready to set out?"
Corvus moved to where the Grandmaster and Knight Karr were and stood beside her fellow Padawan, who had already been assigned a specific duty.

"Is there something specific you'd like me to do Grandmaster?". It seemed as though there was a plan and she was keen to find out what part she played in that.

[member="Kiskla Grayson"] | [member="Kian Karr"] | [member="Johnny Diamonds"]
[member="Avalore Eden"]

None would see her, but there would be a distinct presence that might be felt near Avalore Eden. It wasn't malevolent, but more calm, peaceful.

Ever watchful, Jedi Adele Adonnai would remain close to the group, only to reveal herself when absolutely necessary or to provide guidance.

Caid Centurion

Caid's silver-green gaze swept the corridors as he approached the bridge. This was supposed to be a reward for recent service during the war that was quickly engulfing the entirety of the Republic. During the most recent campaign over Alderaan, his frigate had sustained some serious damage. They'd managed to, effectively, crash land it in the countryside, but the fatalities were off the charts. For a reason he knew all too well, he could practically feel the death around him. It didn't make him hate anyone other than his father for saddling him with the curse of force sensitivity through genetics.

Fortunately, the use of the Force was his choice, and he chose to give it the middle-finger. So...why take this assignment commanding the crew of one of the Jedi Order's Praxeum vessels? Clearly...because he was stupid. All these Jedi wanted to do was galavant across the galaxy looking for secret treasure and poodoo. What was worse? He knew the chick that had tried to confront him on Contruum was onboard. Apparently she was now in charge of the Jedi Order. "Go figure..."

The instant Caid stepped onto the bridge dressed rather typically in his issued jumpsuit rather than a dress uniform, the Officer-of-the-Deck announced his presence. "Captain's on the bridge."

Caid offered the younger man a gentle nod of the head. For a moment, his silver-green gaze fell on the form of [member="Asmundr Varobalder"]. The...individual that was basically ever-present on one of the two vessels at all times. In some twisted form, he was in charge...though the man possessed no real training or capability in the operation of a starfighter let alone a full-fledged ship. Then again, Caid supoosed that was his purpose and that of the men and women he was responsible for. Understanding the silent sentinel's lack of desire for conversation, Caid redirected his attention to the OOD. "How we lookin'?"

"Exiting hyperspace in approximately five minutes, Captain."

Caid walked over to his command chair and leaned over - typing in a few commands on one of the screens attached to the arm. He reviewed the trajectory information for a handful of moments. "You know. I know I authorized reversion at the edge of the system, but Reecee has been stable. Let's go ahead and recalculate for the edge of the gravitational influence. The Governor is already expecting our arrival - notified him prior to entering hyperspace, so I don't expect traffic separation to be an issue. Be sure our escape vectors are locked into the system."

Walking away from his command chair, he returned to the hologrpahic projection of department statuses. "Let's go ahead and man the arrival detail. No intent to enter the atmosphere."

"Yes sir." The OOD briefly looked at the updated timer before ordering the announcement. "Ten minute standby, set the arrival detail."

From the crew stations, someone responded in the affirmative before the announcement was patched over the announcement system. Ordinarily, the circuit servicing the briefing and training rooms used by the Jedi was tripped so that they weren't disturbed by normal ship business. That did not apply to situations where the vessel was preparing to make a major transition. "Ten minutes to reversion. Station the arrival detail." The message was only repeated one more time.

Settling into his seat, Caid tapped in a few commands as a handful of additional personnel began to arrive on the bridge. "Just driving the school bus..." Caid's attitude didn't effect the professional discharge of his duties, he just hated being pulled off rotation because of some crap policy about rotating people off the front lines after what the military called 'incidents'. Life of a ship captain.

[member="Kiskla Grayson"] | [member="Avalore Eden"] | [member="Corvus Raaf"] | [member="Darius Olar"] | [member="Johnny Diamonds"] | [member="Flint Dexen"] | [member="Kian Karr"] | [member="Veino Garn"] | [member="Zaren Bouqi"]

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