Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Message to all TSE worlds East of Thule - from Ashlan Crusade


On behalf of The Ashlan Crusade

Silently, a mixture of Frigates and Corvettes from the Grand Fleet of Ashla had slipped across the border and covertly entered Sith Empire held systems. They had positioned them at the very edge of the systems, remaining undetected until the time was right. Some of the ships had been there an hour some had been there, running dark for several days already. All of them had one thing in common. They were all outfitted with powerful all channels broadcasting equipment.

Isla Draellix had sat on her command vessel in Ashlan space waiting as each of the vessels checked in. This had to be choreographed correctly for maximum impact and to ensure that each ship had as long to broadcast as possible before retreating back into hyperspace. She had a little over 80 ships out there, a very large proportion of her escort fleet. But the timing was right, with the Sith Empire on its knees, the people were ripe for conversion.

The last of the ships checked in, this ship was scheduled to arrive last as its target was none other than Dromund Kaas. She stood in front of the holo and gave the signal to transmit.

All across the eastern Sith Empire, Ashlan ships simultaneously began broadcasting on all non-encrypted frequencies, reaching out to the civilian core of the sith held worlds.



"Greetings to the downtrodden subjects of the Sith Empire, we are the Ashlan Crusade..

...your time of oppression is soon to be at an end, we are the heralds of change and the bringer of freedoms to the subjugated.

The government of the Sith Empire is on the verge of collapse, assailed by both the Bryn'a'dul from the south and the forces of light from the north.

Your former Sith overlords do not care for you and will not shed a tear as they leave to your fates, so we reach out to you. We extend an olive branch. Become the agents of your own destiny, rise up against the sith and join the crusade, we will promise a free place within our nation to all those who share the belief that never again should the iron boot of sith be placed on the throat of the free.

If it is your choice to stand by the Sith, then it saddens us that we will meet as enemies and can promise you no such protections.

The choice is yours and it is now... the freedom of the light or the oppression of the darkness"


Isla cut the recording, her ships would broadcast on a loop until they were forced to flee into hyperspace.​
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