Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Making It Official

So based on the interest in my last post regarding the SWRP Chaos Podcast, I think we should make it official. Or at least get a team to do it this Friday night and see how it goes.

So I, being the one to bring the subject to light, will be one of the four hosts. Due to this being a test run I think that this will be first come first serve.

If you want to be a host with me, this Friday night, please post here. The first three to respond will host with me. Please keep in mind that this may or may not be a permanent hosting cast, since this is just a test run.

[member="Krest"]- Maybe
[member="Enigma"]- Yes
[member="Solan Charr"]- Yes

So to set things up we will do it over Skype, however the podcast itself, because we will want to live stream it, will be done over Google Hangouts.

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