Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Miss Me?

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

He frowned again, slowly shaking his head. "I guess I'm just being silly."

Still, something bothered him.

Kurt drew himself up and back, turning towards Jamie on the balcony and disregarding the performers for now. They couldn't really do anything about it anyway...even if he was right. They had no real authority here on Naboo. Neither of them were Police, and neither Jamie or Kurt were in anyway associated with the Galactic Alliance. He shook his head again, as if trying to shake the feeling from his mind. There was no point in pushing it, not when they didn't really have any options anyway.

"Let's just get you that camera." The Courier said with a smile. "Check on the ship."

He leaned forward and pressed a kiss on her cheek. "Maybe find somewhere private along the way..."

The suggestion came with a wide grin.
"Okay!" She said eagerly. The performance was hardly entertaining, far less so than the prospect of getting a new camera. Jamie quickly motioned for Kurt to climb back down to the ground so that they two could be on their way sooner rather than later. If there was anything they could do about the performers maybe they could later. After all, the new camera could be a good tool to use for spying if the need arose, even if Jamie thought Kurt was overreacting.


Why would they need to find somewhere private to go if they were just shopping for a camera and checking on the ship? Kurt sure could be odd at times!

"For what?"

She wasn't sure she wanted the answer to that question, almost immediately regretting even asking it as the two made their way back down, Kurt first, Jamie following above him.

[member="Kurt Meyer"]

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

He turned as soon as they struck the paved cobblestones of the road, his hands quickly finding their way to her hips to ostensibly help her down off the wall. As soon as she found herself on the ground Kurt could only smirk, smiling slightly. "Oh..."

The Courier trailed off.

It amused him almost endlessly just how...innocent Jamie could be at times. They hadn't been together all that long, but in their time together it had become abundantly clear that in certain areas of life Kurt was just far more experience. It was in those areas, and speaking about them, that Kurt often left Jamie a bit confused. Of course, doing as such always left The Courier endlessly amused, especially when Jamie finally realized what he was talking about.

His hand's tightened on her hips, and slowly he pulled her closed, arms snaking around her belly just as she touched the ground.

"I'm sure you'll figure it out." Kurt kissed her neck, then before she could even think of turning around let her go and began to wander off down the street.
"I--" Whatever words she had were lost. "I'll figure it out?" She said, starting after him as he meandered down the street towards the photography boutique.

The shop was only a few streets away, it would take less than ten minutes to reach. "What does that even mean?" Catching up to him she began to walk backwards so she could face him, eyeing him closely.

"I'll figure what out?" The smirk on his face made it clear he had something in mind. Something she probably wouldn't agree to. But whatever it was, it obviously made him excited to think about, as her eyes drifted slightly to see that, unless he had put something rather heavy and uniquely shaped into his pocket, he appeared rather excited.

Her eyes closed part way, head turning slightly, one finger pointing towards his lower region.

"Are you alright?"

Clearly excited.

[member="Kurt Meyer"]

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

He perked an eyebrow, then slowly stopped. It wasn't like there was anyone around to see, and he certainly didn't feel self conscious, but he still couldn't help but chuckle to himself. Kurt reached out and grabbed Jamie, pulling her close to him so that he could...cover himself.

"I don't know." The Courier lied.

In truth his mind was still rather split. Half of him was thinking about the performers back in the square, considering if his gut feeling could in anyway be correct...and the other half...the other half was thinking about convincing Jamie to find a changing booth somewhere. The idea did appeal to him, and would be fun to see if for once she could stop herself from being just a tad too loud. The split gave him pause, but ultimately he decided to toss away the former thoughts and run with the latter.

"You should probably check for me." Kurt said as he kissed her neck. "Just to be sure."

The innuendo was not a subtle one this time.
Her tongue danced along the lower lip from one side to another, blue eyes shifting between Kurt's own and, well, the subject matter. She snickered, the smile on her face widening as she shook her head slowly.

"I should?" She said quietly whispering back to him, her eyes quickly scanning the immediate area for any potential onlookers.

Fortunately it seemed as if everyone was entirely engaged with the performers to pay any attention to the two people on the outskirts of the crowd. The blonde placed her hand on Kurt's chest, her eyes staring back into his while fingertips lightly walking down his shirt. She paused, reaching the waistline of his pants, teeth sinking into her lip, a look of innocence in her expression, as if she had no idea what to expect in the coming moments. "This?" She said, hand passing slowly over the raised surface. Her lips pressed softly into Kurt's, leaving her hand to wander on its' own.

