Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Underworld

The Underworld is a sandbox style faction that consists of various small groups all operating in the criminal-laden underworld of the galaxy far far away. The goal of the faction is to offer a place for both criminal and law enforcement characters to come

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Members Check In!

Welcome! Please pardon the dust, this group is still a work in progress. I thought we could start by checking in and saying what type of character we want to play.

I am open to letting members create small crews, leagues, syndicates, etc. The idea is we can do anything here as long as it involves the underworld in some way. So if you are wanting to start a small syndicate or your own pirate crew or SWAT team or something like that please let me know.

Fill out the following information:

Character Name:
Criminal or Law Enforcement?
Type of Character:

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