Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mandates Refresh 2019

Do you like the Major Faction Mandates?

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Calico Tal'verda said:
Racial Supremacists

Strengths: Characters belonging to the major faction's parent species have their posts count for twice as much in dominions, and have unlimited ally slots for members of the parent race in defending invasions.

Weaknesses: Characters outside of the parent species must have their posts count for half a post in dominions, non-members of the parent species cannot be allies in invasions.
​I am massively in support of this mandate. Because, as it stands there is a big problem with getting more isolated groups off the ground. This should be a mandate that helps get groups like the Bryn'adûl [soonTM], Chiss Ascendancy or whatnot off the ground. Something that, due to its nature is harder to gain members.

​Its obvious that factions that can accept just about anyone and be just about anything would have an advantage in terms of productivity and memberbase. This, evens things out a bit and gives more tonally and narratively strict groups a chance to be as relevant as the beautiful amalgams that exist.

​It allows for more variety. It allows, for a greater amount of concepts to stand a chance at getting out there. I think its a big step forward for chaos to put something like this forward.

​But it should remain, species or something that keeps it for those harder groups. However, maybe change the name and drop the post count to 1.5. 25 posts can be done in a few hours. We don't want the map to suddenly be engorged by speed doms. I also think if this were to be implemented, a sort of cap on how many people can participate in a dominion should be applied.
[member="Yularen Nova"]

Not gonna lie I just sort of wrote these up one day when I was bored but thanks for the feedback!

Haven't RPed in a while so as to what's balanced I'm probably out of the loop, I'll leave that up to whoever is implementing these ideas
Will replace formatting later, but this is something that popped into my mind that might be interesting for us. While I know that we have an expansion based mandate already, I think this would be perfect for newly founded factions with a highly active writer base, as they'd be able to swallow up large swathes of territory; naturally coming with greater risks.

  • Strength: This Major Faction gains the ability to submit an additional ~2+ Dominion's per month, both of which are subject to Rebellions.
  • Weakness: This Major Faction loses the ability to launch Invasion threads.
Well-Known Member
The Tarkin Doctrine:
  • Strength: This faction may invade a hex and destroy (or otherwise decimate) one planet contained within it of their choosing, should they win, in a manner that is creative and unique (the description of how it is potentially destroyed/decimated, and its creativity shall be an additional factor for determining invasion victory).
  • Weakness: This faction is always subject to rebellion, in every hex, including the capital. - OR - Whenever they are defending, the invader has unlimited ally slots (this choice must be made from the adoption of the mandate and can only be altered by changing to this mandate a second time and choosing which weakness to accept).

Pros: Inspired by Star Wars Canon and comes with a legitimate strength that hopefully inspires creativity. It's weaknesses also have the potential to spark natural board wide events, where factions and characters from all over reacting to the destruction of planets band together to fight the threat.
Cons: Comes with an option of two potentially unbalanced, significant weaknesses, which have the potential to cause undue grief.

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one
Orbital Yards
  • Strength: This Major Faction is able to submit for SSDs after two dominions and their SSD gets one rating bump over normal balance.
  • Weakness: The Second dominion this faction completes is able to start a Rebellion anywhere in the Major Faction's influence cloud except the Capitol. This Major Faction can only complete two dominions per month. This faction can only invade hexes adjacent to its own influence cloud.

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one
Isolationist Superpower
  • Strength: This Major Faction can submit for an SSD by submitting 3 Codex submissions written by different writers and after the faction has completed 3 faction threads, skirmishes, invasions or any combination of the three. Faction threads and Skirmishes must meet a similar level of quality as Dominions.
  • Weakness: This major faction can only own a maximum of 3 hexes and cannot invade adjacent hexes to their cloud. If the third thread of a month is a Faction thread this thread opens the faction up to a Rebellion on any of its non-Capitol hexes. All Faction threads must be in Open Roleplaying.