The behavior was very unlike her to say the least. She never would have done something like this before Kurt. The thought had never once crossed her mind. This sort of thing was for behind closed doors, where prying eyes were unwelcome.It was just that something about Kurt drove her to do things she wouldn't think to do otherwise. It was both frightening and exciting. It was as if he had some kind of unspoken control over her senses.

[member="Kurt Meyer"]

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

"Exactly." Kurt said with a slow nod of his head, kissing her and letting his fingers slip lower on her hips.

This was very unlike her, but The Courier wasn't about to argue.

Some might have called him a bad influence, and in truth he probably was...but that had never stopped him before. A part of what made Jamie so attractive to him, a part of what made him lose his mind around her was the fact that he could push her over the edge. It was an odd thing, but with the right buttons pressed, with the correct kiss of his lips and the soft caress of his fingers he could drive her wild. That wildness, that untamed need that she let was almost too much to handle.

"I think." Kurt pulled her closer, his arms pressing her to him. "You'll need a closer look."

The Courier pulled back for half a second, eyes darting all around them. There was a crowd just in front of them, a wall behind them, and then a door with maintenance markings upon it. He considered for just a moment, then quickly took her free hand and lead her towards there door.
Not once but twice it sounded as though their detour was about to be interrupted rather abruptly. It would have been rather difficult to explain their situation. Perhaps she could have been looking for her ring that rolled beneath the door, and Kurt was holding the light for her while she knelt down to find it. Sure, that was believable, right? Luckily for them they hadn't needed to test the story, as nobody actually came through that door while she was busy getting that closer look Kurt had suggested. A few adjustments of clothing and a check to make sure there was none of Kurt's evidence on her, and she was ready to continue on with their day.

The sudden bright light from the outside made Jamie raise her hand to shield her eyes from the sunlight as they stepped back out into the world. It would take a minute or so for her eyes to adjust to the light again.

"Right, so, to the boutique?" She said, kissing him again. "I think that's where we were going before, you know, that happened."

[member="Kurt Meyer"]

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

"I think so." Kurt said, though honestly not really remembering. "You really have to learn to keep your hands off me, babe."

A light smirk carried on his lips as he took her hand.

"Camera first?" He asked, quickly changing the subject as he took the lead in their little adventure. Kurt had of course absolutely zero idea of where they were actually going, but that didn't mean he wasn't a little bit more excited to go traipsing around Theed now. She had after all, made it very enticing to do so.

It seemed that while they had been busy the crowd had dispersed, at least most of it. The cobblestone road that had been filled to the brim with people now only had a two dozen or so people on it, each of them moving either up or down the street as they headed towards wherever they needed to be at the moment. The Performers were nowhere to be seen, their kits all packed up and their spot now empty. Kurt glanced towards the balcony they had been climbing on earlier, but didn't pay it no mind.

Thoughts of assassins were gone, whether they had been true or not.
Normally she'd have given him a glare, an eye roll, or a disappointed shake of the head, but instead decided to play along with Kurt's game this time.

"Sorry. You just taste good."

There was no subtlety as to what she was referring to, and she didn't care. She was having fun and enjoying her time at home with Kurt. He wasn't complaining the whole time and seemed to be at least partially enjoying himself as well, so she was happy to reward him with little favors here and there. The fact that the performers were completely packed and gone already was a bit alarming to say the least, they weren't gone all that long, and there was a fair bit of instruments and props to put away. They were either incredibly efficient or there was something that Kurt and Jamie had missed. The crowd was now all but gone, the same foot traffic as usual found in its' place.

"Yeah, let's go see what they have. It's just up ahead." She pointed north. "Off Watertower terrace. It's a small little hole in the wall place, but you can't miss it. There's a big camera logo on the glass window."

[member="Kurt Meyer"]

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

Kurt smirked slightly as they made their way up the cobblestone path, there was a smugness in the air that struck almost immediately after she spoke, her fingers interlacing with his as they quickly followed the road north. "Well then..."

The Courier began as he looked around again, simply taking in the beautiful architecture before them.

"Remind me to let you have a little more later." The words were said just as she spotted the sign up ahead, the big Camera being perhaps the most obvious thing he'd ever seen. It struck him as an oddity that there wold be an entire store just dedicated to cameras. Kurt wasn't exactly a country bumpkin, he had traveled half the galaxy during his time in the Navy and then under the Employ of Sif shipping, but he'd never quite understood the idea of stores that only sold one thing.

