Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[5:16:44 PM] Felip V / Philippe XI / Filippo I / Philip I: Ayy
[5:16:44 PM] Ryan: You had better kick your ass into gear.
[5:16:47 PM] Dario, the Shallow Ghost: Oh, dear Lord.
[5:16:51 PM] Dario, the Shallow Ghost: Now it begins
[5:17:02 PM] Dario, the Shallow Ghost: and in the words of Ike
[5:17:15 PM] Dario, the Shallow Ghost: “Prepare yourselves!”
[5:18:19 PM] Felip V / Philippe XI / Filippo I / Philip I: Alea iacta est
[5:18:30 PM] Ryan: DEUS VULT
[5:18:37 PM] Sith Lord Alexander: ROMA INVICTUS!
[5:18:37 PM] Ryan: CALL THE POPE
[5:18:43 PM] Ryan: AVE MARIA
[5:18:44 PM] Dario, the Shallow Ghost: AVE VULT
[5:18:56 PM] Josh G.: Allahu ahkbar
[5:19:01 PM] Sith Lord Alexander: Godammnit josh

[member="Darth Vornskr"] [member="Darth Adekos"] [member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Warok the Defiler"]
[10:33:47 PM] Greg: as we speak i'm currently gathering a team of 5 interns to decide in what font i want to respond with

[10:34:45 PM] Deckard Cain (Sam):
**Brings out the laminated portfolios.**

Helvetica is in this season.
[10:34:59 PM] Deckard Cain (Sam): Although, Georgia is always a classic.
[10:35:41 PM] Greg: its decided
[10:35:43 PM] Greg: comic sans
[10:35:51 PM] Deckard Cain (Sam): Sir, I'd advise against that...
[10:36:00 PM] Greg: corporate already decided
[10:36:03 PM] Greg: this came from the TOP
[10:36:18 PM] Deckard Cain (Sam): **Throws the portfolios onto the ground.**

[10:36:42 PM] Greg: THEY NEED THE MONEY
[10:37:17 PM] Deckard Cain (Sam): **Sobs controllably.**
[10:37:22 PM] Deckard Cain (Sam): I meant uncontrollably
[10:37:26 PM] Deckard Cain (Sam): but that makes it seem way more corporate.
[1:18:09 AM] Lisette (Me): Omg
[1:18:12 AM] Lisette: I just realized
[1:18:12 AM] Major Pain (Rusty): You're only a few years younger than me, but my older brother went through a strange music phase in high school.
[1:18:17 AM] Lisette: Why Illie's voice sounds familiar
[1:18:45 AM] Lisette:
[1:19:52 AM] *** Touchy-Squeaky Woman (Cira) CLICKS ***
[1:20:56 AM] Major Pain (Rusty): HOLY SHIT
[1:21:02 AM] Touchy-Squeaky Woman (Cira): loooool
[2:08:39 PM] Andrej Fakerussian: But I am trying to go for more... low-key, less powerful characters.
[2:08:51 PM] Anna (Fabula): So you made a cyborg who can punch through walls.
[2:08:57 PM] Andrej Fakerussian: Yes.
[2:09:00 PM] Andrej Fakerussian: It's a process.
[7:07:27 PM] Felip V / Philippe XI / Filippo I / Philip I: People don't realize how difficult it is to keep your voice perfect when growling and what not.
[7:07:32 PM] Felip V / Philippe XI / Filippo I / Philip I: How good you have to treat your throat.
[7:07:34 PM] Felip V / Philippe XI / Filippo I / Philip I: :p
[7:07:40 PM] Seraphina (Jamie): How good you have to treat your throat.
[7:07:42 PM] Seraphina (Jamie): That sounds
[7:07:43 PM] Seraphina (Jamie): So dirty.
[7:07:45 PM] Felip V / Philippe XI / Filippo I / Philip I: Shhhh
[7:07:49 PM] Seraphina (Jamie): Hahahahahahaha
[12:24:47 AM] Bro-fessor Vince Rygen: Working on it suzie
[12:25:04 AM] Bro-fessor Vince Rygen: I am not good at this man!!!!!
[12:25:29 AM] Suzette: Seanna still needs those disk and she don't have a lightsaber yet
[12:25:44 AM] Bro-fessor Vince Rygen: Chakrams.
[12:26:07 AM] Suzette: Yes damn it I want some Chakrams
[12:26:17 AM] Bro-fessor Vince Rygen: If we do it right
[12:26:41 AM] Bro-fessor Vince Rygen: I can say they are force imbued
[12:26:50 AM] Bro-fessor Vince Rygen: And sub them
[12:29:10 AM] Aaron W: Pick a canon artifact :p
[12:29:59 AM] Bro-fessor Vince Rygen: I dunno man. For reals. flails arms I am just here to look sexy ok?
[12:30:03 AM] Suzette: sweetness I like that a lot
[12:30:14 AM] Aaron W: Want me to pick something? Lol
[12:30:17 AM] Suzette: oh shit that was bad timing
[12:30:22 AM] Bro-fessor Vince Rygen: And ride a horse until I can't feel my balls
[12:30:34 AM] Bro-fessor Vince Rygen: Yes (doh)
[12:30:42 AM] Bro-fessor Vince Rygen: LMFAO
[12:30:44 AM] Aaron W: I'll handle it then lol
[12:30:56 AM] Bro-fessor Vince Rygen: That was epic suzie. :D
[12:31:05 AM] Bro-fessor Vince Rygen: Thanks man
[9:22:35 PM] Leslie: If I can get the muse back for Tmoxin, I'll post but it's been "Fragile Muse" time with her
[9:23:51 PM] Ryan: We all just have fragile muses
[9:23:53 PM] Ryan: Such is life
[9:26:38 PM] Leslie: So true! We are a giant conglomeration of fragile muses
[9:27:29 PM] Ryan: #ChinaShopMuses
[9:28:12 PM] Leslie: #PorcelainHeirlooms
[9:28:51 PM] Ryan: This muse has been handed down through my family for generations!

