Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mission: Crystal Caves (Open to Jedi)

Vala Melina

Mission Name: Crystal Caves
Mission Location: Ilum
Mission Difficulty: Easy
Mission Objective: Find a saber crystal and construct a lightsaber
Mission Slots: Any number of padawans, knights and masters (1 Master must be present)


A blizzard blew through the snowy landscape. It was a typical day on the planet of Ilum. Even in the horrible cold that has destroyed the unwary, it held a special type of peace and serenity, especially for the people who visit it the most. A shuttle descended to the surface and a cloud of snow took to the air once it touched down. The ramp lowered. Out stepped a young Padawan of the Jedi Order. She was dressed in a warm, earthly colored robe with a blue scarf covering her mouth leaving her cool blue eyes to gaze upon a sacred sight. It was the entrance of the fabled Crystal Cave. Generations of Jedi have come and gone here to discover the most important piece to build the symbol of the Jedi Order, a lightsaber.

Now Vala Melina will be among them soon. She can hardly believe she was here now. There were moments where she lost faith but she kept training and held on to hope. Now she was finally being rewarded. She tried to keep a cool head but she couldn't help a small smile. She turned to inside the shuttle. "We're here," she called.

[member="Talon Vosra"] [member="Hatake Mutashi"] (If you want) @EVERY OTHER JEDI WHO WANTS TO HELP OR NEEDS A LIGHTSABER!
Gherron could feel the force around him as the shuttle set down, and couldn't help smiling. He could remember grabbing his crystal, and hauling back out of the cave because he was sure some kind of beast was after him. Ah, good times. Now, he would be here to observe and help other padawans do the same thing. Funny, how quickly time passed on. Stepping out into the snow, he smiled and greeted the young padawan. "Hello padawan, my name is Gherron, and i'm here to accompany you on your quest."

[member="Vala Melina"]

Vala Melina

Vala gave the Jedi a bow. "I thank you for accompanying us on this mission, Master Gherron. Your experience will be greatly appreciated in this quest," she said.
She rose up then looked to the entrance of the mystical Crystal Cave. So many ideas and legends flowed through her mind. She shifted a little nervously then looked to the Jedi. "Excuse me Master Gherron. I'm not sure if you are allowed to talk about this but...what was it like? To be in the Crystal Cave?" she asked sheepishly.

[member="Gherron Vael"]
Gherron bowed in response to the other Jedi, then chuckled a little at her question. He had actually never been to the caves on Ilum, having went to Tython instead. However, he would still give her a few tips. "I can't really answer that in confidence, padawan. It is always different for each Jedi. However, I can tell you this. Whatever you see, maintain confidence. You must, else you will fail. No matter what haunts you or is determined to lead you astray, stay vigilant and focus on your goal. Do that, and you'll be fine. I promise."

[member="Vala Melina"]

Vala Melina

Vala drank in every single word the Jedi Knight spoke as if it were some sort scripture. Different for every Jedi? That made sense. She heard of many different stories of what Jedi experience in the Crystal Caves. However the most important thing he said was not lost on her. Whatever you see, maintain confidence. Confidence was always a tough thing for her but she always held hope. She liked to believe that's how she got to this point. Keep the goal in the sight. Master Gherron's confidence was contagious and forced a smile. "Thanks, Master Gherron," she said then her eyes went wide, "Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Vala Melina."

[member="Gherron Vael"] [member="Talon Vosra"]
Gherron chuckled at the young woman's response. He could remember himself the same way. When she apologized and introduced himself, he couldn't help but laugh a little. "Nice to meet you, Vala. And please, just Gherron is fine. No need for any extravagant titles."

[member="Vala Melina"]
Out of the ship came another Jedi Padawan. He didn't mind the cold that hit him. In fact he loved the cold and thought it was better than ebing in the sun and sweat at the same time. He was here simply to obtain a crystal and maybe construct his own lightsaber. As far as he can see there were only two Jedi, one that he recognized immediately since he was taught Soresu by him. He walked over and respectively bowed to [member="Gherron Vael"] "Master Gherron, it's nice to see you again," he said through his mask and bandana that covered up most of his face except his right eye (profile pic.). He looked at the other Jedi and also bowed saying, "The name is Hatake. It's a pleasure to meet you."