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one
Galactic Bully
  • Strength: This Major Faction can enter any thread labeled Faction Thread and can invade up to 3 Major Factions at once.
  • Weakness: This faction has 0 requesting aid slots and its territory immediately opens up to a Rebellion if the faction posts any Faction Thread after its first Dominion.
Gilamar Skirata said:
Galactic Bully
  • Strength: This Major Faction can enter any thread labeled Faction Thread and can invade up to 3 Major Factions at once.
  • Weakness: This faction has 0 requesting aid slots and its territory immediately opens up to a Rebellion if the faction posts any Faction Thread after its first Dominion.
​I love this, factions can't hide in their Faction Threads anymore. Perfect. This sounds like, ALL of the fun.
ʜᴄ sᴠɴᴛ ᴅʀᴀᴄᴏɴᴇs
Galactic Pioneers
A faction that goes out to the edge of the Galaxy to discover new planets and species. Not attached to any one particular planet, they instead focus on pushing the boundaries of the known Galaxy.

Strength: This faction is not subject to Rebellion while performing a Dominion, provided the Dominion centers on a planet submitted by one of its faction members within the past three months.

Strength: While this faction is invading or defending, characters whose species was submitted by a member of this faction do not count towards using up ally slots.

Weakness: This faction's Capitol has no special qualities protecting it from Invasion.

High Society
A faction that is made stronger by its rich culture; it spreads its influence through art and religion as well as force of arms.

Neutral Trait: This faction, when invading or invaded, has an additional criterion for judgement:
Cultural Influence
The faction that most protected its in-character and player-submitted architecture, books, history, etc. is to be judged favorably in this category, or the faction that most spread its in-character and player-submitted cultural works to the other.

Pervasive Swarm
A ravening faction, more infection than political society, that can strike from anywhere. Other factions may go out of their way to use their resources for erasing this faction's influence - stamping it down wherever it may rise up.

Strength: This faction's Influence Cloud does not need to be contiguous. This faction may invade and perform dominions of hexes not adjacent to any of its other hexes.

Weakness: When defending a planet not contiguous to its Capitol, this faction cannot field allies. When invading a hex not adjacent to another controlled hex, this faction cannot field allies.

Weakness: Dominions of non-adjacent hexes are always subject to Rebellion if a faction wishes to rebel.

Weakness: This faction can be invaded regardless of whether it is adjacent to the invader's influence cloud. If they lose the invasion, the cloud becomes neutral and cannot have a Dominion performed on it by the faction for the next three months.
A faction may declare Total War on another faction and invade, with all normal invasion rules applying; if the invasion turns out to be a victory, the invaded hex and the two adjacent hexes that are a) controlled by the defeated faction and are :cool: closest to the invading/victorious faction become neutral. If the invasion is unsuccessful, then the invaded faction can counter invade without repercussion. This mandate cannot be used against a Major Faction with five hexes or less, and may be not used more than once a year.

Strength: The potential to invade and wipe off three hexes of a rival faction is something that would make invasions more palpable, and clear up territory for dominion if two adjacent factions are going head to head.

Weakness: This hinges on the faction winning the invasion; if they lose, the defending faction can counter invade and potentially take three of their own hexes. Additionally, this mandate cannot be used more than once a year.

I'm thinking this would be a good mandate for factions that want to seriously hurt another's influence cloud, but it takes away the stress and rigor of writing three invasions and turns that into one invasion.
Kiff Brayde said:

A faction may declare Total War on another faction and invade, with all normal invasion rules applying; if the invasion turns out to be a victory, the invaded hex and the two adjacent hexes that are a) controlled by the defeated faction and are :cool: closest to the invading/victorious faction become neutral. If the invasion is unsuccessful, then the invaded faction can counter invade without repercussion. This mandate cannot be used against a Major Faction with five hexes or less, and may be not used more than once a year.

Strength: The potential to invade and wipe off three hexes of a rival faction is something that would make invasions more palpable, and clear up territory for dominion if two adjacent factions are going head to head.