It seemed very...limiting to him.

"Found it." He said, knowing that Jamie likely already knew where it was. "See? Knew I wouldn't get lost."
"I'm beginning to wonder who is making out better on that deal."

Jamie certainly didn't mind, she found it delightful and exciting. Obviously she was doing something right if Kurt enjoyed it as much as he was. If he wanted it more she would happily oblige the requests. But for now the boutique was in her sights, as Kurt pointed out so brilliantly that he found it, as if he had any relative idea of where the shop was if she hadn't told him exactly where to find it. Blonde hair danced from side to side as she shook her head at him. Sometimes he was like a child.

"Yes, you found it. Good job!" Her left hand lightly tapped the side of his cheek with praise. "Let's go see what they have!"

The two approached the door, but instead of going in right away Jamie pressed her face against the glass window to see the cameras that were on display for passersby. The model she'd bought several years back had been the newest of that year, state of the art and top of the line. It had cost a pretty credit to buy, but she made use of it. There were numerous times where she was asked if she were some kind of professional, and even suggested becoming one because of how interested she was in the art. It pained her, thinking about how she'd lost it back on Spira.

[member="Kurt Meyer"]

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

He frowned slightly as she pressed herself against the window. "Honey..."

Kurt began slowly.

"You..." He slowly tugged at her. "You know that you can get a closer look at the cameras inside the shop, right?"

On Tatooine the stores were...well they weren't stores at all. Most vendors were simply located right within the market, plying their wares out in the open on large open tables. What passed for 'stores' were mostly old scrap shops and vendors that sold larger things. There wasn't really much cause to ever go inside those places, not unless you were buying parts and other things like that. Most of the time folk just walked right through the market and bought whatever they liked.

It was more convenient. "Come on..."

He quickly dragged Jamie away from the glass a squee noise ringing out as her palms pulled over it. Eventually Kurt managed to detach Jamie from the window, pulling her inside the shop where it was decidedly cooler then the temperature outside.
Before the girl even had a moment to simply say that she enjoyed looking at the displays in the window first she was pulled away by Kurt, almost like a leashed pet being dragged away by its' owner for lingering too long.

"I know that." She finally got to say quietly so that only he would hear as the door closed behind them, a small jingle bell ringing out to indicate to the shop owner that there were potential customers that had just ventured inside. Not that the bell was all that necessary, as there was hardly any way for the man to not know that he had customers, given the size of the boutique, and the ability to see the entire store from just about anywhere inside, save for perhaps the back room where there was a limited number of back stock.

"Welcome!" The man cheered gleefully as he approached both Kurt and Jamie. He paused though, noticing the girl. "Hey there! I recognize you! You bought that XLT-407R model from here. Welcome back miss!"

Jamie smiled to the man, whose name slipped her memory. "Good afternoon, Sir." She tilted her head slightly. "I did, yes. It was a wonderful camera! I was interested in something new, maybe you could show us around?"

[member="Kurt Meyer"]

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

This was...completely out of his element. Cameras? Yeah. Not exactly Kurt's strong point. He decided early on into the conversation that he wouldn't be doing much talking here, but instead would stand back and just play the handsome boyfriend. His eyes surveyed the store though, looking at the different displays and promotions that seemed to dot everything. Half of the cameras were apparently on sale, the other half were refurbished, and only a small portion were...mindbogglingly expensive.

He looked at one of the larger devices, catching it's price and half losing his breath from seeing all the zeroes. He could buy a new Hyperdrive with that!

Surely the damned things couldn't be worth that much. "Huh."

Was all that Kurt managed.

He half turned to Jamie, covering the price of the camera that he was standing next to just to make sure she didn't get any ideas. Of course, if she really wanted it there was no way that he'd be able to stop her from buying it...but he could try.
"Certainly." The man gestured for both Jamie and Kurt to follow as he took her towards one of the display cases on the other side of the room. The blonde caught sight of Kurt's hand making some kind of attempt at hiding something, which brought forth an odd look from her. Her head shook quickly, as if to silently say 'What are you doing?' Though she returned her focus to the shop owner as he rounded the other side of the glass case, opening it from the back to retrieve the newest camera he'd received this year.

"I just got this in about a week ago. It's the only one of its' kind so far. They've been back ordered for quite some time, but I managed to get a single unit shipped to me."

The blonde took the base of the camera from the gentleman, her hand lacing around the strap to ensure she wouldn't drop it. She understood how delicate these items were, and was incredibly respectful of the fact that this wasn't her property...Yet.