[member="Darth Adekos"]
[12:14:47 AM] Willie Wonka: well good thing is we can always pull things out
[12:14:57 AM] Willie Wonka: ... sarge never pulls out
[12:14:59 AM] Willie Wonka: but we can always pull things out
[12:15:26 AM] Lisette: I am so telling
[11:21:25 PM] Remy: scott....
[11:22:22 PM] Seydon: Man, I thought there was gonna be a bad ass helmet in there somewhere. XD
[11:22:33 PM] Remy: I AM IRON MEDIC
[11:23:56 PM] *** Seydon plays Black Sabbath behind the ambulance. ***
[11:24:09 PM] Remy: EXCELLENT
[11:25:09 PM] Seydon: "What's that sound?"

"What do you hear?"

"It... It sounds like Ozzy..."

"Then he must have died, and he's beckoning you to the gates of Rockhalla."


"However, you have not yet taken enough cocaine to merit that honor. Where's my 2 bore IV..."
[11:25:20 PM] Remy: XD
[11:26:40 PM] Seydon: You have to admit, War Pigs is generally Detroit's theme song.
[11:28:04 PM] Remy: Indeed
[11:29:46 PM] Seydon: I kinda wish I could do that. If you're wearing that hoodie, I just ride along on your shifts and play it softly when you're on the scene. You won't know where it is, but it's there. ...And then on Thursdays, it's the BeeGees to switch things up.
[11:29:58 PM] Remy: roflmfao
[11:30:07 PM] Remy: You have issues, you know that?
[11:30:15 PM] Remy: Actually, scratch that, you have subscriptions
[11:30:41 PM] Seydon: Don't deny that Lights On Broadway is a damn good tune, okay? I could make your shifts atmospheric, at least. :p
[11:31:05 PM] Remy: I will give you that, but it might scare the natives
[11:33:47 PM] Seydon: Hang on.
[11:33:53 PM] *** Seydon cues up the loud speaker: ***
[11:34:14 PM] Remy: >.< Great, now my rig is going to be shot at even MORE
[11:34:14 PM] Seydon: :music: STRAIGHT OUTTA COMTPON A REAL CRAZY N***A NAMED ICE CUBE :music:
[11:34:26 PM] Remy: Ahhh... That might draw cheers and fans, actually
[11:35:03 PM] Seydon: You could get a heart rate monitor and put on it a sticker reading: "Beats, by Dre"
[11:36:51 PM] Remy: That's..... Ingenious.....
[12:57:00 PM] Mr. Selfish:
[12:58:33 PM] Rex Gothorum: ^ I sent that to Karen.
[12:58:44 PM] Mr. Selfish: who
[12:58:51 PM] Rex Gothorum: Karen Zambrano.
[12:58:55 PM] Mr. Selfish: who
[12:58:56 PM] Rex Gothorum: The Iron Tyrant.
[12:59:04 PM] Rex Gothorum: He rules over that Pancake planet or something.
[12:59:13 PM] Rex Gothorum: With the Epic-can-fix people.
[12:59:19 PM] Mr. Selfish: who
[12:59:26 PM] Rex Gothorum: Kaine
[12:59:28 PM] Rex Gothorum: I'm talking about
[12:59:29 PM] Rex Gothorum: Kaine
[12:59:34 PM] Mr. Selfish: who's that?
[12:59:40 PM] Rex Gothorum: Darth Vornskr
[12:59:47 PM] Draco Vereen: who?
[12:59:51 PM] Rex Gothorum: Do you even work here
[12:59:52 PM] Mr. Selfish: oh
[12:59:57 PM] Rex Gothorum: Can I talk to a manager
[1:00:03 PM] Leslie: Karen from Accounting
[1:00:07 PM] Mr. Selfish: that's the dude running the Sith Triumpherant yea
[1:00:11 PM] Rex Gothorum: (envy)
[1:00:16 PM] Leslie: Looool
[1:01:54 PM] Carnifex Regis: lolol

