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Suggestion Major Faction Flagships

Honestly, i think Major Factions deserve a better bonus than an SSD.

Open the 10000m ships up for everyone and give the big groups something cooler. It's time.

But y tho

Why is it time

Why do they deserve it

Would it be chill if we just named it an Ultra Star Destroyer, made it like 5% bigger, gave it a slightly altered template, and said “look at how innovative we are”
I'm for abolishing the SSD requirements all together; as Kainan Wolfe Kainan Wolfe has noted, they're barely even used, their reputation/lucrative effect is on the decline, and they don't even affect your odds of winning or losing PvP threads, since they're merely another story element. I disagree withthe claim though that the SDDs that Major Factions have is somehow a deterrent for Minor Factions to go Major.

The question is, what can you give the Major Factions that complete X threads in a given month? Just bigger ships is... Frankly, meh.
I don’t view SSDs as incentives. Nobody joins a Major Faction because of an SSD, and I really, really doubt you if you say otherwise.

SSDs are trophies. They have little more value than your flair. Not even the postbit flair, I mean the signature, custom user created flair.

They’re neat, but nobody “deserves” them. Major Factions don’t “deserve” anything, they’re just groups of like minded writers who we started doing fun stuff for.
Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter Major factions having SSDs is not a deterrent for minors to go major. What I meant is that minors can now also have 5km battlecruisers, which means that they can essentially field the same ship sizes that majors can, though in reduced numbers. Which adds another element of "why not just stay minor" to the debate about going major, internally.

In regards to what can be given to factions that complete X threads in a month, I believe there's one or two mandates that address that, allowing said factions to do more than three dominions and expand faster. There's also a mandate that gives bonus hexes per three completed doms/month (manifest destiny, I think, I don't remember the actual specifics).

But yeah, the idea would be to give new majors a flagship, while any additional ones would be acquired the same way they were before, with three doms/month. This rewards the factions who put in the work, while also reducing that "not gonna' use SSD in X invasion out of courtesy for the rival faction who doesn't have one" element. Since, now, said rival would at least have one. If they hoard it and don't use it, that is their issue, but it incentivizes the factions who have them (especially the ones who have multiple of them) to use them in PvP. It would increase the scope and tension of invasions, which have become very skirmish-y, lately.
In my continuation of pooping on SSDs as incentives, not one memorable experience Rping here has one involved.

I don’t think I know the names of any ya’ll have created.

But I remember Mando Civil War, crusades, Netherworld, OS invading Coruscant. I’ve heard tale of other cool events too, and even those being talked about in the event feedback thread... don’t include SSDs.

It’s a narcissist’s errand to posture with SSDs. 99% of us only care about them when it’s in a feedback thread.
Tefka Tefka Endgame


I don't really have a horse in this race, but from what I've seen SSDs see even less action on the board than the Kaiser's High Seas Fleet. Because if you seriously deploy your super risk losing them. And I don't think it's a question of availability.

They're nice-looking vanity projects someone posts after a major faction completes 3 doms in a row, gets a ton of likes from their buddies, and then here and there they're allowed to leave the docks and show up well out of harm's way.

Regarding the argument that minors have been given more toys and there is now little difference between them and majors (save for the latter's ability to use crayons on the map and have a bigger fleet), minors have only been combined with companies. Here it is pertinent to note that a good number of minors (and lore organisations in Codex) already had companies anyway, and anyone could create a company and thereby reap the benefits since they're deregulated.

Darth Krenok

I concur on the suggestion to remove SSD size limits. Considering how rare they are I think it's pretty silly to restrict them. No one's gonna be too stupid with 'em, and I for one would love to finally have a canon sized Executor pop up at long last.

Tefka Tefka

Runi Verin

Two pounds shy of a bomb.
Apologies, I'm not going to beat around the bush on my response. I don't really see the need to address a lot of the back and forth above anymore than I need to.

I will grant you that there one or two interesting points raised in this. That said, while I fully encourage you all to discuss and suggest ways to improve the factory, what has been suggested above seems to (and I suspect it wasn't the OP's intent) boil down to 'Improve my major experience with a free shiny.'

Bluntly, no.

As far as I am concerned, SSDs are less rewards/incentives and more optional cooperative projects for you and your faction's member base to work towards. They are story and set pieces. I'm honestly not quite sure why I'd need to convince you to earn one if you and your faction wants one (or more).

To make my stance perfectly clear, I presently have zero intention of:
  • Removing SSD size limits.
  • Giving Major's a free SSD on a successful application.
  • Giving people super weapons of any descriptor.
If you have suggestions beyond this, you're welcome to put together a proposal and submit it to the Factory at any time. It should be noted that I currently have no plans on upgrading the factory again for the immediate future, however. There's a lot planned for the coming weeks and I'd rather see how the current changes fare before we commit to another overhaul.

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