[member="Vala Melina"]

Vala Melina

Though half of her face was covered in a scarf, her eyes were tinted with embarrassment. At that moment another Padawan chose to join them. Unlike Vala who came from temperate Ord Mantell, this man seemed to have no problem in the cold and had most of his face covered except for an eye. He bowed to Master Gherron then bowed to her, introducing himself as Hatake. She returned his bow.

"It is nice to meet you too, Hatake. I'm Vala," she said. She then stood there awkwardly, not really sure what to say next. She was never really a social one, excluded from the other Padawans as they progressed further than her. So many things have changed since then but so far her reclusive nature remained.

[member="Hatake Mutashi"] [member="Gherron Vael"]
Gherron nodded with a smile when he recognized the second padawan exiting the shuttle. He had dressed lightly, unlike himself and the woman, apparently not bothered by the cold. "Nice to see you again as well, Hatake. I trust your lessons are going well?" After an answer, he would turn back to [member="Vala Melina"] with a soft smile, having felt her embarrassment. "You don't have to be shy, you're among peers."

[member="Hatake Mutashi"]

Vala Melina

Vala watched as Hatake and Master Gherron exchanged a few words then Gherron addressed Vala's discomfort. "Yes Ma...Gherron," she said. She stood there awkwardly as she tried to think up of something else to say. She shivered a little in the blustering wind. "Does anyone know who else is supposed to come? My Master [member="Talon Vosra"] is working on something at the moment," she said.

[member="Gherron Vael"] [member="Hatake Mutashi"]

Talon Vosra

[member="Gherron Vael"] [member="Hatake Mutashi"] [member="Vala Melina"]

Talon approached as he heard his Padawan declare he had been working on something and indeed he had been. He had been on the shuttle getting into his lightweight armor from his days as a Padawan. The armor was little more than a lightly armored explorer jumpsuit but it broke the wind well and it helped keep his body warm.

"Thank you Vala." He said walking up and patting the padawan on the shoulder, "I'm ready now. Sorry to keep you waiting."

Talon smiled at the other two and gave a nod. His green eyes obviously showed his own excitement for the padawans and their endeavor to construct their lightsabers.

"I'm Jedi Vosra, Vala's Master." He said by way of introduction, "do you all have everything you need?"
Upon the vessel that was transported to the planet Ilum a hooded, tall figure gazed out to the team of Jedi that were already communicating with one another. He got up out of the passenger chair in the cruiser to begin speaking with the group that had formed. He gave a polite bow to the individuals present in the conversation whilst he greeted the party as he made his approach to them. Peritus flicked his robe hood down from his head whilst the team were remaining inside the ship until more fellows had arrived and began to converse in the task at hand. He stopped in his tracks to begin speaking out to the crowd that had gathered upon the freighter.

"Greetings fellow Jedi, pleasure to see some of you on this voyage. I believe you are here to find your lightsaber focusing crystal? It'll be a great experience for all who are involved in such a task. Should any of you need assistance don't hesitate to ask for it. A lightsaber is apart of you, it is a tool, it is a weapon but must be treated with the utmost respect." Peritus smiled to each of them.

He looked around the group and ship to await their response and to see if anyone else was present to undertake the activity open to all who could make it. Peritus recalled the time where he went with his master to the planet Dantooine to discover the crystal caves there but also went to Ilum as his master had mentioned they should explore all known regions that held values yet to be discovered. He recalled confronting few Sith Empire disciples attempting to gain crystals themselves in these caves and fought different Sith each time he visited the caves. Repelled them back in gaining more power over the Jedi Order and the Republic those were indeed dark times in the Galaxy.

[member="Vala Melina"] [member="Gherron Vael"] [member="Hatake Mutashi"]

Vala Melina

Vala looked to she her Master emerge from the shuttle in clothes she never seen him don before. She smiled with the pat of the shoulder. At his request, Vala looked through the various pockets in her robes to find her comm link, vibrosword, data pad, and some rations. She patted herself down for a minute more, every pat drawing a deeper frown, until she said, "Oh! I almost forgot!"

