Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Many Moons Later


///Message Received///
///Sender: Bane, Safiriel///
///Recipient: [member="Mantic Dorn"] ///

///Message Follows///

We met, two years ago, on Charros IV. I sought your life that day, Now I seek to speak with you.
Leaning back toward the temple wall Mantic eyed his datapad with a furrowed brow. Charros IV, he had been there aiding the Republic in stopping a dictatorship rising to power. The times was as always war and the one event he truly recalled from that mission was the encounter with a sith assassin. She had surprised him and given him several wounds before she had dissapeared and left the site.

The message was of course intriguing, yet it could be another trap. In fact it was likely to be just that if the message was from her.

Scratching his chin he slowly started to push in a reply.

"Dear miss Safiriel,

Where would you propose we met and what are the circumstances that require us to meet?"

Mantic Dorn."

[member="Safiriel Bane"]
Her reply came within the minute.

"If You can promise my safety, I would appear at your Sanctum, two moons from now"​
Her statements were simple and to the point, no need to embelish or add formality to it. There would be time enough for that when speaking face to face. It was time to make amends, and what better way to start then with a show of faith. Weather the Jedi would prove trustworthy, that was another matter.

[member="Mantic Dorn"]
Her request to promise her safety did actually point to that this in fact might be the assassin he had met on Charros IV. He could not help but be curious about what was behind this meeting, yet he saw no reason not to answer it.

"If you come with peaceful intentions you have nothing to fear.​
Let us meet at the Space port of Yutan capital. There I will have a room arranged for a meeting."​
Mantic stood and made preprations to book a meeting room in the space port. It was as neutral ground as he could imagine without compromising any of the more locations of note.

[member="Safiriel Bane"]
A Neutral ground could well backfire on her however, she could hardly blame him for choosing it. Her intent had been to meet him on his own 'turf' so to speak however, this would do just fine.

"The Space Port it is"

Her ships was always ready to take off in a hurry, so it took little time to pack up her simple belongings and bring them to it. Settling herself in the cockpit she plotted a course to the arranged destination. The meeting should prove quite interesting, if nothing else to her. Time would only tell what becomes of it.

[member="Mantic Dorn"]
The docking bay was filled up by the hissing sound of engines cooling off as [member="Safiriel Bane"] had arrived in her ship. Mantic had come to the port as suggested and now waited for her in the huge area where only he and a few technician droids waited.

Mantic had gone over the two year old operation several times trying to remember details on what had happened. He had recalled sensing a conflict, presumably in the assassin herself. Maybe that was why they would have this meeting, maybe there were a hidden reason. Maybe it was another trap.

He had come prepared for either yet this time he sensed her, and there was no immideate danger. A good first sign.
[member="Mantic Dorn"]

Safiriel stepped forth from the ship, toward the Jedi Master.

Much had changed about the Assassin, including her apperance. Where previously her hair had been long and flowing, it was cut short and neat, yet still elegant. Her clothing too had changed. Dark robes now trimmed what the historically knowledgable would recognize as the sith armor of Exar Kun.

Most of her lightsabers were gone too. Where once she had carried a collection, now she just carried two.

"Mantic" She said softly

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