Turning the device several times in her hand she smiled, it was similar in most ways to her old one, same button configurations and the sort, but it was larger, newer, shinier. The screen on the back was huge! The lens was capable of several magnification sizes larger than the previous, and the universal lens housing allowed for just about any configuration one could possibly want! "I see they finally switched from the proprietary lens housing to the universal one, that's great!" The man nodded, he didn't need to explain this stuff to Jamie, she was this shy of being a professional. The girl placed her finger on the power button and looked to the man.

"May I?" She asked eagerly, to which Cliver, That's his name! gave a simple nod. Without any hesitation Jamie powered up the device, a small jingle from the camera indicating that it was now on, the vibrant, crisp display activating, oh it was beautiful! Jamie nearly squealed with excitement, her hands raising the camera to her face to look through the viewfinder. She spun almost all the way around to look at Kurt, adjusting the zoom back and forth. "I can see every fiber of hair on your scruffy face" She said with laughter.

[member="Kurt Meyer"]

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

"Not that scruffy." Kurt said with a smile.

That was a lie. Kurt had less of a beard and more of a collection of random hairs growing out. It didn't help that he didn't really try to maintain that at all, though he thought eventually he'd actually let it grow out. Still, Jamie seemed to like it, or she didn't complain out it anyway.

He rubbed his chin gently.

"Maybe a little." Kurt admitted quietly, looking towards the shop owner. "That the one you want?"

The Courier wasn't trying to rush her of course, but Kurt this was very confusing. He wasn't exactly an expert in cameras and pretty much anything that they had been talking about completely and totally went over his head.

It was like if he talked to Jamie about different engine types.
Jamie pulled the camera away from her face to look at Kurt with her own eyes.

"Mhm." Was her only reply.

She was too engrossed in the technology of the camera and the idea of actually being the only person on Naboo with this bad boy to really comprehend what he was even asking her. It was exciting! The tag dangling from the small string on the camera would likely make Kurt sweat, given the exorbitant price. But that was the cost of importing the galaxy's best, as well as being the exclusive owner of said best camera, as well as having it well before anyone else would even have the chance to pick it up from nearby systems.

"Yes. I want it." She said, smiling between Kurt and Cliver. "I love it."

The man clapped his hands together, taking the camera from Jamie to place inside the beautifully ornate box it came with. With the price tag came a secondary lens, a protective cap, a soft bag, shoulder strap, and remote to take photos from a distance. That at least made up somewhat for the number of zeroes attached to this piece of equipment. "I will be back in just a moment with the paperwork to sign. It will come with a manufacturer's warranty for any incidental craftsmanship flaws or defects for three years."

He would turn away and scurry off to the small back room for several minutes, leaving Kurt and Jamie alone in the mean time.

[member="Kurt Meyer"]

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

Kurt finally took a few steps away from where he had been standing. Honestly he still didn't quite get the fascination with this, but who was he to argue? Jamie probably didn't understand why he loved pod-racers so much. That was part of accepting the other person you were in a relationship with, trying to learn and understand their hobbies. "Happy?"

He asked as he place a quick kiss on her cheek.

The Courier knew that part of her still mourned the loss of her camera back on Spira. She'd taken dozens of pictures with that thing, both on the planet and during their journey to it. He had no doubt in his mind that it had meant a lot to her. The replacement would be a good start he thought, though it didn't make up for all of it.

It would be like him losing his first pod...or maybe the key to it, he wasn't sure there was an exact comparison.

All he wanted was Jamie happy.
She nodded affirmative. "Yes." It was a simple answer to a simple question. "It's perfect!" Of course she would have been equally happy to simply have recovered her old camera, but that just wasn't in the realm of possibility. Not with the hundreds of different things that could have happened to it by now. She would have to get on with the fact that she would have new pictures to take, new experiences, and new memories with this camera.

The man returned shortly with some documents for her to sign. A page here, a page there. He then scanned the tag on the unit so that it would reflect on his stock that the camera had been sold, as well as display the price of the device on the holoterminal in front of Jamie. That was the part where she hoped Kurt wasn't looking. He might very well choke on the air he breathed if he realized how expensive a small little device like that was.

Jamie smiled, handing the man her credit chip for which to charge the camera to, to which Cliver eagerly deducted the funds from. That was likely more sales in a single instance than he would receive in two months time combined.

"Thank you!" You could hear in his voice the glee.

[member="Kurt Meyer"]

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