With that she dashed inside the ship, almost running into another Jedi ([member="Peritus Vis"]), excusing herself as she went by. After a moment she emerged from the ship wearing a satchel. She strode up to Master Vosra and said, "I'm ready now, Master."

She gave a reassuring pat of the bag that contained various other parts needed to build her lightsaber. Needless to say, she's been preparing for this trip for awhile now. While hidden in her reclusive state, her eagerness and enthusiasm shined like a beacon in the Force.

[member="Peritus Vis"] [member="Talon Vosra"] [member="Gherron Vael"] [member="Hatake Mutashi"]
Smiling at the Jedi master as he emerged, Gherron bowed respectfully before offering his hand. "A pleasure to meet you, master. I'm Gherron, one of the Knights who volunteered to see these here padawans through." He gave a light chuckle as the young padawan ran back inside the ship to grab something else, before bowing once more to the other knight, [member="Peritus Vis"]. "Peritus! Great to have you here. Have you had any trouble getting re-aquainted with the temple?"

[member="Vala Melina"] [member="Talon Vosra"] [member="Hatake Mutashi"]
Hatake bowed to both Jedi as they appeared. He had everything with him under his green jacket that mostly contained his Ninja weapons and his bag that would soon be his constructed lightsaber. He addressed to all of them saying, "So, when do we begin Masters? And what will I encounter in the cave?'

[member="Gherron Vael"] [member="Vala Melina"] [member="Peritus Vis"] [member="Talon Vosra"]
Peritus followed the team of Jedi of where they were headed to when the ship had docked onto Ilum's surface and he gave a brief but polite bows to the new arrivals that had decided to join the group. He checked his utility belt and robes to ensure he had equipment handy in case a situation or few comes about. Everything seemed to be in order from his viewpoint then turned his attention to Gherron as he posed a question.

"Hello Gherron, I figured the best way to get re-acquainted with fellow Jedi in the Order and Republic. I'd participate in tasks like these and assist the future generations that are to come. Let's hope I can be of some use to the students who are present and assigned to collect their focusing saber crystals to begin the construction of their lightsaber." Peritus smirked slightly whilst he turned his attention to Padawan Mutashi.

"We'll begin the task as soon as you're ready Padawan. We'll be here to guide as much as we can but there'll be obstacles you must confront on your own as we have said earlier it is different for each individual who travels here to attain a crystal. The Force is with us, let is guide you throughout your activity." Peritus said to Hatake.

[member="Dentrox Wendoi"] [member="Hatake Mutashi"] [member="Gherron Vael"]

Talon Vosra

[member="Vala Melina"] [member="Gherron Vael"] [member="Hatake Mutashi"] [member="Dentrox Wendoi"]

Talon watched as they all met and got acquainted. His emerald eyes distant as he reached out toward the caves for what may be found there. He didn't sense danger at the moment but that could change quickly on a world like Illum. The cold wind blew his black hair as the other Jedi spoke. He turned and looked toward the caves and felt the crystals it contained, he was here only to guide and assist if there was trouble other than that he was excited to see the Padawans reach ths milestone.
Peritus had managed to get a know a few other Jedi within the group set out for Ilum to oversee students and collect focusing saber crystals from the caves located on the planet surface. He could hear the icy wind howl outside of the ship, slight blizzard storms brew upon the surface. Peritus turned his attention to Talon Vosra never met the fellow before so he thought it'd be polite and respectful to the greet him whilst here. He bowed his upper body down to Talon as he turned his focus on him then lifted his body back up from the bow motion.

"Greetings master. I am Peritus Vis, a Knight of the Order and Republic. I don't believe we have properly been introduced." He said to Talon.

[member="Talon Vosra"]
"I am ready, Master," he said to Peritus, "but what obstacles will I be facing? Like, what do you mean by obstacles." He did know what obstacles are but he didn't know what obstacles a cave would bring to him.

[member="Peritus Vis"]

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