Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Meeting the Valkiter

Vulpesen stood patiently on the landing platform, his hands folded neatly before him while his tail flicked in anticipation. It was always nice to have visitors, especially one as lovely as the woman who was on her way right now. Since their last meeting and revelations, Vulpesen had looked forward to seeing how [member="Riamah"] had adapted to her new form. Watching the shuttles descent towards the landing pad, Vulpesen started to walk forward, intending to meet her at the ramp.
She was free to come and go from Veradune as she wanted and had been away trying to get more business contacts. Even with that ability granted to her, Ra always told Vulps when she would be visiting. Having just gotten finished with a delivery with her fleet, she had to leave that above the planet and take one of her shuttles down.

He may not like the idea of the location for this planet to be known, but Ra had access to many locations people didn't know about. Due of course to her role with the Metal Lords. Thankfully he no longer required her to wipe the location from her databanks, but she did not reveal it to anybody.

Knowing he would be coming to meet her, she walked off the ramp and saw him coming to her as well. So far so good though, her tail wasn't wet or weighing her down. Giving him a smile, her face had a couple scratches from her itching herself and forgetting about the new claws. Otherwise, she was fine.

Walking over to greet her, Vulpesen opened his arms up for a hug, a wide smile forming on his lips. "I hope you had a good flight. How've you been?" His hands glowed faintly for a moment, providing a little bit of aid by way of healing the marks on her face caused by her nails. He remembered what it was like trying to get over that himself, and all the times he had cursed his own hands for drawing careless red streaks across his skin. It wasn't often that he allowed people the coordinates of Veradune, and if he was going to ask her to trust him, then he in turn needed to show her his own trust.

She returned the hug and smile.

"It went just fine. Thank you. You've done this before so know what it's like."

​Feeling the healing he gave, she shook her head slightly and waggled a finger.

"You didn't need to do that, silly. I need lessons and well, how better to remember than to leave the marks. Maybe that's the sith that still remains in me, not sure. I am a bit tired. The days and nights get so confusing when there are none in space."

"I don't need to do anything. I simply do what I want." With a whistle, he signalled for the all to familiar form of Shadow to come running up to them, her five tails wagging s shesaw Ra, a light of recognition going off in her eyes. "But I'm sure you'll do it again, at which point, I'll be happy to teach you." With Shadow's tail's lining up to form a bit of a staircase to her back, Vulpesen mounted up and offered Ra a hand, inviting her to join him for a ride back to the main palace.

"Teach me what?"

Blinking at Vulps in con​fusion, she thought he misunderstood what she meant. Raising a finger, she pointed to her now healed face.

"The lesson I need to remember are the claws themselves. So I leave the scratches..."

Taking the hand he offered, this had clearly pretty much become common between them now and just a small thing she looked forward to.

"Sorry Ra, I thought you meant to heal yourself." He cast her a playful grin as he continued on, "Afterall, I can't see you willingly leaving harm to such a beautiful face. It'd be a crime against the force itself." Turning a bit in his seat,he allowed her to see the full grin which he held. "And so long as you're on this planet, I couldn't possibly let anything cause you any harm upon our soil." For quite a while, the pair rode, Shadow's pace being even and smooth. Veradune was afterall, a fairly safe space and before long, Vulpesen and Riamah would find themselves in the sables where the Valde would dismount and help his companion off of the fox's back.
"That's what I thought...yeah, we tried that. Didn't work. Guess I'm not meant to be a healer."

Shrugging and smiling at the same time, Ra probably ended up holding herself back when he tried to teach her then.

"Oh c'mon, I'm not that pretty. Besides how am I going to remember if I'm not reminded? Anyway, thank you. Besides these didn't happen when I was on this world."

The route taken was almost familiar to Ra after she had been around a few times and she enjoyed the ride. Looking around at things, she relaxed and when Vulps climbed down, she again accepted his hand to help her down.

"You aren't pretty. You're gorgeous." He turned and pressed a kiss to her cheek. "Call me selfish, but I can't stand to see that beauty marred, whether it happens here or somewhere else." After their time in the woods together, Vulpesen had forsaken all pretenses of his intentions being purely business. The liberation of her realization was like turning a boulder into a feather upon his back. No longer did he had to pretend or wear a mask around her. He was back to his policy of honesty.

Eventually climbing off of Shadow in front of the temple's main doors, Vulpesen was happy to help Ria down, his tail wrapping around her waist once her feet were on solid ground. "Really glad you're here. There's actually someone I'd like you to meet." Riamah had met his best friend, his parents, and even his ex-wife. There remained however, one other part of the Torrevaso family that this woman had not encountered.

Having know Vulps for as long as she had, when he said something he meant it. His comment about her beauty wasn't something he said to try to flatter her in a simple attempt to woo her, but he meant it for real. Not used to such genuine compliments, Ra had no idea how to react and pretty much just blushed.

"I...well. Ugh."

Letting out sigh at her own lack of ability to react, she just buried her face in his back as they rode the path to his home. By the time they arrived, she hoped the color had faded back to something normal and listened to what he had to say.

"Oh who is that?"

Her blush was a welcome sight, which caused the tip of his tail to flick back and forth in enjoyment of the sight. As Ra asked her question, Vulpesen turned his his house, taking a moment to address something else before he answered. "Have I told you before that it's really something when you blush?" Then, turning to a large tree to their right, Vulpesen addressed the foliage. "Boy, show some respect, and I swear if you try to pounce, I will fling you into the stalls!"