Mr. Selfish = [member="Isamu Baelor"]
Rex Gothorum = [member="Darth Adekos"]
Carnifex Regis = Me :p
[3:57:06] The Tio: You bum. (kiss)
[3:57:21] The JSC: Hey gurl
[3:57:22] The JSC: (heart)
[3:57:40] The Tio: How goes it?
[3:57:52] The JSC: Full. Just got back from dinner.
[3:58:01] The JSC: That after-food tired. Ya know.
[3:58:07] The Tio: Digesting.
[3:58:14] The Tio: And reading Chaos.
[3:58:20] The Tio: Reader's Digest :D
[3:58:32] The JSC: Salty.

JSC of course being [member="Jay Scott Clark"] :p
This is what happens when [member="Darth Rapax"] and I discuss history:

[8:20] Leslie: But the two of them together are like Hitler and... um.... Hitler's protégé
[8:20] Mope: hitler and ..
[8:20] Mope: uhm..
[8:20] Mope: there
[8:20] Leslie: I don't know who Hilter's protégé was... YESSS
[8:21] Leslie: that works
[8:21] Mope: probably that one unnamed nazi
[8:21] Leslie:You know you are on a SW board too long when you are forgetting world history facts
[8:21] Leslie: I was thinking Rommler? Maybe?
[8:21] Mope: Rommel?
[8:21] Leslie: Rommel!
[8:21] Leslie: YES lol
[8:21] Mope: XD
[8:21] Leslie: "The Rommler" as he was informally called
[8:22] Mope: &@$# he had a title and I #@&#$ forgot it
[8:22] Leslie: The Fox?
[8:22] Mope: YES
[8:22] Leslie: The Desert Fox?
[8:22] Mope: YES
[8:22] Leslie: Whew, I have some brain cells left


This is why @Darth Phyrrus is the troll lord.

*In os chat*
[7:45:38 PM] Illuminati: what is it?
[7:45:39 PM] Mads: I'm going to bed
[7:45:41 PM] Mads: Good night!
[7:45:48 PM] Illuminati: Lol
[7:45:50 PM] Illuminati: Good night mate

*In private skype*

[7:45:28 PM] Mads: (nerd)
[7:45:35 PM] Mads: Are you on the edge of your seat yet?
[7:45:39 PM] Mope: well.
[7:45:45 PM] Mope: screw it
[7:45:47 PM] Mads: I WAS BLUFFIN
[7:45:50 PM] Mope: GOD DMAIT
[7:45:51 PM | Edited 7:45:59 PM] Mope: XD
[7:45:57 PM] Mads: XD
[7:46:04 PM] Mope: you
[7:46:04 PM] Mope: bloody
[7:46:05 PM] Mope: troll
[7:46:06 PM] Mope: XD
[7:46:07 PM] Mads: (party)
[7:46:18 PM] Mads: It's like my second oxygen

FYI: This was about the renegade new he discovered XD
[8:20:52 PM] The artist formerly known as Banders: Anyone want to ERP with Torpedo Sphere?
[8:21:17 PM] Cynic (Lyssie/Alex): why would i erp
[8:21:18 PM] Cynic (Lyssie/Alex): with a ship
[8:21:28 PM] The artist formerly known as Banders: *Shard
[8:21:28 PM] Devin: why wouldn't you?
[8:21:31 PM] Jaime: [8:20 PM] The artist formerly known as Banders:

<<< Anyone want to ERP with Torpedo Sphere?now that is kinky
[8:21:47 PM] Cynic (Lyssie/Alex): that sounds painful
[8:21:52 PM] Cynic (Lyssie/Alex): and sound like something Jamie wants
[8:21:57 PM] Devin: it can shoot off it's torpedo into your exhaust port


I wonder why I'm even in that chat sometimes

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