Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Might remember me, might not.

Hello =)

I joined back in November of last year, I think...or maybe December...either way, I completely disappeared a few months ago and never came back around to say why. To be honest, I wouldn't have been able to, because I was a giant emotional mess that cycled between happiness, depression, anger, grief, remorse, frustration, and acceptance; often times all within the same hour. To say the least, I was not in a good place, and did not start to get better until earlier this month.

Am I completely better? No. Will I ever? No. To explain in as few words as possible: I fell in love. And she stabbed me in the back...three times. What's the most screwed up thing is that I'm still in love with her, because I choose to believe and hope that one day she will realize the pain she put me through. It will probably be a decade before she does, but people change. Heck, I can say with certainty I'm not the same man I was when I first joined here, and that was less than ten months ago.

I came back because I missed the crowd here =) Plus I miss my Kenshin assassin character xD The few people I talked to were good to me, and remember this place fondly when I was at my lowest.

Plus you guys are crazy as hell, and so am I xD

Stephanie Swail

Look what they've done to my dream
[member="Vereaux"] - I wasn't here when you were first around, so I welcome you back home!

Sorry to read of your troubles, but I really hope you find your way forward and manage to come out of this on top.

Hopefully we can all keep you going and let you escape with us in our little slice of the galaxy!

[member="Vereaux"], I very much remember you. I very much liked reading your characters and was interested in seeing how they turned out.

I am very sorry that those things happened to you. I would give you a hug/bro-hug but you are there and I am here. Probably many miles apart. Anyways, I know what it's like to go through that and it's not going to go away easily. I hope the best for you as you come back and try to have some fun here. If you want to talk, or just RP, you know how to reach me. :)

Welcome back and I hope that you can get better.
[member="Asterion"] - Yes, moving forward is good ^-^

[member="Valeria Aetani"] - Yay! ^-^ By the way, very nice cosplay =)

[member="Maria Natalja"] - I HAVE RETURNED!...with cookies xD

[member="Erin Darkstar"] - Thank you =) And I'm glad you enjoyed reading them ^-^ I'm in the process now of updating Sorin's profile, mostly formatting, but I will be adding the last few threads he was in before I disappeared. I hope to get things moving with him soon =)

[member="D-Man"] - He's onto me o.o ~hides in shadows~

[member="Darth Ayra"] - Thank you =)

[member="Popo"] - I remember you xD Good to see you around =)

[member="Talia Mark"] - Hehe, my plan is already in motion xD

[member="Adenn Gra'tua"] - My plan is lacking -.- I must work harder to be noticed xP


Well-Known Member
Lmao we still havent rped yet. We had made plans back when I was using Zaiden (doesnt matter if you dont remember the alt lol) OOC but never soldified it.


Lets do it with my new most used character. I want him to become like a samurai kind of guy. He doesnt use blades like that, but the actual persona is what I want
[member="D-Man"] - Sounds good to me =) Would you be able to start a thread up? Trying to get things in order with Sorin's profile, but once that's done, everything should be in order.

[member="Vorhi Alestrani"] - Good to be back =) I've had a feeling for a few days now that I should come back, and it became a matter of just getting up off my ass xP In either case, nice to meet you =)

[member="Valeria Aetani"] - Haha! xD So it is, I see. My compliments none the less =)

To All - Hi again ^-^ It's good to see people still kicking and screaming =P

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