"Awww, you're no fun!" The leaves seemed to speak for a moment before a young child, not even in his teen years burst from the branches, flipping through the air before landing beside Vulpesen. Between the two, there were obvious similarities, particularly the shade of dark brown hair and mischievous grin that Ra might have seen in the elder's more mirthful moments. In his eyes, one could likely see the colors of his fathers, before they had turned gold, a deep brown ringed with green. Such eyes now turned to [member="Riamah"], focusing intently on her face. "Hello, miss!"
In a voice that was quite muffled, it would be heard that Ra said no and shook her head. When he stopped Shadow and offered her the hand down, he said something to a tree which manifested to be hiding a boy.

"He is too fun. Don't think that just because you're not allowed to pounce on a stranger that he's not fun."

Nodding, she looked between the two of them and smiled. With a sense of formality, Ra bowed to him slightly and held a hand out to shake.

"Call me Ra and you are?"

Vallen's head tilted a bit as Ra called his father too fun. But in the end, he gave a small affirmative shrug. Hearing her introduce herself, he beamed up at her and shook her hand. "Vallen Sarokit Torrevaso, Valkit, Wilder initiate of the Vitae sect and heir to house Torrevaso! You can call me Vallen!" Releasing Ra's hand, he looked up at his father who's hand moved to rest atop his head.

"And where's your sister? Fairly certain I told her to b-"

"Sorry, I'm here!" Running up would be a silver haired girl, certainly taking after her mother with white eyes blending into the ghost white locks. "I was helping feed the foxes and lost track of time!" Running up, she offered her own hand to Ra, her lips curling into a bright smile. "Daella Arrenrais Torrevaso,Valkit, wilder initiate of the Vitae Sect, and Heir to house Torrevaso!"

Choosing not to address the odd look the boy gave her, she instead listened to him introduce him and smiled.

"Vallen it is nice to meet you."

Bowing over his hand in a formal manner, her eyes looked up when a girl appeared. She had clearly been working and there appeared to be truth in her body when she said she lost track of time.

She stood up from the small bow and accepted the other hand offered.

"Call me Ra and pleased to meet you as well."

"I found it odd when I realized you hadn't met these two before. But they were always with their grandparents or teachers. Or we were offworld." Tussling his son's hair, he started towards the temple, his tail loosening slightly to keep from tugging Ra with his movement. It really had been a bit of a shock when he came upon the realization, having never introduced the two parts of his life to each other.

"Nice to meet you too, miss Ra! Dad says that your world has rain that burns away the trees. I think he's lying, but is that true?" Vallen moved over to stand by Ra's side, his curiosity getting the better of him and already bringing questions to his lips. "What would you climb or hide in?"

"You had told me about them which was enough. I'm not their mother, that's for sure. Don't think I could be, I mean, I don't have any idea how to be yeah...I bet you two have interesting lives."

Nodding at Vallen said, she nodded.

"It's true. Vjun has acid rain and no plants can live there. Somehow people and other animals can though. As for climbing and hiding...there are valleys, caves, ravines and stones. Just no trees. Don't want to forget the towns either."

Hearing her talk of motherhood, Vulpesen did his best to obscure his blush, his force presence even spiking slightly as he set an illusion over his cheeks. Certainly, he had thought about it. But to speak about such things with present company would have been unfortunate. Luckily, there was another avenue with which he could communicate due to the ashlan wolves. I actually think that you'd do very well with that.

"Acid Rain," Vallen mused on the idea for a bit, trying his best to conjure the image of such a planet. "That sounds awesome! But not very fun." The Valde's son trotted beside the guest, somewhat entranced by someone who came from such a place.

"You look nice. And dad likes you." The simple statement came from the silvered girl who walked at Vulpesen's side while they entered into their home. Daella, slightly quieter than her brother still offered Riamah a smile from around Vulpesen.

Now it was her turn to blush all over again without the aid of an illusion to hide it. Giving Vulps a dirty look, but not one with any anger, she shook her head.

I don't have any idea HOW to be one. What makes you think I would be a good one?

"It may not be much fun, but just getting rained isn't going to kill you. It's the constant exposure that would and that would be slow. So you won't be in any danger of melting if you're caught outside. Might ruin your hair though."

Looking at Daella and lifting an eyebrow in question, she looked at Vulps and back.

"How do you know?"

Call it a hunch. But I like to think Im a fair judge of character. Listening to Riamah's words, he smiled as both Vallen and Daella both absentmindedly reached up to their hair. Though, with Riamah's question, Daella quickly piped up, peeking a bit farther out from her father. "He talks about you a lot. And he never refuses a mission when they mention you being there, even the boring ones! You should see how he jumps out of his ch- ow!" She was cut off by a light flick at the back of her head, courtesy of the man in question.

"Anyways, I was thinking that we could take a trip to the market-place. I don't think you've really had a chance to see what our artisans can do, Ria." At the very mention of the market, the two kids perked up noticeably, and there was the slight impression that if they had tails, they would be wagging. Royalty that they were, they really did love their shiny baubles. "After you two get cleaned up. Especially you Daella, you know how those stalls get." The last comment drew a bit of a huff from the young lady, but no argument was raised.

Not responding at all to what Vulps said in her mind, she chuckled as his kids both caressed their hair. The movement was done in a natural and absentminded manner and it was very sweet.

Listening to what Daella said, she lifted an eyebrow and chuckled a little when Vulps stopped her from answering further.

"You're right. The month I was here before I really just spent in the castle and didn't venture out much."

Watching as the kids ran off, Ra turned her attention back to Vulps after a minute or so.

"What do they know of me?"


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