Weakness: This hinges on the faction winning the invasion; if they lose, the defending faction can counter invade and potentially take three of their own hexes. Additionally, this mandate cannot be used more than once a year.

I'm thinking this would be a good mandate for factions that want to seriously hurt another's influence cloud, but it takes away the stress and rigor of writing three invasions and turns that into one invasion.
I like it, but this requires a far more significant weakness than what you've written. As it stands, the mandate opens the door for big majors to abuse smaller/newer ones to a much more significant extent than what is already happening on the board. Perhaps, make it so that any faction that invades a Total War faction can force the defending faction lose an adjacent two hexes of their choice in the event that the invading faction wins.
Immortal Cyan said:
I like it, but this requires a far more significant weakness than what you've written. As it stands, the mandate opens the door for big majors to abuse smaller/newer ones to a much more significant extent than what is already happening on the board. Perhaps, make it so that any faction that invades a Total War faction can force the defending faction lose an adjacent two hexes of their choice in the event that the invading faction wins.
Weaknesses: If a faction uses the Total War mandate, then while it is active (i.e. while the Total War invasion is active), another faction that is either allied to the defending faction or has previously invaded the attacking faction can invade and, if victorious, the same results will occur as if the faction was using the Total War mandate.

Limitations: this mandate cannot be used more than once a year, on factions younger than six months, or on factions that control six hexes or less.

[member="Immortal Cyan"] -- I think I already mentioned not being able to use this against factions with five/six hexes or less, but I outlined all the limitations now. Better? I do agree with your suggestion that more than just the defending faction can counter invade, but I added a tiny caveat that essentially means only factions that have had previous or current hostilities can counter invade (i.e. allied with the defending faction, or has in the past invaded the attacking faction).
Heroic Saga
This is an option for smaller, niche major factions to become a creeping force on the board. It can sometimes be hard for niche idea that have some interest (enough to form a major faction) to gain any momentum, so I believe a Mandate to allow for underdogs to 'even the playing field' would make them an interesting threat on the map.

Strength: Factions with this Mandate, when directly involved in an invasion (attacking or defending, not as allies), may only have 5 characters participate. The enemy faction, as well, may only have 5 characters participate. No allies are permitted on either side. Post requirements for an Invasion are halved.

Weakness: May only participate in 1 Dominion each month.

Fog of War
A defensive mandate for those who prefer to choose their battles, both time and place.

Strength: When an invasion is declared against this faction, they are allowed to choose a time within four weeks of the declaration for the invasion to begin, but it must be declared within the '7 days notice' period. Also, when an attacking faction is attempting to invade this faction in a hex that is not on shared borders (AKA further than 1 hex away from the enemy faction's borders), this defending faction is allowed to declare the hex being invaded (again needing to be declared within the '7 days notice' period).

Weakness: This faction may only invade up to 1 hex away from their borders, AKA on any hex neighboring one of their hexes.

Third Dog
A mandate for those who just want to be a**holes!

Strength: When a faction invades another faction, the Third Dog can declare their joining of the invasion as invaders themselves. They're not on any side except their own and become equal competitors for the hex.

Weakness: People will not like you very much.

Valdus Bral

️ Clan Bral Alor ️| Warlord of Nellogant
I would rework Defensive Stronghold.

Defensive Stronghold
Strength: This Major Faction has an infinite number of Requesting Aid slots when it is defending a hex it owns from an Invasion.
Weakness: This Major Faction has no Requesting Aid slots when it is Invading a hex.


Defensive Stronghold
Strength: This Major Faction can only be the target of a single offensive invasion by a single Major Faction at one time. This does not eliminate the ability to fill ally slots.
Weakness: This Major Faction cannot invade another Major Faction who is already in an active defensive invasion. This does not eliminate the ability to fill ally slots.

Edit: Never mind, this idea has already been stated in another thread by someone else.

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